Morphism.hs revision 4601edb679f0ba530bbb085b25d82a411cd070aa
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Symbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
issue warning for symbols lists like __ * __, __ + __: Elem * Elem -> Elem
the qualification only applies to __+__ !
module CASL.Morphism where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Control.Monad
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
data SymbType = OpAsItemType OpType
-- since symbols do not speak about totality, the totality
-- information in OpType has to be ignored
| PredAsItemType PredType
| SortAsItemType
deriving (Show)
-- Ordering and equality of symbol types has to ingore totality information
instance Ord SymbType where
compare (OpAsItemType ot1) (OpAsItemType ot2) =
compare (opArgs ot1,opRes ot1) (opArgs ot2,opRes ot2)
compare (OpAsItemType _) _ = LT
compare (PredAsItemType pt1) (PredAsItemType pt2) =
compare pt1 pt2
compare (PredAsItemType _) (OpAsItemType _) = GT
compare (PredAsItemType _) SortAsItemType = LT
compare SortAsItemType SortAsItemType = EQ
compare SortAsItemType _ = GT
instance Eq SymbType where
t1 == t2 = compare t1 t2 == EQ
data Symbol = Symbol {symName :: Id, symbType :: SymbType}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type SymbolSet = Set.Set Symbol
type SymbolMap = Map.EndoMap Symbol
data RawSymbol = ASymbol Symbol | AnID Id | AKindedId Kind Id
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type RawSymbolSet = Set.Set RawSymbol
type RawSymbolMap = Map.EndoMap RawSymbol
data Kind = SortKind | FunKind | PredKind
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Sort_map = Map.Map SORT SORT
type Fun_map = Map.Map (Id,OpType) (Id, FunKind)
type Pred_map = Map.Map (Id,PredType) Id
Morphism f e m = Morphism {msource :: Sign f e,
mtarget :: Sign f e,
sort_map :: Sort_map,
fun_map :: Fun_map,
pred_map :: Pred_map,
extended_map :: m}
deriving (Eq, Show)
mapSort :: Sort_map -> SORT -> SORT
mapSort sorts s = Map.findWithDefault s s sorts
mapOpType :: Sort_map -> OpType -> OpType
mapOpType sorts t = t { opArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ opArgs t
, opRes = mapSort sorts $ opRes t }
mapOpTypeK :: Sort_map -> FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
mapOpTypeK sorts k t = makeTotal k $ mapOpType sorts t
makeTotal :: FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
makeTotal Total t = t { opKind = Total }
makeTotal _ t = t
mapOpSym :: Sort_map -> Fun_map -> (Id,OpType) -> Maybe (Id,OpType)
mapOpSym sMap fMap (i,ot) = do
(id',k) <- Map.lookup (i,ot) fMap
return (id',mapOpTypeK sMap k ot)
-- | Check if two OpTypes are equal except from totality or partiality
compatibleOpTypes :: OpType -> OpType -> Bool
compatibleOpTypes ot1 ot2 = opArgs ot1 == opArgs ot2 && opRes ot1 == opRes ot2
mapPredType :: Sort_map -> PredType -> PredType
mapPredType sorts t = t { predArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ predArgs t }
mapPredSym :: Sort_map -> Pred_map -> (Id,PredType) -> Maybe (Id,PredType)
mapPredSym sMap fMap (i,pt) = do
id' <- Map.lookup (i,pt) fMap
return (id',mapPredType sMap pt)
type Ext f e m = Sign f e -> Sign f e -> m
embedMorphism :: Ext f e m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Morphism f e m
embedMorphism extEm a b =
{ msource = a
, mtarget = b
, sort_map = Set.fold (\x -> Map.insert x x) Map.empty
$ sortSet a
, fun_map = Map.foldWithKey
( \ i ts m -> Set.fold
(\t -> Map.insert (i,t) (i, opKind t)) m ts)
(opMap a)
, pred_map = Map.foldWithKey
( \ i ts m -> Set.fold
(\t -> Map.insert (i,t) i) m ts)
(predMap a)
, extended_map = extEm a b
idToSortSymbol :: Id -> Symbol
idToSortSymbol idt = Symbol idt SortAsItemType
idToOpSymbol :: Id -> OpType -> Symbol
idToOpSymbol idt typ = Symbol idt (OpAsItemType typ)
idToPredSymbol :: Id -> PredType -> Symbol
idToPredSymbol idt typ = Symbol idt (PredAsItemType typ)
symbTypeToKind :: SymbType -> Kind
symbTypeToKind (OpAsItemType _) = FunKind
symbTypeToKind (PredAsItemType _) = PredKind
symbTypeToKind SortAsItemType = SortKind
symbolToRaw :: Symbol -> RawSymbol
symbolToRaw sym = ASymbol sym
idToRaw :: Id -> RawSymbol
idToRaw x = AnID x
rawSymName :: RawSymbol -> SORT
rawSymName (ASymbol sym) = symName sym
rawSymName (AnID i) = i
rawSymName (AKindedId _ i) = i
symOf :: Sign f e -> SymbolSet
symOf sigma =
let sorts = Set.image idToSortSymbol $ sortSet sigma
ops = Set.fromList $
concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToOpSymbol i t)
$ Set.toList ts) $
Map.toList $ opMap sigma
preds = Set.fromList $
concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToPredSymbol i t)
$ Set.toList ts) $
Map.toList $ predMap sigma
in Set.unions [sorts, ops, preds]
statSymbMapItems :: [SYMB_MAP_ITEMS] -> Result RawSymbolMap
statSymbMapItems sl = do
ls <- sequence $ map s1 sl
foldl insertRsys (return Map.empty) (concat ls)
s1 (Symb_map_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbOrMapToRaw kind) l)
insertRsys m (rsy1,rsy2) = do
m1 <- m
case Map.lookup rsy1 m1 of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert rsy1 rsy2 m1
Just rsy3 ->
plain_error m1 ("Symbol "++showPretty rsy1 " mapped twice to "
++showPretty rsy2 " and "++showPretty rsy3 "") nullPos
pairM :: Monad m => (m a,m b) -> m (a,b)
pairM (x,y) = do
a <- x
b <- y
return (a,b)
symbOrMapToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB_OR_MAP -> Result (RawSymbol,RawSymbol)
symbOrMapToRaw k (Symb s) = pairM (symbToRaw k s,symbToRaw k s)
symbOrMapToRaw k (Symb_map s t _) = pairM (symbToRaw k s,symbToRaw k t)
statSymbItems :: [SYMB_ITEMS] -> Result [RawSymbol]
statSymbItems sl =
fmap concat (sequence (map s1 sl))
where s1 (Symb_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbToRaw kind) l)
symbToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB -> Result RawSymbol
symbToRaw k (Symb_id idt) = symbKindToRaw k idt
symbToRaw k (Qual_id idt t _) = typedSymbKindToRaw k idt t
symbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> Result RawSymbol
symbKindToRaw Implicit idt = return (AnID idt)
symbKindToRaw (Sorts_kind) idt = return (AKindedId SortKind idt)
symbKindToRaw (Ops_kind) idt = return (AKindedId FunKind idt)
symbKindToRaw (Preds_kind) idt = return (AKindedId PredKind idt)
typedSymbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> TYPE -> Result RawSymbol
typedSymbKindToRaw Implicit idt (O_type ot) =
return (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol idt (toOpType ot)))
typedSymbKindToRaw Implicit idt (P_type pt) =
return (ASymbol (idToPredSymbol idt (toPredType pt)))
-- in case of ambiguity, return a constant function type
-- this deviates from the CASL summary !!!
typedSymbKindToRaw Implicit idt (A_type s) =
return (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol idt ot))
where ot = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = s}
typedSymbKindToRaw (Sorts_kind) idt _ = return (AKindedId SortKind idt)
typedSymbKindToRaw (Ops_kind) idt (O_type ot) =
return (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol idt (toOpType ot)))
typedSymbKindToRaw (Preds_kind) idt (P_type pt) =
return (ASymbol (idToPredSymbol idt (toPredType pt)))
typedSymbKindToRaw (Ops_kind) idt (A_type s) =
return (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol idt ot))
where ot = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = s}
typedSymbKindToRaw (Preds_kind) idt (A_type s) =
return (ASymbol (idToPredSymbol idt pt))
where pt = PredType {predArgs = [s]}
typedSymbKindToRaw k idt t =
plain_error (AnID idt)
(showPretty idt ":" ++ showPretty t
"does not have kind" ++showPretty k "") nullPos
symbMapToMorphism :: Ext f e m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
-> SymbolMap -> Result (Morphism f e m)
symbMapToMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2 smap = do
sort_map1 <- Set.fold mapMSort (return Map.empty) (sortSet sigma1)
fun_map1 <- Map.foldWithKey mapFun (return Map.empty) (opMap sigma1)
pred_map1 <- Map.foldWithKey mapPred (return Map.empty) (predMap sigma1)
return (Morphism { msource = sigma1,
mtarget = sigma2,
sort_map = sort_map1,
fun_map = fun_map1,
pred_map = pred_map1,
extended_map = extEm sigma1 sigma2})
mapMSort s m = do
m1 <- m
sym <- maybeToResult nullPos
("symbMapToMorphism - Could not map sort "++showPretty s "")
$ Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = s,
symbType = SortAsItemType}) smap
return (Map.insert s (symName sym) m1)
mapFun i ots m = Set.fold (insFun i) m ots
insFun i ot m = do
m1 <- m
sym <- maybeToResult nullPos
("symbMapToMorphism - Could not map op "++showPretty i "")
$ Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i,
symbType = OpAsItemType ot}) smap
k <- case symbType sym of
OpAsItemType oty -> return $ opKind oty
_ -> plain_error Total
("symbMapToMorphism - Wrong result symbol type for op"
++showPretty i "") nullPos
return (Map.insert (i, ot) (symName sym,k) m1)
mapPred i pts m = Set.fold (insPred i) m pts
insPred i pt m = do
m1 <- m
sym <- maybeToResult nullPos
("symbMapToMorphism - Could not map pred "++showPretty i "")
$ Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i, symbType = PredAsItemType pt})
case symbType sym of
PredAsItemType _ot -> return ()
_ -> plain_error ()
("symbMapToMorphism - Wrong result symbol type for pred"
++showPretty i "") nullPos
return (Map.insert (i, pt) (symName sym) m1)
morphismToSymbMap :: Morphism f e m -> SymbolMap
morphismToSymbMap m =
sorts = sort_map m
ops = fun_map m
preds = pred_map m
sortSymMap =
( \ s1 s2 -> Map.insert (idToSortSymbol s1) (idToSortSymbol s2))
opSymMap =
( \ (id1,t) (id2,k) ->
Map.insert (idToOpSymbol id1 t)
(idToOpSymbol id2 $ mapOpTypeK sorts k t))
predSymMap =
( \ (id1,t) id2 ->
Map.insert (idToPredSymbol id1 t)
(idToPredSymbol id2 $ mapPredType sorts t))
foldr Map.union sortSymMap [opSymMap,predSymMap]
matches :: Symbol -> RawSymbol -> Bool
matches x (ASymbol y) = x==y
matches (Symbol idt _) (AnID di) = idt==di
matches (Symbol idt SortAsItemType) (AKindedId SortKind di) = idt==di
matches (Symbol idt (OpAsItemType _)) (AKindedId FunKind di) = idt==di
matches (Symbol idt (PredAsItemType _)) (AKindedId PredKind di) = idt==di
matches _ _ = False
idMor :: Ext f e m -> Sign f e -> Morphism f e m
idMor extEm sigma = embedMorphism extEm sigma sigma
compose :: (Eq e, Eq f) => (m -> m -> m)
-> Morphism f e m -> Morphism f e m -> Maybe (Morphism f e m)
compose comp mor1 mor2 =
if mtarget mor1 == msource mor2
then Just $ Morphism {
msource = msource mor1,
mtarget = mtarget mor2,
sort_map = (mapSort (sort_map mor2)) (sort_map mor1),
fun_map = Map.mapWithKey mapOpId (fun_map mor1),
pred_map = Map.mapWithKey mapPredId (pred_map mor1),
extended_map = comp (extended_map mor1) (extended_map mor2)
else Nothing
mapOpId :: (Id, OpType) -> (Id,FunKind) -> (Id,FunKind)
mapOpId (_i,t) (id1,_k1) =
Map.find (id1,mapOpType (sort_map mor1) t) (fun_map mor2)
mapPredId :: (Id, PredType) -> Id -> Id
mapPredId (_i,t) id1 =
Map.find (id1,mapPredType (sort_map mor1) t) (pred_map mor2)
-- ??? dangerous use of Map.find here (may lead to call of error!)
legalSign :: Sign f e -> Bool
legalSign sigma =
Map.foldWithKey (\s sset b -> b && legalSort s && Set.all legalSort sset)
True (Rel.toMap (sortRel sigma))
&& Map.fold (\ts b -> b && Set.all legalOpType ts)
True (opMap sigma)
&& Map.fold (\ts b -> b && Set.all legalPredType ts)
True (predMap sigma)
&& Map.fold (\sset b -> b && Set.all legalSort sset)
True (varMap sigma)
where sorts = sortSet sigma
legalSort s = Set.member s sorts
legalOpType t = legalSort (opRes t)
&& all legalSort (opArgs t)
legalPredType t = all legalSort (predArgs t)
legalMor :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
legalMor mor =
legalSign sigma1
&& legalSign sigma2
&& Map.foldWithKey
(\s1 s2 b -> b && Set.member s1 (sortSet sigma1)
&& Set.member s2 (sortSet sigma2))
True smap
&& Map.foldWithKey
(\(id1,t) (id2,k) b ->
Set.member t (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty id1 (opMap sigma1))
Set.member (mapOpTypeK smap k t)
(Map.findWithDefault Set.empty id2 (opMap sigma2))
True (fun_map mor)
&& Map.foldWithKey
(\(id1,t) id2 b ->
Set.member t (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty id1 (predMap sigma1))
Set.member (mapPredType smap t)
(Map.findWithDefault Set.empty id2 (predMap sigma2))
True (pred_map mor)
where sigma1 = msource mor
sigma2 = mtarget mor
smap = sort_map mor
sigInclusion :: (PrettyPrint e, PrettyPrint f) =>
Ext f e m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Result (Morphism f e m)
sigInclusion extEm sigma1 sigma2 =
if isSubSig sigma1 sigma2
then return (embedMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2)
else pfatal_error
(ptext "Attempt to construct inclusion between non-subsignatures:"
$$ ptext "Singature 1:" $$ printText sigma1
$$ ptext "Singature 2:" $$ printText sigma2)
morphismUnion :: (m -> m -> m)
-> Morphism f e m -> Morphism f e m -> Result (Morphism f e m)
morphismUnion uniteM mor1 mor2 = do
let src = msource mor1 `addSig` msource mor2
tar = mtarget mor1 `addSig` mtarget mor2
smap = sort_map mor1 `Map.union` sort_map mor2
omap = fun_map mor1 `Map.union` fun_map mor2
pmap = pred_map mor1 `Map.union` pred_map mor2
when (not (sort_map mor2 `Map.subset` smap))
(pplain_error ()
(ptext "Incompatible signature morphisms."
$$ ptext "The following sorts are mapped differently"
<+> printText (Set.fromList
(sort_map mor1 `Map.differentKeys` sort_map mor2)))
when (not (fun_map mor2 `Map.subset` omap))
(pplain_error ()
(ptext "Incompatible signature morphisms."
$$ ptext "The following operations are mapped differently"
<+> printText (Set.fromList
(map (\(i,ot) -> idToOpSymbol i ot)
(fun_map mor1 `Map.differentKeys` fun_map mor2))))
when (not (pred_map mor2 `Map.subset` pmap))
(pplain_error ()
(ptext "Incompatible signature morphisms."
$$ ptext "The following predicates are mapped differently"
<+> printText (Set.fromList
(map (\(i,pt) -> idToPredSymbol i pt)
(pred_map mor1 `Map.differentKeys` pred_map mor2))))
return $ Morphism { msource = src,
mtarget = tar,
sort_map = smap,
fun_map = omap,
pred_map = pmap,
extended_map = uniteM (extended_map mor1) $
extended_map mor2}
instance PrettyPrint Symbol where
printText0 ga sy =
printText0 ga (symName sy) <>
(if isEmpty t then empty
else ptext ":" <> t)
t = printText0 ga (symbType sy)
instance PrettyPrint SymbType where
printText0 ga (OpAsItemType ot) = printText0 ga ot
printText0 ga (PredAsItemType pt) = printText0 ga pt
printText0 _ SortAsItemType = empty
instance PrettyPrint Kind where
printText0 _ SortKind = ptext "sort"
printText0 _ FunKind = ptext "op"
printText0 _ PredKind = ptext "pred"
instance PrettyPrint RawSymbol where
printText0 ga rsym = case rsym of
ASymbol sy -> printText0 ga sy
AnID i -> printText0 ga i
AKindedId k i -> printText0 ga k <+> printText0 ga i
instance (PrettyPrint e, PrettyPrint f, PrettyPrint m) =>
PrettyPrint (Morphism f e m) where
printText0 ga mor =
(if null sorts then empty
else ptext "sorts" <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma sorts))
(if null ops then empty
else ptext "ops" <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma ops))
(if null preds then empty
else ptext "preds" <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma preds))
$$ printText0 ga (extended_map mor)
ptext " : " $$
ptext "{" <+> printText0 ga (msource mor) <+> ptext "}" <+>
ptext "->" <+>
ptext "{" <+> printText0 ga (mtarget mor) <+> ptext "}"
where sorts = map print_sort_map (Map.toList $ sort_map mor)
print_sort_map (s1,s2) =
printText0 ga s1 <+> ptext "|->" <+> printText0 ga s2
ops = map print_op_map (Map.toList $ fun_map mor)
print_op_map ((id1,ot),(id2,_kind)) =
printText0 ga (Qual_op_name id1 (toOP_TYPE ot) [])
<+> ptext "|->" <+>
printText0 ga id2
preds = map print_pred_map (Map.toList $ pred_map mor)
print_pred_map ((id1,pt),id2) =
printText0 ga (Qual_pred_name id1 (toPRED_TYPE pt) [])
<+> ptext "|->" <+>
printText0 ga id2