Morphism.hs revision 2561b4bfc45d280ee2be8a7870314670e4e682e4
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerModule : $Header$
e5636f167d8113960d320407cbbd7cd3580241d4Christian MaederDescription : Symbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan PascanuCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuMaintainer :
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuStability : provisional
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuPortability : portable
56c56b2181e76c239929ddade2925ba5c3f3fffdChristian MaederSymbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanuissue warning for symbols lists like __ * __, __ + __: Elem * Elem -> Elem
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederthe qualification only applies to __+__ !
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Grosspossibly reuse SYMB_KIND for Kind
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport qualified Data.Map as Map
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport qualified Data.Set as Set
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype SymbolSet = Set.Set Symbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype SymbolMap = Map.Map Symbol Symbol
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Grossdata RawSymbol = ASymbol Symbol | AnID Id | AKindedId Kind Id
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederinstance PosItem RawSymbol where
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross getRange rs = case rs of
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross ASymbol s -> getRange s
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross AnID i -> getRange i
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder AKindedId _ i -> getRange i
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype RawSymbolSet = Set.Set RawSymbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype RawSymbolMap = Map.Map RawSymbol RawSymbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederdata Kind = SortKind | FunKind | PredKind deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Sort_map = Map.Map SORT SORT
21ceb77765fba1a10a105dd623754e08f7424889Razvan Pascanu-- always use the partial profile as key!
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Fun_map = Map.Map (Id, OpType) (Id, FunKind)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Pred_map = Map.Map (Id, PredType) Id
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanutype CASLMor = Morphism () () ()
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata MorKind = IdMor | InclMor | OtherMor deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maederdata Morphism f e m = Morphism
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder { msource :: Sign f e
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder , mtarget :: Sign f e
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu , morKind :: MorKind
21ceb77765fba1a10a105dd623754e08f7424889Razvan Pascanu , sort_map :: Sort_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , fun_map :: Fun_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , pred_map :: Pred_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , extended_map :: m
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder } deriving Show
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan PascanuisInclusionMorphism :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederisInclusionMorphism m = morKind m <= InclMor
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Grossinstance (Eq f, Eq e, Eq m) => Eq (Morphism f e m) where
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross m1 == m2 = msource m1 == msource m2 &&
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross (morKind m1 == IdMor && morKind m2 == IdMor
871a13a2ea9edd5c02390e3a734e5c238d23147aChristian Maeder || mtarget m1 == mtarget m2) &&
871a13a2ea9edd5c02390e3a734e5c238d23147aChristian Maeder sort_map m1 == sort_map m2 &&
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder fun_map m1 == fun_map m2 &&
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder pred_map m1 == pred_map m2 &&
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross extended_map m1 == extended_map m2
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapSort :: Sort_map -> SORT -> SORT
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermapSort sorts s = Map.findWithDefault s s sorts
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpType :: Sort_map -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpType sorts t = if Map.null sorts then t else
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross t { opArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ opArgs t
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross , opRes = mapSort sorts $ opRes t }
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpTypeK :: Sort_map -> FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpTypeK sorts k t = makeTotal k $ mapOpType sorts t
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmakeTotal :: FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmakeTotal fk t = case fk of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Total -> t { opKind = Total }
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpSym :: Sort_map -> Fun_map -> (Id, OpType) -> (Id, OpType)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpSym sMap fMap (i, ot) = let mot = mapOpType sMap ot in
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross case Map.lookup (i, ot {opKind = Partial} ) fMap of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Nothing -> (i, mot)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Just (j, k) -> (j, makeTotal k mot)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder-- | Check if two OpTypes are equal modulo totality or partiality
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosscompatibleOpTypes :: OpType -> OpType -> Bool
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosscompatibleOpTypes ot1 ot2 = opArgs ot1 == opArgs ot2 && opRes ot1 == opRes ot2
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredType :: Sort_map -> PredType -> PredType
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan PascanumapPredType sorts t = if Map.null sorts then t else
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder t { predArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ predArgs t }
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredSym :: Sort_map -> Pred_map -> (Id, PredType) -> (Id, PredType)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredSym sMap fMap (i, pt) =
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu (Map.findWithDefault i (i, pt) fMap, mapPredType sMap pt)
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederembedMorphism :: m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Morphism f e m
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederembedMorphism extEm a b = Morphism
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder { msource = a
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , mtarget = b
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , morKind = OtherMor -- unknown for most uses
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , extended_map = extEm }
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbTypeToKind :: SymbType -> Kind
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbTypeToKind st = case st of
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross OpAsItemType _ -> FunKind
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu PredAsItemType _ -> PredKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder SortAsItemType -> SortKind
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbolToRaw :: Symbol -> RawSymbol
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan PascanusymbolToRaw sym = ASymbol sym
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederidToRaw :: Id -> RawSymbol
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederidToRaw x = AnID x
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederrawSymName :: RawSymbol -> Id
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossrawSymName rs = case rs of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross ASymbol sym -> symName sym
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder AKindedId _ i -> i
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymOf :: Sign f e -> SymbolSet
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymOf sigma = let
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder sorts = idToSortSymbol $ sortSet sigma
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToOpSymbol i t) $ Set.toList ts)
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu $ Map.toList $ opMap sigma
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToPredSymbol i t)
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian Maeder $ Set.toList ts) $ Map.toList $ predMap sigma
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian Maeder in Set.unions [sorts, ops, preds]
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian MaederstatSymbMapItems :: [SYMB_MAP_ITEMS] -> Result RawSymbolMap
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan PascanustatSymbMapItems sl = do
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu ls <- sequence $ map s1 sl
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross foldl insertRsys (return Map.empty) (concat ls)
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu s1 (Symb_map_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbOrMapToRaw kind) l)
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu insertRsys m (rsy1,rsy2) = do
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross case Map.lookup rsy1 m1 of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Nothing -> return $ Map.insert rsy1 rsy2 m1
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Just rsy3 ->
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu plain_error m1 ("Symbol " ++ showDoc rsy1 " mapped twice to "
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder ++ showDoc rsy2 " and " ++ showDoc rsy3 "") nullRange
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbOrMapToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB_OR_MAP -> Result (RawSymbol, RawSymbol)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbOrMapToRaw k sm = do
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross let (u, v) = case sm of
5ee62f0dddc5aaecd714c9db705ecc9ce3cb4c48Ewaryst Schulz Symb s -> (s, s)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Symb_map s t _ -> (s, t)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross w <- symbToRaw k u
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross x <- symbToRaw k v
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross return (w, x)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossstatSymbItems :: [SYMB_ITEMS] -> Result [RawSymbol]
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossstatSymbItems sl =
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross fmap concat (sequence (map s1 sl))
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross where s1 (Symb_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbToRaw kind) l)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB -> Result RawSymbol
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbToRaw k si = case si of
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Symb_id idt -> return $ symbKindToRaw k idt
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Qual_id idt t _ -> typedSymbKindToRaw k idt t
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> RawSymbol
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbKindToRaw sk idt = case sk of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Implicit -> AnID idt
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu _ -> AKindedId (case sk of
37b6827bfa49c2fe7e2c74ee7f29fec7be4c5a19Markus Gross Sorts_kind -> SortKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder Preds_kind -> PredKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder _ -> FunKind) idt
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian MaedertypedSymbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> TYPE -> Result RawSymbol
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian MaedertypedSymbKindToRaw k idt t = let
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder err = plain_error (AnID idt)
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder (showDoc idt ":" ++ showDoc t
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder "does not have kind" ++ showDoc k "") nullRange
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder aSymb = ASymbol $ case t of
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder O_type ot -> idToOpSymbol idt $ toOpType ot
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder P_type pt -> idToPredSymbol idt $ toPredType pt
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder -- in case of ambiguity, return a constant function type
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder -- this deviates from the CASL summary !!!
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder let ot = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = s}
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder in idToOpSymbol idt ot
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder Implicit -> return aSymb
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder Sorts_kind -> err
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu Ops_kind -> case t of
6dd950bc2cd04caadeaf12ec11cbcad8befd8e2cChristian Maeder P_type _ -> err
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder _ -> return aSymb
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross Preds_kind -> case t of
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross O_type _ -> err
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross A_type s -> return $ ASymbol $
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross let pt = PredType {predArgs = [s]}
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder in idToPredSymbol idt pt
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder P_type _ -> return aSymb
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus GrosssymbMapToMorphism :: m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
c4a2102595a353632cdbefc9164cea88382711e8Markus Gross -> SymbolMap -> Result (Morphism f e m)
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus GrosssymbMapToMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2 smap = let
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross sort_map1 = Set.fold mapMSort Map.empty (sortSet sigma1)
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross mapMSort s m =
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = s, symbType = SortAsItemType}) smap
731cd0f0482644003c87b697ede3a260c9ba3f8cRazvan Pascanu of Just sym -> let t = symName sym in if s == t then m else
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder fun_map1 = Map.foldWithKey mapFun Map.empty (opMap sigma1)
1de2c2b676bc62accfeaa7d2dafd7c5fd26edb37Markus Gross pred_map1 = Map.foldWithKey mapPred Map.empty (predMap sigma1)
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder mapFun i ots m = Set.fold (insFun i) m ots
d5b0c08cd74b1f34d7554a15db5afce75809e453Christian Maeder insFun i ot m =
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i, symbType = OpAsItemType ot}) smap
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder of Just sym -> let j = symName sym in case symbType sym of
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder OpAsItemType oty -> let k = opKind oty in
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu if j == i && opKind ot == k then m
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder else Map.insert (i, ot {opKind = Partial}) (j, k) m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder mapPred i pts m = Set.fold (insPred i) m pts
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder insPred i pt m =
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i, symbType = PredAsItemType pt}) smap
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder of Just sym -> let j = symName sym in case symbType sym of
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder PredAsItemType _ -> if i == j then m else Map.insert (i, pt) j m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder in return (embedMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder { sort_map = sort_map1
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , fun_map = fun_map1
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , pred_map = pred_map1 }
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermorphismToSymbMap :: Morphism f e m -> SymbolMap
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermorphismToSymbMap mor = let
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder src = msource mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder sorts = sort_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder ops = fun_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder preds = pred_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder sortSymMap = Set.fold ( \ s -> Map.insert (idToSortSymbol s) $
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder idToSortSymbol $ mapSort sorts s)
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu ( \ t -> Map.insert (idToOpSymbol i t)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder $ uncurry idToOpSymbol $ mapOpSym sorts ops (i, t)) m s)
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross ( \ t -> Map.insert (idToPredSymbol i t)
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder $ uncurry idToPredSymbol $ mapPredSym sorts preds (i, t)) m s)
Map.empty $ predMap src
in foldr Map.union sortSymMap [opSymMap, predSymMap]
sMap = if Map.null sMap2 then sMap1 else
Set.fold ( \ i ->
if i == j then id else Map.insert i j)
Map.empty $ sortSet src
, fun_map = if Map.null fMap2 then fMap1 else
Map.foldWithKey ( \ i t m ->
Set.fold ( \ ot ->
Map.insert (i, ot {opKind = Partial }) (ni, k)) m t)
Map.empty $ opMap src
, pred_map = if Map.null pMap2 then pMap1 else
Map.foldWithKey ( \ i t m ->
Set.fold ( \ pt ->
if i == ni then id else Map.insert (i, pt) ni) m t)
Map.empty $ predMap src }
Map.foldWithKey (\s sset b -> b && legalSort s && all legalSort
(Set.toList sset))
True (Rel.toMap (sortRel sigma))
legalSort s = Set.member s sorts
msorts = $ mapSort smap
mops = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ->
flip $ Set.fold ( \ ot ->
mpreds = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ->
flip $ Set.fold ( \ pt ->
&& Set.isSubsetOf (msorts $ sortSet s1) (sortSet s2)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (msorts $ emptySortSet s1) (emptySortSet s2)
uo1 = foldr delOp (opMap s1) $ Map.keys omap1
uo2 = foldr delOp (opMap s2) $ Map.keys omap2
delOp (n, ot) m = diffMapSet m $ Map.singleton n $
Set.fromList [ot {opKind = Partial}, ot {opKind = Total}]
up1 = foldr delPred (predMap s1) $ Map.keys pmap1
up2 = foldr delPred (predMap s2) $ Map.keys pmap2
(sds, smap) = foldr ( \ (i, j) (ds, m) -> case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert i j m)
(Map.toList smap2 ++ map (\ a -> (a, a))
case Map.lookup isc m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert isc jsc m)
else (ds, Map.insert isc (j, Total) m) else
(sds, omap1) (Map.toList omap2 ++ concatMap
case Map.lookup isc m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert isc j m)
(Map.toList pmap2 ++ concatMap ( \ (a, s) -> map
, sort_map = Map.filterWithKey (/=) smap
, fun_map = Map.filterWithKey
(\ (i, ot) (j, k) -> i /= j || k == Total && Set.member ot
, pred_map = Map.filterWithKey (\ (i, _) j -> i /= j) pmap }
src = Map.keys sm
where src = Map.keys symmap
, pretty $ Set.difference (symOf tar) $ symOf src ]
[ pretty (Map.filterWithKey (/=) $ morphismToSymbMap mor)