Morphism.hs revision 2561b4bfc45d280ee2be8a7870314670e4e682e4
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu{- |
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerModule : $Header$
e5636f167d8113960d320407cbbd7cd3580241d4Christian MaederDescription : Symbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan PascanuCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu Prodescu
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuMaintainer :
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuStability : provisional
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan PascanuPortability : portable
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu
56c56b2181e76c239929ddade2925ba5c3f3fffdChristian MaederSymbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu-}
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu{-
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian Maedertodo:
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanuissue warning for symbols lists like __ * __, __ + __: Elem * Elem -> Elem
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederthe qualification only applies to __+__ !
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Grosspossibly reuse SYMB_KIND for Kind
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder-}
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maedermodule CASL.Morphism where
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport CASL.Sign
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport qualified Data.Map as Map
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport qualified Data.Set as Set
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Common.Doc
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Common.DocUtils
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Common.Id
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Common.Keywords
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Common.Result
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederimport Control.Exception (assert)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype SymbolSet = Set.Set Symbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype SymbolMap = Map.Map Symbol Symbol
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Grossdata RawSymbol = ASymbol Symbol | AnID Id | AKindedId Kind Id
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederinstance PosItem RawSymbol where
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross getRange rs = case rs of
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross ASymbol s -> getRange s
318943f341be7d545e618821114c1736cf7ef887Markus Gross AnID i -> getRange i
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder AKindedId _ i -> getRange i
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype RawSymbolSet = Set.Set RawSymbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype RawSymbolMap = Map.Map RawSymbol RawSymbol
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maederdata Kind = SortKind | FunKind | PredKind deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Sort_map = Map.Map SORT SORT
21ceb77765fba1a10a105dd623754e08f7424889Razvan Pascanu-- always use the partial profile as key!
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Fun_map = Map.Map (Id, OpType) (Id, FunKind)
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maedertype Pred_map = Map.Map (Id, PredType) Id
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanutype CASLMor = Morphism () () ()
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata MorKind = IdMor | InclMor | OtherMor deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maederdata Morphism f e m = Morphism
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder { msource :: Sign f e
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder , mtarget :: Sign f e
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu , morKind :: MorKind
21ceb77765fba1a10a105dd623754e08f7424889Razvan Pascanu , sort_map :: Sort_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , fun_map :: Fun_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , pred_map :: Pred_map
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder , extended_map :: m
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder } deriving Show
82b2fa76ca0a5b9cb7d6d058016649f00d356704Christian Maeder
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan PascanuisInclusionMorphism :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederisInclusionMorphism m = morKind m <= InclMor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Grossinstance (Eq f, Eq e, Eq m) => Eq (Morphism f e m) where
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross m1 == m2 = msource m1 == msource m2 &&
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross (morKind m1 == IdMor && morKind m2 == IdMor
871a13a2ea9edd5c02390e3a734e5c238d23147aChristian Maeder || mtarget m1 == mtarget m2) &&
871a13a2ea9edd5c02390e3a734e5c238d23147aChristian Maeder sort_map m1 == sort_map m2 &&
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder fun_map m1 == fun_map m2 &&
d3e316bd19c271eacba5756671939050b26d3669Christian Maeder pred_map m1 == pred_map m2 &&
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross extended_map m1 == extended_map m2
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapSort :: Sort_map -> SORT -> SORT
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermapSort sorts s = Map.findWithDefault s s sorts
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpType :: Sort_map -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpType sorts t = if Map.null sorts then t else
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross t { opArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ opArgs t
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross , opRes = mapSort sorts $ opRes t }
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpTypeK :: Sort_map -> FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpTypeK sorts k t = makeTotal k $ mapOpType sorts t
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmakeTotal :: FunKind -> OpType -> OpType
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmakeTotal fk t = case fk of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Total -> t { opKind = Total }
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross _ -> t
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpSym :: Sort_map -> Fun_map -> (Id, OpType) -> (Id, OpType)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapOpSym sMap fMap (i, ot) = let mot = mapOpType sMap ot in
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross case Map.lookup (i, ot {opKind = Partial} ) fMap of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Nothing -> (i, mot)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Just (j, k) -> (j, makeTotal k mot)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder-- | Check if two OpTypes are equal modulo totality or partiality
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosscompatibleOpTypes :: OpType -> OpType -> Bool
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosscompatibleOpTypes ot1 ot2 = opArgs ot1 == opArgs ot2 && opRes ot1 == opRes ot2
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredType :: Sort_map -> PredType -> PredType
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan PascanumapPredType sorts t = if Map.null sorts then t else
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder t { predArgs = map (mapSort sorts) $ predArgs t }
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredSym :: Sort_map -> Pred_map -> (Id, PredType) -> (Id, PredType)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossmapPredSym sMap fMap (i, pt) =
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu (Map.findWithDefault i (i, pt) fMap, mapPredType sMap pt)
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederembedMorphism :: m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Morphism f e m
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederembedMorphism extEm a b = Morphism
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder { msource = a
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , mtarget = b
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , morKind = OtherMor -- unknown for most uses
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross , sort_map = Map.empty
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross , fun_map = Map.empty
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , pred_map = Map.empty
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder , extended_map = extEm }
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbTypeToKind :: SymbType -> Kind
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbTypeToKind st = case st of
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross OpAsItemType _ -> FunKind
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu PredAsItemType _ -> PredKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder SortAsItemType -> SortKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymbolToRaw :: Symbol -> RawSymbol
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan PascanusymbolToRaw sym = ASymbol sym
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederidToRaw :: Id -> RawSymbol
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederidToRaw x = AnID x
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaederrawSymName :: RawSymbol -> Id
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossrawSymName rs = case rs of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross ASymbol sym -> symName sym
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder AnID i -> i
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder AKindedId _ i -> i
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymOf :: Sign f e -> SymbolSet
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian MaedersymOf sigma = let
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder sorts = idToSortSymbol $ sortSet sigma
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu ops = Set.fromList $
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToOpSymbol i t) $ Set.toList ts)
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu $ Map.toList $ opMap sigma
876bd2c70a93981cc80f8376284616bce4a0fefcChristian Maeder preds = Set.fromList $
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu concatMap (\ (i, ts) -> map ( \ t -> idToPredSymbol i t)
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian Maeder $ Set.toList ts) $ Map.toList $ predMap sigma
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian Maeder in Set.unions [sorts, ops, preds]
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu
dbc98cd8a9a829e020cfa0a9f3aff89de75caaa9Christian MaederstatSymbMapItems :: [SYMB_MAP_ITEMS] -> Result RawSymbolMap
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan PascanustatSymbMapItems sl = do
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu ls <- sequence $ map s1 sl
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross foldl insertRsys (return Map.empty) (concat ls)
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross where
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu s1 (Symb_map_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbOrMapToRaw kind) l)
fefee7e1dee1ee5f0768a03a4abae88d1ca2c3fdRazvan Pascanu insertRsys m (rsy1,rsy2) = do
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross m1 <- m
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross case Map.lookup rsy1 m1 of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Nothing -> return $ Map.insert rsy1 rsy2 m1
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Just rsy3 ->
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu plain_error m1 ("Symbol " ++ showDoc rsy1 " mapped twice to "
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder ++ showDoc rsy2 " and " ++ showDoc rsy3 "") nullRange
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbOrMapToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB_OR_MAP -> Result (RawSymbol, RawSymbol)
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbOrMapToRaw k sm = do
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross let (u, v) = case sm of
5ee62f0dddc5aaecd714c9db705ecc9ce3cb4c48Ewaryst Schulz Symb s -> (s, s)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Symb_map s t _ -> (s, t)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross w <- symbToRaw k u
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross x <- symbToRaw k v
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross return (w, x)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossstatSymbItems :: [SYMB_ITEMS] -> Result [RawSymbol]
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrossstatSymbItems sl =
c5ccc4a821d73f9c36f61ac1f8a7a7732d67e407Markus Gross fmap concat (sequence (map s1 sl))
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross where s1 (Symb_items kind l _) = sequence (map (symbToRaw kind) l)
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> SYMB -> Result RawSymbol
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbToRaw k si = case si of
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Symb_id idt -> return $ symbKindToRaw k idt
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross Qual_id idt t _ -> typedSymbKindToRaw k idt t
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus Gross
834c2e71b8e390e5b05c8d02bb6eb22621125133Markus GrosssymbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> RawSymbol
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus GrosssymbKindToRaw sk idt = case sk of
62701196316f14649127d84501c0cd6bc2dfa14aMarkus Gross Implicit -> AnID idt
b324cda6178c49ddeead3ce62b832ccf644cbcabRazvan Pascanu _ -> AKindedId (case sk of
37b6827bfa49c2fe7e2c74ee7f29fec7be4c5a19Markus Gross Sorts_kind -> SortKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder Preds_kind -> PredKind
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder _ -> FunKind) idt
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian MaedertypedSymbKindToRaw :: SYMB_KIND -> Id -> TYPE -> Result RawSymbol
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian MaedertypedSymbKindToRaw k idt t = let
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder err = plain_error (AnID idt)
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder (showDoc idt ":" ++ showDoc t
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder "does not have kind" ++ showDoc k "") nullRange
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder aSymb = ASymbol $ case t of
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder O_type ot -> idToOpSymbol idt $ toOpType ot
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder P_type pt -> idToPredSymbol idt $ toPredType pt
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder -- in case of ambiguity, return a constant function type
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder -- this deviates from the CASL summary !!!
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder A_type s ->
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder let ot = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = s}
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder in idToOpSymbol idt ot
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder in case k of
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder Implicit -> return aSymb
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder Sorts_kind -> err
073c366331dc2d49c8fa86bdfedec3327dabf05bRazvan Pascanu Ops_kind -> case t of
6dd950bc2cd04caadeaf12ec11cbcad8befd8e2cChristian Maeder P_type _ -> err
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder _ -> return aSymb
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross Preds_kind -> case t of
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross O_type _ -> err
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross A_type s -> return $ ASymbol $
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross let pt = PredType {predArgs = [s]}
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder in idToPredSymbol idt pt
334cfff54edf14ec98e2bcda86ff6aa197b56931Christian Maeder P_type _ -> return aSymb
731cd0f0482644003c87b697ede3a260c9ba3f8cRazvan Pascanu
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus GrosssymbMapToMorphism :: m -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
c4a2102595a353632cdbefc9164cea88382711e8Markus Gross -> SymbolMap -> Result (Morphism f e m)
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus GrosssymbMapToMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2 smap = let
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross sort_map1 = Set.fold mapMSort Map.empty (sortSet sigma1)
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross mapMSort s m =
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = s, symbType = SortAsItemType}) smap
731cd0f0482644003c87b697ede3a260c9ba3f8cRazvan Pascanu of Just sym -> let t = symName sym in if s == t then m else
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder Map.insert s t m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder Nothing -> m
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder fun_map1 = Map.foldWithKey mapFun Map.empty (opMap sigma1)
1de2c2b676bc62accfeaa7d2dafd7c5fd26edb37Markus Gross pred_map1 = Map.foldWithKey mapPred Map.empty (predMap sigma1)
aaced058178957397182dca9cbe127fa210b3034Christian Maeder mapFun i ots m = Set.fold (insFun i) m ots
d5b0c08cd74b1f34d7554a15db5afce75809e453Christian Maeder insFun i ot m =
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i, symbType = OpAsItemType ot}) smap
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder of Just sym -> let j = symName sym in case symbType sym of
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder OpAsItemType oty -> let k = opKind oty in
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu if j == i && opKind ot == k then m
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder else Map.insert (i, ot {opKind = Partial}) (j, k) m
d5b0c08cd74b1f34d7554a15db5afce75809e453Christian Maeder _ -> m
d5b0c08cd74b1f34d7554a15db5afce75809e453Christian Maeder _ -> m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder mapPred i pts m = Set.fold (insPred i) m pts
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder insPred i pt m =
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder case Map.lookup (Symbol {symName = i, symbType = PredAsItemType pt}) smap
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder of Just sym -> let j = symName sym in case symbType sym of
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder PredAsItemType _ -> if i == j then m else Map.insert (i, pt) j m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder _ -> m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder _ -> m
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder in return (embedMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder { sort_map = sort_map1
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , fun_map = fun_map1
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , pred_map = pred_map1 }
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermorphismToSymbMap :: Morphism f e m -> SymbolMap
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroedermorphismToSymbMap mor = let
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder src = msource mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder sorts = sort_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder ops = fun_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder preds = pred_map mor
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder sortSymMap = Set.fold ( \ s -> Map.insert (idToSortSymbol s) $
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder idToSortSymbol $ mapSort sorts s)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder Map.empty $ sortSet src
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder opSymMap = Map.foldWithKey
d5b0c08cd74b1f34d7554a15db5afce75809e453Christian Maeder ( \ i s m -> Set.fold
a5e7871c93e65ddab6a704080001f0ac8f3acec8Razvan Pascanu ( \ t -> Map.insert (idToOpSymbol i t)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder $ uncurry idToOpSymbol $ mapOpSym sorts ops (i, t)) m s)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder Map.empty $ opMap src
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder predSymMap = Map.foldWithKey
007b23e277c9479bdd14275e21d5e5434e6fe413Christian Maeder ( \ i s m -> Set.fold
1b5da9e5e0f18cc30be775478569ee3a5fb23ddaMarkus Gross ( \ t -> Map.insert (idToPredSymbol i t)
3664a630439d8d4841d17febbd74bd1dedd909d4Christian Maeder $ uncurry idToPredSymbol $ mapPredSym sorts preds (i, t)) m s)
Map.empty $ predMap src
in foldr Map.union sortSymMap [opSymMap, predSymMap]
matches :: Symbol -> RawSymbol -> Bool
matches x@(Symbol idt k) rs = case rs of
ASymbol y -> x == y
AnID di -> idt == di
AKindedId rk di -> let res = idt == di in case (k, rk) of
(SortAsItemType, SortKind) -> res
(OpAsItemType _, FunKind) -> res
(PredAsItemType _, PredKind) -> res
_ -> False
idMor :: m -> Sign f e -> Morphism f e m
idMor extEm sigma = (embedMorphism extEm sigma sigma) { morKind = IdMor }
compose :: (Eq e, Eq f) => (m -> m -> m)
-> Morphism f e m -> Morphism f e m -> Result (Morphism f e m)
compose comp mor1 mor2 = if mtarget mor1 == msource mor2 then
let sMap1 = sort_map mor1
src = msource mor1
tar = mtarget mor2
fMap1 = fun_map mor1
pMap1 = pred_map mor1
sMap2 = sort_map mor2
fMap2 = fun_map mor2
pMap2 = pred_map mor2
sMap = if Map.null sMap2 then sMap1 else
Set.fold ( \ i ->
let j = mapSort sMap2 (mapSort sMap1 i) in
if i == j then id else Map.insert i j)
Map.empty $ sortSet src
emb = (embedMorphism (comp (extended_map mor1) $ extended_map mor2)
src tar) { morKind = max (morKind mor1) $ morKind mor2 }
in return $
if Map.null sMap1 && Map.null sMap2 && Map.null fMap1 && Map.null fMap2
&& Map.null pMap1 && Map.null pMap2 then emb else emb
{ sort_map = sMap
, fun_map = if Map.null fMap2 then fMap1 else
Map.foldWithKey ( \ i t m ->
Set.fold ( \ ot ->
let (ni, nt) = mapOpSym sMap2 fMap2 $
mapOpSym sMap1 fMap1 (i, ot)
k = opKind nt
in assert (mapOpTypeK sMap k ot == nt) $
if i == ni && opKind ot == k then id else
Map.insert (i, ot {opKind = Partial }) (ni, k)) m t)
Map.empty $ opMap src
, pred_map = if Map.null pMap2 then pMap1 else
Map.foldWithKey ( \ i t m ->
Set.fold ( \ pt ->
let (ni, nt) = mapPredSym sMap2 pMap2 $
mapPredSym sMap1 pMap1 (i, pt)
in assert (mapPredType sMap pt == nt) $
if i == ni then id else Map.insert (i, pt) ni) m t)
Map.empty $ predMap src }
else fail "target of first and source of second morphism are different"
legalSign :: Sign f e -> Bool
legalSign sigma =
Map.foldWithKey (\s sset b -> b && legalSort s && all legalSort
(Set.toList sset))
True (Rel.toMap (sortRel sigma))
&& Map.fold (\ts b -> b && all legalOpType (Set.toList ts))
True (opMap sigma)
&& Map.fold (\ts b -> b && all legalPredType (Set.toList ts))
True (predMap sigma)
where sorts = sortSet sigma
legalSort s = Set.member s sorts
legalOpType t = legalSort (opRes t)
&& all legalSort (opArgs t)
legalPredType t = all legalSort (predArgs t)
legalMor :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
legalMor mor =
let s1 = msource mor
s2 = mtarget mor
smap = sort_map mor
msorts = $ mapSort smap
mops = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ->
flip $ Set.fold ( \ ot ->
let (j, nt) = mapOpSym smap (fun_map mor) (i, ot)
in Rel.setInsert j nt)) Map.empty $ opMap s1
mpreds = Map.foldWithKey ( \ i ->
flip $ Set.fold ( \ pt ->
let (j, nt) = mapPredSym smap (pred_map mor) (i, pt)
in Rel.setInsert j nt)) Map.empty $ predMap s1
in legalSign s1
&& Set.isSubsetOf (msorts $ sortSet s1) (sortSet s2)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (msorts $ emptySortSet s1) (emptySortSet s2)
&& isSubOpMap mops (opMap s2)
&& isSubMapSet mpreds (predMap s2)
&& legalSign s2
sigInclusion :: (Pretty f, Pretty e)
=> m -- ^ compute extended morphism
-> (e -> e -> Bool) -- ^ subsignature test of extensions
-> (e -> e -> e) -- ^ difference of signature extensions
-> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Result (Morphism f e m)
sigInclusion extEm isSubExt diffExt sigma1 sigma2 =
if isSubSig isSubExt sigma1 sigma2 then
return (embedMorphism extEm sigma1 sigma2)
{ morKind = if isSubSig isSubExt sigma2 sigma1 then IdMor else InclMor }
else Result [Diag Error
("Attempt to construct inclusion between non-subsignatures:\n"
++ showDoc (diffSig diffExt sigma1 sigma2) "") nullRange] Nothing
morphismUnion :: (m -> m -> m) -- ^ join morphism extensions
-> (e -> e -> e) -- ^ join signature extensions
-> Morphism f e m -> Morphism f e m -> Result (Morphism f e m)
-- consider identity mappings but filter them eventually
morphismUnion uniteM addSigExt mor1 mor2 =
let smap1 = sort_map mor1
smap2 = sort_map mor2
s1 = msource mor1
s2 = msource mor2
us1 = Set.difference (sortSet s1) $ Map.keysSet smap1
us2 = Set.difference (sortSet s2) $ Map.keysSet smap2
omap1 = fun_map mor1
omap2 = fun_map mor2
uo1 = foldr delOp (opMap s1) $ Map.keys omap1
uo2 = foldr delOp (opMap s2) $ Map.keys omap2
delOp (n, ot) m = diffMapSet m $ Map.singleton n $
Set.fromList [ot {opKind = Partial}, ot {opKind = Total}]
uo = addMapSet uo1 uo2
pmap1 = pred_map mor1
pmap2 = pred_map mor2
up1 = foldr delPred (predMap s1) $ Map.keys pmap1
up2 = foldr delPred (predMap s2) $ Map.keys pmap2
up = addMapSet up1 up2
delPred (n, pt) m = diffMapSet m $ Map.singleton n $ Set.singleton pt
(sds, smap) = foldr ( \ (i, j) (ds, m) -> case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert i j m)
Just k -> if j == k then (ds, m) else
(Diag Error
("incompatible mapping of sort " ++ showId i " to "
++ showId j " and " ++ showId k "")
nullRange : ds, m)) ([], smap1)
(Map.toList smap2 ++ map (\ a -> (a, a))
(Set.toList $ Set.union us1 us2))
(ods, omap) = foldr ( \ (isc@(i, ot), jsc@(j, t)) (ds, m) ->
case Map.lookup isc m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert isc jsc m)
Just (k, p) -> if j == k then if p == t then (ds, m)
else (ds, Map.insert isc (j, Total) m) else
(Diag Error
("incompatible mapping of op " ++ showId i ":"
++ showDoc ot { opKind = t } " to "
++ showId j " and " ++ showId k "") nullRange : ds, m))
(sds, omap1) (Map.toList omap2 ++ concatMap
( \ (a, s) -> map ( \ ot -> ((a, ot {opKind = Partial}),
(a, opKind ot)))
$ Set.toList s) (Map.toList uo))
(pds, pmap) = foldr ( \ (isc@(i, pt), j) (ds, m) ->
case Map.lookup isc m of
Nothing -> (ds, Map.insert isc j m)
Just k -> if j == k then (ds, m) else
(Diag Error
("incompatible mapping of pred " ++ showId i ":"
++ showDoc pt " to " ++ showId j " and "
++ showId k "") nullRange : ds, m)) (ods, pmap1)
(Map.toList pmap2 ++ concatMap ( \ (a, s) -> map
( \ pt -> ((a, pt), a)) $ Set.toList s) (Map.toList up))
s3 = addSig addSigExt s1 s2
o3 = opMap s3 in
if null pds then Result [] $ Just
(embedMorphism (uniteM (extended_map mor1) $ extended_map mor2)
s3 $ addSig addSigExt (mtarget mor1) $ mtarget mor2)
{ morKind = max (morKind mor1) $ morKind mor2
, sort_map = Map.filterWithKey (/=) smap
, fun_map = Map.filterWithKey
(\ (i, ot) (j, k) -> i /= j || k == Total && Set.member ot
(Map.findWithDefault Set.empty i o3)) omap
, pred_map = Map.filterWithKey (\ (i, _) j -> i /= j) pmap }
else Result pds Nothing
isSortInjective :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
isSortInjective m =
null [() | k1 <- src, k2 <- src, k1 /= k2,
(Map.lookup k1 sm :: Maybe SORT) == Map.lookup k2 sm]
where sm = sort_map m
src = Map.keys sm
isInjective :: Morphism f e m -> Bool
isInjective m =
null [() | k1 <- src, k2 <- src, k1 /= k2,
(Map.lookup k1 symmap :: Maybe Symbol) == Map.lookup k2 symmap]
where src = Map.keys symmap
symmap = morphismToSymbMap m
instance Pretty Kind where
pretty k = keyword $ case k of
SortKind -> sortS
FunKind -> opS
PredKind -> predS
instance Pretty RawSymbol where
pretty rsym = case rsym of
ASymbol sy -> pretty sy
AnID i -> pretty i
AKindedId k i -> pretty k <+> pretty i
printMorphism :: (f -> Doc) -> (e -> Doc) -> (m -> Doc) -> Morphism f e m
-> Doc
printMorphism fF fE fM mor =
let src = msource mor
tar = mtarget mor
prSig s = specBraces (space <> printSign fF fE s)
srcD = prSig src
in case morKind mor of
IdMor -> fsep [text "identity morphism over", srcD]
InclMor -> fsep
[ text "inclusion morphism of", srcD
, text "extended with"
, pretty $ Set.difference (symOf tar) $ symOf src ]
OtherMor -> fsep
[ pretty (Map.filterWithKey (/=) $ morphismToSymbMap mor)
$+$ fM (extended_map mor)
, colon <+> srcD, mapsto <+> prSig tar ]
instance (Pretty e, Pretty f, Pretty m) =>
Pretty (Morphism f e m) where
pretty = printMorphism pretty pretty pretty