MixfixParser.hs revision 2b4130336e941b7d01c78a6da55449a4c6eca609
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Mixfix analysis of terms
Missing features:
- the positions of ids from string, list, number and floating annotations
is not changed within applications (and might be misleading)
module CASL.MixfixParser ( resolveFormula, resolveMixfix)
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.Earley
import Common.ConvertLiteral
import CASL.ShowMixfix
-- import Control.Exception (assert)
assert :: Bool -> a -> a
assert b a = if b then a else error ("assert")
type Rule = (Id, Bool, [Token]) -- True means predicate
mkRule :: Id -> Rule
mkRule = mixRule False
mkSingleArgRule :: Bool -> Id -> Rule
mkSingleArgRule b ide = (protect ide, b, getPlainTokenList ide ++ [varTok])
mkSingleOpArgRule :: Bool -> Id -> Rule
mkSingleOpArgRule b ide = (protect ide, b, getPlainTokenList ide ++ [exprTok])
mkArgsRule :: Bool -> Id -> Rule
mkArgsRule b ide = (protect ide, b, getPlainTokenList ide
++ getTokenPlaceList tupleId)
singleArgId, singleOpArgId, multiArgsId :: Id
singleArgId = mkId (getPlainTokenList exprId ++ [varTok])
singleOpArgId = mkId (getPlainTokenList exprId ++ [exprTok])
multiArgsId = mkId (getPlainTokenList exprId ++
getPlainTokenList tupleId)
initRules :: GlobalAnnos -> IdSet -> Bool -> [Rule]
initRules ga (opS, predS, _) maybeFormula =
let ops = Set.toList opS
preds = if maybeFormula then
Set.toList predS else []
in concat [ mkRule typeId :
mkRule exprId :
mkRule varId :
mkRule singleArgId :
mkRule singleOpArgId :
mkRule multiArgsId :
listRules False ga,
map (mixRule True) preds,
map (mkSingleArgRule True) preds,
map (mkSingleOpArgRule True) preds,
map (mkArgsRule True) preds,
map mkRule ops,
map (mkSingleArgRule False) ops,
map (mkSingleOpArgRule False) ops,
map (mkArgsRule False) ops]
-- | meaningful position of a term
posOfTerm :: AParsable f => TERM f -> Pos
posOfTerm trm =
case trm of
Mixfix_token t -> tokPos t
Mixfix_term ts -> posOf ts
Simple_id i -> tokPos i
Mixfix_qual_pred p ->
case p of
Pred_name i -> posOfId i
Qual_pred_name _ _ ps -> headPos ps
Application o [] [] ->
case o of
Op_name i -> posOfId i
Qual_op_name _ _ ps -> headPos ps
_ -> getMyPos trm
-- | construct application
asAppl :: AParsable f => Id -> [TERM f] -> [Pos] -> TERM f
asAppl f as ps = Application (Op_name f) as ps
-- | constructing the parse tree from (the final) parser state(s)
toAppl :: AParsable f => Id -> Bool -> [TERM f] -> [Pos] -> TERM f
toAppl ide _ ar qs =
if ide == singleArgId || ide == multiArgsId
then assert (length ar > 1) $
let har:tar = ar
ps = posOfTerm har : qs
in case har of
Application q ts _ -> assert (null ts) $
Application q tar ps
Mixfix_qual_pred _ -> Mixfix_term [har,
Mixfix_parenthesized tar ps]
_ -> error "stateToAppl"
else asAppl ide ar qs
type IdSet = (Set.Set Id, Set.Set Id, Set.Set Id)
addType :: AParsable f => TERM f -> TERM f -> TERM f
addType tt t =
case tt of
Mixfix_sorted_term s ps -> Sorted_term t s ps
Mixfix_cast s ps -> Cast t s ps
_ -> error "addType"
filterByPredicate :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Bool
filterByPredicate bArg bOp =
if bArg then Just False else
if bOp then Just True else Nothing
type TermChart f = Chart (TERM f) Bool
iterateCharts :: AParsable f =>
GlobalAnnos -> IdSet -> Bool -> [TERM f] -> TermChart f
-> TermChart f
iterateCharts g ids maybeFormula terms c =
let self = iterateCharts g ids maybeFormula
expand = expandPos Mixfix_token
oneStep = nextChart addType filterByPredicate toAppl g c
resolveTerm = resolveMixTrm g ids False
in if null terms then c
else case head terms of
Mixfix_term ts -> self (ts ++ tail terms) c
Mixfix_bracketed ts ps ->
self (expand ("[", "]") ts ps ++ tail terms) c
Mixfix_braced ts ps ->
self (expand ("{", "}") ts ps ++ tail terms) c
Mixfix_parenthesized ts ps ->
if isSingle ts then
let Result mds v = resolveMixTrm g ids maybeFormula
$ head ts
tNew = case v of Nothing -> head ts
Just x -> x
c2 = self (tail terms) (oneStep (tNew, varTok))
in mixDiags mds c2
else self (expand ("(", ")") ts ps ++ tail terms) c
Conditional t1 f2 t3 ps ->
let Result mds v =
do t4 <- resolveTerm t1
f5 <- resolveMixFrm g ids f2
t6 <- resolveTerm t3
return (Conditional t4 f5 t6 ps)
tNew = case v of Nothing -> head terms
Just x -> x
c2 = self (tail terms)
(oneStep (tNew, varTok {tokPos = posOfTerm tNew}))
in mixDiags mds c2
Mixfix_token t -> let (ds1, trm) = convertMixfixToken
(literal_annos g) asAppl Mixfix_token t
c2 = self (tail terms) $ oneStep $
case trm of
Mixfix_token tok -> (trm, tok)
_ -> (trm, varTok
{tokPos = tokPos t})
in mixDiags ds1 c2
t@(Mixfix_sorted_term _ (p:_)) -> self (tail terms)
(oneStep (t, typeTok {tokPos = p}))
t@(Mixfix_cast _ (p:_)) -> self (tail terms)
(oneStep (t, typeTok {tokPos = p}))
t@(Qual_var _ _ (p:_)) -> self (tail terms)
(oneStep (t, varTok {tokPos = p}))
t@(Application (Qual_op_name _ _ (p:_)) _ _) ->
self (tail terms) (oneStep (t, exprTok{tokPos = p} ))
t@(Mixfix_qual_pred (Qual_pred_name _ _ (p:_))) ->
self (tail terms) (oneStep (t, exprTok{tokPos = p} ))
t -> error ("iterate mixfix states: " ++ show t)
mkIdSet :: Set.Set Id -> Set.Set Id -> IdSet
mkIdSet ops preds =
let both = Set.intersection ops preds in
(ops, Set.difference preds both, preds)
resolveMixfix :: AParsable f => GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Set.Set Id -> Bool -> TERM f
-> Result (TERM f)
resolveMixfix g ops preds maybeFormula t =
let r@(Result ds _) = resolveMixTrm g (mkIdSet ops preds) maybeFormula t
in if null ds then r else Result ds Nothing
resolveMixTrm :: AParsable f => GlobalAnnos -> IdSet -> Bool
-> TERM f -> Result (TERM f)
resolveMixTrm ga ids maybeFormula trm =
getResolved showTerm (posOfTerm trm) toAppl
$ iterateCharts ga ids maybeFormula [trm] $
initChart (initRules ga ids maybeFormula) Set.empty
resolveFormula :: AParsable f =>
GlobalAnnos -> Set.Set Id -> Set.Set Id -> (FORMULA f)
-> Result (FORMULA f)
resolveFormula g ops preds f =
let r@(Result ds _) = resolveMixFrm g (mkIdSet ops preds) f
in if null ds then r else Result ds Nothing
resolveMixFrm :: AParsable f =>
GlobalAnnos -> IdSet-> FORMULA f -> Result (FORMULA f)
resolveMixFrm g ids@(ops, onlyPreds, preds) frm =
let self = resolveMixFrm g ids
resolveTerm = resolveMixTrm g ids False in
case frm of
Quantification q vs fOld ps ->
let varIds = Set.fromList $ concatMap (\ (Var_decl va _ _) ->
map simpleIdToId va) vs
newIds = (Set.union ops varIds,
(Set.\\) onlyPreds varIds, preds)
do fNew <- resolveMixFrm g newIds fOld
return $ Quantification q vs fNew ps
Conjunction fsOld ps ->
do fsNew <- mapM self fsOld
return $ Conjunction fsNew ps
Disjunction fsOld ps ->
do fsNew <- mapM self fsOld
return $ Disjunction fsNew ps
Implication f1 f2 ps ->
do f3 <- self f1
f4 <- self f2
return $ Implication f3 f4 ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps ->
do f3 <- self f1
f4 <- self f2
return $ Equivalence f3 f4 ps
Negation fOld ps ->
do fNew <- self fOld
return $ Negation fNew ps
Predication sym tsOld ps ->
do tsNew <- mapM resolveTerm tsOld
return $ Predication sym tsNew ps
Definedness tOld ps ->
do tNew <- resolveTerm tOld
return $ Definedness tNew ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps ->
do t3 <- resolveTerm t1
t4 <- resolveTerm t2
return $ Existl_equation t3 t4 ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps ->
do t3 <- resolveTerm t1
t4 <- resolveTerm t2
return $ Strong_equation t3 t4 ps
Membership tOld s ps ->
do tNew <- resolveTerm tOld
return $ Membership tNew s ps
Mixfix_formula tOld ->
do tNew <- resolveMixTrm g ids True tOld
mkPredication tNew
where mkPredication t =
case t of
Application (Op_name ide) as ps ->
let p = Predication (Pred_name ide) as ps in
if ide `Set.member` preds
then return p else
plain_error p
("not a predicate: " ++ showId ide "")
(posOfId ide)
Mixfix_qual_pred qide ->
return $ Predication qide [] []
Mixfix_term [Mixfix_qual_pred qide,
Mixfix_parenthesized ts ps] ->
return $ Predication qide ts ps
_ -> plain_error (Mixfix_formula t)
("not a formula: " ++ showTerm t "")
(posOfTerm t)
f -> return f