{- |
Module : ./CASL/MapSentence.hs
Description : rename symbols of sentences according to a signature morphisms
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Rename symbols of sentences according to a signature morphisms
module CASL.MapSentence where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
mapSrt :: Morphism f e m -> SORT -> SORT
mapSrt = mapSort . sort_map
type MapSen f e m = Morphism f e m -> f -> f
mapMorphism :: MapSen f e m -> Morphism f e m
-> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
mapMorphism mf m = (mapRecord $ mf m)
{ foldQual_var = \ _ v -> Qual_var v . mapSrt m
, foldApplication = \ _ -> Application . mapOpSymb m
, foldSorted_term = \ _ st -> Sorted_term st . mapSrt m
, foldCast = \ _ st -> Cast st . mapSrt m
, foldQuantification = \ _ q ->
Quantification q . map (mapVars m)
, foldPredication = \ _ -> Predication . mapPrSymb m
, foldMembership = \ _ t -> Membership t . mapSrt m
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ _ constrs isFree -> let
newConstrs = map (mapConstr m) constrs in
mkSort_gen_ax newConstrs isFree
mapTerm :: MapSen f e m -> Morphism f e m -> TERM f -> TERM f
mapTerm mf = foldTerm . mapMorphism mf
mapMorphForm :: MapSen f e m -> Morphism f e m -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
mapMorphForm mf = foldFormula . mapMorphism mf
mapSen :: MorphismExtension e m => MapSen f e m -> Morphism f e m -> FORMULA f
mapSen mf m = if isInclusionMorphism isInclusionMorphismExtension m then id
else mapMorphForm mf m
mapOpSymb :: Morphism f e m -> OP_SYMB -> OP_SYMB
mapOpSymb m (Qual_op_name i t ps) =
let (j, ty) = mapOpSym (sort_map m) (op_map m) (i, toOpType t)
in Qual_op_name j (toOP_TYPE ty) ps
mapOpSymb _ (Op_name os) =
error $ "mapOpSymb: unexpected op symb: " ++ show os
mapVars :: Morphism f e m -> VAR_DECL -> VAR_DECL
mapVars m (Var_decl vs s ps) = Var_decl vs (mapSrt m s) ps
mapDecoratedOpSymb :: Morphism f e m -> (OP_SYMB, [Int]) -> (OP_SYMB, [Int])
mapDecoratedOpSymb m (os, indices) = let
newOs = mapOpSymb m os
in (newOs, indices)
mapConstr :: Morphism f e m -> Constraint -> Constraint
mapConstr m constr =
let newS = mapSrt m (newSort constr)
newOps = map (mapDecoratedOpSymb m) (opSymbs constr)
in (constr {newSort = newS, opSymbs = newOps})
mapPrSymb :: Morphism f e m -> PRED_SYMB -> PRED_SYMB
mapPrSymb m (Qual_pred_name i t ps) =
let (j, ty) = mapPredSym (sort_map m) (pred_map m) (i, toPredType t)
in Qual_pred_name j (toPRED_TYPE ty) ps
mapPrSymb _ (Pred_name p) =
error $ "mapPrSymb: unexpected pred symb: " ++ show p