Logic_CASL.hs revision eaf34cf96fbfcdcce7f3bdb322c4ea7ebd1fd220
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Instance of class Logic for the CASL logic
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : till@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Instance of class Logic for the CASL logic
Also the instances for Syntax and Category.
module CASL.Logic_CASL where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Lexer((<<))
import Common.Result
import Common.ProofTree
import Common.Consistency
import ATC.ProofTree ()
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Logic.Logic
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Parse_AS_Basic
import CASL.ToDoc
import CASL.SymbolParser
import CASL.MapSentence
import CASL.Amalgamability
import CASL.ATC_CASL ()
import CASL.Sublogic as SL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.ColimSign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.SymbolMapAnalysis
import CASL.Taxonomy
import CASL.SimplifySen
import CASL.CCC.FreeTypes
import CASL.CCC.OnePoint () -- currently unused
import CASL.Qualify
import CASL.QuickCheck
data CASL = CASL deriving Show
instance Language CASL where
description _ = unlines
[ "CASL - the Common algebraic specification language"
, "This logic is subsorted partial first-order logic"
, " with sort generation constraints"
, "See the CASL User Manual, LNCS 2900, Springer Verlag"
, "and the CASL Reference Manual, LNCS 2960, Springer Verlag"
, "See also http://www.cofi.info/CASL.html"
, ""
, "Abbreviations of sublogic names indicate the following feature:"
, " Sub -> with subsorting"
, " Sul -> with a locally filtered subsort relation"
, " P -> with partial functions"
, " C -> with sort generation constraints"
, " eC -> C without renamings"
, " sC -> C with injective constructors"
, " seC -> sC and eC"
, " FOL -> first order logic"
, " FOAlg -> FOL without predicates"
, " Horn -> positive conditional logic"
, " GHorn -> generalized Horn"
, " GCond -> GHorn without predicates"
, " Cond -> Horn without predicates"
, " Atom -> atomic logic"
, " Eq -> Atom without predicates"
, " = -> with equality"
, ""
, "Examples:"
, " SubPCFOL= -> the CASL logic itself"
, " FOAlg= -> first order algebra (without predicates)"
, " SubPHorn= -> the positive conditional fragement of CASL"
, " SubPAtom -> the atomic subset of CASL"
, " SubPCAtom -> SubPAtom with sort generation constraints"
, " Eq= -> classical equational logic" ]
type CASLBasicSpec = BASIC_SPEC () () ()
trueC :: a -> b -> Bool
trueC _ _ = True
class MorphismExtension e m | m -> e where
ideMorphismExtension :: e -> m
composeMorphismExtension :: m -> m -> Result m
inverseMorphismExtension :: m -> Result m
isInclusionMorphismExtension :: m -> Bool
instance MorphismExtension () () where
ideMorphismExtension _ = ()
composeMorphismExtension _ = return
inverseMorphismExtension = return
isInclusionMorphismExtension _ = True
instance MorphismExtension e (DefMorExt e) where
ideMorphismExtension _ = emptyMorExt
composeMorphismExtension _ = return
inverseMorphismExtension = return
isInclusionMorphismExtension _ = True
class SignExtension e where
isSubSignExtension :: e -> e -> Bool
instance SignExtension () where
isSubSignExtension _ _ = True
instance (Eq f, Eq e, Eq m, MorphismExtension e m) =>
Category (Sign f e) (Morphism f e m) where
ide sig = idMor (ideMorphismExtension (extendedInfo sig)) sig
inverse = inverseMorphism inverseMorphismExtension
comp = composeM composeMorphismExtension
dom = msource
cod = mtarget
isInclusion = isInclusionMorphism isInclusionMorphismExtension
legal_mor = legalMor
-- abstract syntax, parsing (and printing)
instance Syntax CASL CASLBasicSpec
parse_basic_spec CASL = Just $ basicSpec []
parse_symb_items CASL = Just $ symbItems []
parse_symb_map_items CASL = Just $ symbMapItems []
-- lattices (for sublogics)
instance Lattice a => SemiLatticeWithTop (CASL_SL a) where
join = sublogics_max
top = SL.top
class Lattice a => MinSL a f where
minSL :: f -> CASL_SL a
instance MinSL () () where
minSL () = bottom
class NameSL a where
nameSL :: a -> String
instance NameSL () where
nameSL _ = ""
class Lattice a => ProjForm a f where
projForm :: CASL_SL a -> f -> Maybe (FORMULA f)
instance Lattice a => ProjForm a () where
projForm _ f = Just $ ExtFORMULA f
class (Lattice a, ProjForm a f) => ProjSigItem a s f where
projSigItems :: CASL_SL a -> s -> (Maybe (SIG_ITEMS s f), [SORT])
instance (Lattice a, ProjForm a f) => ProjSigItem a () f where
projSigItems _ s = (Just $ Ext_SIG_ITEMS s, [])
class (Lattice a, ProjForm a f) => ProjBasic a b s f where
projBasicItems :: CASL_SL a -> b -> (Maybe (BASIC_ITEMS b s f), [SORT])
instance (Lattice a, ProjForm a f, ProjSigItem a s f)
=> ProjBasic a () s f where
projBasicItems _ b = (Just $ Ext_BASIC_ITEMS b, [])
instance (NameSL a) => SublogicName (CASL_SL a) where
sublogicName = sublogics_name nameSL
instance (MinSL a f, MinSL a s, MinSL a b) =>
MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
minSublogic = sl_basic_spec minSL minSL minSL
instance MinSL a f => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) (FORMULA f) where
minSublogic = sl_sentence minSL
instance Lattice a => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) SYMB_ITEMS where
minSublogic = sl_symb_items
instance Lattice a => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
minSublogic = sl_symb_map_items
instance Lattice a => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) (Sign f e) where
minSublogic = sl_sign
instance Lattice a => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) (Morphism f e m) where
minSublogic = sl_morphism
instance Lattice a => MinSublogic (CASL_SL a) Symbol where
minSublogic = sl_symbol
instance (MinSL a f, MinSL a s, MinSL a b, ProjForm a f,
ProjSigItem a s f, ProjBasic a b s f) =>
ProjectSublogic (CASL_SL a) (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
projectSublogic = pr_basic_spec projBasicItems projSigItems projForm
instance Lattice a => ProjectSublogicM (CASL_SL a) SYMB_ITEMS where
projectSublogicM = pr_symb_items
instance Lattice a => ProjectSublogicM (CASL_SL a) SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
projectSublogicM = pr_symb_map_items
instance Lattice a => ProjectSublogic (CASL_SL a) (Sign f e) where
projectSublogic = pr_sign
instance Lattice a => ProjectSublogic (CASL_SL a) (Morphism f e m) where
projectSublogic = pr_morphism
instance Lattice a => ProjectSublogicM (CASL_SL a) Symbol where
projectSublogicM = pr_symbol
-- CASL logic
instance Sentences CASL CASLFORMULA CASLSign CASLMor Symbol where
map_sen CASL m = return . mapSen (\ _ -> id) m
parse_sentence CASL = Just (fmap item (aFormula [] << eof))
sym_of CASL = symOf
symmap_of CASL = morphismToSymbMap
sym_name CASL = symName
simplify_sen CASL = simplifyCASLSen
print_named CASL = printTheoryFormula
instance StaticAnalysis CASL CASLBasicSpec CASLFORMULA
Symbol RawSymbol where
basic_analysis CASL = Just $ basicCASLAnalysis
stat_symb_map_items CASL = statSymbMapItems
stat_symb_items CASL = statSymbItems
signature_colimit CASL diag = return $ signColimit diag extCASLColimit
ensures_amalgamability CASL (opts, diag, sink, desc) =
ensuresAmalgamability opts diag sink desc
qualify CASL = qualifySig
symbol_to_raw CASL = symbolToRaw
id_to_raw CASL = idToRaw
matches CASL = CASL.Morphism.matches
is_transportable CASL = isSortInjective
is_injective CASL = isInjective
empty_signature CASL = emptySign ()
signature_union CASL s = return . addSig const s
intersection CASL s = return . interSig const s
morphism_union CASL = morphismUnion (const id) const
final_union CASL = finalUnion const
inclusion CASL = sigInclusion () trueC const
cogenerated_sign CASL = cogeneratedSign () trueC
generated_sign CASL = generatedSign () trueC
induced_from_morphism CASL = inducedFromMorphism () trueC
induced_from_to_morphism CASL = inducedFromToMorphism () trueC const
theory_to_taxonomy CASL = convTaxo
-- convSignOMDoc CASL = someFunctionFromOMDocFolderNowInCASLFolder
instance Logic CASL CASL_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ProofTree where
stability _ = Stable
proj_sublogic_epsilon CASL = pr_epsilon ()
all_sublogics _ = sublogics_all [()]
conservativityCheck CASL =
ConservativityChecker "CCC" checkFreeType
empty_proof_tree CASL = error "instance Logic CASL"
provers CASL = [quickCheckProver]