LiteralFuns.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
functions to test ids with argument terms for literals of CASL
module CASL.LiteralFuns ( isLiteral
, isNumber
, isSignedNumber
, isString
, isList
, isFloat
, isFrac
, collectElements
, basicTerm
, convCASLChar
, splitAppl
, op_id
, isQualOpSy
) where
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
isLiteral :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isLiteral ga i trm =
or [ isNumber ga i trm
, isString ga i trm
, isList ga i trm
, isFloat ga i trm
, isFrac ga i trm
isNumber :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isNumber ga i trs =
(digitTest i && null trs)
|| (getLiteralType ga i == Number && all (sameId digitTest i) trs)
where digitTest ii =
(getLiteralType ga ii == Number) || case ii of
Id [t] [] _
| not $ null tstr -> isDigit $ head $ tstr
| otherwise -> False
where tstr = tokStr t
_ -> False
isSignedNumber :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isSignedNumber ga i trs = length trs == 1 &&
isSign i && isNumber ga ni nt && isAppl hd
where hd = head trs
(ni,nt) = splitAppl hd
isSign :: Id -> Bool
isSign i = case i of
Id [tok] [] _ -> let ts = tokStr tok
in ts == "-" || ts == "+"
_ -> False
isString :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isString ga i trs = case getLiteralType ga i of
StringNull -> null trs
StringCons _ -> all (sameId stringTest i) trs
_ -> False
stringTest ii = case getLiteralType ga ii of
StringNull -> True
_ -> case ii of
Id [t] [] _ -> take 1 (tokStr t) == "\'"
_ -> False
convCASLChar :: Token -> String
convCASLChar t = case tokStr t of
cs | not (null cs) && head cs == '\''
&& last cs == '\'' -> init $ tail cs
| otherwise ->
error ("convCASLChar: " ++ cs ++
" is not a valid CASL Char")
isList :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isList ga i trms = -- trace ("isList: "++show i++"; "++show trms) $
(case getLiteralType ga i of
ListNull _ -> null trms
ListCons _ n -> listTest n i trms
_ -> False)
where listTest n1 i1 terms = case getLiteralType ga i1 of
ListNull _ -> n1 == i1 && null terms
ListCons _ n2 -> n1 == n2 && length terms == 2 &&
let hd = head $ tail terms
(i2, ts) = splitAppl hd
in isAppl hd && listTest n1 i2 ts
_ -> False
isFloat :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isFloat ga i [l, r] =
case getLiteralType ga i of
Floating -> (isNumber ga li ltrm || isFrac ga li ltrm)
&& isAppl l && isAppl r
&& (isSignedNumber ga ri rtrm || isNumber ga ri rtrm)
_ -> False
where (li,ltrm) = splitAppl l
(ri,rtrm) = splitAppl r
isFloat _ _ _ = False
isFrac :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
isFrac ga i [l, r] =
case getLiteralType ga i of
Fraction -> isAppl l && isAppl r
&& isNumber ga li ltrm && isNumber ga ri rtrm
_ -> False
where (li,ltrm) = splitAppl l
(ri,rtrm) = splitAppl r
isFrac _ _ _ = False
isAppl :: TERM f -> Bool
isAppl t = case t of
Application (Op_name _) _ _ -> True
_ -> False
splitAppl :: TERM f -> (Id,[TERM f])
splitAppl t = case t of
Application oi ts _ -> (op_id oi,ts)
_ -> error "splitAppl: no Application found"
leftAssCollElems :: Id -> [TERM f] -> [TERM f]
leftAssCollElems i trs =
case trs of
[] -> error "no elements to collect"
[x] -> [x]
[x,y] -> leftAssCollElems i (splitA x) ++ [y]
_ys -> error "too many elements to collect"
where splitA t = case t of
Application oi its _
| op_id oi == i -> its
| otherwise -> [t]
_ -> error "splitA: no Appl found (left)"
collectElements :: (Maybe Id) -> Id -> [TERM f] -> [TERM f]
collectElements mnid i trs =
if detect_left_ass i trs
then leftAssCollElems i trs
else collectElementsRight mnid i trs
detect_left_ass :: Id -> [TERM f] -> Bool
detect_left_ass i trs =
case trs of
[] -> True
[_] -> False
[x,_] -> case x of
Application oi _ _ -> op_id oi == i
_ -> False
_ -> False
collectElementsRight :: (Maybe Id) -> Id -> [TERM f] -> [TERM f]
collectElementsRight mnid i trs =
case trs of
[] -> error "no elements to collect"
[x] -> getToken x
[x,y] -> x : collectElementsRight mnid i (splitA y)
_ys -> error "too many elements to collect"
where splitA t = case t of
Application oi its _
| op_id oi == i -> its
| otherwise -> [t]
_ -> error "splitA: no Appl found (right)"
getToken :: TERM f -> [TERM f]
getToken trm = maybe [trm]
(\ nid -> case trm of
Application oid [] _
| op_id oid == nid -> []
| otherwise ->
error "null element not found"
_ -> error "no Application found")
basicTerm :: TERM f -> Maybe Token
basicTerm trm = case trm of
Application oi [] _ ->
case op_id oi of
Id [tok] [] _ -> Just tok
_ -> error "wrong Id for getToken"
Application _oi _ats _ -> Nothing
_ -> error "wrong TERM for basicTerm"
sameId :: (Id -> Bool) -> Id -> TERM f -> Bool
sameId test i t = case t of
Application o its _
| op_id o == i &&
not (null its) -> all (sameId test i) its
| null its -> test $ op_id o -- digits i.e.
| otherwise -> False
_ -> False
op_id :: OP_SYMB -> Id
op_id op = case op of
Qual_op_name _ _ _ ->
error "cannot literally Print Qual_id"
Op_name x -> x
isQualOpSy :: OP_SYMB -> Bool
isQualOpSy o = case o of
Op_name _ -> False
Qual_op_name _ _ _ -> True