LiteralFuns.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
{- HetCATS/CASL/Print_AS_Basic.hs
Authors: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
Functions to test Ids [TERM]s for literals of CASL
module CASL.LiteralFuns ( CASL.LiteralFuns.isLiteral
, isNumber
, isSignedNumber
, isString
, isList
, isFloat
, isFrac
, collectElements
, basicTerm
, convCASLChar
, splitAppl
) where
-- debugging
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions (isLiteral,getLiteralType
, nullList, nullStr
isLiteral :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isLiteral ga i trm =
if Common.GlobalAnnotationsFunctions.isLiteral (literal_map ga) i
then or [ isNumber ga i trm
, isString ga i trm
, isList ga i trm
, isFloat ga i trm
, isFrac ga i trm
else False
{-print_Literal :: (forall a .PrettyPrint a => GlobalAnnos -> a -> Doc) ->
(Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
(Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> -- ^ a beside with space
-- like <+> or <\+>
([Doc] -> Doc) -> -- ^ a list concat with space and
-- fill the line policy like
-- fsep or fsep_latex
(forall b . PrettyPrint b =>
GlobalAnnos -> [b] -> Doc) ->
-- ^ a function that prints a nice
-- comma seperated list like commaT
-- or commaT_latex
GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Doc
print_Literal pf parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun commaT_fun
ga li ts
| isNumber li ts = hcat $ map (pf ga) $ toksNumber li
| isString li ts = pf ga $ (\s -> let r = '"':(s ++ "\"") in seq r r) $
concatMap convCASLChar $ toksString li
{- | isList li ts = case list_lit (literal_annos ga) of
Nothing -> error "something impossible happend: a list id is recognized but no literal information is found"
Just (b_id,_,_) -> pf ga tok_list ts
{- -> condPrint_Mixfix pf parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun
ga li ts -- TODO:
| otherwise = condPrint_Mixfix pf parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun commaT_fun
ga li ts
where literalType = getLiteralType lmap li
-} -- -}
isNumber :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isNumber ga i trs =
digitTest i || (getLiteralType (literal_map ga) i == Number &&
all (sameId digitTest i) trs)
where digitTest ii = case ii of
Id [t] [] _ -> isDigit $ head $ tokStr t
_ -> False
isSignedNumber :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isSignedNumber ga i trs = isSign i && isNumber ga ni nt
where (ni,nt) = splitAppl t_trs
[t_trs] = trs
isSign :: Id -> Bool
isSign i = case i of
Id [tok] [] _ -> let ts = tokStr tok
in ts == "-" || ts == "+"
_ -> False
isString :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isString ga i trs = literalType == StringNull ||
(literalType == StringCons &&
all (sameId stringTest i) trs)
where {- nullStr = case string_lit $ literal_annos ga of
Just (n,_) -> n
Nothing -> error "isString: nullStr not found"-}
literalType = getLiteralType (literal_map ga) i
stringTest ii = ii == (nullStr ga) ||
case ii of
Id [t] [] _ -> head (tokStr t) == '\''
_ -> False
convCASLChar :: Token -> String
convCASLChar t = case tokStr t of
cs | head cs == '\''
&& last cs == '\'' -> init $ tail cs
| otherwise ->
error ("convCASLChar: " ++ cs ++
" is not a valid CASL Char")
isList :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isList ga i trms = getLiteralType' i == ListNull ||
(getLiteralType' i == ListCons &&
listTest i trms)
where getLiteralType' = getLiteralType (literal_map ga)
listTest i1 [] = getLiteralType' i1 == ListNull
listTest i1 (_:y:[]) = getLiteralType' i1 == ListCons
&& (applTest && listTest i' ts')
where (applTest,i',ts') =
case y of
Application o ts [] -> (True,op_id o,ts)
_ -> (False,Id [] [] [], [])
listTest _ _ = error "wrong call of listTest"
isFloat :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isFloat ga i trms = getLiteralType (literal_map ga) i == Floating
&& (isNumber ga li ltrm || isFrac ga li ltrm)
&& (isSignedNumber ga ri rtrm || isNumber ga ri rtrm)
where (li,ltrm) = left
(ri,rtrm) = right
(left,right) = case trms of
[] -> error "isFloat: no terms found"
[_] -> error "isFloat: too few terms found"
[l,r] -> (splitAppl l, splitAppl r)
_ -> error "isFloat: too many terms found"
isFrac :: GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM] -> Bool
isFrac ga i trms = getLiteralType (literal_map ga) i == Fraction &&
isNumber ga li ltrm && isNumber ga ri rtrm
where (li,ltrm) = left
(ri,rtrm) = right
(left,right) = case trms of
[] -> error "isFrac: no terms found"
[_] -> error "isFrac: too few terms found"
[l,r] -> (splitAppl l, splitAppl r)
_ -> error "isFrac: too many terms found"
splitAppl :: TERM -> (Id,[TERM])
splitAppl t = case t of
Application oi ts _ -> (op_id oi,ts)
_ -> error "splitAppl: no Application found"
collectElements :: (Maybe Id) -> Id -> [TERM] -> [TERM]
collectElements mnid i trs =
case trs of
[] -> error "no elements to collect"
[x] -> getToken x
[x,y] -> x : collectElements mnid i (splitA i y)
_ys -> error "too many elements to collect"
where splitA ii t = case t of
Application oi its _
| op_id oi == ii -> its
| otherwise -> [t]
_ -> error "splitA: no Appl found"
getToken :: TERM -> [TERM]
getToken trm = case mnid of
Nothing -> [trm]
Just nid -> case trm of
Application oid [] _
| op_id oid == nid -> []
| otherwise ->
error "null element not found"
_ -> error "no Application found"
basicTerm :: TERM -> Maybe Token
basicTerm trm = case trm of
Application oi [] _ ->
case op_id oi of
Id [tok] [] _ -> Just tok
_ -> error "wrong Id for getToken"
Application _oi _ats _ -> Nothing
_ -> error "wrong TERM for basicTerm"
{- rec _cid _nid [] = False
rec _cid nid [t] = case t of
Application o its _
| op_id o == nid -> True
| otherwise -> False
_ -> False
rec cid nid (trm:trms) = case trm of
Application o its _
| op_id o == cid ->
case its of
(_c_t:str_ts@(_str_t:[])) ->
rec cid nid str_ts
_ -> False
_ -> False
sameId :: (Id -> Bool) -> Id -> TERM -> Bool
sameId test i t = case t of
Application o its _
| op_id o == i &&
not (null its) -> all (sameId test i) its
| null its -> test $ op_id o -- digits i.e.
| otherwise -> False
Simple_id _ -> True
_ -> False
op_id :: OP_SYMB -> Id
op_id op = case op of
Qual_op_name _ _ _ ->
error "cannot lierally Print Qual_id"
Op_name x -> x