LaTeX_CASL.hs revision 1f086d5155f47fdad9a0de4e46bbebb2c4b33d30
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
latex printing of sign and morphism data types
module CASL.LaTeX_CASL where
import Common.Keywords
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.LaTeX_AS_Basic
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import Common.PrintLaTeX
instance PrintLaTeX OpType where
printLatex0 ga ot = printLatex0 ga $ toOP_TYPE ot
instance PrintLaTeX PredType where
printLatex0 ga pt = printLatex0 ga $ toPRED_TYPE pt
instance (PrintLaTeX f, PrintLaTeX e) => PrintLaTeX (Sign f e) where
printLatex0 ga s =
ptext sortS <+> commaT_latex ga (Set.toList $ sortSet s)
(if Rel.isEmpty (sortRel s) then empty
else ptext sortS <+>
(vcat $ map printRel $ Map.toList $ Rel.toMap $ sortRel s))
vcat (map (\ (i, t) ->
ptext opS <+>
printLatex0 ga i <+> colon <>
printLatex0 ga t)
$ concatMap (\ (o, ts) ->
map ( \ ty -> (o, ty) ) $ Set.toList ts)
$ Map.toList $ opMap s)
vcat (map (\ (i, t) ->
ptext predS <+>
printLatex0 ga i <+> colon <+>
printLatex0 ga (toPRED_TYPE t))
$ concatMap (\ (o, ts) ->
map ( \ ty -> (o, ty) ) $ Set.toList ts)
$ Map.toList $ predMap s)
where printRel (subs, supersorts) =
printLatex0 ga subs <+> ptext lessS <+> printSet ga supersorts
instance PrintLaTeX Symbol where
printLatex0 ga sy =
printLatex0 ga (symName sy) <>
(if isEmpty t then empty
else ptext colonS <> t)
t = printLatex0 ga (symbType sy)
instance PrintLaTeX SymbType where
printLatex0 ga (OpAsItemType ot) = printLatex0 ga ot
printLatex0 ga (PredAsItemType pt) = printLatex0 ga pt
printLatex0 _ SortAsItemType = empty
instance PrintLaTeX Kind where
printLatex0 _ SortKind = ptext sortS
printLatex0 _ FunKind = ptext opS
printLatex0 _ PredKind = ptext predS
instance PrintLaTeX RawSymbol where
printLatex0 ga rsym = case rsym of
ASymbol sy -> printLatex0 ga sy
AnID i -> printLatex0 ga i
AKindedId k i -> printLatex0 ga k <+> printLatex0 ga i
instance (PrintLaTeX f, PrintLaTeX e, PrintLaTeX m) =>
PrintLaTeX (Morphism f e m) where
printLatex0 ga mor =
(if null sorts then empty
else ptext sortS <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma sorts))
(if null ops then empty
else ptext opS <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma ops))
(if null preds then empty
else ptext predS <+> (fsep $ punctuate comma preds))
$$ printLatex0 ga (extended_map mor)
ptext " : " $$
ptext "{" <+> printLatex0 ga (msource mor) <+> ptext "}" <+>
ptext "->" <+>
ptext "{" <+> printLatex0 ga (mtarget mor) <+> ptext "}"
where sorts = map print_sort_map (Map.toList $ sort_map mor)
print_sort_map (s1,s2) =
printLatex0 ga s1 <+> ptext "|->" <+> printLatex0 ga s2
ops = map print_op_map (Map.toList $ fun_map mor)
print_op_map ((id1,ot),(id2, _)) =
printLatex0 ga (Qual_op_name id1 (toOP_TYPE ot) [])
<+> ptext "|->" <+>
printLatex0 ga id2
preds = map print_pred_map (Map.toList $ pred_map mor)
print_pred_map ((id1,pt),id2) =
printLatex0 ga (Qual_pred_name id1 (toPRED_TYPE pt) [])
<+> ptext "|->" <+>
printLatex0 ga id2