LaTeX_AS_Basic.hs revision 6caada8926a23123aee618f61d64fe82cfd6e91e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
latex printing data types of 'BASIC_SPEC'
module CASL.LaTeX_AS_Basic where
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Print_AS_Basic
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import CASL.LiteralFuns
import Common.LaTeX_AS_Annotation
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrintLaTeX
import Common.LaTeX_utils
import Common.PPUtils
instance (PrintLaTeX b, PrintLaTeX s, PrintLaTeX f)
=> PrintLaTeX (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
printLatex0 ga (Basic_spec l) =
if null l then braces_latex empty else vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) l)
instance (PrintLaTeX b, PrintLaTeX s, PrintLaTeX f) =>
PrintLaTeX (BASIC_ITEMS b s f) where
printLatex0 ga (Sig_items s) = printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Free_datatype l _) =
fsep_latex [hc_sty_plain_keyword "free"
<~> setTab_latex
<> hc_sty_plain_keyword ("type"++ pluralS l)
,tabbed_nest_latex $ semiAnno_latex ga l]
printLatex0 ga (Sort_gen l _) =
hang_latex (hc_sty_plain_keyword generatedS
<~> setTab_latex<> condTypeS) 9 $
tabbed_nest_latex $ condBraces
(vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) l))
where condTypeS =
if isOnlyDatatype then
hc_sty_plain_keyword (typeS++pluralS l)
else empty
condBraces d =
if isOnlyDatatype then
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Datatype_items l' _) _ lans _ ->
vcat (map (printLatex0 ga) lans)
$$ semiAnno_latex ga l'
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
else braces_latex d
isOnlyDatatype =
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Datatype_items _ _) _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
printLatex0 ga (Var_items l _) =
hc_sty_plain_keyword (varS++pluralS l) <\+>
semiT_latex ga l
printLatex0 ga (Local_var_axioms l f _) =
hc_sty_axiom "\\forall" <\+> semiT_latex ga l
$$ printLatex0Axioms ga f
printLatex0 ga (Axiom_items f _) =
printLatex0Axioms ga f
printLatex0 ga (Ext_BASIC_ITEMS b) = printLatex0 ga b
printLatex0Axioms :: PrintLaTeX f =>
GlobalAnnos -> [Annoted (FORMULA f)] -> Doc
printLatex0Axioms ga f =
vcat $ map (printAnnotedFormula_Latex0 ga) f
printAnnotedFormula_Latex0 :: PrintLaTeX f =>
GlobalAnnos -> Annoted (FORMULA f) -> Doc
printAnnotedFormula_Latex0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<\+> set_tabbed_nest_latex (printLatex0 ga i)
las' = if not $ null las then
sp_text 0 "\n" <> printAnnotationList_Latex0 ga las
(la,ras') =
splitAndPrintRAnnos printLatex0
(latex_macro "\\`") ga ras
in {-trace (show i)-} (las' $+$ fsep_latex [i',la] $$ ras')
instance (PrintLaTeX s, PrintLaTeX f) =>
PrintLaTeX (SIG_ITEMS s f) where
printLatex0 ga (Sort_items l _) =
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga (sortS++pluralS l) <\+>
set_tabbed_nest_latex (semiAnno_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Op_items l _) =
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga (opS++pluralS l) <\+>
set_tabbed_nest_latex (semiAnno_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Pred_items l _) =
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga (predS++pluralS l) <\+>
set_tabbed_nest_latex (semiAnno_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Datatype_items l _) =
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga (typeS++pluralS l) <\+>
set_tabbed_nest_latex (semiAnno_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Ext_SIG_ITEMS s) = printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (SORT_ITEM f) where
printLatex0 ga (Sort_decl l _) = commaT_latex ga l
printLatex0 ga (Subsort_decl l t _) =
hang_latex (commaT_latex ga l) 8 $
hc_sty_axiom lessS <\+> printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (Subsort_defn s v t f _) =
printLatex0 ga s <\+> equals_latex <\+>
braces_latex (set_tabbed_nest_latex $ fsep
[printLatex0 ga v
<> colon_latex
<\+> printLatex0 ga t,
hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<\+> set_tabbed_nest_latex (printLatex0 ga f)])
printLatex0 ga (Iso_decl l _) =
fsep_latex $ punctuate (space_latex<>equals_latex) $
map (printLatex0 ga) l
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (OP_ITEM f) where
printLatex0 ga (Op_decl l t a _) =
{-cat [ cat [commaT_latex ga l
,colon_latex <> printLatex0 ga t <> condComma]
, if na then empty
else commaT_latex ga a
if na then ids_sig
else setTabWithSpaces_latex 4
fsep [ids_sig,
tabbed_nest_latex $ commaT_latex ga a]
where ids_sig = -- setTabWithSpaces_latex 6 <>
fsep [commaT_latex ga l<\+>colon_latex,
tabbed_nest_latex (if na then sig
else sig <> comma_latex)]
sig = printLatex0 ga t
na = null a
printLatex0 ga (Op_defn n h term _) =
setTabWithSpaces_latex 4 <>
tab_hang_latex (printLatex0 ga n
<> printLatex0 ga h
<\+> equals_latex)
4 (printLatex0 ga term)
instance PrintLaTeX OP_TYPE where
printLatex0 ga (Total_op_type l s _) =
let (arg_types,type_arr) = if null l then (empty,empty)
else (space_latex <>
crossT_latex ga l,
hc_sty_axiom "\\rightarrow")
result_type = printLatex0 ga s
in if isEmpty arg_types then result_type
else sep_latex [arg_types,type_arr <\+> result_type]
printLatex0 ga (Partial_op_type l s _) =
(if null l then hc_sty_axiom quMark
else space_latex
<> crossT_latex ga l
<\+>hc_sty_axiom ("\\rightarrow" ++ quMark))
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX OP_HEAD where
printLatex0 ga (Total_op_head l s _) =
(if null l then empty
else parens_latex (semiT_latex ga l))
<> colon_latex
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Partial_op_head l s _) =
(if null l then empty
else parens_latex(semiT_latex ga l))
<> colon_latex <> hc_sty_axiom quMark
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX ARG_DECL where
printLatex0 ga (Arg_decl l s _) = commaT_latex ga l
<> colon_latex
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (OP_ATTR f) where
printLatex0 _ (Assoc_op_attr) = hc_sty_id assocS
printLatex0 _ (Comm_op_attr) = hc_sty_id commS
printLatex0 _ (Idem_op_attr) = hc_sty_id idemS
printLatex0 ga (Unit_op_attr t) = hc_sty_id unitS <\+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (PRED_ITEM f) where
printLatex0 ga (Pred_decl l t _) = commaT_latex ga l
<\+> colon_latex <\+> printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (Pred_defn n h f _) =
sep_latex [printLatex0 ga n
<> printLatex0 ga h
<\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\Leftrightarrow",
printLatex0 ga f]
instance PrintLaTeX PRED_TYPE where
printLatex0 _ (Pred_type [] _) = parens_latex empty
printLatex0 ga (Pred_type l _) = crossT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX PRED_HEAD where
printLatex0 ga (Pred_head l _) =
parens_latex (semiT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX DATATYPE_DECL where
printLatex0 ga (Datatype_decl s a _) =
printLatex0 ga s <\+>
(defnS'<> setTab_latex<~>
(printLatex0 ga $ head a)<>casl_normal_latex "~":
(map (\x -> tabbed_nest_latex (latex_macro
"\\hspace*{-0.84mm}"<> ---}
casl_normal_latex "\\textbar")
<~> (printLatex0 ga x)<>casl_normal_latex "~") $
tail a))
where defnS' = hc_sty_axiom defnS
instance PrintLaTeX ALTERNATIVE where
printLatex0 ga (Total_construct n l _) = tabbed_nest_latex (
printLatex0 ga n <> if null l then empty
else parens_tab_latex ( semiT_latex ga l))
printLatex0 ga (Partial_construct n l _) =
tabbed_nest_latex (printLatex0 ga n
<> parens_tab_latex
( semiT_latex ga l)
<> hc_sty_axiom quMark )
printLatex0 ga (Subsorts l _) =
hc_sty_id sortS <\+> commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX COMPONENTS where
printLatex0 ga (Total_select l s _) =
commaT_latex ga l <> colon_latex <> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Partial_select l s _) =
commaT_latex ga l
<> colon_latex <> hc_sty_axiom quMark
<> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Sort s) = printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX VAR_DECL where
printLatex0 ga (Var_decl l s _) = commaT_latex ga l
<> colon_latex
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (FORMULA f) where
printLatex0 ga (Quantification q l f _) =
set_tabbed_nest_latex $ fsep_latex
[printLatex0 ga q <\+> semiT_latex ga l ,
hc_sty_axiom "\\bullet"
<\+> set_tabbed_nest_latex (printLatex0 ga f)]
printLatex0 ga (Conjunction fs _) =
sep_latex $ punctuate (space_latex <> hc_sty_axiom "\\wedge")
$ map (condParensXjunction printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga) fs
{- (sep_latex $ prepand_head $
prepPunctuate (hc_sty_axiom "\\wedge" <> space_latex) $
map (condParensXjunction printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga) fs)
where prepand_head l = case l of
[] -> []
[x] -> l
(x:xs) -> (hspace_latex "0.375cm"<>x) : xs-}
printLatex0 ga (Disjunction fs _) =
sep_latex $ punctuate (space_latex <> hc_sty_axiom "\\vee")
$ map (condParensXjunction printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga) fs
{- (sep_latex $ prepand_head $
prepPunctuate (hc_sty_axiom "\\vee" <> space_latex) $
map (condParensXjunction printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga) fs)
where prepand_head l = case l of
[] -> []
[x] -> l
(x:xs) -> (hspace_latex "0.375cm"<>x): xs-}
printLatex0 ga i@(Implication f g b _) =
{-trace pos $ -}
if not b
then (
hang_latex (condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga i g
<\+> hc_sty_id "if") 3 $
condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga i f)
else (
hang_latex (condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga i f
<\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\Rightarrow") 3 $
condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga i g)
{- where pos = "Implication: \"=>\": "++show p
++"; left_most_id_of_first_formula: "
++(show $ left_most_pos f )-}
printLatex0 ga e@(Equivalence f g _) =
[condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga e f
<\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\Leftrightarrow",
condParensImplEquiv printLatex0 parens_tab_latex ga e g]
printLatex0 ga (Negation f _) = hc_sty_axiom "\\neg" <\+> printLatex0 ga f
printLatex0 _ (True_atom _) = hc_sty_id trueS
printLatex0 _ (False_atom _) = hc_sty_id falseS
printLatex0 ga (Predication p l _) =
let (p_id,isQual) =
case p of
Pred_name i -> (i,False)
Qual_pred_name i _ _ -> (i,True)
p' = printLatex0 ga p
in if isQual then
print_prefix_appl_latex ga p' l
else condPrint_Mixfix_latex ga p_id l
printLatex0 ga (Definedness f _) = hc_sty_id defS <\+> printLatex0 ga f
printLatex0 ga (Existl_equation f g _) =
hang_latex (printLatex0 ga f
<\+> sp_text (axiom_width "=")
"\\Ax{\\stackrel{e}{=}}") 8
$ printLatex0 ga g
printLatex0 ga (Strong_equation f g _) =
hang_latex (printLatex0 ga f <\+> hc_sty_axiom "=") 8
$ printLatex0 ga g
printLatex0 ga (Membership f g _) =
printLatex0 ga f <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\in" <\+> printLatex0 ga g
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_formula t) = printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 _ (Unparsed_formula s _) = text s
printLatex0 ga (Sort_gen_ax constrs _) =
hc_sty_id generatedS <>
braces_latex (hc_sty_id sortS <+> commaT_latex ga sorts
<> semi_latex <+> semiT_latex ga ops)
<+>(if null sortMap then empty
else hc_sty_id withS
<+> fsep_latex (punctuate comma_latex (map printSortMap sortMap)))
(sorts,ops,sortMap) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
printSortMap (s1,s2) = printLatex0 ga s1 <+> hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto"
<+> printLatex0 ga s2
printLatex0 ga (ExtFORMULA f) = printLatex0 ga f
instance PrintLaTeX QUANTIFIER where
printLatex0 _ (Universal) = hc_sty_axiom "\\forall"
printLatex0 _ (Existential) = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists"
printLatex0 _ (Unique_existential) = hc_sty_axiom "\\exists!"
instance PrintLaTeX PRED_SYMB where
printLatex0 ga (Pred_name n) = printLatex0 ga n
printLatex0 ga (Qual_pred_name n t _) =
parens_latex $ hc_sty_id predS
<\+> printLatex0 ga n
<\+> colon_latex <\+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX f => PrintLaTeX (TERM f) where
printLatex0 ga (Simple_id i) = printLatex0 ga i
printLatex0 ga (Qual_var n t _) = -- HERE
parens_latex $ hc_sty_id varS
<\+> printLatex0 ga n
<\+> colon_latex <\+> printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (Application o l _) =
let (o_id,isQual) =
case o of
Op_name i -> (i,False)
Qual_op_name i _ _ -> (i,True)
o' = printLatex0 ga o
in if isQual then
print_prefix_appl_latex ga (parens_latex o') l
if isLiteral ga o_id l then
{-trace ("print_Application: "++show ap)-}
(print_Literal_latex ga o_id l)
condPrint_Mixfix_latex ga o_id l
printLatex0 ga (Sorted_term t s _) =
printLatex0 ga t <\+> colon_latex <\+> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Cast t s _) =
printLatex0 ga t <\+> hc_sty_id asS <\+> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga(Conditional u f v _) =
hang_latex (printLatex0 ga u) 8 $
sep_latex ((hc_sty_id whenS <\+> printLatex0 ga f):
[hc_sty_id elseS <\+> printLatex0 ga v])
printLatex0 _ (Unparsed_term s _) = text s
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_qual_pred p) = printLatex0 ga p
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_term l) =
cat(punctuate space (map (printLatex0 ga) l))
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_token t) = printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_sorted_term s _) = colon
<> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_cast s _) = text asS
<\+> printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_parenthesized l _) =
parens_tab_latex (commaT_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_bracketed l _) =
brackets_latex (commaT_latex ga l)
printLatex0 ga (Mixfix_braced l _) =
braces_latex (commaT_latex ga l)
instance PrintLaTeX OP_SYMB where
printLatex0 ga (Op_name o) = printLatex0 ga o
printLatex0 ga (Qual_op_name o t _) =
hc_sty_id opS
<\+> printLatex0 ga o <\+> colon_latex <> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_ITEMS where
printLatex0 ga (Symb_items k l _) =
print_kind_latex ga k l <\+> commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_ITEMS_LIST where
printLatex0 ga (Symb_items_list l _) = commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
printLatex0 ga (Symb_map_items k l _) =
print_kind_latex ga k l <\+> commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_MAP_ITEMS_LIST where
printLatex0 ga (Symb_map_items_list l _) = commaT_latex ga l
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_KIND where
printLatex0 _ Implicit = empty
printLatex0 _ Sorts_kind = casl_keyword_latex sortS
printLatex0 _ Ops_kind = casl_keyword_latex opS
printLatex0 _ Preds_kind = casl_keyword_latex predS
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB where
printLatex0 ga (Symb_id i) = printLatex0 ga i
printLatex0 ga (Qual_id i t _) =
printLatex0 ga i <\+> colon_latex <\+> printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX TYPE where
printLatex0 ga (O_type t) = printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (P_type t) = printLatex0 ga t
printLatex0 ga (A_type t) = printLatex0 ga t
instance PrintLaTeX SYMB_OR_MAP where
printLatex0 ga (Symb s) = printLatex0 ga s
printLatex0 ga (Symb_map s t _) =
printLatex0 ga s <\+> hc_sty_axiom "\\mapsto" <\+> printLatex0 ga t
print_kind_latex :: GlobalAnnos -> SYMB_KIND -> [a] -> Doc
print_kind_latex ga k l =
case k of
Implicit -> empty
_ -> latex_macro "\\KW{"<>kw<>s<>latex_macro "}"
where kw = printLatex0 ga k
s = case pluralS_symb_list k l of
"" -> empty
s' -> casl_keyword_latex s'
condPrint_Mixfix_latex :: PrintLaTeX f => GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
condPrint_Mixfix_latex ga =
condPrint_Mixfix (printLatex0 ga) (printLatex0 ga) (printLatex0 ga)
(<\+>) fsep_latex comma_latex
(Just $ printDisplayToken_latex casl_axiom_latex)
(Just DF_LATEX) ga
print_prefix_appl_latex :: PrintLaTeX f => GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_prefix_appl_latex ga =
print_prefix_appl (printLatex0 ga) parens_tab_latex fsep_latex comma_latex
print_Literal_latex :: PrintLaTeX f => GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_Literal_latex ga =
print_Literal (printLatex0 ga) (printLatex0 ga) (printLatex0 ga)
(<\+>) fsep_latex comma_latex
(casl_normal_latex ".") (casl_normal_latex "E")
(Just $ printDisplayToken_latex casl_axiom_latex)
(Just DF_LATEX) ga
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword :: GlobalAnnos -> String -> Doc
hc_sty_sig_item_keyword ga str =
(if is_inside_gen_arg ga then hc_sty_plain_keyword
else hc_sty_casl_keyword ) str