Kif2CASL.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parser for SUMO (suggested upper merged ontology) .kif files
Copyright : (c) T.Mossakowski, C.Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser for SUMO (suggested upper merged ontology) .kif files
module CASL.Kif2CASL where
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ToId
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as Doc
import CASL.Kif
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Logic_CASL
-- | the universal sort
universe :: SORT
universe = toId "U"
-- | translation of formulas
kif2CASLFormula :: ListOfList -> CASLFORMULA
kif2CASLFormula (List (Literal KToken "and" : phis)) =
Conjunction (map kif2CASLFormula phis) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List (Literal KToken "or" : phis)) =
Disjunction (map kif2CASLFormula phis) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "=>", phi1, phi2]) =
Implication (kif2CASLFormula phi1) (kif2CASLFormula phi2) True nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "<=>", phi1, phi2]) =
Equivalence (kif2CASLFormula phi1) (kif2CASLFormula phi2) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "not", phi]) =
Negation (kif2CASLFormula phi) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "True"]) =
True_atom nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "False"]) =
False_atom nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "exists", List vl, phi]) =
Quantification Existential (kif2CASLvardeclList vl) (kif2CASLFormula phi) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "forall", List vl, phi]) =
Quantification Universal (kif2CASLvardeclList vl) (kif2CASLFormula phi) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List [Literal KToken "equal",t1,t2]) =
Strong_equation (kif2CASLTerm t1) (kif2CASLTerm t2) nullRange
kif2CASLFormula (List (Literal KToken p:rest)) =
Predication (Pred_name (toId p))
(map kif2CASLTerm rest) nullRange
-- also translate 2nd order applications to 1st order, using holds predicate
kif2CASLFormula (List l) =
Predication (Pred_name (toId "holds"))
(map kif2CASLTerm l) nullRange
-- a variable in place of a formula; coerce from Booleans
kif2CASLFormula (Literal QWord v) =
Strong_equation (Simple_id (toVar v))
kif2CASLFormula x = error ("kif2CASLFormula : cannot translate" ++
show (ppListOfList x))
trueTerm :: TERM ()
trueTerm = Application (Op_name $ toId "True") [] nullRange
falseTerm :: TERM ()
falseTerm = Application (Op_name $ toId "False") [] nullRange
toVar :: String -> Token
toVar v = toSimpleId $ 'v' : tail v
kif2CASLTerm :: ListOfList -> TERM ()
kif2CASLTerm ll = case ll of
Literal QWord v -> Simple_id $ toVar v
Literal _ s -> Application (Op_name $ toId s) [] nullRange
-- a formula in place of a term; coerce to Booleans
List (Literal l f : args) ->
if f `elem` ["forall","exists"] -- ,"and","or","=>","<=>","not"]
then Conditional trueTerm
(kif2CASLFormula (List (Literal l f : args))) falseTerm nullRange
else Application (Op_name $ toId f) (map kif2CASLTerm args) nullRange
_ -> error $ "kif2CASLTerm : cannot translate " ++ show (ppListOfList ll)
-- | translation of variable declaration lists
kif2CASLvardeclList :: [ListOfList] -> [VAR_DECL]
kif2CASLvardeclList = map kif2CASLvardecl
-- | translation of variable declarations
kif2CASLvardecl :: ListOfList -> VAR_DECL
kif2CASLvardecl l = case l of
Literal _ v -> Var_decl [toVar v] universe nullRange
_ -> error $ "kif2CASLvardecl " ++ show (ppListOfList l)
-- | first pass of translation, just collecting the formulas
kif2CASLpass1 :: [ListOfList] -> [Annoted CASLFORMULA]
kif2CASLpass1 [] = []
kif2CASLpass1 (phi:rest) =
(emptyAnno phi') { r_annos = annos } : kif2CASLpass1 rest'
where phi' = kif2CASLFormula phi
(annos,rest') = skipComments [] rest
-- | chech for comment
isKifComment :: ListOfList -> Bool
isKifComment (List (Literal KToken "documentation":_)) = True
isKifComment _ = False
-- | convert comment to annotation
toAnno :: ListOfList -> Annotation
toAnno (List (_:l)) =
Unparsed_anno Comment_start
(Group_anno [show $ Doc.vcat $ map ppListOfList l]) nullRange
toAnno _ = error "Kif2CASL.toAnno: wrong format of comment"
-- | skip the first comments; they belong to the whole file
skipComments :: [Annotation] -> [ListOfList] -> ([Annotation], [ListOfList])
skipComments acc [] = (reverse acc,[])
skipComments acc l@(x:rest) =
if isKifComment x
then skipComments (toAnno x:acc) rest
else (reverse acc,l)
data Predsym = Predsym Int PRED_NAME
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
sameArity :: Predsym -> Predsym -> Bool
sameArity (Predsym m _) (Predsym n _) = m==n
getName :: Predsym -> PRED_NAME
getName (Predsym _ p) = p
-- | collect all predicate symbols used in a formula
collectPreds :: CASLFORMULA -> Set.Set Predsym
collectPreds = foldFormula
(constRecord (error "Kif2CASL.collectPreds") Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldPredication = \ _ p args _ -> Set.insert
(Predsym (length args)
(case p of
Pred_name pn -> pn
Qual_pred_name pn _ _ -> pn))
(Set.unions args) }
collectVars :: CASLFORMULA -> Set.Set Token
collectVars = foldFormula
(constRecord (error "Kif2CASL.collectVars") Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldSimpleId = \ _ v -> Set.singleton v }
data Opsym = Opsym Int OP_NAME
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
sameOpArity :: Opsym -> Opsym -> Bool
sameOpArity (Opsym m _) (Opsym n _) = m==n
getOpName :: Opsym -> OP_NAME
getOpName (Opsym _ p) = p
collectOps :: CASLFORMULA -> Set.Set Opsym
collectOps = foldFormula
(constRecord (error "Kif2CASL.collectConsts") Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldApplication = \ _ o l _ ->
Set.insert (Opsym (length l) (case o of
Op_name i -> i
Qual_op_name i _ _ -> i) )
(Set.unions l) }
nonEmpty :: Annoted (BASIC_ITEMS () () ()) -> Bool
nonEmpty bi = case item bi of
Sig_items (Sort_items l _) -> not (null l)
Sig_items (Op_items l _) -> not (null l)
Sig_items (Pred_items l _) -> not (null l)
Var_items l _ -> not (null l)
Axiom_items l _ -> not (null l)
_ -> True
-- | main translation function
kif2CASL :: [ListOfList] -> BASIC_SPEC () () ()
kif2CASL l = Basic_spec $ filter nonEmpty
[(emptyAnno sorts) { l_annos = ans },
emptyAnno ops, emptyAnno preds,
emptyAnno vars, emptyAnno axs]
where (ans,rest) = skipComments [] l
phis = kif2CASLpass1 rest
axs = Axiom_items phis nullRange
preds = Sig_items $ Pred_items preddecls nullRange
predsyms = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map (collectPreds . item) phis
preddecls = map (emptyAnno . mkPreddecl) (List.groupBy sameArity predsyms)
mkPreddecl [] = error "kif2CASL: this cannot happen"
mkPreddecl psyms@(Predsym arity _:_) =
Pred_decl (map getName psyms)
(Pred_type (replicate arity universe) nullRange)
sorts = Sig_items $ Sort_items [emptyAnno sortdecl] nullRange
sortdecl = Sort_decl [universe] nullRange
ops = Sig_items $ Op_items opdecls nullRange
opsyms = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map (collectOps . item) phis
opdecls = map (emptyAnno . mkOpdecl) (List.groupBy sameOpArity opsyms)
mkOpdecl [] = error "kif2CASL: this cannot happen"
mkOpdecl opsms@(Opsym arity _ : _) =
Op_decl (map getOpName opsms)
(Op_type Total (replicate arity universe) universe nullRange)
[] nullRange
usedVars = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map (collectVars . item) phis
vars = Var_items (if null usedVars then []
else [Var_decl usedVars universe nullRange])