Kif.hs revision cb4055cc3af69318bf29f7a6a8c6a8470711c906
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parsing lists of lists with SUMO .kif files
Copyright : (c) T.Mossakowski, C.Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parsing lists of lists with SUMO (suggested upper merged ontology) .kif files
module CASL.Kif where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as Doc
import Data.Char
data StringKind = Quoted | KToken | QWord | AtWord deriving Show
data ListOfList = Literal StringKind String | List [ListOfList]
deriving Show
-- | skip white spaces and comments for the lexer
dq :: Char
dq = '"'
scanString :: CharParser st String
scanString = do
o <- char dq
s <- many $ fmap (: []) (satisfy (/= dq)) <|> (try (string "\\\""))
c <- char dq
return $ o : concat s ++ [c]
isKTokenChar :: Char -> Bool
isKTokenChar c = isPrint c && not (elem c "()\";" || isSpace c)
scanLiteral :: CharParser st ListOfList
scanLiteral = do
s@(c : _) <- many1 (satisfy isKTokenChar)
return $ Literal (if c == '?' then QWord else if c=='@' then AtWord else KToken) s
eolOrEof :: GenParser Char st ()
eolOrEof = (oneOf "\n\r" >> return ()) <|> eof
commentOut :: CharParser st ()
commentOut = char ';' >> manyTill anyChar eolOrEof >> return ()
skip :: CharParser st [()]
skip = many ((satisfy isSpace >> return ()) <|> commentOut)
lexem :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
lexem p = do
r <- p
return r
nestedList :: CharParser st ListOfList
nestedList = do
lexem $ char '('
l <- many nestedList
lexem $ char ')'
return $ List l
<|> fmap (Literal Quoted) (lexem scanString)
<|> lexem scanLiteral
kifProg :: CharParser st [ListOfList]
kifProg = do
l <- many1 nestedList
return l
ppListOfList :: ListOfList -> Doc.Doc
ppListOfList e = case e of
Literal _ s -> Doc.text s
List l -> Doc.parens $ Doc.fsep $ map ppListOfList l
kifParse :: String -> IO ()
kifParse s = do
e <- parseFromFile kifProg s
case e of
Left err -> putStrLn $ show err
Right l -> putStrLn $ show $ Doc.vcat $ map ppListOfList l