ComputeTable.hs revision 47d6bc7bc9a708427f96be8d805f712697ad3d9e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Compute the composition table of a relational algebra that is
specified in a particular way in a CASL theory.
module CASL.CompositionTable.ComputeTable where
import CASL.CompositionTable.CompositionTable
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
-- | given a specfication (name and theory), compute the composition table
computeCompTable :: SIMPLE_ID -> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
-> Result Table
computeCompTable spName (sig,nsens) = do
{- look for something isomorphic to
sorts BaseRel < Rel
id : BaseRel;
0,1 : Rel;
inv__ : BaseRel -> BaseRel;
__cmps__: BaseRel * BaseRel -> Rel;
compl__: Rel -> Rel;
__cup__ : Rel * Rel -> Rel, assoc, idem, comm, unit 1
forall x:BaseRel
. x cmps id = x
. id cmps x = x
. inv(id) = id
let name = showDoc spName ""
errmsg = "cannot determine composition table of specification "++name
errSorts = errmsg
++ "\nneed exactly two sorts s,t, with s<t, but found:\n"
++ showDoc ((emptySign ()::Sign () ())
{ sortSet = sortSet sig,
sortRel = sortRel sig }) ""
errOps ops prof =
errmsg ++ "\nneed exactly one operation "++prof++", but found:\n"
++ showDoc ops ""
-- look for sorts
(baseRel,rel) <-
case map Set.toList $ Rel.topSort $ sortRel sig of
[[b],[r]] -> return (b,r)
_ -> fail errSorts
-- types of operation symbols
let opTypes = concatMap (\ (o, ts) ->
map ( \ ty -> (ty, o) ) $ Set.toList ts)
$ Map.toList (opMap sig)
-- idt = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = baseRel}
-- zerot = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [], opRes = rel}
invt = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [baseRel], opRes = baseRel}
cmpt = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [baseRel,baseRel],
opRes = rel}
complt = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [rel], opRes = rel}
cupt = OpType {opKind = Total, opArgs = [rel,rel], opRes = rel}
-- look for operation symbols
let mlookup t = map snd $ filter (\(t',_) -> t==t') opTypes
let oplookup typ msg =
case mlookup typ of
[op] -> return op
ops -> fail (errOps ops msg )
cmps <- oplookup cmpt "__cmps__: BaseRel * BaseRel -> Rel"
_cmpl <- oplookup complt "compl__: Rel -> Rel"
inv <- oplookup invt "inv__ : BaseRel -> BaseRel"
cup <- oplookup cupt "__cup__ : Rel * Rel -> Rel"
{- look for
forall x:BaseRel
. x cmps id = x
. id cmps x = x
. inv(id) = id -}
-- let idaxioms idt =
-- [Quantification Universal [Var_decl [x] baseRel nullRange ....
-- let ids = mlookup idt
let sens = map (stripQuant . sentence) nsens
let cmpTab sen = case sen of
Strong_equation (Application (Qual_op_name c _ _)
[Application (Qual_op_name arg1 _ _) [] _,
Application (Qual_op_name arg2 _ _) [] _] _)
res _ ->
if c==cmps
Just (Cmptabentry
(Cmptabentry_Attrs {
cmptabentryArgBaserel1 = showDoc arg1 "",
cmptabentryArgBaserel2 = showDoc arg2 "" })
(extractRel cup res) )
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
let invTab sen = case sen of
Strong_equation (Application (Qual_op_name i _ _)
[Application (Qual_op_name arg _ _) [] _] _)
(Application (Qual_op_name res _ _) [] _) _ ->
if i==inv
Just (Contabentry {
contabentryArgBaseRel = showDoc arg "",
contabentryConverseBaseRel = showDoc res "" } )
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
let attrs = Table_Attrs {tableName = name,
tableIdentity = "id"}
compTable = Compositiontable (mapMaybe cmpTab sens)
convTable = Conversetable (mapMaybe invTab sens)
models = Models []
return $ Table attrs compTable convTable models
stripQuant :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
stripQuant (Quantification _ _ f _) = stripQuant f
stripQuant f = f
extractRel :: Id -> TERM f -> [Baserel]
extractRel cup (Application (Qual_op_name cup' _ _) [arg1,arg2] _) =
if cup==cup'
then extractRel cup arg1 ++ extractRel cup arg2
else []
extractRel _ (Application (Qual_op_name b _ _) [] _) =
[Baserel (showDoc b "")]
extractRel _ _ = []