CompositionTable.hs revision 356fa49fe3e6a8398f92d13e9f920d0f093697ec
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(uni-HaXml package)
XML output for composition tables
module CASL.CompositionTable.CompositionTable where
DTD unter
-- hets --spec=RCC8 -o comptable.xml Calculi/Space/RCC8.het
-- writes Calculi/Space/RCC8.comptable.xml
eliminate ops on rhs, resulting in list of base relations
add equations for id
import Text.XML.HaXml.Xml2Haskell
import Text.XML.HaXml.Types
import Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, vcat, render)
Using HaXml it is not very easy to just add a DOCTYPE to the derivated
XmlContent-instances so the following code takes care to create it.
Reading in the created files with standard HaXml-functions is not a problem.
-- Public identifier (suggestion)
publicId = "-//CoFI//DTD CompositionTable 1.1//EN"
-- System URI
systemURI = ""
-- for testing
--systemURI = "CompositionTable.dtd"
-- The root tag to use (derivated from Table-datatye)
rootTag = "table"
-- Create DTD without internal entities
table_dtd = DTD rootTag
(Just (PUBLIC (PubidLiteral publicId) (SystemLiteral systemURI))) []
-- Create a Prolog for XML-Version 1.0 and UTF-8 encoding (or ISO ?)
table_prolog = Prolog
(Just (XMLDecl "1.0absd" (Just (EncodingDecl "UTF-8")) Nothing))
[] (Just table_dtd) []
(Just table_dtd)
-- This function renders a Table-instance into a Doc-instance (pretty printing)
table_document t = vcat $ (prolog table_prolog):(map content (toElem t))
-- This function should be used when writing out a Table-instance
-- It adds a DOCTYPE-Element and encoding information to the generated Xml
-- HaXmlS fWriteXml-function would omit this extra-information
writeTable::FilePath->Table->IO ()
writeTable f t = writeFile f $ render $ table_document t
-- Shortcut to 'fReadXml f :: (IO Table)'
readTable::FilePath->(IO Table)
readTable = fReadXml
{-Type decls-}
data Table = Table Table_Attrs Compositiontable Conversetable Models
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Table_Attrs = Table_Attrs
{ tableName :: String
, tableIdentity :: String
, baseRelations :: [Baserel]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Compositiontable = Compositiontable [Cmptabentry]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Conversetable = Conversetable [Contabentry] |
{ inverse, shortcut, homing :: [Contabentry_Ternary] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Models = Models [Model]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Cmptabentry = Cmptabentry Cmptabentry_Attrs [Baserel]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Cmptabentry_Attrs = Cmptabentry_Attrs
{ cmptabentryArgBaserel1 :: Baserel
, cmptabentryArgBaserel2 :: Baserel
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Contabentry = Contabentry
{ contabentryArgBaseRel :: Baserel
, contabentryConverseBaseRel :: Baserel
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Contabentry_Ternary = Contabentry_Ternary
{ contabentry_TernaryArgBaseRel :: Baserel
, contabentry_TernaryConverseBaseRels :: [Baserel]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Model = Model
{ modelString1 :: String
, modelString2 :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Baserel = Baserel
{ baserelBaserel :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
{-Instance decls-}
instance XmlContent Table where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "table" as c0):rest) =
(\(c, _)->
(Just (Table (fromAttrs as) a b c), rest))
(definite fromElem "<models>" "table" cb))
(definite fromElem "<conversetable>" "table" ca))
(definite fromElem "<compositiontable>" "table" c0)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Table as a b c) =
[CElem (Elem "table" (toAttrs as) (toElem a ++ toElem b ++
toElem c))]
instance XmlAttributes Table_Attrs where
fromAttrs as =
{ tableName = definiteA fromAttrToStr "table" "name" as
, tableIdentity = definiteA fromAttrToStr "table" "identity" as
, baseRelations = []
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrStr "name" (tableName v)
, toAttrFrStr "identity" (tableIdentity v)
instance XmlContent Compositiontable where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "compositiontable" [] c0):rest) =
(\(a, _)->
(Just (Compositiontable a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Compositiontable a) =
[CElem (Elem "compositiontable" [] (concatMap toElem a))]
instance XmlContent Conversetable where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "conversetable" [] c0):rest) =
(\(a, _)->
(Just (Conversetable a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem ct = case ct of
Conversetable a ->
[CElem (Elem "conversetable" [] (concatMap toElem a))]
_ -> []
instance XmlContent Models where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "models" [] c0):rest) =
(\(a, _)->
(Just (Models a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Models a) =
[CElem (Elem "models" [] (concatMap toElem a))]
instance XmlContent Cmptabentry where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "cmptabentry" as c0):rest) =
(\(a, _)->
(Just (Cmptabentry (fromAttrs as) a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Cmptabentry as a) =
[CElem (Elem "cmptabentry" (toAttrs as) (concatMap toElem a))]
instance XmlAttributes Cmptabentry_Attrs where
fromAttrs as =
{ cmptabentryArgBaserel1 = Baserel (definiteA fromAttrToStr
"cmptabentry" "argBaserel1" as)
, cmptabentryArgBaserel2 = Baserel (definiteA fromAttrToStr
"cmptabentry" "argBaserel2" as)
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrStr "argBaserel1" (baserelBaserel(cmptabentryArgBaserel1 v))
, toAttrFrStr "argBaserel2" (baserelBaserel(cmptabentryArgBaserel2 v))
instance XmlContent Contabentry where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "contabentry" as []):rest) =
(Just (fromAttrs as), rest)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem as =
[CElem (Elem "contabentry" (toAttrs as) [])]
instance XmlAttributes Contabentry where
fromAttrs as =
{ contabentryArgBaseRel = Baserel (definiteA fromAttrToStr
"argBaseRel" as)
, contabentryConverseBaseRel = Baserel (definiteA fromAttrToStr
"converseBaseRel" as)
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrStr "argBaseRel" (baserelBaserel(contabentryArgBaseRel v))
, toAttrFrStr "converseBaseRel" (baserelBaserel
(contabentryConverseBaseRel v))
instance XmlContent Model where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "model" as []):rest) =
(Just (fromAttrs as), rest)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem as =
[CElem (Elem "model" (toAttrs as) [])]
instance XmlAttributes Model where
fromAttrs as =
{ modelString1 = definiteA fromAttrToStr "model" "string1" as
, modelString2 = definiteA fromAttrToStr "model" "string2" as
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrStr "string1" (modelString1 v)
, toAttrFrStr "string2" (modelString2 v)
instance XmlContent Baserel where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "baserel" as []):rest) =
(Just (fromAttrs as), rest)
fromElem (CMisc _:rest) = fromElem rest
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem as =
[CElem (Elem "baserel" (toAttrs as) [])]
instance XmlAttributes Baserel where
fromAttrs as =
{ baserelBaserel = definiteA fromAttrToStr "baserel" "baserel" as
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrStr "baserel" (baserelBaserel v)