ColimSign.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : CASL signatures colimits
Copyright : (c) Mihai Codescu, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
CASL signature colimits, computed component-wise.
Supposed to be working for CASL extensions as well.
based on
module CASL.ColimSign (signColimit, extCASLColimit) where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.Id
import Common.SetColimit
import Common.Utils (number, nubOrd)
import Common.Lib.Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Logic.Logic
extCASLColimit :: Gr () (Int, ()) ->
Map.Map Int CASLMor ->
((), Map.Map Int ())
extCASLColimit graph _ = ((), Map.fromList $ zip (nodes graph) (repeat ()))
-- central function for computing CASL signature colimits
signColimit :: (Category (Sign f e) (Morphism f e m)) =>
Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
( Gr e (Int, m) ->
Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m)
-> (e, Map.Map Int m)
(Sign f e, Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m))
signColimit graph extColimit =
case labNodes graph of
[] -> error "empty graph"
(n, sig) : [] -> (sig, Map.fromAscList [(n, ide sig)])
_ -> let
getSortMap (x, phi) = (x, sort_map phi)
sortGraph = emap getSortMap $ nmap sortSet graph
(setSort0, funSort0) = computeColimitSet sortGraph
(setSort, funSort) = addIntToSymbols (setSort0, funSort0)
sigmaSort = (emptySign $ error "err")
{ sortRel = Rel.fromKeysSet setSort }
phiSort = Map.fromList
$ map (\ (node, s) -> (node, (embedMorphism (error "err") s sigmaSort)
{sort_map = Map.findWithDefault (error "sort_map") node funSort}))
$ labNodes graph
relS = computeSubsorts graph funSort
sigmaRel = sigmaSort {sortRel = Rel.union relS $ sortRel sigmaSort }
phiRel = (\ phi -> phi {mtarget = sigmaRel}) phiSort
(sigmaOp, phiOp) = computeColimitOp graph sigmaRel phiRel
(sigmaPred, phiPred) = computeColimitPred graph sigmaOp phiOp
(sigAssoc, phiAssoc) = colimitAssoc graph sigmaPred phiPred
extGraph = emap (\ (i, phi) -> (i, extended_map phi)) $
nmap extendedInfo graph
(extInfo, extMaps) = extColimit extGraph phiAssoc
sigmaExt = sigAssoc {extendedInfo = extInfo}
phiExt = Map.mapWithKey
(\ node phi -> phi {mtarget = sigmaExt,
sort_map = Map.filterWithKey (/=) $ sort_map phi,
extended_map = Map.findWithDefault (error "ext_map")
node extMaps})
in (sigmaExt, phiExt)
{- computing subsorts in the colimit
the subsort relation in the colimit is the transitive closure
of the subsort relations in the diagram
mapped along the structural morphisms of the colimit -}
computeSubsorts :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Map.Map Node (EndoMap Id) -> Rel.Rel Id
computeSubsorts graph funSort = let
getPhiSort (x, phi) = (x, sort_map phi)
graph1 = nmap sortSet $ emap getPhiSort graph
rels = Map.fromList $ map (\ (node, sign) -> (node, sortRel sign)) $
labNodes graph
in subsorts (nodes graph1) graph1 rels funSort Rel.empty
{- rels is a function assigning to each node
the subsort relation of its label's elements -}
subsorts :: [Node] -> Gr (Set.Set SORT) (Int, Sort_map) ->
Map.Map Node (Rel.Rel SORT) -> Map.Map Node (EndoMap Id) -> Rel.Rel SORT ->
Rel.Rel SORT
subsorts listNode graph rels colimF rel =
case listNode of
[] -> rel
x : xs -> case lab graph x of
Nothing -> subsorts xs graph rels colimF rel
Just set -> let
f = Map.findWithDefault (error "subsorts") x colimF
genRel = Rel.fromList [ (
Map.findWithDefault (error "f(m)") m f,
Map.findWithDefault (error "f(n)") n f
| m <- Set.elems set, n <- Set.elems set,
Rel.member m n (Map.findWithDefault
(error "rels(x)") x rels) ]
in subsorts xs graph rels colimF (Rel.transClosure $
Rel.union rel genRel)
-- CASL signatures colimit on operation symbols
{- algorithm description:
1. project the graph on operation symbols
i.e. set of (Id, OpType)s in nodes and corresponding maps on edges
2. compute colimit in Set of the graph => a set of ((Id, OpType), Node)
3. build the overloading relation in colimit
two symbols are overloaded in the colimit
if there is some node and two opsymbols there
that are mapped in them and are overloaded
collect the names entering each symbol (try to keep names)
collect information about totality: a symbol must be total in the colimit
if we have a total symbol in the graph which is mapped to it
4. assign names to each partition, in order of size
(i.e. the equivalence class with most symbols
will be prefered to keep name):
if there is available a name of a symbol entering the class,
then assign that name to the class, otherwise generate a name
also the morphisms have to be built -}
computeColimitOp :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Sign f e -> Map.Map Node (Morphism f e m) ->
(Sign f e, Map.Map Node (Morphism f e m))
computeColimitOp graph sigmaRel phiSRel = let
graph' = buildOpGraph graph
(colim, morMap') = computeColimitSet graph'
(ovrl, names, totalOps) = buildColimOvrl graph graph' colim morMap'
(colim1, morMap1) = nameSymbols graph' morMap' phiSRel names ovrl totalOps
morMap2 = ( (\ ((i, o), _) -> (i, opKind o))) morMap1
morMap3 = (Map.fromAscList . map
(\ ((i, o), y) -> ((i, mkPartial o), y)) . Map.toList) morMap2
sigmaOps = sigmaRel {opMap = colim1}
phiOps = Map.mapWithKey
(\ n phi -> phi {op_map =
Map.findWithDefault (error "op_map") n morMap3})
in (sigmaOps, phiOps)
buildOpGraph :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Gr (Set.Set (Id, OpType))
(Int, Map.Map (Id, OpType) (Id, OpType))
buildOpGraph graph = let
getOps = mapSetToList . opMap
getOpFun mor = let
ssign = msource mor
smap = sort_map mor
omap = op_map mor
in foldl (\ f x -> let y = mapOpSym smap omap x
in if x == y then f else Map.insert x y f)
Map.empty $ getOps ssign
in nmap (Set.fromList . getOps) $ emap (\ (i, m) -> (i, getOpFun m)) graph
buildColimOvrl :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Gr (Set.Set (Id, OpType)) (Int, EndoMap (Id, OpType)) ->
Set.Set ((Id, OpType), Int) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, OpType) ((Id, OpType), Int)) ->
(Rel.Rel ((Id, OpType), Int),
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int)
(Map.Map Id Int),
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) Bool)
buildColimOvrl graph graph' colim morMap = let
(ovrl, names) = (Rel.empty, Map.fromList $ zip (Set.toList colim) $
repeat Map.empty )
(ovrl', names', totalF') = buildOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap
ovrl names Map.empty $ labNodes graph
in (Rel.transClosure ovrl', names', totalF')
buildOvrlAtNode :: Gr (Set.Set (Id, OpType)) (Int, EndoMap (Id, OpType)) ->
Set.Set ((Id, OpType), Int) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, OpType) ((Id, OpType), Int)) ->
Rel.Rel ((Id, OpType), Int) ->
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) Bool ->
[(Int, Sign f e)] ->
(Rel.Rel ((Id, OpType), Int),
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int),
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) Bool )
buildOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap ovrl names totalF nodeList =
case nodeList of
[] -> (ovrl, names, totalF)
(n, sig) : lists -> let
Just oSet = lab graph' n
names' = foldl (\ g x@(idN, _) -> let
y = Map.findWithDefault (x, n) x $
Map.findWithDefault (error $ show n)
n morMap
altF v = case v of
Nothing -> Just 1
Just m -> Just $ m + 1
in Map.adjust (Map.alter altF idN) y g)
names $ Set.toList oSet
equivF (id1, ot1) (id2, ot2) = (id1 == id2) && leqF sig ot1 ot2
parts = Rel.leqClasses equivF oSet
addParts rel =
foldl (\ (r, f) l -> let l1 = map (\ x -> Map.findWithDefault (x, n)
x $ Map.findWithDefault
(error "morMap(n)") n morMap) l
in case l1 of
[] -> error "addParts"
x : xs -> let
(r', ly) = foldl
(\ (rl, lx) y -> (Rel.insertPair lx y rl, y))
(r, x) xs
f' = foldl (\ g ((_i, o), ((i', o'), n')) ->
if isTotal o then
Map.insert ((i', mkPartial o'), n')
True g
else g ) f $ zip l l1
in (Rel.insertPair ly x r', f')
) (rel, totalF)
(ovrl', totalF') = addParts ovrl parts
in buildOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap ovrl' names' totalF' lists
assignName :: (Set.Set ((Id, OpType), Int), Int) -> [Id] ->
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
(Id, [Id])
assignName (opSet, idx) givenNames namesFun =
let opSetNames = Set.fold (\ x f -> Map.unionWith (+) f
(Map.findWithDefault (error "namesFun") x
namesFun)) Map.empty opSet
availNames = filter (`notElem` givenNames) $
Map.keys opSetNames
in case availNames of
[] -> let
-- must generate name with the most frequent name idx and an origin
sndOrd x y = compare
(Map.findWithDefault (error "assignName") x opSetNames)
(Map.findWithDefault (error "assignName") y opSetNames)
avail' = sortBy sndOrd $ Map.keys opSetNames
idN = head avail'
in (appendNumber idN idx, givenNames)
_ -> {- must take the most frequent available name and give it to the class
and this name becomes given -}
sndOrd x y = compare
(Map.findWithDefault (error "assignName") x opSetNames)
(Map.findWithDefault (error "assignName") y opSetNames)
avail' = sortBy sndOrd availNames
idN = last avail'
in (idN, idN : givenNames)
nameSymbols :: Gr (Set.Set (Id, OpType))
(Int, Map.Map (Id, OpType) (Id, OpType)) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, OpType) ((Id, OpType), Int)) ->
Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m) ->
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
Rel.Rel ((Id, OpType), Int) ->
Map.Map ((Id, OpType), Int) Bool ->
(OpMap, Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, OpType) ((Id, OpType), Int)))
nameSymbols graph morMap phi names ovrl totalOps = let
colimOvrl = Rel.sccOfClosure ovrl
nameClass opFun gNames (set, idx) morFun = let
(newName, gNames') = assignName (set, idx) gNames names
opTypes = (\ ((oldId, ot), i) -> let
oKind' = if Map.findWithDefault False
((oldId, mkPartial ot), i)
then Total else Partial
imor = Map.findWithDefault (error "imor") i phi
in mapOpType (sort_map imor) $ setOpKind oKind' ot) set
renameSymbols n f = let
Just opSyms = lab graph n
setKeys = filter (\ x -> let y = Map.findWithDefault (x, n) x f
in Set.member y set) $ Set.toList opSyms
updateAtKey (i, o) ((i', o'), n') = let
nmor = Map.findWithDefault (error "nmor") n phi
o'' = mapOpType (sort_map nmor) o'
oKind = if Map.findWithDefault False
((i', mkPartial o'), n')
then Total else Partial
z = (newName, setOpKind oKind o'')
in if (i, o) == z then
Just (z, n')
in foldl (\ g x -> Map.update (updateAtKey x) x g)
f setKeys
{- -- i have to map symbols entering set
-- to (newName, their otype mapped) -}
morFun' = Map.mapWithKey renameSymbols morFun
in (MapSet.update (const opTypes) newName opFun, gNames', morFun')
colimOvrl' = sortBy (\ s1 s2 -> compare (Set.size s2) (Set.size s1)) colimOvrl
(opFuns, _, renMap) = foldl (\ (oF, gN, mM) x -> nameClass oF gN x mM)
(MapSet.empty, [], morMap)
$ number colimOvrl'
in (opFuns , renMap)
{- -CASL signatures colimit on predicate symbols
almost identical with operation symbols,
only minor changes because of different types
- -}
computeColimitPred :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) -> Sign f e ->
Map.Map Node (Morphism f e m) -> (Sign f e, Map.Map Node (Morphism f e m))
computeColimitPred graph sigmaOp phiOp = let
graph' = buildPredGraph graph
(colim, morMap') = computeColimitSet graph'
(ovrl, names) = buildPColimOvrl graph graph' colim morMap'
(colim1, morMap1) = namePSymbols graph' morMap' phiOp names ovrl
morMap2 = ( (\ ((i, _p), _) -> i)) morMap1
sigmaPreds = sigmaOp {predMap = colim1}
phiPreds = Map.mapWithKey
(\ n phi -> phi {pred_map =
Map.findWithDefault (error "pred_map") n morMap2})
in (sigmaPreds, phiPreds)
buildPredGraph :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Gr (Set.Set (Id, PredType))
(Int, Map.Map (Id, PredType) (Id, PredType))
buildPredGraph graph = let
getPreds = mapSetToList . predMap
getPredFun mor = let
ssign = msource mor
smap = sort_map mor
pmap = pred_map mor
in foldl (\ f x -> let y = mapPredSym smap pmap x
in if x == y then f else Map.insert x y f)
Map.empty $ getPreds ssign
in nmap (Set.fromList . getPreds) $ emap (\ (i, m) -> (i, getPredFun m)) graph
buildPColimOvrl :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) ->
Gr (Set.Set (Id, PredType)) (Int, EndoMap (Id, PredType)) ->
Set.Set ((Id, PredType), Int) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, PredType) ((Id, PredType), Int)) ->
(Rel.Rel ((Id, PredType), Int),
Map.Map ((Id, PredType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int))
buildPColimOvrl graph graph' colim morMap = let
(ovrl, names) = (Rel.empty, Map.fromList $ zip (Set.toList colim) $
repeat Map.empty )
(ovrl', names') = buildPOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap
ovrl names $ labNodes graph
in (Rel.transClosure ovrl', names')
buildPOvrlAtNode :: Gr (Set.Set (Id, PredType)) (Int, EndoMap (Id, PredType)) ->
Set.Set ((Id, PredType), Int) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, PredType) ((Id, PredType), Int)) ->
Rel.Rel ((Id, PredType), Int) ->
Map.Map ((Id, PredType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
[(Int, Sign f e)] ->
(Rel.Rel ((Id, PredType), Int),
Map.Map ((Id, PredType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int))
buildPOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap ovrl names nodeList =
case nodeList of
[] -> (ovrl, names)
(n, sig) : lists -> let
Just pSet = lab graph' n
names' = foldl (\ g x@(idN, _) -> let
y = Map.findWithDefault (x, n) x $
Map.findWithDefault (error $ show n)
n morMap
altF v = case v of
Nothing -> Just 1
Just m -> Just $ m + 1
in Map.adjust (Map.alter altF idN)
y g)
names $ Set.toList pSet
equivP (id1, pt1) (id2, pt2) = (id1 == id2) && leqP sig pt1 pt2
parts = Rel.leqClasses equivP pSet
nmor = Map.findWithDefault (error "buildAtNode") n morMap
addParts =
foldl (\ r l -> let l1 = map (\ x ->
Map.findWithDefault (x, n) x nmor) l
in case l1 of
[] -> error "addParts"
x : xs -> let
(r', ly) = foldl
(\ (rl, lx) y -> (Rel.insertPair lx y rl, y))
(r, x) xs
in Rel.insertPair ly x r'
ovrl' = addParts ovrl parts
in buildPOvrlAtNode graph' colim morMap ovrl' names' lists
assignPName :: (Set.Set ((Id, PredType), Int), Int) -> [Id] ->
Map.Map ((Id, PredType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
(Id, [Id])
assignPName (pSet, idx) givenNames namesFun =
let pSetNames = Set.fold (\ x f -> Map.unionWith (+) f
(Map.findWithDefault (error "pname") x namesFun))
Map.empty pSet
availNames = filter (`notElem` givenNames) $ Map.keys pSetNames
in case availNames of
[] -> let
-- must generate name with the most frequent name idx and an origin
sndOrd x y = compare (pSetNames Map.! x) (pSetNames Map.! y)
avail' = sortBy sndOrd $ Map.keys pSetNames
idN = head avail'
in (appendNumber idN idx, givenNames)
_ -> {- must take the most frequent available name and give it to the class
and this name becomes given -}
sndOrd x y = compare (pSetNames Map.! x) (pSetNames Map.! y)
avail' = sortBy sndOrd availNames
idN = last avail'
in (idN, idN : givenNames)
namePSymbols :: Gr (Set.Set (Id, PredType))
(Int, Map.Map (Id, PredType) (Id, PredType)) ->
Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, PredType) ((Id, PredType), Int)) ->
Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m) ->
Map.Map ((Id, PredType), Int) (Map.Map Id Int) ->
Rel.Rel ((Id, PredType), Int) ->
(PredMap, Map.Map Int (Map.Map (Id, PredType)
((Id, PredType), Int)))
namePSymbols graph morMap phi names ovrl = let
colimOvrl = Rel.sccOfClosure ovrl
nameClass pFun gNames (set, idx) morFun = let
(newName, gNames') = assignPName (set, idx) gNames names
pTypes = (\ ((_oldId, pt), i) -> let
in mapPredType (sort_map $ phi Map.! i) pt) set
renameSymbols n f = let
Just pSyms = lab graph n
setKeys = filter (\ x -> let y = Map.findWithDefault (x, n) x f
in Set.member y set) $ Set.toList pSyms
updateAtKey (i, p) ((_i', p'), n') = let
p'' = mapPredType (sort_map $ phi Map.! n) p'
z = (newName, p'')
in if (i, p) == z then
Just (z, n')
in foldl (\ g x -> Map.update (updateAtKey x) x g)
f setKeys
{- -- i have to map symbols entering set
-- to (newName, their predtype mapped) -}
morFun' = Map.mapWithKey renameSymbols morFun
in (MapSet.update (const pTypes) newName pFun, gNames', morFun')
colimOvrl' = sortBy (\ s1 s2 -> compare (Set.size s2) (Set.size s1)) colimOvrl
(pFuns, _, renMap) = foldl (\ (pF, gN, mM) x -> nameClass pF gN x mM)
(MapSet.empty, [], morMap)
$ number colimOvrl'
in (pFuns , renMap)
applyMor :: Morphism f e m -> (Id, OpType) -> (Id, OpType)
applyMor phi (i, optype) = mapOpSym (sort_map phi) (op_map phi) (i, optype)
-- associative operations
assocSymbols :: Sign f e -> [(Id, OpType)]
assocSymbols = mapSetToList . assocOps
colimitAssoc :: Gr (Sign f e) (Int, Morphism f e m) -> Sign f e ->
Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m) -> (Sign f e, Map.Map Int (Morphism f e m))
colimitAssoc graph sig morMap = let
assocOpList = nubOrd $ concatMap
(\ (node, sigma) -> map (applyMor ((Map.!) morMap node)) $
assocSymbols sigma ) $ labNodes graph
idList = nubOrd $ map fst assocOpList
sig1 = sig {assocOps = MapSet.fromList $
map (\ sb -> (sb, map snd $ filter (\ (i, _) -> i == sb)
assocOpList )) idList}
morMap1 = (\ phi -> phi {mtarget = sig1}) morMap
in (sig1, morMap1)