TerminationProof.hs revision 94e112d16f89130a688db8b03ad3224903f5e97e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : termination proofs for equation systems, using AProVE
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : xinga@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Termination proofs for equation systems, using AProVE
module CASL.CCC.TerminationProof
( terminationProof
, opSymName
, predSymName
) where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.CCC.TermFormula
( term
, quanti
, isApp
, arguOfTerm
, varOfAxiom
, idStr
, substiF
, sameOpsApp)
import Common.Id (Token (tokStr))
import Common.Utils
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import Data.List (intercalate)
Automatic termination proof
using AProVE, see http://aprove.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/
interface to AProVE system, using system
translate CASL signature to AProVE Input Language,
CASL formulas to AProVE term rewrite systems(TRS),
see http://aprove.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/help/html/in/trs.html
if a equation system is terminal, then it is computable.
terminationProof :: Ord f => [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)]
-> IO (Maybe Bool)
terminationProof fs dms = if null fs then return $ Just True else do
allVar = nubOrd . concat
varsStr vars str = case vars of
[] -> str
h : t -> varsStr t $
(if null str then "" else str ++ " ") ++ tokStr h
axiomTrs axs str = case axs of
[] -> str
h : t -> axiomTrs t $ str ++ axiom2TRS h dms ++ "\n"
axhead = "(RULES\neq(t,t) -> true\n" ++
"eq(_,_) -> false\n" ++
"when_else(t1,true,t2) -> t1\n" ++
"when_else(t1,false,t2) -> t2\n"
c_vars = "(VAR t t1 t2 " ++ varsStr (allVar $ map varOfAxiom fs) "" ++ ")\n"
c_axms = axhead ++ axiomTrs fs "" ++ ")\n"
tmpFile <- getTempFile (c_vars ++ c_axms) "Input.trs"
aprovePath <- getEnvDef "HETS_APROVE"
(_, proof, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "java"
("-jar" : aprovePath : words "-u cli -m wst -p plain" ++ [tmpFile]) ""
removeFile tmpFile
return $ case words proof of
"YES" : _ -> Just True
"NO" : _ -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
-- | get the name of a operation symbol
opSymName :: OP_SYMB -> String
opSymName = idStr . opSymbName
-- | get the name of a predicate symbol
predSymName :: PRED_SYMB -> String
predSymName = idStr . predSymbName
-- | create a predicate application
predAppl :: PRED_SYMB -> [TERM f] -> String
predAppl p ts = predSymName p
++ if null ts then "" else apply "" $ termsPA ts
-- | apply function string to argument string with brackets
apply :: String -> String -> String
apply f a = f ++ "(" ++ a ++ ")"
-- | create an eq application
applyEq :: TERM f -> TERM f -> String
applyEq t1 t2 = apply "eq" $ term2TRS t1 ++ "," ++ term2TRS t2
-- | translate a casl term to a term of TRS(Terme Rewrite Systems)
term2TRS :: TERM f -> String
term2TRS t = case term t of
Qual_var var _ _ -> tokStr var
Application o ts _ -> opSymName o ++ termsPA ts
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> term2TRS t'
Cast t' _ _ -> term2TRS t'
Conditional t1 f t2 _ ->
apply "when_else" $ term2TRS t1 ++ "," ++ t_f_str f ++ "," ++
term2TRS t2
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TerminationProof.<term2TRS>"
where t_f_str f = case f of -- condition of a term
Equation t1 Strong t2 _ -> applyEq t1 t2
Predication ps ts _ -> predAppl ps ts
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TerminationProof.<term2TRS_cond>"
-- | translate a list of casl terms to the patterns of a term in TRS
termsPA :: [TERM f] -> String
termsPA ts = if null ts then "" else
apply "" . intercalate "," $ map term2TRS ts
{- | translate a casl axiom to TRS-rule:
a rule without condition is represented by "A -> B" in
Term Rewrite Systems; if there are some conditions, then
follow the conditions after the symbol "|".
For example : "A -> B | C -> D, E -> F, ..." -}
axiom2TRS :: Eq f => FORMULA f -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)] -> String
axiom2TRS f doms =
case quanti f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> axiom2TRS f' doms
Relation f1 c f2 _ | c /= Equivalence ->
case f2 of
Relation f3 Equivalence f4 _ ->
axiom2TRS f3 doms ++ " | " ++ axiom2TRS f1 doms ++ ", " ++
axiom2TRS f4 doms
_ ->
case f1 of
Definedness t _ ->
let dm = filter (sameOpsApp t . fst) doms
phi = snd $ head dm
te = fst $ head dm
p1 = arguOfTerm te
p2 = arguOfTerm t
st = zip p2 p1
in if not $ null dm
then axiom2TRS f2 doms ++ " | " ++
axiom2TRS (substiF st phi) doms
else axiom2TRS f2 doms ++
" | " ++ apply "def" (term2TRS t) ++ " -> open"
_ -> axiom2TRS f2 doms ++ " | " ++ axiom2TRS f1 doms
Relation f1 Equivalence f2 _ ->
axiom2TRS f1 doms ++ " | " ++ axiom2TRS f2 doms
Negation f' _ ->
case f' of
Quantification {} ->
error "CASL.CCC.TerminationProof.<axiom2TRS_Negation>"
Definedness t _ -> term2TRS t ++ " -> undefined"
_ -> axiomSub f' doms ++ " -> false"
Definedness t _ -> apply "def" (term2TRS t) ++ " -> open"
Equation t1 Strong t2 _ ->
case t2 of
Conditional tt1 ff tt2 _ ->
term2TRS t1 ++ " -> " ++ term2TRS tt1 ++ " | " ++
axiomSub ff doms ++ " -> true\n" ++
term2TRS t1 ++ " -> " ++ term2TRS tt2 ++ " | " ++
axiomSub ff doms ++ " -> false"
_ -> if isApp t1
then term2TRS t1 ++ " -> " ++ term2TRS t2
else applyEq t1 t2 ++ " -> true"
Atom False _ -> "false -> false"
_ -> axiomSub f doms ++ " -> true"
{- | translate a casl axiom(without conditions) to a subrule of TRS,
the handling of an implication in a subrule is yet to be correctly defined. -}
axiomSub :: Eq f => FORMULA f -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)] -> String
axiomSub f doms =
case quanti f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> axiomSub f' doms
Junction j fs _ -> joinSub (if j == Con then "and" else "or") fs doms
Negation f' _ -> apply "not" $ axiomSub f' doms
Atom b _ -> if b then "true" else "false"
Predication p_s ts _ -> predAppl p_s ts
Definedness t _ -> apply "def" $ term2TRS t
Equation t1 Strong t2 _ -> applyEq t1 t2
i@(Relation _ c _ _) | c /= Equivalence -> axiom2TRS i doms
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TerminationProof.axiomSub.<axiomSub>"
-- | translate a list of junctive casl formulas to a subrule of TRS
joinSub :: Eq f => String -> [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)] -> String
joinSub op fs doms = foldr1 (\ x r -> apply op $ x ++ "," ++ r)
$ map (`axiomSub` doms) fs