TermFormula.hs revision dd5e505efb3641bf74ade0ba3adabf4ceaf94e60
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : xinga@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
module CASL.CCC.TermFormula where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Overload
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import CASL.Sign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Data.List (nub)
-- import Common.DocUtils
-- | the sorted term is always ignored
term :: TERM f -> TERM f
term t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->term t'
_ -> t
-- | the quantifier of term is always ignored
quanti :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
quanti f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> quanti f'
_ -> f
-- | check whether it exist a (unique)existent quantification
is_ex_quanti :: FORMULA f -> Bool
is_ex_quanti f =
case f of
Quantification Existential _ _ _ -> True
Quantification Unique_existential _ _ _ -> True
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> is_ex_quanti f'
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> (is_ex_quanti f1) || (is_ex_quanti f2)
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> (is_ex_quanti f1) || (is_ex_quanti f2)
Negation f' _ -> is_ex_quanti f'
_ -> False
-- | get the constraint from a sort generated axiom
constraintOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [Constraint]
constraintOfAxiom f =
case f of
Sort_gen_ax constrs _ -> constrs
_ ->[]
is_user_or_sort_gen :: Named (FORMULA f) -> Bool
is_user_or_sort_gen ax = take 12 name == "ga_generated" ||
take 3 name /= "ga_"
where name = senAttr ax
-- | determine whether a formula is a sort generation constraint
isSortGen :: FORMULA a -> Bool
isSortGen (Sort_gen_ax _ _) = True
isSortGen _ = False
-- | check whether it contains a membership formula
is_Membership :: FORMULA f -> Bool
is_Membership f =
case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> is_Membership f'
Conjunction fs _ -> any is_Membership fs
Disjunction fs _ -> any is_Membership fs
Negation f' _ -> is_Membership f'
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> is_Membership f1 || is_Membership f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> is_Membership f1 || is_Membership f2
Membership _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether a sort is free generated
is_free_gen_sort :: SORT -> [FORMULA f] -> Maybe Bool
is_free_gen_sort _ [] = Nothing
is_free_gen_sort s (f:fs) =
case f of
Sort_gen_ax csts isFree
| any ((== s) . newSort) csts
-> Just isFree
_ -> is_free_gen_sort s fs
-- | check whether it is the domain of a partial function
isDomain :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isDomain f = case (quanti f) of
Equivalence (Definedness _ _) f' _ ->
if containDef f' then False
else True
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula
containDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
containDef f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containDef f'
Conjunction fs _ -> any containDef fs
Disjunction fs _ -> any containDef fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> containDef f1 || containDef f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> containDef f1 || containDef f2
Negation f' _ -> containDef f'
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a negation
containNeg :: FORMULA f -> Bool
containNeg f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containNeg f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> containNeg f'
Equivalence f' _ _ -> containNeg f'
Negation _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula in correct form
correctDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
correctDef f = case (quanti f) of
Implication _ (Definedness _ _) _ _ -> False
Implication (Definedness _ _) _ _ _ -> True
Equivalence (Definedness _ _) f' _ ->
if containDef f' then False
else True
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ -> True
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | extract all partial function symbols, their domains are defined
domainOpSymbs :: [FORMULA f] -> [OP_SYMB]
domainOpSymbs fs = concat $ map domOpS fs
where domOpS f = case (quanti f) of
Equivalence (Definedness t _) _ _ ->
[opSymbOfTerm t]
_ -> []
-- | check whether a formula gives the domain of a partial function
domain_os :: FORMULA f -> OP_SYMB -> Bool
domain_os f os = case (quanti f) of
Equivalence (Definedness t _) _ _ ->
opSymbOfTerm t == os
_ -> False
-- | extract the domain-list of partial functions
domainList :: [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f,FORMULA f)]
domainList fs = concat $ map dm fs
where dm f = case (quanti f) of
Equivalence (Definedness t _) f' _ ->
_ -> []
-- | check whether it is a implication
is_impli :: FORMULA f -> Bool
is_impli f = case (quanti f) of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> is_impli_equiv f'
Implication _ _ _ _ -> True
Negation f' _ -> is_impli_equiv f'
_ -> False
-- | check whether it is a implication or equivalence
is_impli_equiv :: FORMULA f -> Bool
is_impli_equiv f = case (quanti f) of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> is_impli_equiv f'
Implication _ _ _ _ -> True
Equivalence _ _ _ -> True
Negation f' _ -> is_impli_equiv f'
_ -> False
-- | check whether it's leading symbol is a operation or predication
isOp_Pred :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isOp_Pred f =
case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Negation f' _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> (isOp_Pred f1) && (isOp_Pred f2)
Definedness _ _ -> False
Predication _ _ _ -> True
Existl_equation t _ _ -> case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
Strong_equation t _ _ -> case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- | check whether it is a application term
isApp :: TERM t -> Bool
isApp t = case t of
Application _ _ _-> True
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> isApp t'
Cast t' _ _ -> isApp t'
_ -> False
-- | check whether it is a Variable
isVar :: TERM t -> Bool
isVar t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> isVar t'
Cast t' _ _ -> isVar t'
_ -> False
-- extract the operation symbol from a term
opSymbOfTerm :: TERM f -> OP_SYMB
opSymbOfTerm t = case term t of
Application os _ _ -> os
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> opSymbOfTerm t'
Conditional t' _ _ _ -> opSymbOfTerm t'
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula.<opSymbOfTerm>"
-- | extract all variables of a term
varOfTerm :: Eq f => TERM f -> [TERM f]
varOfTerm t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> varOfTerm t'
Application _ ts _ -> if length ts==0 then []
else nub $ concat $ map varOfTerm ts
_ -> []
-- | extract all arguments of a term
arguOfTerm :: TERM f-> [TERM f]
arguOfTerm t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
Application _ ts _ -> ts
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> arguOfTerm t'
_ -> []
-- | extract all arguments of a predication
arguOfPred :: FORMULA f -> [TERM f]
arguOfPred f = case quanti f of
Negation f1 _ -> arguOfPred f1
Predication _ ts _ -> ts
_ -> []
-- | extract all variables of a axiom
varOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [VAR]
varOfAxiom f =
case f of
Quantification Universal v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Existential v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Unique_existential v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
_ -> []
-- | extract the predication symbols from a axiom
predSymbsOfAxiom :: (FORMULA f) -> [PRED_SYMB]
predSymbsOfAxiom f =
case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ ->
predSymbsOfAxiom f'
Conjunction fs _ ->
concat $ map predSymbsOfAxiom fs
Disjunction fs _ ->
concat $ map predSymbsOfAxiom fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ ->
(predSymbsOfAxiom f1) ++ (predSymbsOfAxiom f2)
Equivalence f1 f2 _ ->
(predSymbsOfAxiom f1) ++ (predSymbsOfAxiom f2)
Negation f' _ ->
predSymbsOfAxiom f'
Predication p_s _ _ -> [p_s]
_ -> []
-- | check whether it is a partial axiom
partialAxiom :: FORMULA f -> Bool
partialAxiom f =
case (opTyp_Axiom f) of
Just False -> True
_ -> False
-- | create the obligation of subsort
infoSubsort :: [SORT] -> FORMULA f -> [FORMULA f]
infoSubsort sts f =
case f of
Quantification Universal v (Equivalence (Membership _ s _) f1 _) _ ->
if not $ elem s sts
then [Quantification Existential v f1 nullRange]
else []
_ -> []
-- | extract the leading symbol from a formula
leadingSym :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSym f = do
tp<-leading_Term_Predication f
return (extract_leading_symb tp)
-- | extract the leading symbol with the range from a formula
leadingSymPos :: GetRange f => FORMULA f
-> (Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB), Range)
leadingSymPos f = leading (f,False,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2,b3)= case (f1,b1,b2,b3) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,b3)
((Negation f' _),_,_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,True)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True,False)
((Definedness t _),_,_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
((Predication predS _ _),_,_,_) ->
((Just (Right predS)),(getRange f1))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
-- | extract the leading term or predication from a formula
leading_Term_Predication :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f))
leading_Term_Predication f = leading (f,False,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2,b3)= case (f1,b1,b2,b3) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,b3)
((Negation f' _),_,_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,True)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True,False)
((Definedness t _),_,_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ ->
return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Predication p ts ps),_,_,_) ->
return (Right (Predication p ts ps))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract the leading symbol from a term or a formula
extract_leading_symb :: Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
extract_leading_symb lead =
case lead of
Left (Application os _ _) -> Left os
Right (Predication p _ _) -> Right p
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<extract_leading_symb>"
-- | leadingTerm is total operation : Just True,
-- leadingTerm is partial operation : Just False,
-- others : Nothing.
opTyp_Axiom :: FORMULA f -> Maybe Bool
opTyp_Axiom f =
case (leadingSym f) of
Just (Left (Op_name _)) -> Nothing
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Total _ _ _) _)) -> Just True
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Partial _ _ _) _)) -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract the overloaded constructors
constructorOverload :: Sign f e -> OpMap -> [OP_SYMB] -> [OP_SYMB]
constructorOverload s opm os = concat $ map (\ o1 -> cons_Overload o1) os
where cons_Overload o =
case o of
Op_name _ -> [o]
Qual_op_name on1 ot _ ->
case Map.lookup on1 opm of
Nothing -> []
Just op_t -> concat $ map (\opt->cons on1 ot opt) $
(Set.toList $ op_t)
cons on opt1 opt2 =
case (leqF s (toOpType opt1) opt2) of
True -> [(Qual_op_name on (toOP_TYPE opt2) nullRange)]
False -> []
-- | check whether the operation symbol is a constructor
isCons :: Sign f e -> [OP_SYMB] -> OP_SYMB -> Bool
isCons s cons os =
case cons of
[] -> False
_ -> if is_Cons (head cons) os then True
else isCons s (tail cons) os
where is_Cons (Op_name _) _ = False
is_Cons _ (Op_name _) = False
is_Cons (Qual_op_name on1 ot1 _) (Qual_op_name on2 ot2 _)
| on1 /= on2 = False
| not $ isSupersort s (res_OP_TYPE ot2) (res_OP_TYPE ot1) = False
| otherwise = isSupersortS s (args_OP_TYPE ot2) (args_OP_TYPE ot1)
-- | check whether a sort is the others super sort
isSupersort :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
isSupersort sig s1 s2 = elem s1 slist
where sM = Rel.toMap $ sortRel $ sig
slist = case Map.lookup s2 sM of
Nothing -> [s2]
Just sts -> Set.toList $ Set.insert s2 sts
-- | check whether all sorts of a set are another sets super sort
isSupersortS :: Sign f e -> [SORT] -> [SORT] -> Bool
isSupersortS sig s1 s2
| length s1 /= length s2 = False
| otherwise = supS s1 s2
where supS [] [] = True
supS sts1 sts2 = if isSupersort sig (head sts1) (head sts2)
then supS (tail sts1) (tail sts2)
else False
-- | translate id to string
idStr :: Id -> String
idStr (Id ts _ _) = concat $ map tokStr ts
-- | replaces variables by terms in a term
substitute :: Eq f => [(TERM f,TERM f)] -> TERM f -> TERM f
substitute subs t =
case t of
t'@(Qual_var _ _ _) ->
subst subs t'
Application os ts r ->
Application os (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Sorted_term te s r ->
Sorted_term (substitute subs te) s r
Cast te s r ->
Cast (substitute subs te) s r
Conditional t1 f t2 r ->
Conditional (substitute subs t1) (substiF subs f) (substitute subs t2) r
Mixfix_term ts ->
Mixfix_term (map (substitute subs) ts)
Mixfix_parenthesized ts r ->
Mixfix_parenthesized (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Mixfix_bracketed ts r ->
Mixfix_bracketed (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Mixfix_braced ts r ->
Mixfix_braced (map (substitute subs) ts) r
_ -> t
where subst [] tt = tt
subst (x:xs) tt = if tt == (snd x) then (fst x)
else subst xs tt
-- | replaces variables by terms in a formula
substiF :: Eq f => [(TERM f,TERM f)] -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
substiF subs f =
case f of
Quantification q v f' r ->
Quantification q v (substiF subs f') r
Conjunction fs r ->
Conjunction (map (substiF subs) fs) r
Disjunction fs r ->
Disjunction (map (substiF subs) fs) r
Implication f1 f2 b r ->
Implication (substiF subs f1) (substiF subs f2) b r
Equivalence f1 f2 r ->
Equivalence (substiF subs f1) (substiF subs f2) r
Negation f' r -> Negation (substiF subs f') r
Predication ps ts r ->
Predication ps (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Existl_equation t1 t2 r ->
Existl_equation (substitute subs t1) (substitute subs t2) r
Strong_equation t1 t2 r ->
Strong_equation (substitute subs t1) (substitute subs t2) r
Membership t s r -> Membership (substitute subs t) s r
Mixfix_formula t -> Mixfix_formula (substitute subs t)
_ -> f
-- | check whether two terms are the terms of same application symbol
sameOps_App :: TERM f -> TERM f -> Bool
sameOps_App app1 app2 = case (term app1) of
Application ops1 _ _ ->
case (term app2) of
Application ops2 _ _ -> ops1==ops2
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- | check whether a string is a substring of another
subStr :: String -> String -> Bool
subStr [] _ = True
subStr _ [] = False
subStr xs ys = if (head xs) == (head ys) &&
xs == take (length xs) ys then True
else subStr xs (tail ys)
-- | get the axiom range of a term
axiomRangeforTerm :: (GetRange f, Eq f) => [FORMULA f] -> TERM f -> Range
axiomRangeforTerm [] _ = nullRange
axiomRangeforTerm fs t =
case leading_Term_Predication (head fs) of
Just (Left tt) -> case (tt==t) of
True -> getRange $ quanti $ head fs
False -> axiomRangeforTerm (tail fs) t
_ -> axiomRangeforTerm (tail fs) t
-- | get the sort of a variable declaration
sortOfVarD :: VAR_DECL -> SORT
sortOfVarD (Var_decl _ s _) = s
-- | get or create a variable declaration for a formula
varDeclOfF :: Eq f => FORMULA f -> [VAR_DECL]
varDeclOfF f =
case f of
Quantification _ vds _ _ -> vds
Conjunction fs _ ->
concatVD $ nub $ concat $ map varDeclOfF fs
Disjunction fs _ ->
concatVD $ nub $ concat $ map varDeclOfF fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ ->
concatVD $ nub $ (varDeclOfF f1) ++ (varDeclOfF f2)
Equivalence f1 f2 _ ->
concatVD $ nub $ (varDeclOfF f1) ++ (varDeclOfF f2)
Negation f' _ ->
varDeclOfF f'
Predication _ ts _ ->
varD $ nub $ concat $ map varOfTerm ts
Definedness t _ ->
varD $ varOfTerm t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ ->
varD $ nub $ (varOfTerm t1) ++ (varOfTerm t2)
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
varD $ nub $ (varOfTerm t1) ++ (varOfTerm t2)
_ -> []
where varD [] = []
varD vars@(v:vs) =
case v of
Qual_var _ s r ->
(Var_decl (nub $ map varOfV $
filter (\v'-> (sortOfV v') == s) vars) s r):
(varD $ filter (\v'-> (sortOfV v') /= s) vs)
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<varD>"
concatVD [] = []
concatVD vd@((Var_decl _ s r):vds) =
(Var_decl (nub $ concat $ map vOfVD $
filter (\v'-> (sortOfVarD v') == s) vd) s r):
(concatVD $ filter (\v'-> (sortOfVarD v') /= s) vds)
vOfVD (Var_decl vs _ _) = vs
sortOfV (Qual_var _ s _) = s
sortOfV _ = error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<sortOfV>"
varOfV (Qual_var v _ _) = v
varOfV _ = error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<varOfV>"