TermFormula.hs revision 4f81ba7f36814cda63fbd75351abe3f9d88dcb97
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu, Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
module CASL.CCC.TermFormula where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Overload (leqF)
import CASL.Sign (OpMap, Sign, toOP_TYPE, toOpType)
import Common.Id (Range, GetRange (..))
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Function
-- | the sorted term is always ignored
unsortedTerm :: TERM f -> TERM f
unsortedTerm t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> unsortedTerm t'
Cast t' _ _ -> unsortedTerm t'
_ -> t
-- | the quantifier of term is always ignored
quanti :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
quanti f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> quanti f'
_ -> f
-- | check whether it exist a (unique)existent quantification
isExQuanti :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isExQuanti f = case f of
Quantification Universal _ f' _ -> isExQuanti f'
Quantification {} -> True
Relation f1 _ f2 _ -> isExQuanti f1 || isExQuanti f2
Negation f' _ -> isExQuanti f'
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a membership formula
isMembership :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isMembership f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> isMembership f'
Junction _ fs _ -> any isMembership fs
Negation f' _ -> isMembership f'
Relation f1 _ f2 _ -> isMembership f1 || isMembership f2
Membership {} -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it is the domain of a partial function
isDomain :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isDomain f = case quanti f of
Relation (Definedness _ _) Equivalence f' _ -> not (containDef f')
Definedness _ _ -> True
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula
containDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
containDef f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containDef f'
Junction _ fs _ -> any containDef fs
Relation f1 _ f2 _ -> containDef f1 || containDef f2
Negation f' _ -> containDef f'
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a negation
containNeg :: FORMULA f -> Bool
containNeg f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containNeg f'
Relation _ c f' _ | c /= Equivalence -> containNeg f'
Relation f' Equivalence _ _ -> containNeg f'
Negation _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula in correct form
correctDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
correctDef f = case quanti f of
Relation _ c (Definedness _ _) _ | c /= Equivalence -> False
Relation (Definedness _ _) c _ _ | c /= Equivalence -> True
Relation (Definedness _ _) Equivalence f' _ -> not (containDef f')
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ -> True
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | extract the domain-list of partial functions
domainList :: [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)]
domainList = concatMap $ \ f -> case quanti f of
Relation (Definedness t _) Equivalence f' _ -> [(t, f')]
_ -> []
-- | check whether it is a Variable
isVar :: TERM t -> Bool
isVar t = case unsortedTerm t of
Qual_var {} -> True
_ -> False
-- | extract all variables of a term
varOfTerm :: Ord f => TERM f -> [TERM f]
varOfTerm t = case unsortedTerm t of
Qual_var {} -> [t]
Application _ ts _ -> concatMap varOfTerm ts
_ -> []
-- | extract all arguments of a term
arguOfTerm :: TERM f -> [TERM f]
arguOfTerm t = case unsortedTerm t of
Qual_var {} -> [t]
Application _ ts _ -> ts
_ -> []
-- | create the obligation of subsort
infoSubsort :: [SORT] -> FORMULA f -> [FORMULA f]
infoSubsort sts f = case f of
Quantification Universal v
(Relation (Membership _ s _) Equivalence f1 _) r ->
[Quantification Existential v f1 r | notElem s sts]
_ -> []
-- | extract the leading symbol from a formula
leadingSym :: GetRange f => FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSym = fmap extractLeadingSymb . leadingTermPredication
-- | extract the leading symbol with the range from a formula
leadingSymPos :: GetRange f => FORMULA f
-> (Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f)), Range)
leadingSymPos f = leading (f, False, False, False) where
-- three booleans to indicate inside implication, equivalence or negation
leading (f1, b1, b2, b3) = case (quanti f1, b1, b2, b3) of
(Quantification _ _ f' _, _, _, _) ->
leading (f', b1, b2, b3)
(Negation f' _, _, _, False) ->
leading (f', b1, b2, True)
(Relation _ c f' _, False, False, False)
| c /= Equivalence ->
leading (f', True, False, False)
(Relation f' Equivalence _ _, _, False, False) ->
leading (f', b1, True, False)
(Definedness t _, _, _, _) -> case unsortedTerm t of
a@(Application _ _ p) -> (Just (Left a), p)
_ -> (Nothing, getRange f1)
(pr@(Predication _ _ p), _, _, _) ->
(Just (Right pr), p)
(Equation t _ _ _, _, False, False) -> case unsortedTerm t of
a@(Application _ _ p) -> (Just (Left a), p)
_ -> (Nothing, getRange f1)
_ -> (Nothing, getRange f1)
-- | extract the leading term or predication from a formula
leadingTermPredication :: GetRange f => FORMULA f
-> Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f))
leadingTermPredication = fst . leadingSymPos
-- | extract the leading symbol from a term or a formula
extractLeadingSymb :: Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
extractLeadingSymb lead = case lead of
Left (Application os _ _) -> Left os
Right (Predication p _ _) -> Right p
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<extractLeadingSymb>"
-- | extract the overloaded constructors
constructorOverload :: Sign f e -> OpMap -> [OP_SYMB] -> [OP_SYMB]
constructorOverload s opm = concatMap cons_Overload where
cons_Overload o = case o of
Op_name _ -> [o]
Qual_op_name on1 ot r ->
concatMap (cons on1 ot r) $ Set.toList $ MapSet.lookup on1 opm
cons o opt1 r opt2 =
[Qual_op_name o (toOP_TYPE opt2) r | leqF s (toOpType opt1) opt2]
-- | replaces variables by terms in a term or formula
substRec :: Eq f => [(TERM f, TERM f)] -> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
substRec subs = (mapRecord id)
{ foldQual_var = \ t _ _ _ -> subst subs t } where
subst l tt = case l of
[] -> tt
(n, v) : r -> if tt == v then n else subst r tt
substitute :: Eq f => [(TERM f, TERM f)] -> TERM f -> TERM f
substitute = foldTerm . substRec
substiF :: Eq f => [(TERM f, TERM f)] -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
substiF = foldFormula . substRec
-- | check whether two terms are the terms of same application symbol
sameOpsApp :: TERM f -> TERM f -> Bool
sameOpsApp app1 app2 = case (unsortedTerm app1, unsortedTerm app2) of
(Application ops1 _ _, Application ops2 _ _) -> ops1 == ops2
_ -> False
-- | get or create a variable declaration for a formula
varDeclOfF :: Ord f => FORMULA f -> [VAR_DECL]
varDeclOfF = let
qualVarToDecl t = case t of
Qual_var v s r -> MapSet.insert (s, r) v MapSet.empty
_ -> MapSet.empty
varDeclToDecl (Var_decl vs s r) = MapSet.fromList [((s, r), vs)]
unions = foldr MapSet.union MapSet.empty
termMap = unions . map qualVarToDecl . varOfTerm
declMap f = case f of
Quantification _ vds _ _ -> unions $ map varDeclToDecl vds
Junction _ fs _ -> unions $ map declMap fs
Relation f1 _ f2 _ -> on MapSet.union declMap f1 f2
Negation f' _ -> declMap f'
Predication _ ts _ -> unions $ map termMap ts
Definedness t _ -> termMap t
Equation t1 _ t2 _ -> on MapSet.union termMap t1 t2
_ -> MapSet.empty
in map (\ ((s, r), vs) -> Var_decl vs s r) . MapSet.toList . declMap