TermFormula.hs revision 2a5b885d9350ec6dd8bc4992ee91d2f68aa592f4
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann{- |
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannModule : $Header$
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannDescription : auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannCopyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannMaintainer : xinga@informatik.uni-bremen.de
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannStability : provisional
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannPortability : portable
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannAuxiliary functions on terms and formulas
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-}
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannmodule CASL.CCC.TermFormula where
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.Overload(leqF)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.Sign(OpMap, Sign(sortRel), toOP_TYPE, toOpType)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Id(Token(tokStr), Id(Id), Range, GetRange(..), nullRange)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Utils(nubOrd)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Control.Monad(liftM)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Data.Map as Map
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Data.Set as Set
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | the sorted term is always ignored
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannterm :: TERM f -> TERM f
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannterm t = case t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> term t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> t
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | the quantifier of term is always ignored
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannquanti :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannquanti f = case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification _ _ f' _ -> quanti f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> f
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it exist a (unique)existent quantification
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisExQuanti :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisExQuanti f =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification Existential _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification Unique_existential _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification _ _ f' _ -> isExQuanti f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> isExQuanti f1 || isExQuanti f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> isExQuanti f1 || isExQuanti f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation f' _ -> isExQuanti f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | get the constraint from a sort generated axiom
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannconstraintOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [Constraint]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannconstraintOfAxiom f =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sort_gen_ax constrs _ -> constrs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | determine whether a formula is a sort generation constraint
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisSortGen :: FORMULA a -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisSortGen (Sort_gen_ax _ _) = True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisSortGen _ = False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it contains a membership formula
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisMembership :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisMembership f =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification _ _ f' _ -> isMembership f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Conjunction fs _ -> any isMembership fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Disjunction fs _ -> any isMembership fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation f' _ -> isMembership f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> isMembership f1 || isMembership f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> isMembership f1 || isMembership f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Membership _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether a sort is free generated
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisFreeGenSort :: SORT -> [FORMULA f] -> Maybe Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisFreeGenSort _ [] = Nothing
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisFreeGenSort s (f:fs) =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sort_gen_ax csts isFree | any ((== s) . newSort) csts -> Just isFree
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> isFreeGenSort s fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it is the domain of a partial function
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisDomain :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisDomain f = case (quanti f) of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence (Definedness _ _) f' _ -> not (containDef f')
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Definedness _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncontainDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncontainDef f = case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containDef f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Conjunction fs _ -> any containDef fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Disjunction fs _ -> any containDef fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> containDef f1 || containDef f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> containDef f1 || containDef f2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation f' _ -> containDef f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Definedness _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it contains a negation
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncontainNeg :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncontainNeg f = case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification _ _ f' _ -> containNeg f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication _ f' _ _ -> containNeg f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence f' _ _ -> containNeg f'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula in correct form
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncorrectDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanncorrectDef f = case (quanti f) of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication _ (Definedness _ _) _ _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Implication (Definedness _ _) _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence (Definedness _ _) f' _ -> not (containDef f')
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation (Definedness _ _) _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Definedness _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract all partial function symbols, their domains are defined
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainOpSymbs :: [FORMULA f] -> [OP_SYMB]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainOpSymbs fs = concatMap domOpS fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann where domOpS f = case (quanti f) of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence (Definedness t _) _ _ -> [opSymbOfTerm t]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether a formula gives the domain of a partial function
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainOs :: FORMULA f -> OP_SYMB -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainOs f os = case (quanti f) of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence (Definedness t _) _ _ -> opSymbOfTerm t == os
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract the domain-list of partial functions
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainList :: [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f,FORMULA f)]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmanndomainList fs = concatMap dm fs
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann where dm f = case (quanti f) of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Equivalence (Definedness t _) f' _ -> [(t,f')]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it is a application term
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisApp :: TERM t -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisApp t = case t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Application _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> isApp t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Cast t' _ _ -> isApp t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | check whether it is a Variable
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisVar :: TERM t -> Bool
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannisVar t = case t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> isVar t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Cast t' _ _ -> isVar t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> False
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract the operation symbol from a term
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannopSymbOfTerm :: TERM f -> OP_SYMB
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannopSymbOfTerm t = case term t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Application os _ _ -> os
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> opSymbOfTerm t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Conditional t' _ _ _ -> opSymbOfTerm t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula.<opSymbOfTerm>"
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract all variables of a term
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannvarOfTerm :: Ord f => TERM f -> [TERM f]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannvarOfTerm t = case t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> varOfTerm t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Application _ ts _ -> if null ts then []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann else nubOrd $ concatMap varOfTerm ts
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract all arguments of a term
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannarguOfTerm :: TERM f-> [TERM f]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannarguOfTerm t = case t of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Application _ ts _ -> ts
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Sorted_term t' _ _ -> arguOfTerm t'
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract all arguments of a predication
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannarguOfPred :: FORMULA f -> [TERM f]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannarguOfPred f = case quanti f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Negation f1 _ -> arguOfPred f1
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Predication _ ts _ -> ts
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann _ -> []
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- | extract all variables of a axiom
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannvarOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [VAR]
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannvarOfAxiom f =
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann case f of
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann Quantification Universal v_d _ _ ->
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann concatMap (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Existential v_d _ _ ->
concatMap (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Unique_existential v_d _ _ ->
concatMap (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
_ -> []
-- | extract the predication symbols from a axiom
predSymbsOfAxiom :: (FORMULA f) -> [PRED_SYMB]
predSymbsOfAxiom f =
case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> predSymbsOfAxiom f'
Conjunction fs _ -> concatMap predSymbsOfAxiom fs
Disjunction fs _ -> concatMap predSymbsOfAxiom fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> predSymbsOfAxiom f1 ++ predSymbsOfAxiom f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> predSymbsOfAxiom f1 ++ predSymbsOfAxiom f2
Negation f' _ -> predSymbsOfAxiom f'
Predication p_s _ _ -> [p_s]
_ -> []
-- | check whether it is a partial axiom
partialAxiom :: FORMULA f -> Bool
partialAxiom f =
case (opTypAxiom f) of
Just False -> True
_ -> False
-- | create the obligation of subsort
infoSubsort :: [SORT] -> FORMULA f -> [FORMULA f]
infoSubsort sts f =
case f of
Quantification Universal v (Equivalence (Membership _ s _) f1 _) _ ->
[Quantification Existential v f1 nullRange | notElem s sts]
_ -> []
-- | extract the leading symbol from a formula
leadingSym :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSym = liftM extractLeadingSymb . leadingTermPredication
-- | extract the leading symbol with the range from a formula
leadingSymPos :: GetRange f => FORMULA f
-> (Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB), Range)
leadingSymPos f = leading (f,False,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2,b3) = case (f1,b1,b2,b3) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,b3)
((Negation f' _),_,_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,True)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True,False)
((Definedness t _),_,_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
((Predication predS _ _),_,_,_) ->
((Just (Right predS)),(getRange f1))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
_ -> (Nothing,(getRange f1))
-- | extract the leading term or predication from a formula
leadingTermPredication :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f))
leadingTermPredication f = leading (f,False,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2,b3) = case (f1,b1,b2,b3) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,b3)
((Negation f' _),_,_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,b2,True)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True,False)
((Definedness t _),_,_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Predication p ts ps),_,_,_) ->
return (Right (Predication p ts ps))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,False,False) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract the leading symbol from a term or a formula
extractLeadingSymb :: Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
extractLeadingSymb lead =
case lead of
Left (Application os _ _) -> Left os
Right (Predication p _ _) -> Right p
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<extractLeadingSymb>"
-- | leadingTerm is total operation : Just True,
-- leadingTerm is partial operation : Just False,
-- others : Nothing.
opTypAxiom :: FORMULA f -> Maybe Bool
opTypAxiom f =
case (leadingSym f) of
Just (Left (Op_name _)) -> Nothing
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Total _ _ _) _)) -> Just True
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Partial _ _ _) _)) -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract the overloaded constructors
constructorOverload :: Sign f e -> OpMap -> [OP_SYMB] -> [OP_SYMB]
constructorOverload s opm os = concatMap cons_Overload os
where cons_Overload o =
case o of
Op_name _ -> [o]
Qual_op_name on1 ot _ ->
concatMap (cons on1 ot) $ Set.toList $ MapSet.lookup on1 opm
cons on opt1 opt2 = [Qual_op_name on (toOP_TYPE opt2) nullRange |
leqF s (toOpType opt1) opt2]
-- | check whether the operation symbol is a constructor
isCons :: Sign f e -> [OP_SYMB] -> OP_SYMB -> Bool
isCons s cons os =
if null cons
then False
else is_Cons (head cons) os || isCons s (tail cons) os
where is_Cons (Op_name _) _ = False
is_Cons _ (Op_name _) = False
is_Cons (Qual_op_name on1 ot1 _) (Qual_op_name on2 ot2 _)
| on1 /= on2 = False
| not $ isSupersort s (res_OP_TYPE ot2) (res_OP_TYPE ot1) = False
| otherwise = isSupersortS s (args_OP_TYPE ot2) (args_OP_TYPE ot1)
-- | check whether a sort is the others super sort
isSupersort :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
isSupersort sig s1 s2 = elem s1 slist
where sM = Rel.toMap $ sortRel sig
slist = case Map.lookup s2 sM of
Nothing -> [s2]
Just sts -> Set.toList $ Set.insert s2 sts
-- | check whether all sorts of a set are another sets super sort
isSupersortS :: Sign f e -> [SORT] -> [SORT] -> Bool
isSupersortS sig s1 s2
| length s1 /= length s2 = False
| otherwise = supS s1 s2
where supS [] [] = True
supS sts1 sts2 = isSupersort sig (head sts1) (head sts2) &&
supS (tail sts1) (tail sts2)
-- | translate id to string
idStr :: Id -> String
idStr (Id ts _ _) = concatMap tokStr ts
-- | replaces variables by terms in a term
substitute :: Eq f => [(TERM f,TERM f)] -> TERM f -> TERM f
substitute subs t =
case t of
t'@(Qual_var _ _ _) ->
subst subs t'
Application os ts r ->
Application os (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Sorted_term te s r ->
Sorted_term (substitute subs te) s r
Cast te s r ->
Cast (substitute subs te) s r
Conditional t1 f t2 r ->
Conditional (substitute subs t1) (substiF subs f) (substitute subs t2) r
Mixfix_term ts ->
Mixfix_term (map (substitute subs) ts)
Mixfix_parenthesized ts r ->
Mixfix_parenthesized (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Mixfix_bracketed ts r ->
Mixfix_bracketed (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Mixfix_braced ts r ->
Mixfix_braced (map (substitute subs) ts) r
_ -> t
where subst [] tt = tt
subst (x:xs) tt = if tt == snd x then fst x
else subst xs tt
-- | replaces variables by terms in a formula
substiF :: Eq f => [(TERM f,TERM f)] -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
substiF subs f =
case f of
Quantification q v f' r -> Quantification q v (substiF subs f') r
Conjunction fs r -> Conjunction (map (substiF subs) fs) r
Disjunction fs r -> Disjunction (map (substiF subs) fs) r
Implication f1 f2 b r -> Implication (substiF subs f1) (substiF subs f2) b r
Equivalence f1 f2 r -> Equivalence (substiF subs f1) (substiF subs f2) r
Negation f' r -> Negation (substiF subs f') r
Predication ps ts r -> Predication ps (map (substitute subs) ts) r
Existl_equation t1 t2 r ->
Existl_equation (substitute subs t1) (substitute subs t2) r
Strong_equation t1 t2 r ->
Strong_equation (substitute subs t1) (substitute subs t2) r
Membership t s r -> Membership (substitute subs t) s r
Mixfix_formula t -> Mixfix_formula (substitute subs t)
_ -> f
-- | check whether two terms are the terms of same application symbol
sameOpsApp :: TERM f -> TERM f -> Bool
sameOpsApp app1 app2 = case (term app1) of
Application ops1 _ _ ->
case (term app2) of
Application ops2 _ _ -> ops1==ops2
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- | get the axiom range of a term
axiomRangeforTerm :: (GetRange f, Eq f) => [FORMULA f] -> TERM f -> Range
axiomRangeforTerm [] _ = nullRange
axiomRangeforTerm fs t =
case leadingTermPredication (head fs) of
Just (Left tt) -> if tt == t
then getRange $ quanti $ head fs
else axiomRangeforTerm (tail fs) t
_ -> axiomRangeforTerm (tail fs) t
-- | get the sort of a variable declaration
sortOfVarD :: VAR_DECL -> SORT
sortOfVarD (Var_decl _ s _) = s
-- | get or create a variable declaration for a formula
varDeclOfF :: Ord f => FORMULA f -> [VAR_DECL]
varDeclOfF f =
case f of
Quantification _ vds _ _ -> vds
Conjunction fs _ -> concatVD $ nubOrd $ concatMap varDeclOfF fs
Disjunction fs _ -> concatVD $ nubOrd $ concatMap varDeclOfF fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> concatVD $ nubOrd $ varDeclOfF f1 ++
varDeclOfF f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> concatVD $ nubOrd $ varDeclOfF f1 ++
varDeclOfF f2
Negation f' _ -> varDeclOfF f'
Predication _ ts _ -> varD $ nubOrd $ concatMap varOfTerm ts
Definedness t _ -> varD $ varOfTerm t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ -> varD $ nubOrd $ varOfTerm t1 ++ varOfTerm t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ -> varD $ nubOrd $ varOfTerm t1 ++ varOfTerm t2
_ -> []
where varD [] = []
varD vars@(v:vs) =
case v of
Qual_var _ s r ->
Var_decl (nubOrd $ map varOfV $
filter (\ v' -> sortOfV v' == s) vars) s r:
varD (filter (\ v' -> sortOfV v' /= s) vs)
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<varD>"
concatVD [] = []
concatVD vd@((Var_decl _ s r):vds) =
Var_decl (nubOrd $ concatMap vOfVD $
filter (\ v' -> sortOfVarD v' == s) vd) s r:
concatVD (filter (\ v' -> sortOfVarD v' /= s) vds)
vOfVD (Var_decl vs _ _) = vs
sortOfV (Qual_var _ s _) = s
sortOfV _ = error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<sortOfV>"
varOfV (Qual_var v _ _) = v
varOfV _ = error "CASL.CCC.TermFormula<varOfV>"