SignFuns.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : auxiliary functions on signatures and morphisms
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Auxiliary functions on signatures and morphisms
module CASL.CCC.SignFuns where
import CASL.Sign -- Sign, OpType
import CASL.Morphism
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
-- | Compute the image of a signature morphism
imageOfMorphism :: Morphism f e m -> Sign f e
imageOfMorphism m =
sig {sortSet = Rel.image sortMap (sortSet src),
sortRel = (\ a -> sortMap Map.! a ) (sortRel src),
opMap = Map.foldWithKey
(\ident ots l ->
Set.fold (\ot l' -> insertOp
(mapOpSym sortMap funMap (ident,ot)) l') l ots)
Map.empty (opMap src),
predMap = Map.foldWithKey
(\ident pts l ->
Set.fold (\pt l' -> insertPred
(mapPredSym sortMap pMap (ident,pt)) l') l pts)
Map.empty (predMap src)
where sig = mtarget m
src = msource m
sortMap = sort_map m
funMap = fun_map m
insertOp (ident,ot) opM =
case Map.lookup ident opM of
Nothing -> Map.insert ident (Set.singleton ot) opM
Just ots -> Map.insert ident (Set.insert ot ots) opM
pMap = pred_map m
insertPred (ident,pt) predM =
case Map.lookup ident predM of
Nothing -> Map.insert ident (Set.singleton pt) predM
Just pts -> Map.insert ident (Set.insert pt pts) predM
inhabited :: [SORT] -> [Constraint] -> [SORT]
inhabited sorts constrs = iterateInhabited sorts
where (_,ops,_)=recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
argsRes=concat $
map (\os-> case os of
Op_name _->[]
Qual_op_name _ ot _->
case ot of
Op_type _ args res _ -> [(args,res)]
) ops
iterateInhabited l =
if l==newL then newL else iterateInhabited newL
where newL =foldr (\(ags,rs) l'->
if (all (\s->elem s l') ags)
&& (not (elem rs l'))
then rs:l'
else l') l argsRes