Amalgamability.hs revision 45954ed7c0d6e81f538b27777d353f39d33ce4fc
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Maciek Makowski, Warsaw University 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Amalgamability analysis for CASL.
Follows the algorithm outlined in MFCS 2001 (LNCS 2136, pp. 451-463,
Springer 2001) paper.
* the rest of the algorithm
* optimisations in congruentClosure
* optimisations in the whole algorithm
module CASL.Amalgamability(-- * Types
-- * Functions
ensuresAmalgamability) where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.Id
import Common.Lib.Graph
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Lib.Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Result
import Logic.Logic
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import List
-- Exported types
type CASLSign = Sign () ()
type CASLMor = Morphism () () ()
-- Miscellaneous types
type CASLDiag = Diagram CASLSign CASLMor
type DiagSort = (Node, SORT)
type DiagEmb = (Node, SORT, SORT)
type DiagEmbWord = [DiagEmb]
-- | equivalence classes are represented as lists of elements
type EquivClass a = [a]
-- | equivalence relations are represented as lists of equivalence classes
type EquivRel a = [EquivClass a]
-- | or, sometimes, as lists of pairs (element, equiv. class tag)
type EquivRelTagged a = [(a, a)]
-- PrettyPrint instance (for diagnostic output)
instance PrettyPrint (Diagram CASLSign CASLMor) where
printText0 ga diag =
ptext "nodes: "
<+> (printText0 ga (labNodes diag))
<+> ptext "\nedges: "
<+> (printText0 ga (labEdges diag))
-- | Compute the Sorts set -- a disjoint union of all the sets
-- in the diagram.
sorts :: CASLDiag -- ^ the diagram to get the sorts from
-> [DiagSort]
sorts diag =
let mkNodeSortPair n sort = (n, sort)
appendSorts sl (n, Sign { sortSet = s }) =
sl ++ (map (mkNodeSortPair n) (Set.toList s))
in foldl appendSorts [] (labNodes diag)
-- | Convert the relation representation from list of pairs
-- (val, equiv. class tag) to a list of equivalence classes.
taggedValsToEquivClasses :: Ord a
=> EquivRelTagged a -- ^ a list of (value, tag) pairs
-> EquivRel a
taggedValsToEquivClasses rel =
let -- prepMap: create a map with all the equivalence class tags mapped to
-- empty lists
prepMap rel =
foldl (\m -> \k -> Map.insert (snd k) [] m) Map.empty rel
-- conv: perform actual conversion
convert [] m = map snd (Map.toAscList m)
convert ((ds, ect) : dsps) m =
let m' = Map.update (\ec -> Just (ds : ec)) ect m
in convert dsps m'
in convert rel (prepMap rel)
-- | Merge the equivalence classes for elements fulfilling given condition.
mergeEquivClassesBy :: Eq a
=> (a -> a -> Bool) -- ^ the condition stating when two elements are in relation
-> EquivRelTagged a -- ^ the input relation
-> EquivRelTagged a
-- ^ returns the input relation with equivalence classes merged according to
-- the condition.
mergeEquivClassesBy cond rel =
-- Starting with the first element in the list an element (elem, tag) is taken
-- and cond is subsequently applied to it and all the elements
-- following it in the list. Whenever an element (elem', tag')
-- that is in relation with the chosen one is found, all the equivalence
-- class tags in the list that are equal to tag' are updated to tag.
let merge rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
merge rel pos | otherwise =
let mergeWith cmpl _ [] = cmpl
mergeWith cmpl vtp@(elem, ec) toCmpl@((elem', ec') : _) =
let (cmpl', toCmpl') = if ec /= ec' && (cond elem elem')
then let upd (elem'', ec'') =
if ec'' == ec'
then (elem'', ec)
else (elem'', ec'')
in (map upd cmpl, map upd toCmpl)
else (cmpl, toCmpl)
in mergeWith (cmpl' ++ [head toCmpl']) vtp (tail toCmpl')
(cmpl, (vtp : vtps)) = splitAt pos rel
rel' = mergeWith (cmpl ++ [vtp]) vtp vtps
in merge rel' (pos + 1)
in merge rel 0
-- | Merge the equivalence classes for given tags.
mergeEquivClasses :: Eq a
=> EquivRelTagged a
-> a -- ^ tag 1
-> a -- ^ tag 2
-> EquivRelTagged a
mergeEquivClasses rel tag1 tag2 | tag1 == tag2 = rel
| otherwise =
let upd (el, tag) | tag == tag2 = (el, tag1)
| otherwise = (el, tag)
in map upd rel
-- | Return true if there is an edge between srcNode and targetNode
-- and the morphism with which it's labelled maps srcSort to targetSort
isMorph :: CASLDiag
-> DiagSort
-> DiagSort
-> Bool
isMorph diag (srcNode, srcSort) (targetNode, targetSort) =
let checkEdges [] = False
checkEdges ((sn, tn, Morphism { sort_map = sm }) : edges) =
if sn == srcNode &&
tn == targetNode &&
mapSort sm srcSort == targetSort
then True else checkEdges edges
in checkEdges (out diag srcNode)
-- | Compute the simeq relation for given diagram.
simeq :: CASLDiag -- ^ the diagram for which the relation should be created
-> EquivRel DiagSort
-- ^ returns the relation represented as a list of equivalence
-- classes (each represented as a list of diagram sorts)
simeq diag =
-- During the computations the relation is represented as a list of pairs
-- (DiagSort, DiagSort). The first element is a diagram sort and the second
-- denotes the equivalence class to which it belongs. All the pairs with
-- equal second element denote elements of one equivalence class.
let mergeCond ds ds' = isMorph diag ds ds' || isMorph diag ds' ds
-- compute the relation
rel = map (\ds -> (ds, ds)) (sorts diag)
rel' = mergeEquivClassesBy mergeCond rel
in taggedValsToEquivClasses rel'
-- | Compute the simeq_tau relation for given diagram.
simeq_tau :: [LEdge CASLMor]
-> EquivRel DiagSort
simeq_tau sink =
let -- tagEdge: for given morphism m create a list of pairs
-- (a, b) where a is DiagSort from the source signature that
-- is mapped by m to DiagSort b
tagEdge (sn, tn, Morphism { sort_map = sm }) =
map (\(ss, ts) -> ((sn, ss), (tn, ts))) (Map.toList sm)
rel = foldl (\l -> \e -> l ++ (tagEdge e)) [] sink
in taggedValsToEquivClasses rel
-- | Check that one equivalence relation is a subset of another.
-- The relations are represented as a lists of equivalence classes,
-- where equivalence classes are lists of elements.
subRelation :: Eq a
=> EquivRel a -- ^ the relation that is supposed to be a subset
-> EquivRel a -- ^ the relation that is supposed to be a superset
-> Maybe (a, a)
-- ^ returns a pair of elements that are in the same equivalence class of the
-- first relation but are not in the same equivalence class of the second
-- relation or Nothing the first relation is a subset of the second one.
subRelation [] _ = Nothing
subRelation ([] : eqcls) sup = subRelation eqcls sup -- this should never be the case
subRelation ((elt : elts) : eqcls) sup =
let findEqCl _ [] = [] -- this should never be the case
findEqCl elt (eqcl : eqcls) =
if elem elt eqcl then eqcl else findEqCl elt eqcls
checkEqCl [] _ = Nothing
checkEqCl (elt : elts) supEqCl =
if elem elt supEqCl
then checkEqCl elts supEqCl
else Just elt
curFail = checkEqCl elts (findEqCl elt sup)
in case curFail of
Nothing -> subRelation eqcls sup
Just elt2 -> Just (elt, elt2)
-- | Compute the set of sort embeddings defined in the diagram.
embs :: CASLDiag
-> [DiagEmb]
embs diag =
let embs' [] = []
embs' ((n, Sign {sortRel = sr}) : lNodes) =
(map (\(s1, s2) -> (n, s1, s2)) (toList sr)) ++ (embs' lNodes)
in embs' (labNodes diag)
-- | Compute the set of sort embeddings (relations on sorts) defined
-- in the source nodes of the sink.
sinkEmbs :: CASLDiag -- ^ the diagram
-> [LEdge CASLMor] -- ^ the sink
-> [DiagEmb]
sinkEmbs _ [] = []
sinkEmbs diag ((srcNode, _, _) : edges) =
let (_, _, Sign {sortRel = sr}, _) = context srcNode diag
in (map (\(s1, s2) -> (srcNode, s1, s2)) (toList sr)) ++ (sinkEmbs diag edges)
-- | Check if the two given elements are in the given relation.
inRel :: Eq a
=> EquivRel a -- ^ the relation
-> a -- ^ the first element
-> a -- ^ the second element
-> Bool
inRel [] _ _ = False
inRel (eqc : eqcs) a b | a == b = True
| otherwise =
case find (\x -> x == a) eqc of
Nothing -> inRel eqcs a b
Just _ -> case find (\x -> x == b) eqc of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> True
-- | Check if two embeddings can occur subsequently in a word
-- given the simeq relation on sorts.
admissible :: EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation
-> DiagEmb -- ^ the first embedding
-> DiagEmb -- ^ the second embedding
-> Bool
admissible simeq (n1, s1, _) (n2, _, s2) =
inRel simeq (n1, s1) (n2, s2)
-- | Compute the set of all the loopless, admissible
-- words over given set of embeddings.
looplessWords :: [DiagEmb] -- ^ the embeddings
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation that defines admissibility
-> [DiagEmbWord]
looplessWords embs simeq =
let -- generate the list of all loopless words over given alphabet
-- with given suffix
looplessWords' suff@(e : _) embs pos | pos >= length embs = [suff]
| otherwise =
let emb = embs !! pos
embs' = embs \\ [emb]
ws = if admissible simeq emb e
then looplessWords' (emb : suff) embs' 0
else []
in ws ++ (looplessWords' suff embs (pos + 1))
looplessWords' [] embs pos | pos >= length embs = []
| otherwise =
let emb = embs !! pos
embs' = embs \\ [emb]
in (looplessWords' [emb] embs' 0) ++ (looplessWords' [] embs (pos + 1))
in looplessWords' [] embs 0
-- | Return the codomain of an embedding path.
wordCod :: DiagEmbWord
-> DiagSort
wordCod ((n, _, s2) : _) = (n, s2)
-- | Return the domain of an embedding path.
wordDom :: DiagEmbWord
-> DiagSort
wordDom w = let (n, s1, _) = last w in (n, s1)
-- | Find an equivalence class tag for given element.
findTag :: Eq a
=> EquivRelTagged a
-> a
-> a
findTag [] w = w -- this should never be the case
findTag ((w', t) : wtps) w =
if w == w' then t else findTag wtps w
-- | Compute the left-cancellable closure of a relation on words.
leftCancellableClosure :: EquivRelTagged DiagEmbWord
-> EquivRelTagged DiagEmbWord
leftCancellableClosure rel =
let -- checkPrefixes: for each common prefix of two given words
-- merge the equivalence classes of the suffixes
checkPrefixes [] _ rel = rel
checkPrefixes _ [] rel = rel
checkPrefixes w1@(l1 : suf1) w2@(l2 : suf2) rel | w1 == w2 = rel
| l1 /= l2 = rel
| otherwise =
let tag1 = findTag rel suf1
tag2 = findTag rel suf2
rel' = if tag1 == tag2 then rel
else let upd (w, t) | t == tag2 = (w, tag1)
| otherwise = (w, t)
in map upd rel
in checkPrefixes suf1 suf2 rel'
-- iterateWord1: for each pair of related words call checkPrefixes
iterateWord1 rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let iterateWord2 wtp1@(w1, t1) rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let wtp2@(w2, t2) = rel !! pos
rel' = if t1 == t2 then checkPrefixes w1 w2 rel else rel
in iterateWord2 wtp1 rel' (pos + 1)
wtp = rel !! pos
rel' = iterateWord2 wtp rel 0
in iterateWord1 rel' (pos + 1)
in iterateWord1 rel 0
-- | Compute the congruent closure of a relation on words with
-- given \simeq relation on letters.
-- This function should be applied to the relation until a fixpoint is reached.
congruentClosure :: EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the simeq relation
-> EquivRelTagged DiagEmbWord
-> EquivRelTagged DiagEmbWord
congruentClosure simeq rel =
let -- iterateWord1
iterateWord1 rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let -- iterateWord2
iterateWord2 wtp1@(_, t1) rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let -- iterateWord3
iterateWord3 wtp1@(w1, _) wtp2 rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let -- iterateWord4
iterateWord4 wtp1@(w1, _) wtp2@(w2, _) wtp3@(w3, t3) rel pos | pos >= length rel = rel
| otherwise =
let (w4, t4) = rel !! pos
rel' = if t3 /= t4 then rel
else let ct1 = findTag rel (w3 ++ w1)
ct2 = findTag rel (w4 ++ w2)
in mergeEquivClasses rel ct1 ct2
in iterateWord4 wtp1 wtp2 wtp3 rel' (pos + 1)
wtp3@(w3, _) = rel !! pos
rel' = if inRel simeq (wordCod w1) (wordDom w3)
then iterateWord4 wtp1 wtp2 wtp3 rel 0
else rel
in iterateWord3 wtp1 wtp2 rel' (pos + 1)
wtp2@(_, t2) = rel !! pos
rel' = if t1 /= t2 then rel
else iterateWord3 wtp1 wtp2 rel 0
in iterateWord2 wtp1 rel' (pos + 1)
wtp = rel !! pos
rel' = iterateWord2 wtp rel 0
in iterateWord1 rel' (pos + 1)
in iterateWord1 rel 0
-- | Compute the cong_tau relation for given diagram and sink.
cong_tau :: CASLDiag -- ^ the diagram
-> [LEdge CASLMor] -- ^ the sink
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq_tau relation
-> EquivRel DiagEmbWord
cong_tau diag sink st =
let -- domCodSimeq: check that domains and codomains of given words are related
domCodSimeq w1 w2 =
inRel st (wordDom w1) (wordDom w2) && inRel st (wordCod w1) (wordCod w2)
embs = sinkEmbs diag sink
words = looplessWords embs st
rel = map (\w -> (w, w)) words
rel' = mergeEquivClassesBy domCodSimeq rel
in taggedValsToEquivClasses rel'
-- | Compute the finite representation of cong_0 relation for given diagram.
-- The representation consists only of equivalence classes that
-- contain more than one element.
cong_0 :: CASLDiag
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation
-> EquivRel DiagEmbWord
cong_0 diag simeq =
let -- diagRule: the Diag rule
diagRule [(n1, s11, s12)] [(n2, s21, s22)] =
isMorph diag (n1, s11) (n2, s21) && isMorph diag (n1, s12) (n2, s22) ||
isMorph diag (n2, s21) (n1, s11) && isMorph diag (n2, s22) (n1, s12)
diagRule _ _ = False
-- addToRel: add given word to given relation
addToRel [] _ = []
addToRel (eqcl@(refw : _) : eqcls) w =
if wordDom w == wordDom refw && wordCod w == wordCod refw
then ((w : eqcl) : eqcls)
else (eqcl : (addToRel eqcls w))
-- words2: generate all the admissible 2-letter words over given alphabet
words2 _ [] _ = []
words2 alph (_ : embs) [] = words2 alph embs alph
words2 alph embs1@(emb1 : _) (emb2 : embs2) =
let ws = words2 alph embs1 embs2
in if admissible simeq emb1 emb2
then ([emb1, emb2] : ws) else ws
-- compute the relation
em = embs diag
rel = map (\e -> ([e], [e])) em
rel' = mergeEquivClassesBy diagRule rel
rel'' = taggedValsToEquivClasses rel'
w2s = words2 em em em
rel''' = foldl addToRel rel'' w2s
in rel'''
-- | Compute the set Adm_\simeq if it's finite.
finiteAdm_simeq :: [DiagEmb] -- ^ the embeddings
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation that defines admissibility
-> Maybe [DiagEmbWord]
-- ^ returns the computed set or Nothing if it's infinite
finiteAdm_simeq embs simeq =
let -- generate the list of the words over given alphabet
-- with given suffix
embWords' suff@(e : _) embs pos | pos >= length embs = Just [suff]
| otherwise =
let emb = embs !! pos
mws1 = if admissible simeq emb e
then if any (\emb' -> emb' == emb) suff
then Nothing
else embWords' (emb : suff) embs 0
else Just []
mws2 = case mws1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> embWords' suff embs (pos + 1)
in case mws1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ws1 -> case mws2 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ws2 -> Just (ws1 ++ ws2)
embWords' [] embs pos | pos >= length embs = Just []
embWords' [] embs pos | otherwise =
let emb = embs !! pos
mws1 = embWords' [emb] embs 0
mws2 = case mws1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just _ -> embWords' [] embs (pos + 1)
in case mws1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ws1 -> case mws2 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ws2 -> Just (ws1 ++ ws2)
in embWords' [] embs 0
-- | Compute the \cong relation given its (finite) domain
cong :: CASLDiag
-> [DiagEmbWord] -- ^ the Adm_\simeq set (the domain of \cong relation)
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation
-> EquivRel DiagEmbWord
cong diag adm simeq =
let -- domCodEqual: check that domains and codomains of given words are equal
domCodEqual w1 w2 =
wordDom w1 == wordDom w2 && wordCod w1 == wordCod w2
-- diagRule: the Diag rule
diagRule [(n1, s11, s12)] [(n2, s21, s22)] =
isMorph diag (n1, s11) (n2, s21) && isMorph diag (n1, s12) (n2, s22) ||
isMorph diag (n2, s21) (n1, s11) && isMorph diag (n2, s22) (n1, s12)
diagRule _ _ = False
-- compRule: the Comp rule works for words 1 and 2-letter long
-- with equal domains and codomains
compRule w1@[_] w2@[_, _] = domCodEqual w1 w2
compRule w1@[_, _] w2@[_] = domCodEqual w1 w2
compRule _ _ = False
-- fixCongLc: apply Cong and Lc rules until a fixpoint is reached
fixCongLc rel =
let rel' = (leftCancellableClosure . congruentClosure simeq) rel
in if rel == rel' then rel else fixCongLc rel'
-- compute the relation
rel = map (\w -> (w, w)) adm
rel' = mergeEquivClassesBy diagRule rel
rel'' = mergeEquivClassesBy compRule rel'
rel''' = fixCongLc rel''
in taggedValsToEquivClasses rel'''
-- | Compute the \cong^R relation
congR :: CASLDiag
-> EquivRel DiagSort -- ^ the \simeq relation
-> EquivRel DiagEmbWord
congR diag simeq =
cong diag (looplessWords (embs diag) simeq) simeq
-- | Convert a word to a list of sorts that are embedded
wordToEmbPath :: DiagEmbWord
-> [SORT]
wordToEmbPath [] = []
wordToEmbPath ((_, s1, s2) : embs) =
let rest [] = []
rest ((_, s, _) : embs) = (rest embs) ++ [s]
in (rest embs) ++ [s1, s2]
-- | The amalgamability checking function for CASL.
ensuresAmalgamability :: CASLDiag -- ^ the diagram to be checked;
-- must already be extended with the node
-- that is the target of the sink.
-> [LEdge CASLMor] -- ^ the sink
-> Result Amalgamates
ensuresAmalgamability diag' sink@((_, tn, _) : _) =
do let diag = delNode tn diag'
s = simeq diag
st = simeq_tau sink
-- 1. Check the inclusion (*). If it doesn't hold, the specification is
-- incorrect.
--warning DontKnow ("sink: " ++ (showPretty sink "")) nullPos -- test
--warning DontKnow ("diag: " ++ (showPretty diag "")) nullPos -- test
case subRelation st s of
Just (ns1, ns2) -> let getNodeSig _ [] = emptySign () -- this should never be the case
getNodeSig n ((n1, sig) : nss) = if n == n1 then sig else getNodeSig n nss
lns = labNodes diag'
sortString1 = renderText Nothing (printText (snd ns1)) ++
" in {" ++ renderText Nothing (printText (getNodeSig (fst ns1) lns)) ++ "}"
sortString2 = renderText Nothing (printText (snd ns2)) ++
" in {" ++ renderText Nothing (printText (getNodeSig (fst ns2) lns)) ++ "}"
in do return (No ("sorts " ++ sortString1 ++ " and " ++ sortString2))
Nothing -> do let ct = cong_tau diag' sink st
-- As we will be using a finite representation of \cong_0
-- that may not contain some of the equivalence classes with
-- only one element it's sufficient to check that the subrelation
-- ct0 of ct that has only non-reflexive elements is a subrelation
-- of \cong_0.
ct0 = filter (\l -> length l > 1) ct
c0 = cong_0 diag s
-- 2. Check the simple case: \cong_0 \in \cong, so if \cong_\tau \in \cong_0 the
-- specification is correct.
-- warning DontKnow ("cong_tau: " ++ (showPretty ct "")) nullPos -- test
-- warning DontKnow ("cong_tau0: " ++ (showPretty ct0 "")) nullPos -- test
-- warning DontKnow ("cong_0: " ++ (showPretty c0 "")) nullPos -- test
case subRelation ct0 c0 of
Nothing -> do return Yes
Just _ -> do let em = embs diag
mas = finiteAdm_simeq em s
-- 3. Check if the set Adm_\simeq is finite.
case mas of
Just as -> do --warning DontKnow ("Adm_simeq: " ++ (showPretty as "")) nullPos -- test
-- TODO: 4. check the colimit thinness
let c = cong diag as s
-- 5. Check the cell condition in its full generality.
-- warning DontKnow ("cong: " ++ (showPretty c "")) nullPos -- test
case subRelation ct c of
Just (w1, w2) -> let rendEmbPath [] = []
rendEmbPath (h : w) =
foldl (\t -> \s -> t ++ " < " ++ renderText Nothing (printText s))
(renderText Nothing (printText h)) w
word1 = rendEmbPath (wordToEmbPath w1)
word2 = rendEmbPath (wordToEmbPath w2)
in do return (No ("embedding paths \n " ++ word1 ++
"\nand\n " ++ word2 ++ "\nmight be different"))
Nothing -> do return Yes
Nothing -> do {-let e = embs diag
lw = looplessWords e s
warning DontKnow ("Loopless: " ++ (showPretty lw "")) nullPos -- test
return DontKnow-}
let cR = congR diag s
--warning DontKnow ("cong^R: " ++ (showPretty cR "")) nullPos -- test
--warning DontKnow ("#eqcls: " ++ (showPretty (length cR) "")) nullPos -- test
--return DontKnow
-- 6. Check the restricted cell condition. If it holds then the
-- specification is correct. Otherwise proof obligations need to
-- be generated.
case subRelation ct cR of
Just _ -> do return DontKnow -- TODO: generate proof obligations
Nothing -> do return Yes