AS_Basic_CASL.der.hs revision 765e55b764e0fd32c09d33709d6e2770c4766799
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder{- |
eceb9606af609acfa431c3203484317c55ce8b35Ewaryst SchulzModule : $Header$
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerDescription : Abstract syntax of CASL basic specifications
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeCopyright : (c) Klaus Luettich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu Prodescu
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill MossakowskiMaintainer :
f1edf379717f0ddb7607585a027cf6f03a6fce68Christian MaederStability : provisional
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill MossakowskiPortability : portable
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill Mossakowski
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill MossakowskiAbstract Syntax of CASL Basic_specs, Symb_items and Symb_map_items.
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill Mossakowski Follows Sect. II:2.2 of the CASL Reference Manual.
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill Mossakowski-}
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill Mossakowski
316fe96124dce26bfbc374b2f82c23fadcf2fa8bChristian Maedermodule CASL.AS_Basic_CASL where
26db4a742376d513cdba128780ee8ca60eeb927eTill Mossakowski
e16b3696b2c173aac14200321868ed81b8f7dc69Christian Maederimport Common.Id
e16b3696b2c173aac14200321868ed81b8f7dc69Christian Maederimport Common.AS_Annotation
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport qualified Data.Set as Set
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke-- DrIFT command
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke{-! global: GetRange !-}
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata BASIC_SPEC b s f = Basic_spec [Annoted (BASIC_ITEMS b s f)]
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
d54cd08a4cfa26256c38d8ed12c343adbfe1a0e3Christian Maeder
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata BASIC_ITEMS b s f = Sig_items (SIG_ITEMS s f)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- the Annotation following the keyword is dropped
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- but preceding the keyword is now an Annotation allowed
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Free_datatype SortsKind [Annoted DATATYPE_DECL] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: free, type, semi colons
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Sort_gen [Annoted (SIG_ITEMS s f)] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: generated, opt. braces
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Var_items [VAR_DECL] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: var, semi colons
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Local_var_axioms [VAR_DECL] [Annoted (FORMULA f)] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: forall, semi colons, dots
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Axiom_items [Annoted (FORMULA f)] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: dots
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Ext_BASIC_ITEMS b
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata SortsKind = NonEmptySorts | PossiblyEmptySorts deriving Show
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata SIG_ITEMS s f = Sort_items SortsKind [Annoted (SORT_ITEM f)] Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: sort, semi colons
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder | Op_items [Annoted (OP_ITEM f)] Range
a23e572c8f957cc051a1b0831abd6fe9380d45c7Christian Maeder -- pos: op, semi colons
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Pred_items [Annoted (PRED_ITEM f)] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: pred, semi colons
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Datatype_items SortsKind [Annoted DATATYPE_DECL] Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- type, semi colons
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Ext_SIG_ITEMS s
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata SORT_ITEM f = Sort_decl [SORT] Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: commas
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder | Subsort_decl [SORT] SORT Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: commas, <
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder | Subsort_defn SORT VAR SORT (Annoted (FORMULA f)) Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: "=", "{", ":", ".", "}"
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder -- the left anno list stored in Annoted Formula is
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- parsed after the equal sign
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder | Iso_decl [SORT] Range
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder -- pos: "="s
05bf9cbe382548c2665dd01a6a402640c9ec3813Christian Maeder deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata OP_ITEM f = Op_decl [OP_NAME] OP_TYPE [OP_ATTR f] Range
e16b3696b2c173aac14200321868ed81b8f7dc69Christian Maeder -- pos: commas, colon, OP_ATTR sep. by commas
e16b3696b2c173aac14200321868ed81b8f7dc69Christian Maeder | Op_defn OP_NAME OP_HEAD (Annoted (TERM f)) Range
e16b3696b2c173aac14200321868ed81b8f7dc69Christian Maeder -- pos: "="
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata OpKind = Total | Partial deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata OP_TYPE = Op_type OpKind [SORT] SORT Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: "*"s, "->" ; if null [SORT] then Range = [] or pos: "?"
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeargs_OP_TYPE :: OP_TYPE -> [SORT]
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeargs_OP_TYPE (Op_type _ args _ _) = args
9a80079e082fdf4fe8e19f8fc61e6cd8799b47a7Christian Maeder
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeres_OP_TYPE :: OP_TYPE -> SORT
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeres_OP_TYPE (Op_type _ _ res _) = res
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata OP_HEAD = Op_head OpKind [ARG_DECL] SORT Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: "(", semicolons, ")", colon
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata ARG_DECL = Arg_decl [VAR] SORT Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: commas, colon
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata OP_ATTR f = Assoc_op_attr | Comm_op_attr | Idem_op_attr
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Unit_op_attr (TERM f)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkedata PRED_ITEM f = Pred_decl [PRED_NAME] PRED_TYPE Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: commas, colon
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke | Pred_defn PRED_NAME PRED_HEAD (Annoted (FORMULA f)) Range
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- pos: "<=>"
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke deriving Show
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata PRED_TYPE = Pred_type [SORT] Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: if null [SORT] then "(",")" else "*"s
b90a7e905864818883ef83927e19264f1b5a762cChristian Maeder deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata PRED_HEAD = Pred_head [ARG_DECL] Range
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder -- pos: "(",semi colons , ")"
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder deriving Show
data DATATYPE_DECL = Datatype_decl SORT [Annoted ALTERNATIVE] Range
-- pos: "::=", "|"s
deriving Show
data ALTERNATIVE = Alt_construct OpKind OP_NAME [COMPONENTS] Range
-- pos: "(", semi colons, ")" optional "?"
| Subsorts [SORT] Range
-- pos: sort, commas
deriving Show
data COMPONENTS = Cons_select OpKind [OP_NAME] SORT Range
-- pos: commas, colon or ":?"
| Sort SORT
deriving Show
data VAR_DECL = Var_decl [VAR] SORT Range
-- pos: commas, colon
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- Position definition for FORMULA:
Information on parens are also encoded in Range. If there
are more Pos than necessary there is a pair of Pos enclosing the
other Pos informations which encode the brackets of every kind
data FORMULA f = Quantification QUANTIFIER [VAR_DECL] (FORMULA f) Range
-- pos: QUANTIFIER, semi colons, dot
| Conjunction [FORMULA f] Range
-- pos: "/\"s
| Disjunction [FORMULA f] Range
-- pos: "\/"s
| Implication (FORMULA f) (FORMULA f) Bool Range
-- pos: "=>" or "if" (True -> "=>")
| Equivalence (FORMULA f) (FORMULA f) Range
-- pos: "<=>"
| Negation (FORMULA f) Range
-- pos: not
| True_atom Range
-- pos: true
| False_atom Range
-- pos: false
| Predication PRED_SYMB [TERM f] Range
-- pos: opt. "(",commas,")"
| Definedness (TERM f) Range
-- pos: def
| Existl_equation (TERM f) (TERM f) Range
-- pos: =e=
| Strong_equation (TERM f) (TERM f) Range
-- pos: =
| Membership (TERM f) SORT Range
-- pos: in
| Mixfix_formula (TERM f) -- Mixfix_ Term/Token/(..)/[..]/{..}
-- a formula left original for mixfix analysis
| Unparsed_formula String Range
-- pos: first Char in String
| Sort_gen_ax [Constraint] Bool -- flag: belongs to a free type?
-- needed for CASL extensions
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
is_True_atom, is_False_atom :: FORMULA f -> Bool
is_True_atom (True_atom _) = True
is_True_atom _ = False
is_False_atom (False_atom _) = True
is_False_atom _ = False
{- In the CASL institution, sort generation constraints have an
additional signature morphism component (Sect. III:2.1.3, p.134 of the
CASL Reference Manual). The extra signature morphism component is
needed because the naive translation of sort generation constraints
along signature morphisms may violate the satisfaction condition,
namely when sorts are identified by the translation, with the effect
that new terms can be formed. We avoid this extra component here and
instead use natural numbers to decorate sorts, in this way retaining
their identity w.r.t. the original signature. The newSort in a
Constraint is implicitly decorated with its index in the list of
Constraints. The opSymbs component collects all the operation symbols
with newSort (with that index!) as a result sort. The argument sorts
of an operation symbol are decorated explicitly via a list [Int] of
integers. The origSort in a Constraint is the original sort
corresponding to the index. A negative index indicates a sort outside
the constraint (i.e. a "parameter sort"). Note that this representation of
sort generation constraints is efficiently tailored towards both the use in
the proof calculus (Chap. IV:2, p. 282 of the CASL Reference Manual)
and the coding into second order logic (p. 429 of Theoret. Comp. Sci. 286).
data Constraint = Constraint { newSort :: SORT,
opSymbs :: [(OP_SYMB,[Int])],
origSort :: SORT }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
isInjectiveList :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isInjectiveList l = Set.size (Set.fromList l) == length l
-- | from a Sort_gex_ax, recover:
-- | a traditional sort generation constraint plus a sort mapping
recover_Sort_gen_ax :: [Constraint] ->
recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs =
if isInjectiveList sorts
-- no duplicate sorts, i.e. injective sort map? Then we can ignore indices
then (sorts,map fst (concat (map opSymbs constrs)),[])
-- otherwise, we have to introduce new sorts for the indices
-- and afterwards rename them into the sorts they denote
else (map indSort1 indices,map indOp indOps1,map sortMap indSorts)
sorts = map newSort constrs
indices = [0..length sorts-1]
indSorts = zip indices sorts
indSort (i,s) = if i<0 then s else indSort1 i
indSort1 i = origSort $ head (drop i constrs)
sortMap (i,s) = (indSort1 i,s)
indOps = zip indices (map opSymbs constrs)
indOps1 = concat (map (\(i,ops) -> map ((,) i) ops) indOps)
indOp (res,(Qual_op_name on (Op_type k args1 res1 pos1) pos,args)) =
Qual_op_name on
(Op_type k (map indSort (zip args args1))
(indSort (res,res1)) pos1) pos
indOp _ = error
"CASL/AS_Basic_CASL: Internal error: Unqualified OP_SYMB in Sort_gen_ax"
-- | from a free Sort_gex_ax, recover:
-- | the sorts, each paired with the constructors
-- | fails (i.e. delivers Nothing) if the sort map is not injective
recover_free_Sort_gen_ax :: [Constraint] -> Maybe [(SORT,[OP_SYMB])]
recover_free_Sort_gen_ax constrs =
if isInjectiveList sorts
-- no duplicate sorts, i.e. injective sort map?
then Just $ map getOpProfile constrs
else Nothing
sorts = map newSort constrs
getOpProfile constr = (newSort constr, map fst $ opSymbs constr)
data QUANTIFIER = Universal | Existential | Unique_existential
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PRED_SYMB = Pred_name PRED_NAME
| Qual_pred_name PRED_NAME PRED_TYPE Range
-- pos: "(", pred, colon, ")"
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
predSymbName :: PRED_SYMB -> PRED_NAME
predSymbName p = case p of
Pred_name n -> n
Qual_pred_name n _ _ -> n
data TERM f = Qual_var VAR SORT Range -- pos: "(", var, colon, ")"
| Application OP_SYMB [TERM f] Range
-- pos: parens around TERM f if any and seperating commas
| Sorted_term (TERM f) SORT Range
-- pos: colon
| Cast (TERM f) SORT Range
-- pos: "as"
| Conditional (TERM f) (FORMULA f) (TERM f) Range
-- pos: "when", "else"
| Unparsed_term String Range -- SML-CATS
-- A new intermediate state
| Mixfix_qual_pred PRED_SYMB -- as part of a mixfix formula
| Mixfix_term [TERM f] -- not starting with Mixfix_sorted_term/cast
| Mixfix_token Token -- NO-BRACKET-TOKEN, LITERAL, PLACE
| Mixfix_sorted_term SORT Range
-- pos: colon
| Mixfix_cast SORT Range
-- pos: "as"
| Mixfix_parenthesized [TERM f] Range -- non-emtpy term list
-- pos: "(", commas, ")"
| Mixfix_bracketed [TERM f] Range
-- pos: "[", commas, "]"
| Mixfix_braced [TERM f] Range -- also for list-notation
-- pos: "{", "}"
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | state after mixfix- but before overload resolution
varOrConst :: Token -> TERM f
varOrConst t = Application (Op_name $ simpleIdToId t) [] $ tokPos t
rangeOfTerm :: TERM f -> Range
rangeOfTerm t = case t of
Mixfix_term ts -> concatMapRange rangeOfTerm ts
Mixfix_token s -> tokPos s
_ -> getRange t
data OP_SYMB = Op_name OP_NAME
| Qual_op_name OP_NAME OP_TYPE Range
-- pos: "(", op, colon, ")"
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
opSymbName :: OP_SYMB -> OP_NAME
opSymbName o = case o of
Op_name n -> n
Qual_op_name n _ _ -> n
type OP_NAME = Id
type PRED_NAME = Id
type SORT = Id
type VAR = Token
data SYMB_ITEMS = Symb_items SYMB_KIND [SYMB] Range
-- pos: SYMB_KIND, commas
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_MAP_ITEMS = Symb_map_items SYMB_KIND [SYMB_OR_MAP] Range
-- pos: SYMB_KIND, commas
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_KIND = Implicit | Sorts_kind
| Ops_kind | Preds_kind | OtherKinds String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data SYMB = Symb_id Id
| Qual_id Id TYPE Range
-- pos: colon
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TYPE = O_type OP_TYPE
| P_type PRED_TYPE
| A_type SORT -- ambiguous pred or (constant total) op
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SYMB_OR_MAP = Symb SYMB
| Symb_map SYMB SYMB Range
-- pos: "|->"
deriving (Show, Eq)