Print.hs revision 730c5ceb32674079c15c015b9a673da9eb4037be
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing ADL syntax
Copyright : (c) Stef Joosten, Christian Maeder DFKI GmbH 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Adl.Print () where
import Adl.As
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Data.List
instance Pretty Concept where
pretty c = case c of
C s -> pretty s
_ -> text $ show c
instance Pretty Relation where
pretty (Sgn n c1 c2) =
pretty n <> case (c1, c2) of
(Anything, Anything) -> empty
_ | c1 == c2 -> brackets $ pretty c1
_ -> brackets $ hcat [pretty c1, cross, pretty c2]
instance Pretty UnOp where
pretty o = case o of
K0 -> text "*"
K1 -> text "+"
Cp -> text "-" -- prefix!
Co -> breve
instance Pretty MulOp where
pretty o = case o of
Fc -> semi
Fd -> dagger
Fi -> space <> andDoc <> space
Fu -> space <> orDoc <> space
prettyParen :: (Expression -> Bool) -> Expression -> Doc
prettyParen p e = (if p e then parens else id) $ pretty e
instance Pretty Expression where
pretty e = case e of
Tm r -> pretty r
MulExp o es ->
fcat $ punctuate (pretty o) $ map
(prettyParen (\ a -> case a of
MulExp p _ -> p >= o
_ -> False)) es
UnExp o r -> hcat $ (if o == Cp then reverse else id)
[ prettyParen (\ a -> case a of
MulExp _ _ -> True
UnExp p _ -> o /= Cp && p == Cp
_ -> False) r
, pretty o ]
instance Pretty RuleType where
pretty t = case t of
Implication -> vdash
ReverseImpl -> dashv
Equivalence -> equals
instance Pretty Rule where
pretty r = case r of
Rule e1 t e2 -> hsep [pretty e1, pretty t, pretty e2]
Truth e -> pretty e
instance Pretty Prop where
pretty = text . showUp
instance Pretty RangedProp where
pretty = pretty . propProp
instance Pretty Object where
pretty (Object n e as os) = sep
[ fsep [pretty n <> colon, pretty e]
, if null as then empty else fsep $ keyword "ALWAYS" : map pretty as
, if null os then empty else equals <+> brackets (ppWithCommas os) ]
instance Pretty RuleKind where
pretty = keyword . showRuleKind
instance Pretty RuleHeader where
pretty h = case h of
Always -> empty
RuleHeader k t -> keyword
(if k == SignalOn then "SIGNAL" else "RULE")
<+> pretty t <+> pretty k
instance Pretty KeyAtt where
pretty (KeyAtt mt e) = sep [case mt of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> pretty t <> colon
, pretty e]
instance Pretty KeyDef where
pretty (KeyDef l c atts) = fsep
[ keyword "KEY"
, pretty l <> colon
, pretty c
, parens $ ppWithCommas atts ]
instance Pretty Pair where
pretty (Pair x y) = parens $ ppWithCommas [x, y]
prettyContent :: [Pair] -> Doc
prettyContent = brackets . vcat . punctuate semi . map pretty
instance Pretty PatElem where
pretty e = case e of
Pr k r -> pretty k <+> pretty r
Pg c1 c2 -> fsep [keyword "GEN", pretty c1, keyword "ISA", pretty c2]
Pk k -> pretty k
Pm ps (Sgn n c1 c2) b ->
let u = rProp Uni
t = rProp Tot
f = elem u ps && elem t ps
ns = if f then delete t $ delete u ps else ps
in fsep
[ pretty n, text "::", pretty c1
, if f then funArrow else cross, pretty c2
, if null ns then empty else brackets $ ppWithCommas ns]
<> if b then empty else dot
Plug p o -> sep [keyword $ showUp p, pretty o]
Population b r l -> let d = prettyContent l in
if b then equals <+> d <> dot else fsep
[ keyword "POPULATION"
, pretty r
, keyword "CONTAINS"
, d ]
instance Pretty Context where
pretty (Context ps) = vcat $ map pretty ps