c' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att)
d' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 d att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "(a,b,c)" at
-- --- instances of
Id.hs ------------------------------------------------
instance ATermConvertibleSML Token where
(ShAAppl "token" [ aa ] _) ->
mkSimpleId $ from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Token" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att
instance ATermConvertibleSML Id where
(ShAAppl "compound-id" [ aa, ab ] _) -> -- TOKEN_OR_MIXFIX,[ID]
aa' = from_sml_ATermTokenTup (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "simple-id" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermTokenTup (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Id" aterm
from_sml_ATermTokenTup :: ATermTable -> [Token]
from_sml_ATermTokenTup att =
(ShAAppl "" [tops, _, _] _) ->
from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 tops att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Token" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att
instance ATermConvertibleSML Annotation where
(ShAAppl "comment-line" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = trimRight $ from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Unparsed_anno Comment_start (Line_anno aa') ab'
(ShAAppl "comment" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = lines (from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att))
in Unparsed_anno Comment_start (Group_anno aa') ab'
(ShAAppl "unparsed-anno" [ aa ] _) ->
(from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att))
(ShAAppl "annote-line" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Unparsed_anno (Annote_word aa') (Line_anno ab') ac'
(ShAAppl "annote-group" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Unparsed_anno (Annote_word aa') (Group_anno ab') ac'
(ShAAppl "display-anno" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = parse_disp_anno aa' pos_l
(trimRight $ from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att))
(ShAAppl "string-anno" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in String_anno aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "list-anno" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in List_anno aa' ab' ac' ad'
(ShAAppl "number-anno" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "floating-anno" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Float_anno aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "prec-anno" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in Prec_anno (if aa' then Lower else BothDirections)
(ShAAppl "lassoc-anno" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Assoc_anno ALeft aa' ab'
(ShAAppl "rassoc-anno" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Assoc_anno ARight aa' ab'
(ShAAppl "label-anno" [ aa ] _) ->
(from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 aa att) ""
(ShAAppl "implies" [] _) ->
in Semantic_anno SA_implies aa'
(ShAAppl "definitional" [] _) ->
in Semantic_anno SA_def aa'
(ShAAppl "conservative" [] _) ->
in Semantic_anno SA_cons aa'
Semantic_anno SA_mono pos_l
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Annotation" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-ANNO" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
{- - Well the following instance has to tie together things, that don't
- belong to each other. Because I can't declare instances for
- certain "Annoted types" -}
instance (ATermConvertibleSML a) => ATermConvertibleSML (Annoted a) where
ShAAppl con as _ -> case con of
-- Basic Items (including sig_items)
case from_sml_ATermAnnotedBasic_Items att of
(bi, las) -> Annoted bi nullRange las []
-- L_.* constuctors from SML
"" -> Annoted (from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1
(toAnnoList (last as) att)
_ -> -- "No appropiate constructor for Annoted found"
emptyAnno (from_sml_ShATerm att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Annoted a" aterm
{- -- functions to convert annoted stuff ---------------------------------
all these functions are called by instance ATermConvertibleSML Annoted a -}
from_sml_ATermAnnotedBasic_Items :: ATermConvertibleSML a =>
ATermTable -> (a, [Annotation])
from_sml_ATermAnnotedBasic_Items att =
(from_sml_ShATerm att, [])
else (from_sml_ShATerm att, annoList)
ShAAppl _ as _ -> -- pos-BASIC-ITEMS
case getATerm $ getATermByIndex1 (last as) att of
(ShAAppl "sig-items" _ _) -> True
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "{SIG,BASIC}_items" aterm
annoList = case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl _ as _) -> getAnnoList (last as) att
_ -> error "Wrong ATerm structure: BASIC_ITEMS"
{- getAnnoList and toAnnoList are only working with an AIndex as first
argument is given. If getAnnoList is called every ShAAppl that starts _
with "pos-" is crossed without consideration. toAnnoList just calls
the [Annotation] conversion directly. -}
getAnnoList :: Int -> ATermTable -> [Annotation]
getAnnoList ai att = case at of
ShAAppl c as _ | isPrefixOf "pos-" c ->
getAnnoList (last as) att
ShAAppl _ as _ -> toAnnoList (last as) att
_ -> error "wrong storage or missed 'pos-' contructor"
where at = getATerm (getATermByIndex1 ai att)
toAnnoList :: Int -> ATermTable -> [Annotation]
toAnnoList ai att = from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 ai att
parse_anno :: Range -> String -> Annotation
case parse (skip >> annotations) "" inp of
_ -> error ("something strange happend to \"" ++
inp ++ "\" during ATerm Conversion")
parse_disp_anno :: Id -> Range -> String -> Annotation
parse_disp_anno i pos_l inp =
case parseAnno (Unparsed_anno (Annote_word "display")
(Group_anno [inp']) pos_l) pos of
Left err -> error $ "internal parse error at " ++ show err
pos = case rangeToList pos_l of
inp' = showId i $ ' ' : s_inp
s_inp = case reverse inp of
rin | "%)" `isPrefixOf` rin -> reverse $ drop 2 rin
instance ATermConvertibleSML (BASIC_SPEC a b c) where
(ShAAppl "basic-spec" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "BASIC_SPEC" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-BASIC-SPEC" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML (BASIC_ITEMS a b c) where
(ShAAppl "sig-items" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "free-datatype" [ aa, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Free_datatype NonEmptySorts aa' ab'
(ShAAppl "sort-gen" [ aa, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "var-items" [ aa, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "local-var-axioms" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Local_var_axioms aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "axiom-items" [ aa, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "BASIC_ITEMS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-BASIC-ITEMS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML (SIG_ITEMS a b) where
(ShAAppl "sort-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
hd : tl = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList as hd : tl
in Sort_items NonEmptySorts aa'' ab'
(ShAAppl "op-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
hd : tl = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList as hd : tl
(ShAAppl "pred-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
hd : tl = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList as hd : tl
(ShAAppl "datatype-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
hd : tl = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList as hd : tl
in Datatype_items NonEmptySorts aa'' ab'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SIG_ITEMS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SIG-ITEMS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML (SORT_ITEM a) where
(ShAAppl "sort-decl" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "subsort-decl" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Subsort_decl aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "subsort-defn" [ aa, ab, ac, ad, ae ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ATermSIMPLE_ID (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
ad' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att)
ad'' = addRAnnoList as ad'
in Subsort_defn aa' ab' ac' ad'' ae'
(ShAAppl "iso-decl" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SORT_ITEM" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SORT-ITEM" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML (OP_ITEM a) where
(ShAAppl "op-decl" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in Op_decl aa' ab' ac' ad'
(ShAAppl "op-defn" [ aa, ab, ac, ad ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att)
ac'' = addRAnnoList as ac'
in Op_defn aa' ab' ac'' ad'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "OP_ITEM" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-OP-ITEM" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML OP_TYPE where
(ShAAppl "total-op-type" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
(aa', ps) = from_sml_ATermSORTS (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Op_type Total aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "partial-op-type" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
(aa', ps) = from_sml_ATermSORTS (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Op_type Partial aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "OP_TYPE" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-OP-TYPE" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- -- a helper for the SML-datatype SORTS -------------------------------
from_sml_ATermSORTS :: ATermTable -> ([SORT], Range)
from_sml_ATermSORTS att =
(ShAAppl "sorts" [ aa ] _) ->
(from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att), pos_l)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "([SORT],Range)" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SORTS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML OP_HEAD where
(ShAAppl "total-op-head" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermList from_sml_ATermARG_DECL
(getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Op_head Total aa' (Just ab') ac'
(ShAAppl "partial-op-head" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermList from_sml_ATermARG_DECL
(getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Op_head Partial aa' (Just ab') ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "OP_HEAD" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-OP-HEAD" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
from_sml_ATermARG_DECL :: ATermTable -> VAR_DECL
from_sml_ATermARG_DECL att =
-- (ShAAppl "arg-decl" [ ShAAppl "" [aa,ab] _ ] _) ->
(ShAAppl "" [aa, ab] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermVARs (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "ARG_DECL" aterm
aterm = case getATerm att' of
ShAAppl "arg-decl" [i] _ ->
getATerm $ getATermByIndex1 i att
x -> from_sml_ShATermError "arg-decl" x
(ShAAppl "pos-ARG-DECL" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML (OP_ATTR a) where
(ShAAppl "associative" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "commutative" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "idempotent" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "unit-op-attr" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "OP_ATTR" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-OP-ATTR" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML (PRED_ITEM a) where
(ShAAppl "pred-decl" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "pred-defn" [ aa, ab, ac, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in Pred_defn aa' ab' ac' ad'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "PRED_ITEM" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-PRED-ITEM" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML PRED_TYPE where
(ShAAppl "pred-type" [ aa ] _) ->
(aa', ps) = from_sml_ATermSORTS (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "PRED_TYPE" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-PRED-TYPE" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML PRED_HEAD where
(ShAAppl "pred-head" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermList from_sml_ATermARG_DECL
(getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "PRED_HEAD" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-PRED-HEAD" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML DATATYPE_DECL where
(ShAAppl "datatype-decl" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
abh : abt = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
as = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
ab'' = addLAnnoList as abh : abt
in Datatype_decl aa' ab'' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "DATATYPE_DECL" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-DATATYPE-DECL" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML ALTERNATIVE where
(ShAAppl "total-construct" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Alt_construct Total aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "partial-construct" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Alt_construct Partial aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "subsort" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "ALTERNATIVE" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-ALTERNATIVE" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML COMPONENTS where
(ShAAppl "total-select" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Cons_select Total aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "partial-select" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Cons_select Partial aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "sort-component" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "COMPONENTS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-COMPONENTS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML VAR_DECL where
(ShAAppl "" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermVARs (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Var_decl aa' ab' nullRange
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "VAR_DECL" aterm
instance ATermConvertibleSML (FORMULA a) where
(ShAAppl "quantification" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
pq = getPos (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in Quantification aa' ab' ac' ad'
(ShAAppl "conjunction" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "disjunction" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "implication" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Relation aa' Implication ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "equivalence" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Relation aa' Equivalence ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "negation" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
-- the following things are from SML-type ATOM
(ShAAppl "atom" [i] _) ->
case getATerm (getATermByIndex1 i att') of
(ShAAppl "ttrue" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "ffalse" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "predication" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ab', ps) = from_sml_ATermTERMS (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Predication aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "definedness" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "existl-equation" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Equation aa' Existl ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "strong-equation" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Equation aa' Strong ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "membership" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Membership aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "FORMULA" aterm
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "FORMULA" aterm
(pos_l, _g_flag, att') = skipPosFlag "pos-FORMULA" att
-- -- a helper for the SML-datatype TERMS -------------------------------
from_sml_ATermTERMS :: ATermTable -> ([TERM a], Range)
from_sml_ATermTERMS att =
(ShAAppl "terms" [ aa ] _) ->
(from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att), pos_l)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "([TERM],Range)" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att'
(ShAAppl "pos-TERMS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- -- a helper for SIMPLE_IDs and IRIs ----------------------------------
from_sml_ATermSIMPLE_ID :: ATermTable -> SIMPLE_ID
from_sml_ATermSIMPLE_ID att =
(ShAAppl "" [ si, _ ] _) -> {- snd element is 'None'
let s = from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 si att
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SIMPLE_ID" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att
from_sml_ATermIRI :: ATermTable -> IRI
(ShAAppl "" [ si, _ ] _) -> {- snd element is 'None'
let s = from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 si att
in fromMaybe (error $ "parsing error: not an IRI \"" ++ s
++ "\" \n(from_sml_ATermIRI)")
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "IRI" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att
-- -- a helper for [VAR] -------------------------------------------------
from_sml_ATermVARs :: ATermTable -> [VAR]
from_sml_ATermVARs att = map from_sml_ATermSIMPLE_ID att_list
where att_list = case getATerm att of
ShAList l _ -> map getAtt l
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "[VAR]" $ getATerm att
getAtt ai = getATermByIndex1 ai att
instance ATermConvertibleSML QUANTIFIER where
(ShAAppl "forall" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "exists" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "exists-uniquely" [] _) ->
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "QUANTIFIER" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-QUANTIFIER" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML PRED_SYMB where
ShAAppl "pred-symb" [ aa, ab ] _ ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in case getATerm $ getATermByIndex1 ab att of
ShAAppl "None" [] _ -> Pred_name aa'
ShAAppl "Some" [ aab ] _ ->
let aab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aab att)
in Qual_pred_name aa' aab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Option" aterm
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "PRED_SYMB" aterm
ShAAppl "pos-PRED-SYMB" [reg_i, item_i] _ ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML (TERM a) where
(ShAAppl "var-or-const" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermSIMPLE_ID (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "qual-var" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "application" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ab', ps) = from_sml_ATermTERMS (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Application aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "sorted-term" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Sorted_term aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "cast" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "conditional" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
in Conditional aa' ab' ac' ad'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "TERM" aterm
(pos_l, _p_flag, att') = skipPosFlag "pos-TERM" att
instance ATermConvertibleSML OP_SYMB where
ShAAppl "op-symb" [ aa, ab ] _ ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in case getATerm $ getATermByIndex1 ab att of
ShAAppl "None" [] _ -> Op_name aa'
ShAAppl "Some" [ aab ] _ ->
let aab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aab att)
in Qual_op_name aa' aab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "Option" aterm
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "OP_SYMB" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-OP-SYMB" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML SYMB_ITEMS where
(ShAAppl "symb-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Symb_items aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SYMB_ITEMS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB-ITEMS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
(ShAAppl "symb-map-items" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Symb_map_items aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SYMB_MAP_ITEMS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB-MAP-ITEMS" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML SYMB_KIND where
(ShAAppl "implicitk" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "sortsk" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "predsk" [] _) ->
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SYMB_KIND" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB-KIND" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML SYMB where
(ShAAppl "symb-id" [ aa ] _) ->
i = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "qual-id" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SYMB" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML TYPE where
(ShAAppl "op-symb-type" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "pred-symb-type" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "TYPE" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-TYPE" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML SYMB_OR_MAP where
(ShAAppl "symb" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "symb-or-map" [ aa ] _) ->
(aa', ab') = from_sml_ATermSYMB_MAP (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SYMB_OR_MAP" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB-OR-MAP" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- -- a helper for SYMB_MAP from SML -------------------------------------
from_sml_ATermSYMB_MAP :: ATermTable -> (SYMB, SYMB)
from_sml_ATermSYMB_MAP att =
(ShAAppl "symb-map" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "(SYMB,SYMB)" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-SYMB-MAP" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML SPEC where
(ShAAppl "basic" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
aa'' = G_basic_spec CASL aa'
(ShAAppl "translation" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Translation aa' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "reduction" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Reduction aa' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "union-spec" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' :: [(Annoted SPEC, [Annotation])]
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in group (Union (toAnnotedList aa') ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "extension" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' :: [(Annoted SPEC, [Annotation])]
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in group (Extension (toAnnotedList aa') ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "free-spec" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList (toAnnoList ab att) aa'
in group (Free_spec aa'' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "local-spec" [ aa, ab, ac, ad ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
sp1 = addLAnnoList (toAnnoList ab att) aa'
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
sp2 = addLAnnoList (toAnnoList ad att) ac'
in group (Local_spec sp1 sp2 pos_l) group_flag
(ShAAppl "closed-spec" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList (toAnnoList ab att) aa'
in group (Closed_spec aa'' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "spec-inst" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Spec_inst aa' ab' nullRange
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "SPEC" aterm
group s gf = if gf then Group s' pos_l else s
(pos_l, group_flag, att') = skipPosFlag "pos-SPEC" att
-- - a helper function for [(Annoted a, [Annotation])] --------------------
toAnnotedList :: [(Annoted a, [Annotation])] -> [Annoted a]
toAnnotedList = map merge
where merge (ai, as) = ai { l_annos = l_annos ai ++ as}
instance ATermConvertibleSML RENAMING where
(ShAAppl "renaming" [ aa ] _) ->
case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of
aa'' = if null aa' then []
else [G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CASL aa']
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "RENAMING" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-RENAMING" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML RESTRICTION where
(ShAAppl "hide" [ aa ] _) ->
aa'' = case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of
aa' -> [G_symb_list $ G_symb_items_list CASL aa']
(ShAAppl "reveal" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
aa'' = G_symb_map_items_list CASL aa'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "RESTRICTION" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-RESTRICTION" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
{- !!! This will be done by the instance of LIB_ITEM !!!
instance ATermConvertibleSML SPEC_DEFN where
instance ATermConvertibleSML GENERICITY where
(ShAAppl "genericity" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Genericity aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "GENERICITY" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-GENERICITY" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML PARAMS where
(ShAAppl "params" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "PARAMS" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-PARAMS" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML IMPORTED where
(ShAAppl "imports" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "IMPORTED" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-IMPORTS" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML FIT_ARG where
(ShAAppl "fit-spec" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab'' = case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of
ab' -> [G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CASL ab']
(ShAAppl "fit-view" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "FIT_ARG" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-FIT-ARG" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
{- !!! This conversion is covered by the instance of LIB_ITEM !!!
instance ATermConvertibleSML VIEW_DEFN where
instance ATermConvertibleSML VIEW_TYPE where
(ShAAppl "view-type" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "VIEW_TYPE" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-VIEW-TYPE" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
!!! This conversion is covered by the instance of LIB_ITEM !!!
instance ATermConvertibleSML ARCH_SPEC_DEFN where
instance ATermConvertibleSML ARCH_SPEC where
(ShAAppl "basic-arch-spec" [ aa, ab, ac ] _) ->
hd : tl = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ATermRESULT_UNIT (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList as hd : tl
in Basic_arch_spec aa'' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "named-arch-spec" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "ARCH_SPEC" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-ARCH-SPEC" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
from_sml_ATermRESULT_UNIT :: ATermTable -> Annoted UNIT_EXPRESSION
from_sml_ATermRESULT_UNIT att =
(ShAAppl "result-unit" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Annoted aa' nullRange as []
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "RESULT-UNIT" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-RESULT-UNIT" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_REF where
(ShAAppl "unit-decl-case" [ udl ] _) ->
let att1 = getATermByIndex1 udl att
(ps, att2) = case getATerm att1 of
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DECL" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att,
getATermByIndex1 item_i att1)
ShAAppl "unit-decl" [aa, ab, _] _ ->
let aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI $
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_DECL" aterm2
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT-DECL-DEFN" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DECL-DEFN" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_DECL_DEFN where
(ShAAppl "unit-decl-case" [ udl ] _) ->
let att1 = getATermByIndex1 udl att
(ps, att2) = case getATerm att1 of
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DECL" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att,
getATermByIndex1 item_i att1)
ShAAppl "unit-decl" [aa, ab, ac] _ ->
let aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 ab att
ac' = from_sml_ATermUNIT_IMPORTS $
in Unit_decl aa' ab' ac' ad'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_DECL" aterm2
(ShAAppl "unit-defn-case" [ udn ] _) ->
from_sml_ATermUNIT_DEFN $ getATermByIndex1 udn att
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DEFN" _ _) ->
from_sml_ATermUNIT_DEFN att
(ShAAppl "unit-defn" _ _) ->
from_sml_ATermUNIT_DEFN att
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT-DECL-DEFN" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DECL-DEFN" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
-- -- a helper for the SML-datatype UNIT_IMPORTS ------------------------
from_sml_ATermUNIT_IMPORTS :: ATermTable -> [Annoted UNIT_TERM]
from_sml_ATermUNIT_IMPORTS att =
(ShAAppl "unit-imports" [ aa ] _) ->
from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_IMPORTS" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att'
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-IMPORTS" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
from_sml_ATermUNIT_DEFN :: ATermTable -> UNIT_DECL_DEFN
from_sml_ATermUNIT_DEFN att =
ShAAppl "unit-defn" [aa, ab] _ ->
let aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_DEFN" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att'
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-DEFN" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
{- !!! This conversion is covered by the instance of LIB_ITEM !!!
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_SPEC_DEFN where
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_SPEC where
(ShAAppl "unit-type-case" [ aa ] _) ->
(aa', ab') = from_sml_ATermUNIT_TYPE $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
(ShAAppl "spec-name-case" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
(ShAAppl "closed" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in Closed_unit_spec aa' ab'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_SPEC" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-SPEC" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML REF_SPEC where
(ShAAppl "unit-type-case" [ aa ] _) ->
(aa', ab') = from_sml_ATermUNIT_TYPE $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
in Unit_spec $ Unit_type aa' ab' ac'
(ShAAppl "spec-name-case" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in (Unit_spec $ Spec_name aa')
(ShAAppl "arch-spec-case" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
aa'' = addLAnnoList ps aa'
(Annoted (Basic_arch_spec {}) _ _ _) ->
emptyAnno (Group_arch_spec aa'' ab')
in Arch_unit_spec aa''' ab'
(ShAAppl "closed" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in (Unit_spec $ Closed_unit_spec aa' ab')
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_SPEC" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-SPEC" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- -- a helper for the SML-datatype UNIT_TYPE ----------------------------
from_sml_ATermUNIT_TYPE :: ATermTable -> ([Annoted SPEC], Annoted SPEC)
from_sml_ATermUNIT_TYPE att =
(ShAAppl "unit-type" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
(from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 aa att,
from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_TYPE" aterm
where aterm = getATerm att'
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-TYPE" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_EXPRESSION where
(ShAAppl "unit-expression" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Unit_expression aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_EXPRESSION" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-EXPRESSION" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_BINDING where
(ShAAppl "unit-binding" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in Unit_binding aa' ab' ac'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_BINDING" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-UNIT-BINDING" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML UNIT_TERM where
(ShAAppl "unit-reduction" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Unit_reduction aa' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "unit-translation" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Unit_translation aa' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "amalgamation" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in group (Amalgamation aa' ab') group_flag
(ShAAppl "local-unit" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Local_unit aa' ab' ac') group_flag
(ShAAppl "unit-appl" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in group (Unit_appl aa' ab' ac') group_flag
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "UNIT_TERM" aterm
group ut gf = if gf then Group_unit_term ut' pos_l else ut
(pos_l, group_flag, att') = skipPosFlag "pos-UNIT-TERM" att
instance ATermConvertibleSML FIT_ARG_UNIT where
(ShAAppl "fit-arg-unit" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of
aa' -> case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of
ab' -> Fit_arg_unit aa' (if null ab' then [] else
[G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CASL ab']) pos_l
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "FIT_ARG_UNIT" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-FIT-ARG-UNIT" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- --- instances of
AS_LIbrary.hs ----------------------------------------
instance ATermConvertibleSML LIB_DEFN where
(ShAAppl "lib-defn" [ aa, ab, ad ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ad' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att)
in Lib_defn aa' ab' ac' ad'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "LIB_DEFN" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-LIB-DEFN" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML LIB_ITEM where
(ShAAppl "spec-defn" [ aa, ab, ac, ad ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
ac'' = addLAnnoList as ac'
(ShAAppl "view-defn" [ aa, ab, ac, ad, _ ] _) ->
let -- the annotation list is lost !!!!
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
ac' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att)
ad'' = case from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att) of
ad' -> [G_symb_map $ G_symb_map_items_list CASL ad']
(ShAAppl "arch-spec-defn" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "unit-spec-defn" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
(ShAAppl "download-items" [ aa, ab, _ ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "LIB_ITEM" aterm
(pos_l, att') = skipPos "pos-LIB-ITEM" att
-- -- helpers to skip nested "pos-"-constructors -----------------------
skipPos :: String -> ATermTable -> (Range, ATermTable)
ShAAppl con [reg_i, item_i] _ | mcon == con ->
if pCon then skipPos mcon at'
else (posFromRegion reg_i at, at')
where pCon = case getATerm at' of
ShAAppl con' _ _ | mcon == con' -> True
at' = getATermByIndex1 item_i at
skipPosFlag :: String -> ATermTable -> (Range, Bool, ATermTable)
ShAAppl con [reg_i, b_i, item_i] _ | mcon == con ->
if pCon then let (_r_pos_l, r_b, r_at') = skipPosFlag mcon at'
in (pos_l, r_b || b, r_at')
where pCon = case getATerm at' of
ShAAppl con' _ _ | mcon == con' -> True
at' = getATermByIndex1 item_i att
pos_l = posFromRegion reg_i att
b = from_sml_ShATerm $ getATermByIndex1 b_i att
_ -> (nullRange, False, att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML ItemNameMap where
ShAAppl "item-name" [aa] _ ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
in ItemNameMap aa' Nothing
ShAAppl "item-name-map" [aa, ab] _ ->
aa' = from_sml_ATermIRI $ getATermByIndex1 aa att
ab' = from_sml_ATermIRI $ getATermByIndex1 ab att
in ItemNameMap aa' $ Just ab'
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP" aterm
att' = case getATerm att of
ShAAppl "pos-ITEM-NAME-OR-MAP" [_, item_i] _ ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
instance ATermConvertibleSML LibName where
(ShAAppl "versioned-lib" [ aa, ab ] _) ->
(aa', r) = fromSmlShATermToLibId (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
ab' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att)
in (LibName aa' r Nothing $ Just ab')
(ShAAppl "lib" [ aa ] _) ->
let (aa', r) = fromSmlShATermToLibId (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in LibName aa' r Nothing Nothing
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "LibName" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-LIB-NAME" [_, item_i] _) ->
getATermByIndex1 item_i att
fromSmlShATermToLibId :: ATermTable -> (IRI, Range)
fromSmlShATermToLibId att =
(ShAAppl str [ aa ] _) | elem str ["path-name", "url"] ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
in (fromMaybe (error "fromSmlShATermToLibId")
$ parseIRICurie aa', ab')
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "LibId" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-LIB-ID" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
instance ATermConvertibleSML VersionNumber where
(ShAAppl "version" [ aa ] _) ->
aa' = from_sml_ShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att)
_ -> from_sml_ShATermError "VersionNumber" aterm
(ShAAppl "pos-VERSION" [reg_i, item_i] _) ->
(posFromRegion reg_i att, getATermByIndex1 item_i att)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- some helpers for Annoted things --------------------------------------
addLAnnoList :: [Annotation] -> Annoted a -> Annoted a
addLAnnoList as ani = ani {l_annos = as ++ l_annos ani }
addRAnnoList :: [Annotation] -> Annoted a -> Annoted a
addRAnnoList as ani = ani {r_annos = r_annos ani ++ as }
-- - some helpers for Regions and Positions ------------------------------
posFromRegion :: Int -> ATermTable -> Range
posFromRegion reg at = Range $ map (uncurry $ newPos "")
$ from_sml_ATerm_reg reg at
getPos :: ATermTable -> Range
getPos att = case getATerm att of
ShAAppl _ (x : _) _ -> posFromRegion x att
-- converts an aterm region information to Range
from_sml_ATerm_reg :: Int -> ATermTable -> [(Int, Int)]
from_sml_ATerm_reg reg_i at = [fst r, snd r]
where r :: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) --
Id.hs Region
r = from_sml_ShATerm r_at
r_at = getATermByIndex1 reg_i at
insertIM, insertPosAux :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
insertIM ips ops | even $ length ops = let hl = length ops `div` 2
(fp, lp) = splitAt hl ops
"wrong call: length of snd list must be even"
insertPos :: Range -> Range -> Range
insertPos (Range l1) (Range l2) = Range (insertPosAux l1 l2)
setFstPos :: Range -> Id -> Id
setFstPos (Range (p : _)) i = case i of
Id (setFstPos' tops) ids pos_l
where setFstPos' tops = case tops of
hd : tl -> hd { tokPos = Range [p] } : tl
setFstPos _ _ = error "wrong call: setFstPos"