Haskell.header.hs revision 5c53db0f07c1032e2850dc6e7df344c82a6dec57
import qualified TiTypes
import qualified TiKinds
import qualified TiPropDecorate as T
import qualified TiDecorate as D
import SrcLoc
import qualified PropSyntaxRec as P
import Haskell.HatParser(HsDecls(..))
import Haskell.HatAna(Sign(..))
import Data.Set
import Ents
{-| Exclude: KindConstraint |-}
instance (ATermConvertible a,
ATermConvertible b) => ATermConvertible (Either a b) where
toShATerm att0 (Left aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Left" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (Right aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Right" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Left" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(Left aa') }
(ShAAppl "Right" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(Right aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "Either" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Either\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Either\""
instance (Ord a, ATermConvertible a) => ATermConvertible (Set a) where
toShATerm att fm = toShATerm att $ setToList fm
fromShATerm att = mkSet $ fromShATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Set\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Set\""
instance (ATermConvertible n) => ATermConvertible (Ent n) where
toShATerm att0 (Ent aa ab ac) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Ent" [ aa',ab',ac' ] []) att3 }}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Ent" [ aa,ab,ac ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
(Ent aa' ab' ac') }}}
u -> fromShATermError "Ent" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Ent\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Ent\""
instance ATermConvertible TiKinds.KindConstraint where
toShATerm att0 (aa TiKinds.:=* ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "KindConstraint_" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "KindConstraint_" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
((TiKinds.:=*) aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "Typing" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"KindConstraint\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"KindConstraint\""
instance ATermConvertible SrcLoc where
toShATerm att0 (SrcLoc aa ab ac ad) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
case toShATerm att3 ad of { (att4,ad') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "SrcLoc" [ aa',ab',ac',ad' ] []) att4 }}}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "SrcLoc" [ aa,ab,ac,ad ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att) of { ad' ->
(SrcLoc aa' ab' ac' ad') }}}}
u -> fromShATermError "SrcLoc" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"SrcLoc\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"SrcLoc\""
instance (ATermConvertible i,
ATermConvertible t) => ATermConvertible (TiTypes.Qual i t) where
toShATerm att0 (aa TiTypes.:=> ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Qual_" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Qual_" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
((TiTypes.:=>) aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "Qual" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Qual\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Qual\""
instance (ATermConvertible v) => ATermConvertible (TiTypes.Scheme v) where
toShATerm att0 (TiTypes.Forall aa ab ac) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Forall" [ aa',ab',ac' ] []) att3 }}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Forall" [ aa,ab,ac ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
(TiTypes.Forall aa' ab' ac') }}}
u -> fromShATermError "Scheme" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Scheme\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Scheme\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (TiTypes.TypeInfo i) where
toShATerm att0 TiTypes.Data =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Data" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 TiTypes.Newtype =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Newtype" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (TiTypes.Class aa ab ac ad) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
case toShATerm att3 ad of { (att4,ad') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Class" [ aa',ab',ac',ad' ] []) att4 }}}}
toShATerm att0 (TiTypes.Synonym aa ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Synonym" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
toShATerm att0 TiTypes.Tyvar =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Tyvar" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Data" [ ] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Newtype" [ ] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Class" [ aa,ab,ac,ad ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att) of { ad' ->
(TiTypes.Class aa' ab' ac' ad') }}}}
(ShAAppl "Synonym" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
(TiTypes.Synonym aa' ab') }}
(ShAAppl "Tyvar" [ ] _) ->
u -> fromShATermError "TypeInfo" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TypeInfo\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TypeInfo\""
instance (ATermConvertible x,
ATermConvertible t) => ATermConvertible (TiTypes.Typing x t) where
toShATerm att0 (aa TiTypes.:>: ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Typing_" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Typing_" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
((TiTypes.:>:) aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "Typing" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Typing\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Typing\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (TiTypes.Subst i) where
toShATerm att0 (TiTypes.S aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "S" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "S" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(TiTypes.S aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "Subst" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Subst\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Subst\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (P.HsDeclI i) where
toShATerm att0 (P.Dec aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Dec" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Dec" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(P.Dec aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "HsDeclI" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsDeclI\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsDeclI\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (P.AssertionI i) where
toShATerm att0 (P.PA aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "PA" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "PA" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(P.PA aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "AssertionI" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"AssertionI\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"AssertionI\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (P.PredicateI i) where
toShATerm att0 (P.PP aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "PP" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "PP" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(P.PP aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "PredicateI" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"PredicateI\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"PredicateI\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (P.HsExpI i) where
toShATerm att0 (P.Exp aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Exp" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Exp" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(P.Exp aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "HsExpI" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsExpI\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsExpI\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (D.TiPat i) where
toShATerm att0 (D.Pat aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Pat" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (D.TiPApp aa ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "TiPApp" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
toShATerm att0 (D.TiPSpec aa ab ac) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "TiPSpec" [ aa',ab',ac' ] []) att3 }}}
toShATerm att0 (D.TiPTyped aa ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "TiPTyped" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Pat" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(D.Pat aa') }
(ShAAppl "TiPApp" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
(D.TiPApp aa' ab') }}
(ShAAppl "TiPSpec" [ aa,ab,ac ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
(D.TiPSpec aa' ab' ac') }}}
(ShAAppl "TiPTyped" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
(D.TiPTyped aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "TiPat" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiPat\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiPat\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.TiExp i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.Exp aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Exp" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (T.TiSpec aa ab ac) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "TiSpec" [ aa',ab',ac' ] []) att3 }}}
toShATerm att0 (T.TiTyped aa ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "TiTyped" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Exp" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(T.Exp aa') }
(ShAAppl "TiSpec" [ aa,ab,ac ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
(T.TiSpec aa' ab' ac') }}}
(ShAAppl "TiTyped" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
(T.TiTyped aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "TiExp" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiExp\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiExp\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.OTiAssertion i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.OA aa ab ac) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "OA" [ aa',ab',ac' ] []) att3 }}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "OA" [ aa,ab,ac ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
(T.OA aa' ab' ac') }}}
u -> fromShATermError "OTiAssertion" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"OTiAssertion\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"OTiAssertion\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.TiPredicate i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.PP aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "PP" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "PP" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(T.PP aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "TiPredicate" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiPredicate\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiPredicate\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.TiAssertion i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.PA aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "PA" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "PA" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(T.PA aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "TiAssertion" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiAssertion\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiAssertion\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.TiDecl i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.Dec aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Dec" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Dec" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(T.Dec aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "TiDecl" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiDecl\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiDecl\""
instance (ATermConvertible i) => ATermConvertible (T.TiDecls i) where
toShATerm att0 (T.Decs aa ab) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Decs" [ aa',ab' ] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Decs" [ aa,ab ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
(T.Decs aa' ab') }}
u -> fromShATermError "TiDecls" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiDecls\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"TiDecls\""
instance ATermConvertible HsDecls where
toShATerm att0 (HsDecls aa) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "HsDecls" [ aa' ] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "HsDecls" [ aa ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
(HsDecls aa') }
u -> fromShATermError "HsDecls" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsDecls\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"HsDecls\""
instance ATermConvertible Sign where
toShATerm att0 (Sign aa ab ac ad ae) =
case toShATerm att0 aa of { (att1,aa') ->
case toShATerm att1 ab of { (att2,ab') ->
case toShATerm att2 ac of { (att3,ac') ->
case toShATerm att3 ad of { (att4,ad') ->
case toShATerm att4 ae of { (att5,ae') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Sign" [ aa',ab',ac',ad',ae' ] []) att5 }}}}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Sign" [ aa,ab,ac,ad,ae ] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 aa att) of { aa' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ab att) of { ab' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ac att) of { ac' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ad att) of { ad' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 ae att) of { ae' ->
(Sign aa' ab' ac' ad' ae') }}}}}
u -> fromShATermError "Sign" u
aterm = getATerm att
fromATerm _ = error "function \"fromATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Sign\""
toATerm _ = error "function \"toATerm\" not derived (implemented) for data type \"Sign\""