Grothendieck.hs revision e1abb0a8a17632e11db927958ab8cf58635bdf96
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Reckers and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module ATC.Grothendieck where
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Common.Result
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
instance ShATermConvertible G_basic_spec where
toShATerm att0 (G_basic_spec lid basic_spec) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 basic_spec of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_basic_spec" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_basic_spec" [i1,i2] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att) of { i1' ->
case (getATermByIndex1 i2 att) of { att' ->
case lookupLogic_in_LG
("ShATermConvertible G_basic_spec:") i1' of {
Logic lid ->
G_basic_spec lid (fromShATerm att')}}}
u -> fromShATermError "G_basic_spec" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_sign where
toShATerm att0 (G_sign lid sign) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 sign of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_sign" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_sign" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_sign:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_sign lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_sign" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_ext_sign where
toShATerm att0 (G_ext_sign lid sign _) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 sign of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_ext_sign" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_ext_sign" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_ext_sign:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_ext_sign lid (fromShATerm att') Set.empty)
u -> fromShATermError "G_ext_sign" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_sign_list where
toShATerm att0 (G_sign_list lid signs) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 signs of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_sign_list" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_sign_list" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_sign_list:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_sign_list lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_sign" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_symbol where
toShATerm att0 (G_symbol lid symbol) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 symbol of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_symbol" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_symbol" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_symbol:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_symbol lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_symbol" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_symb_items_list where
toShATerm att0 (G_symb_items_list lid symb_items) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 symb_items of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_symb_items_list" [i1,i2] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_symb_items_list" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_symb_items_list:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_symb_items_list lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_symb_items_list" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_symb_map_items_list where
toShATerm att0 (G_symb_map_items_list lid symb_map_items) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 symb_map_items of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_symb_map_items_list" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_symb_map_items_list" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_symb_map_items_list:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_symb_map_items_list lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_symb_map_items_list" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_diagram where
toShATerm att0 (G_diagram lid diagram) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 diagram of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_diagram" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_diagram" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_diagram:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_diagram lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_diagram" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_sublogics where
toShATerm att0 (G_sublogics lid sublogics) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 sublogics of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_sublogics" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_sublogics" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG
("ShATermConvertible G_sublogics:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid ->
(G_sublogics lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_sublogics" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible G_morphism where
toShATerm att0 (G_morphism lid morphism) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 morphism of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_morphism" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_morphism" [i1,i2] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_morphism:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_morphism lid (fromShATerm att'))
u -> fromShATermError "G_morphism" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible AnyComorphism where
toShATerm att0 (Comorphism cid) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name cid) of { (att1,i1) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Comorphism" [i1] []) att1}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Comorphism" [i1] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
in propagateErrors
$ lookupComorphism_in_LG i1'
u -> fromShATermError "Comorphism" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible GMorphism where
toShATerm att0 (GMorphism cid sign1 morphism2) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name cid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 sign1 of { (att2,i2) ->
case toShATerm att2 morphism2 of { (att3,i3) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "GMorphism" [i1,i2,i3] []) att3}}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "GMorphism" [i1,i2,i3] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
c = propagateErrors $ lookupComorphism_in_LG i1'
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
att'' = getATermByIndex1 i3 att
in case c of
Comorphism cid ->
(GMorphism cid (fromShATerm att')
(fromShATerm att'') )
u -> fromShATermError "GMorphism" u
aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible Grothendieck where
toShATerm att0 Grothendieck =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Grothendieck" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att = case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Grothendieck" [] _) -> Grothendieck
u -> fromShATermError "Grothendiek" u
where aterm = getATerm att
instance ShATermConvertible AnyLogic where
toShATerm att0 (Logic lid) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Logic" [i1] []) att1}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "Logic" [i1] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
in lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible AnyLogic:") i1'
u -> fromShATermError "AnyLogic" u
aterm = getATerm att