DevGraph.hs revision 4ea99e115bbade1632815267d5e0dcb9931aac1e
{- |
Module : ATC/DevGraph.der.hs
Description : generated ShATermConvertible instances
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
manual 'ShATermConvertible' instance
for the type(s): 'BasicProof' 'DGNodeLab' 'DGLinkLab' 'DGRule' 'BasicConsProof' 'ThmLinkStatus' 'DGLinkType' 'Conservativity' 'DGOrigin' 'NodeSig' 'MaybeNode' 'UnitSig' 'ImpUnitSigOrSig' 'ArchSig' 'GlobalEntry' 'Decorated' 'G_theory'
module ATC.DevGraph where
import Static.DevGraph
import Logic.Logic
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import ATC.AS_Library()
import ATC.Prover()
import ATC.Grothendieck()
instance ShATermConvertible BasicProof where
toShATerm att0 (BasicProof lid p) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 p of { (att2,i2) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1,i2] []) att2}}
toShATerm att0 Guessed =
case toShATerm att0 (show Guessed) of { (att1, i1) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1] []) att1}
toShATerm att0 Conjectured =
case toShATerm att0 (show Conjectured) of { (att1, i1) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1] []) att1}
toShATerm att0 Handwritten =
case toShATerm att0 (show Handwritten) of { (att1, i1) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1] []) att1}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1,i2] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att) of { i1' ->
case getATermByIndex1 i2 att of { att' ->
case lookupLogic_in_LG
("ShATermConvertible BasicProof") i1' of {
Logic lid -> (BasicProof lid (fromShATerm att'))}}}
v@(ShAAppl "BasicProof" [i1] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att) of { i1' ->
case i1' of
"Guessed" -> Guessed
"Conjectured" -> Conjectured
"Handwritten" -> Handwritten
_ -> fromShATermError "BasicProof" v}
u -> fromShATermError "BasicProof" u
instance ShATermConvertible DGNodeLab where
toShATerm att0 (DGNode a b c d e) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
case toShATerm att3 d of { (att4,d') ->
case toShATerm att4 e of { (att5,e') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGNode" [a',b',c',d',e'] []) att5 }}}}}
toShATerm att0 (DGRef a b c d e) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
case toShATerm att3 d of { (att4,d') ->
case toShATerm att4 e of { (att5,e') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGRef" [a',b',c',d',e'] []) att5 }}}}}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "DGNode" [a,b,c,d,e] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 d att) of { d' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 e att) of { e' ->
(DGNode a' b' c' d' e') }}}}}
(ShAAppl "DGRef" [a,b,c,d,e] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 d att) of { d' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 e att) of { e' ->
(DGRef a' b' c' d' e') }}}}}
u -> fromShATermError "DGNodeLab" u
instance ShATermConvertible DGLinkLab where
toShATerm att0 (DGLink a b c) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGLink" [a',b',c'] []) att3 }}}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "DGLink" [a,b,c] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
(DGLink a' b' c') }}}
u -> fromShATermError "DGLinkLab" u
instance ShATermConvertible DGRule where
toShATerm att0 TheoremHideShift =
addATerm (ShAAppl "TheoremHideShift" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (HideTheoremShift a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "HideTheoremShift" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 Borrowing =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Borrowing" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 ConsShift =
addATerm (ShAAppl "ConsShift" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DefShift =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DefShift" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 MonoShift =
addATerm (ShAAppl "MonoShift" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 ConsComp =
addATerm (ShAAppl "ConsComp" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DefComp =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DefComp" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 MonoComp =
addATerm (ShAAppl "MonoComp" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DefToMono =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DefToMono" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 MonoToCons =
addATerm (ShAAppl "MonoToCons" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 FreeIsMono =
addATerm (ShAAppl "FreeIsMono" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 MonoIsFree =
addATerm (ShAAppl "MonoIsFree" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 Composition =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Composition" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (GlobDecomp a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "GlobDecomp" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (LocDecomp a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "LocDecomp" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (LocSubsumption a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "LocSubsumption" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (GlobSubsumption a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "GlobSubsumption" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 LocalInference =
addATerm (ShAAppl "LocalInference" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (BasicInference a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicInference" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (BasicConsInference a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicConsInference" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "TheoremHideShift" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "HideTheoremShift" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(HideTheoremShift a') }
(ShAAppl "Borrowing" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "ConsShift" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DefShift" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "MonoShift" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "ConsComp" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DefComp" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "MonoComp" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DefToMono" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "MonoToCons" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "FreeIsMono" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "MonoIsFree" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Composition" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "GlobDecomp" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(GlobDecomp a') }
(ShAAppl "LocDecomp" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(LocDecomp a') }
(ShAAppl "LocSubsumption" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(LocSubsumption a') }
(ShAAppl "GlobSubsumption" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(GlobSubsumption a') }
(ShAAppl "LocalInference" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "BasicInference" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(BasicInference a') }
(ShAAppl "BasicConsInference" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(BasicConsInference a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "DGRule" u
instance ShATermConvertible BasicConsProof where
toShATerm att0 BasicConsProof =
addATerm (ShAAppl "BasicConsProof" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "BasicConsProof" [] _) ->
u -> fromShATermError "BasicConsProof" u
instance ShATermConvertible ThmLinkStatus where
toShATerm att0 LeftOpen =
addATerm (ShAAppl "LeftOpen" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (Proven a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Proven" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "LeftOpen" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Proven" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(Proven a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "ThmLinkStatus" u
instance ShATermConvertible DGLinkType where
toShATerm att0 LocalDef =
addATerm (ShAAppl "LocalDef" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 GlobalDef =
addATerm (ShAAppl "GlobalDef" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 HidingDef =
addATerm (ShAAppl "HidingDef" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (FreeDef a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "FreeDef" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (CofreeDef a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "CofreeDef" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (LocalThm a b c) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "LocalThm" [a',b',c'] []) att3 }}}
toShATerm att0 (GlobalThm a b c) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "GlobalThm" [a',b',c'] []) att3 }}}
toShATerm att0 (HidingThm a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "HidingThm" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
toShATerm att0 (FreeThm a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "FreeThm" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "LocalDef" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "GlobalDef" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "HidingDef" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "FreeDef" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(FreeDef a') }
(ShAAppl "CofreeDef" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(CofreeDef a') }
(ShAAppl "LocalThm" [a,b,c] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
(LocalThm a' b' c') }}}
(ShAAppl "GlobalThm" [a,b,c] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
(GlobalThm a' b' c') }}}
(ShAAppl "HidingThm" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(HidingThm a' b') }}
(ShAAppl "FreeThm" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(FreeThm a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "DGLinkType" u
instance ShATermConvertible Conservativity where
toShATerm att0 None =
addATerm (ShAAppl "None" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 Cons =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Cons" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 Mono =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Mono" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 Def =
addATerm (ShAAppl "Def" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "None" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Cons" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Mono" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "Def" [] _) ->
u -> fromShATermError "Conservativity" u
instance ShATermConvertible DGOrigin where
toShATerm att0 DGBasic =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGBasic" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGExtension =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGExtension" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGTranslation =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGTranslation" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGUnion =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGUnion" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGHiding =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGHiding" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGRevealing =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGRevealing" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGRevealTranslation =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGRevealTranslation" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGFree =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFree" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGCofree =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGCofree" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGLocal =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGLocal" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGClosed =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGClosed" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGClosedLenv =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGClosedLenv" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGLogicQual =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGLogicQual" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGLogicQualLenv =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGLogicQualLenv" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGData =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGData" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGFormalParams =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFormalParams" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 DGImports =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGImports" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (DGSpecInst a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGSpecInst" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 DGFitSpec =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFitSpec" [] []) att0
toShATerm att0 (DGView a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGView" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (DGFitView a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFitView" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (DGFitViewImp a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFitViewImp" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (DGFitViewA a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFitViewA" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (DGFitViewAImp a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGFitViewAImp" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 DGProof =
addATerm (ShAAppl "DGProof" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "DGBasic" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGExtension" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGTranslation" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGUnion" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGHiding" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGRevealing" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGRevealTranslation" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGFree" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGCofree" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGLocal" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGClosed" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGClosedLenv" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGLogicQual" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGLogicQualLenv" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGData" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGFormalParams" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGImports" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGSpecInst" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGSpecInst a') }
(ShAAppl "DGFitSpec" [] _) ->
(ShAAppl "DGView" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGView a') }
(ShAAppl "DGFitView" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGFitView a') }
(ShAAppl "DGFitViewImp" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGFitViewImp a') }
(ShAAppl "DGFitViewA" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGFitViewA a') }
(ShAAppl "DGFitViewAImp" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(DGFitViewAImp a') }
(ShAAppl "DGProof" [] _) ->
u -> fromShATermError "DGOrigin" u
instance ShATermConvertible NodeSig where
toShATerm att0 (NodeSig a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "NodeSig" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "NodeSig" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(NodeSig a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "NodeSig" u
instance ShATermConvertible MaybeNode where
toShATerm att0 (JustNode a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "JustNode" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (EmptyNode a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "EmptyNode" [a'] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "JustNode" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(JustNode a') }
(ShAAppl "EmptyNode" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(EmptyNode a') }
u -> fromShATermError "MaybeNode" u
instance ShATermConvertible UnitSig where
toShATerm att0 (Unit_sig a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Unit_sig" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (Par_unit_sig a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Par_unit_sig" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "Unit_sig" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(Unit_sig a') }
(ShAAppl "Par_unit_sig" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(Par_unit_sig a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "UnitSig" u
instance ShATermConvertible ImpUnitSigOrSig where
toShATerm att0 (Imp_unit_sig a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Imp_unit_sig" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
toShATerm att0 (Sig a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Sig" [a'] []) att1 }
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "Imp_unit_sig" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(Imp_unit_sig a' b') }}
(ShAAppl "Sig" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(Sig a') }
u -> fromShATermError "ImpUnitSigOrSig" u
instance ShATermConvertible ArchSig where
toShATerm att0 (ArchSig a b) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "ArchSig" [a',b'] []) att2 }}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "ArchSig" [a,b] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
(ArchSig a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "ArchSig" u
instance ShATermConvertible GlobalEntry where
toShATerm att0 (SpecEntry a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "SpecEntry" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (ViewEntry a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "ViewEntry" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (ArchEntry a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "ArchEntry" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 (UnitEntry a) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "UnitEntry" [a'] []) att1 }
toShATerm att0 RefEntry =
addATerm (ShAAppl "RefEntry" [] []) att0
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "SpecEntry" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(SpecEntry a') }
(ShAAppl "ViewEntry" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(ViewEntry a') }
(ShAAppl "ArchEntry" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(ArchEntry a') }
(ShAAppl "UnitEntry" [a] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
(UnitEntry a') }
(ShAAppl "RefEntry" [] _) ->
u -> fromShATermError "GlobalEntry" u
instance ShATermConvertible a => ShATermConvertible (Decorated a) where
toShATerm att0 (Decorated a b c d) =
case toShATerm att0 a of { (att1,a') ->
case toShATerm att1 b of { (att2,b') ->
case toShATerm att2 c of { (att3,c') ->
case toShATerm att3 d of { (att4,d') ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "Decorated" [a',b',c',d'] []) att4 }}}}
fromShATerm att =
case getATerm att of
(ShAAppl "Decorated" [a,b,c,d] _) ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 a att) of { a' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 b att) of { b' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 c att) of { c' ->
case fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 d att) of { d' ->
(Decorated a' b' c' d') }}}}
u -> fromShATermError "Decorated" u
instance ShATermConvertible G_theory where
toShATerm att0 (G_theory lid sign sens) =
case toShATerm att0 (language_name lid) of { (att1,i1) ->
case toShATerm att1 sign of { (att2,i2) ->
case toShATerm att2 sens of { (att3,i3) ->
addATerm (ShAAppl "G_theory" [i1,i2,i3] []) att3}}}
fromShATerm att =
case aterm of
(ShAAppl "G_theory" [i1,i2,i3] _) ->
let i1' = fromShATerm (getATermByIndex1 i1 att)
att' = getATermByIndex1 i2 att
att'' = getATermByIndex1 i3 att'
l = lookupLogic_in_LG ("ShATermConvertible G_sign:") i1'
in case l of
Logic lid -> (G_theory lid (fromShATerm att')
(fromShATerm att''))
u -> fromShATermError "G_theory" u
aterm = getATerm att