ATCTest2.hs revision ef9e8535c168d3f774d9e74368a2317a9eda5826
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.Random
import ATerm.SimpPretty
import ATerm.Lib
import ATerm.ReadWrite
import ATerm.Unshared
import Common.Utils (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
setStdGen (mkStdGen 50) -- setting an initial RandomGenerator
-- is like setting the seed in C
let (cmd,files) = (head args,tail args)
let cmdFun = case cmd of
"ReadWrite" -> testATC
| isPrefixOf "BigMap" cmds ->
testDDataMap (drop 6 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "BigList" cmds ->
testListConv (drop 7 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "CheckBigMap" cmds ->
checkDDataMap (drop 11 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "CheckBigList" cmds ->
checkListConv (drop 12 cmds)
| otherwise -> usage cmd
mapM_ cmdFun files
usage :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
usage cmd _ = do
putStrLn ("unknown command: "++cmd)
putStrLn ("Known commands are: ReadWrite, [Check]Big{Map,List}<n>")
fail "no known command given"
generateRandomLists :: String -> IO [(Int,Int)]
generateRandomLists upstr = do
up <- case readMaybe upstr of
Just u -> do
putStrLn $ "generating list with "++ show u ++ " items"
return u
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "no upper_number read"
putStrLn "generating list with 2000 items"
return 2000
genIList up
genIList :: Int -> IO [(Int,Int)]
genIList cnt
| cnt <= 0 = return []
| otherwise = do v <- getStdRandom (randomR (1,maxBound::Int))
l <- genIList (cnt-1)
return ((cnt,v):l)
testDDataMap :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
testDDataMap upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
let int_map = (Map.fromList int_list)
att0 <- newATermTable
(int_att,selectedATermIndex) <- toShATerm' att0 int_map
putStrLn $ show (getTopIndex int_att,selectedATermIndex)
writeFileSDoc fp $
writeSharedATermSDoc int_att
putStrLn "File written\nstart reading"
str <- readFile fp
let read_map :: Map.Map Int Int
read_map = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigMap of Int -> Int is " ++
(if read_map == int_map
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
checkDDataMap :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkDDataMap upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
let int_map = (Map.fromList int_list)
str <- readFile fp
let read_map = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigMap of Int -> Int is " ++
(if read_map == int_map
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
testListConv :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
testListConv upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
att0 <- newATermTable
(int_att,selectedATermIndex) <-
toShATerm' att0 $ reverse int_list
putStrLn $ show (getTopIndex int_att,selectedATermIndex)
writeFileSDoc fp $
writeSharedATermSDoc int_att
putStrLn "File written\nstart reading"
str <- readFile fp
let read_list :: [(Int,Int)]
read_list = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigList of (Int,Int) is " ++
(if read_list == reverse int_list
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
checkListConv :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkListConv upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
str <- readFile fp
let read_list = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigList of (Int,Int) is " ++
(if read_list == reverse int_list
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
resultFP :: String -> String
resultFP fp = fp++".ttttt"
testATC :: FilePath -> IO ()
testATC fp = do str <- readFile fp
let att = readATerm str
putStrLn ("Reading File "++fp++" ...")
let fp' = resultFP fp
putStrLn ("Writing File "++fp'++" ...")
writeFileSDoc fp' (writeSharedATermSDoc att)