ATCTest2.hs revision 9179f247a28abb726a2b73060dd34dbe3d608e4f
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.Random
import ATerm.SimpPretty
import ATerm.AbstractSyntax
import ATerm.Conversion
import ATerm.ReadWrite
import ATerm.Unshared
import Common.Utils (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
setStdGen (mkStdGen 50) -- setting an initial RandomGenerator
-- is like setting the seed in C
let (cmd,files) = (head args,tail args)
let cmdFun = case cmd of
"ReadWrite" -> testATC
| isPrefixOf "BigMap" cmds ->
testDDataMap (drop 6 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "BigList" cmds ->
testListConv (drop 7 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "CheckBigMap" cmds ->
checkDDataMap (drop 11 cmds)
| isPrefixOf "CheckBigList" cmds ->
checkListConv (drop 12 cmds)
| otherwise -> usage cmd
mapM_ cmdFun files
usage :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
usage cmd _ = do
putStrLn ("unknown command: "++cmd)
putStrLn ("Known commands are: ReadWrite, [Check]Big{Map,List}<n>")
fail "no known command given"
generateRandomLists :: String -> IO [(Int,Int)]
generateRandomLists upstr = do
up <- case readMaybe upstr of
Just u -> do
putStrLn $ "generating list with "++ show u ++ " items"
return u
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "no upper_number read"
putStrLn "generating list with 2000 items"
return 2000
genIList up
genIList :: Int -> IO [(Int,Int)]
genIList cnt
| cnt <= 0 = return []
| otherwise = do v <- getStdRandom (randomR (1,maxBound::Int))
l <- genIList (cnt-1)
return ((cnt,v):l)
testDDataMap :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
testDDataMap upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
let int_map = (Map.fromList int_list)
att0 = emptyATermTable
(int_att,selectedATermIndex) <- toShATerm' att0 int_map
putStrLn $ show (getTopIndex int_att,selectedATermIndex)
writeFileSDoc fp $
writeSharedATermSDoc int_att
putStrLn "File written\nstart reading"
str <- readFile fp
let read_map :: Map.Map Int Int
read_map = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigMap of Int -> Int is " ++
(if read_map == int_map
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
checkDDataMap :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkDDataMap upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
let int_map = (Map.fromList int_list)
str <- readFile fp
let read_map = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigMap of Int -> Int is " ++
(if read_map == int_map
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
testListConv :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
testListConv upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
let att0 = emptyATermTable
(int_att,selectedATermIndex) <-
toShATerm' att0 $ reverse int_list
putStrLn $ show (getTopIndex int_att,selectedATermIndex)
writeFileSDoc fp $
writeSharedATermSDoc int_att
putStrLn "File written\nstart reading"
str <- readFile fp
let read_list :: [(Int,Int)]
read_list = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigList of (Int,Int) is " ++
(if read_list == reverse int_list
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
checkListConv :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkListConv upperstr fp = do
int_list <- generateRandomLists upperstr
str <- readFile fp
let read_list = fromShATerm (readATerm str)
putStrLn ("BigList of (Int,Int) is " ++
(if read_list == reverse int_list
then "consistent."
else "inconsistent!!"))
resultFP :: String -> String
resultFP fp = fp++".ttttt"
testATC :: FilePath -> IO ()
testATC fp = do str <- readFile fp
let att = readATerm str
putStrLn ("Reading File "++fp++" ...")
let fp' = resultFP fp
putStrLn ("Writing File "++fp'++" ...")
writeFileSDoc fp' (writeSharedATermSDoc att)