AS_Library.der.hs revision cc0298f887b0416641a8b87acfae2c2983caa062
Author: Klaus L�ttich
Year: 2002
These data structures describe the abstract syntax tree for heterogenous
libraries in HetCASL.
- ATermConversion SML-CATS has now his own module
(s. HetCATS/aterm_conv/)
- LaTeX Pretty Printing
module AS_Library where
-- DrIFT command:
{-! global: UpPos !-}
import Id
import AS_Annotation
import qualified AS_Architecture
import qualified AS_Structured
import Grothendieck
data LIB_DEFN = Lib_defn LIB_NAME [Annoted LIB_ITEM] [Pos] [Annotation]
-- pos: "library"
-- list of annotations is parsed preceding the first LIB_ITEM
-- the last LIB_ITEM may be annotated with a following comment
-- the first LIB_ITEM cannot be annotated
deriving (Show,Eq)
{- for information on the list of Pos see the documentation in
data LIB_ITEM = Spec_defn AS_Structured.SPEC_NAME
(Annoted AS_Structured.SPEC)
| View_defn AS_Structured.VIEW_NAME
| Arch_spec_defn AS_Architecture.ARCH_SPEC_NAME
(Annoted AS_Architecture.ARCH_SPEC)
| Unit_spec_defn AS_Structured.SPEC_NAME
| Download_items LIB_NAME [ITEM_NAME_OR_MAP] [Pos]
-- pos: "from","get",commas, opt "end"
| Logic_decl AS_Structured.Logic_name [Pos]
-- pos: "logic", Logic_name
deriving (Show,Eq)
| Item_name_map ITEM_NAME ITEM_NAME [Pos]
-- pos: "|->"
deriving (Show,Eq)
| Lib_id LIB_ID
deriving (Show,Eq)
data LIB_ID = Direct_link URL [Pos]
-- pos: start of URL
| Indirect_link PATH [Pos]
-- pos: start of PATH
deriving (Show,Eq)
data VERSION_NUMBER = Version_number [String] [Pos]
-- pos: "version", start of first string
deriving (Show,Eq)
type URL = String
type PATH = String
instance Ord LIB_ID where
Direct_link s1 _ < Direct_link s2 _ = s1<s2
Direct_link _ _ < Indirect_link _ _ = True
Indirect_link _ _ < Direct_link _ _ = False
Indirect_link s1 _ < Indirect_link s2 _ = s1<s2
getLIB_ID (Lib_version libid _) = libid
getLIB_ID (Lib_id libid) = libid
instance Ord LIB_NAME where
ln1 < ln2 = getLIB_ID ln1 < getLIB_ID ln2
-- functions for casts
cast_S_L_Spec_defn :: AS_Structured.SPEC_DEFN -> LIB_ITEM
cast_L_S_Spec_defn :: LIB_ITEM -> AS_Structured.SPEC_DEFN
cast_S_L_Spec_defn (AS_Structured.Spec_defn x y z p) =
(AS_Library.Spec_defn x y z p)
cast_S_L_Spec_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_S_L_Spec_defn\""
cast_L_S_Spec_defn (AS_Library.Spec_defn x y z p) =
(AS_Structured.Spec_defn x y z p)
cast_L_S_Spec_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_L_S_Spec_defn\""
cast_S_L_View_defn :: AS_Structured.VIEW_DEFN -> LIB_ITEM
cast_L_S_View_defn :: LIB_ITEM -> AS_Structured.VIEW_DEFN
cast_S_L_View_defn (AS_Structured.View_defn w x y z p) =
(AS_Library.View_defn w x y z p)
cast_S_L_View_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_S_L_View_defn\""
cast_L_S_View_defn (AS_Library.View_defn w x y z p) =
(AS_Structured.View_defn w x y z p)
cast_L_S_View_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_L_S_View_defn\""
cast_A_L_Arch_spec_defn :: AS_Architecture.ARCH_SPEC_DEFN -> LIB_ITEM
cast_L_A_Arch_spec_defn :: LIB_ITEM -> AS_Architecture.ARCH_SPEC_DEFN
cast_A_L_Arch_spec_defn (AS_Architecture.Arch_spec_defn x y p) =
(AS_Library.Arch_spec_defn x y p)
cast_A_L_Arch_spec_defn _ =
error "wrong constructor for \"cast_A_L_Arch_defn\""
cast_L_A_Arch_spec_defn (AS_Library.Arch_spec_defn x y p) =
(AS_Architecture.Arch_spec_defn x y p)
cast_L_A_Arch_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_L_A_Arch_defn\""
cast_A_L_Unit_spec_defn :: AS_Architecture.UNIT_SPEC_DEFN -> LIB_ITEM
cast_L_A_Unit_spec_defn :: LIB_ITEM -> AS_Architecture.UNIT_SPEC_DEFN
cast_A_L_Unit_spec_defn (AS_Architecture.Unit_spec_defn x y p) =
(AS_Library.Unit_spec_defn x y p)
cast_A_L_Unit_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_A_L_Unit_defn\""
cast_L_A_Unit_spec_defn (AS_Library.Unit_spec_defn x y p) =
(AS_Architecture.Unit_spec_defn x y p)
cast_L_A_Spec_defn _ = error "wrong constructor for \"cast_L_A_Unit_defn\""