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5097N/Apackage myapp;
5097N/Aimport javax.persistence.*;
5097N/Aimport javax.transaction.*;
5097N/Aimport java.io.*;
5097N/Apublic class JpaTest {
5097N/A private EntityManagerFactory emf;
5097N/A private EntityManager em;
5097N/A private UserTransaction utx;
5097N/A PrintWriter out;
5680N/A private static Department deptRef[] = new Department[2];
5097N/A private static Employee empRef[] = new Employee[5];
5097N/A public JpaTest(){}
5097N/A public JpaTest(EntityManagerFactory emf, EntityManager em,
5097N/A UserTransaction utx, PrintWriter out){
5097N/A this.emf = emf;
5097N/A this.em = em;
5097N/A this.utx = utx;
5097N/A this.out = out;
5097N/A }
5097N/A protected boolean lazyLoadingInit(){
5097N/A boolean status = false;
5097N/A out.println("-----lazeLoadingInit()---------");
5097N/A try {
5097N/A deptRef[0] = new Department(1, "Engineering");
5097N/A deptRef[1] = new Department(2, "Marketing");
5097N/A utx.begin();
5097N/A em.joinTransaction();
5097N/A for (int i=0; i < 2; i++ ) {
5097N/A em.persist(deptRef[i]);
5097N/A }
5097N/A utx.commit();
5097N/A empRef[0] = new Employee(1, "Alan", "Frechette", deptRef[0]);
5097N/A empRef[1] = new Employee(2, "Arthur", "Wesley", deptRef[0]);
5097N/A empRef[2] = new Employee(3, "Abe", "White", deptRef[0]);
5097N/A empRef[3] = new Employee(4, "Paul", "Hinz", deptRef[1]);
5097N/A empRef[4] = new Employee(5, "Carla", "Calrson", deptRef[1]);
5097N/A utx.begin();
5097N/A em.joinTransaction();
5097N/A for (int i=0; i<5; i++ ) {
5097N/A em.persist(empRef[i]);
5097N/A }
5097N/A utx.commit();
5680N/A status = true;
5097N/A } catch(Exception ex){
5097N/A ex.printStackTrace();
5097N/A }
5097N/A out.println("-----status = " + status + "---------");
5097N/A return status;
5097N/A }
5097N/A public boolean lazyLoadingByFind(int employeeID) {
5097N/A boolean status=true;
5097N/A out.println("------------lazyLoadingAfterFind -----------");
5097N/A out.println("employeeID = "+ employeeID);
5097N/A Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, employeeID);
5097N/A out.println("found: emp.id=" + emp.getId());
5097N/A try {
5097N/A // 1. get Department before loading
5097N/A Department deptBL = emp.getDepartmentNoWeaving();
5097N/A out.println("1. before loading: deptBL="+deptBL);
5097N/A String deptNameBL = null;
5097N/A if (deptBL != null) {
5097N/A deptNameBL = deptBL.getName();
5097N/A out.println("deptNameBL="+deptNameBL);
5097N/A }
5097N/A // assert deptBL == null;
5097N/A if (deptBL != null) {
5097N/A status = false;
5097N/A }
5097N/A // 2. loading
5097N/A String deptName = emp.getDepartment().getName();
5097N/A out.println("2. loading, deptName = " + deptName);
5097N/A // 3. get Department after loading
5097N/A Department deptAL = emp.getDepartmentNoWeaving();
5097N/A out.println("3. after loading: deptAL="+deptAL);
5097N/A String deptNameAL = deptAL.getName();
5097N/A System.out.println("deptNameAL="+deptNameAL);
5097N/A // assert deptAL != null
5097N/A // assert deptAL.getName == deptName;
5097N/A if (deptAL == null || deptNameAL != deptName) {
5097N/A status = false;
5097N/A }
5097N/A } catch(Exception ex){
5097N/A status = false;
5097N/A ex.printStackTrace();
5097N/A }
5097N/A out.println("-----status = " + status + "---------");
5097N/A return status;
5097N/A }
5097N/A public boolean lazyLoadingByQuery(String fName) {
5097N/A boolean status=true;
5097N/A out.println("------------lazyLoadingByQuery -----------");
5097N/A out.println("fName = "+ fName);
5097N/A Query query = em.createQuery(
5097N/A "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName like :firstName")
5097N/A .setParameter("firstName", fName);;
5097N/A Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();
5097N/A out.println("queried: emp.firstName=" + emp.getFirstName());
5097N/A try {
5097N/A // 1. get Department before loading
Department deptBL = emp.getDepartmentNoWeaving();
out.println("1. before loading: deptBL="+deptBL);
String deptNameBL = null;
if (deptBL != null) {
deptNameBL = deptBL.getName();
// assert deptBL == null;
if (deptBL != null) {
status = false;
// 2. loading
String deptName = emp.getDepartment().getName();
System.out.println("2. loading, deptName = " + deptName);
// 3. get Department after loading
Department deptAL = emp.getDepartmentNoWeaving();
out.println("3. after loading: deptAL="+deptAL);
String deptNameAL = deptAL.getName();
// assert deptAL != null
// assert deptAL.getName == deptName;
if (deptAL == null || deptNameAL != deptName) {
status = false;
} catch(Exception ex){
status = false;
out.println("-----status = " + status + "---------");
return status;