#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import imp
conf = imp.load_source("pkg_conf", "../pkg_conf.py")
pkg = {
"name" : "felix",
"version" : conf.felix_version,
"attributes" : {
"pkg.summary" : "Apache Felix",
"pkg.description" : "Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the OSGi R4 Service Platform, which includes the OSGi framework and standard services, as well as providing and supporting other interesting OSGi-related technologies. For more information, see: http://felix.apache.org/site/index.html.",
"info.classification" : "OSGi Service Platform Release 4",
"dirtrees" : { "glassfish/modules" : {},
"glassfish/osgi/felix/bin" : {},
"glassfish/osgi/felix/conf" : {},
"files" : { "glassfish/config/osgi.properties" : { "preserve" : "renameold"},
"glassfish/modules/autostart/org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg" : { "preserve" : "renameold"},
"licenses" : {
"../../../../ApacheLicense.txt" : {"license" : "ApacheV2"},