README revision ada1678a4262b208a7b87391f520a7767d25287c
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This module bundles the Java(TM) EE 6 Specification APIs into one javaee-api jar. The pom.xml file is not used to pushed to the maven repository. It's primarly purpose is to assemble the javaee-api jar files. There are three profiles in the pom.xml file:
(1) api profile assembles javaee-api. This is the default profile.
(2) web-api profile assembles javaee-web-api. This profile assembles just the JavaEE 6 web profile classes.
(3) endorsed-api profile assembles javaee-endorsed-api. This profile assembles the endoresed JavaEE 6 classes.
To execute the profile, use the maven syntax: "mvn -P api", "mvn -P web-api" or "mvn -P endorsed-api". If profile is not provided, it defaults to "api".
Note that the jar assembled includes the impl classes. You will need to execute maven from the directory, compact. Please read compact/README.
There are two pom files in this directory that is used to pushed the artifact to maven repository:
(1) javaee-api.pom.xml
(2) javaee-web-api.pom.xml
The pom files contain the following information:
* modelVersion
* groupId
* artifactId
* version
* packaging
* name
* description
* url
* licenses
* scm
* developers
This information is pertinent for syncing the artifacts to the Maven Central repository.