revision ada1678a4262b208a7b87391f520a7767d25287c
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
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# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
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# holder.
setup_no_files=Error: There are no files requiring installation.\n
setup_already_started=Another installation process is already running. Exiting.\n
uninstall_no_files=There are no files requiring uninstallation.\n
uninstall_already_started=Another uninstallation process is already running. Exiting.\n
no_resolve_exec_path=Error: Could not resolve the absolute path of this application.\n
checking_disk_space=Checking available disk space...\n
checking_java=Checking Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...\n
unzipping_files=Extracting installation files...\n
unzipping_files_engine_zip=Extracting Installer Engine...\n
unzipping_files_jdk_zip=Extracting Bundled Java SDK ...\n
unzipping_files_resources_zip=Extracting Installer Resources...\n
unzipping_files_metadata_zip=Extracting Installer Metadata...\n
unzipping_java_files=Extracting Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment files...\n
executing_java=Launching Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...\n
performing_cleanup=Deleting temporary files...\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
no_writable_system_tmpdir=Error: The '%s' temporary directory is not a writable directory.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path and %lli will be substituted with sizes
Error: There is not enough free disk space in the '%s' temporary directory.\n\
%s bytes are required and only %s bytes are available.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
Try rerunning this application with the following usage:\n\
\ '%s' -tmpdir <temporary directory>\n
no_find_java=Error: Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
no_find_specified_java=Error: Could not find the required version of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment in '%s'.\n
# Note: the first %s will substituted with a JVM version, the second %s will
# be substituted with the JVM download URL, and the third %s will be
# substituted with a path
This application needs version %s or higher of the Java(TM) 2 Runtime\n\
Environment. If the required Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment is not installed,\n\
you can download it from the following website:\n\
\ %s\n\
Or if you already have the required Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment\n\
installed, try rerunning this application with the following usage:\n\
\ '%s' -j <Java(TM) installation directory>\n
no_find_exec_dir=Error: Could not find directory of executable.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
no_set_specified_working_dir=Error: Could set working directory to '%s'.\n
jvm_version_unsupported=Error: The Java(TM) Virtual Machine is not a supported version.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an command line argument
missing_jvm_dir=Error: '%s' must be followed by a Java(TM) installation directory.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an command line argument
missing_file_name=Error: '%s' must be followed by a file name.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an command line argument
missing_writable_dir=Error: '%s' must be followed by a writable directory.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an command line argument
no_writable_dir=Error: '%s' is not a writable directory.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an command line argument
no_valid_arg=Error: '%s' is not a valid argument.\n
java_aborted=Error: The Java(TM) Virtual Machine has aborted.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
corrupted_zip_file=Error: The '%s' file appears to be corrupted.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an environment variable
connecting_x11=Connecting to X11 server '%s'.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with an environment variable
no_connect_x11=Error: Cannot connect to X11 server '%s'.\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
Check that the DISPLAY environment variable is correctly set or try\n\
rerunning this application with the following usage:\n\
\ '%s' -console\n
no_motif_libs=Error: Cannot find the required Motif binaries.\n
Check that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable includes the\n\
directories that contain the Motif binaries\n
This computer has less than 256 colors. This application requires at least\n\
256 colors to display windows.\n\
Do you want to run this application in console mode?\n
missing_answerfile_argument=-a should be followed by a valid answer file location.\n
answerfile_not_accessible=Given answer file not accessible.\n
missing_alternate_root_argument=-R should be followed by a valid directory location.\n
alternate_root_directory_not_accessible=Given alternate root directory location not accessible.\n
missing_log_directory_argument=-l should be followed by an existing log directory path\n
log_directory_not_accessible=Log directory cannot be accessed.\n
missing_state_file_argument=-n should be followed by a valid state filename.\n
answer_file_already_exists=Given answer file already exists. Please provide a non-existing file path.\n
Usage: 'setup' [-options]\n\
where options include:\n\
\ -a <answerfile>\n\
\ run this program in silent mode using the answerfile provided, should be used with -s option.\n\
\ -l <Log Directory>\n\
\ log information goes to this directory\n\
\ -q Logging level set to WARNING\n\
\ -v Logging level set to FINEST\n\
\ -s run this application silent mode\n\
\ -j <javahome>\n\
\ JRE installation directory to be used by this program.\n\
\ -n <savefile>\n\
\ run the program in dry-run mode and generate savefile to be used for silent mode\n\
\ -h\n\
\ -help\n\
\ print this help message\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
Usage: '%s' [-options]\n\
where options include:\n\
\ -console\n\
\ run this application in a console\n\
\ -silent <state file>\n\
\ run this application silently using input from the specified file\n\
\ -savestate <state file>\n\
\ log state information in the specified file\n\
\ -j <JRE (%s or higher) installation directory>\n\
\ force this application to use the specified \n\
\ Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment installation\n\
\ -tmpdir <temporary directory>\n\
\ put all temporary files in the specified directory\n\
\ -id\n\
\ print WizardID value to standard output\n\
\ -h\n\
\ -help\n\
\ print this help message\n
# Note: %s will substituted with a path
Usage: '%s' [-options]\n\
where options include:\n\
\ -console\n\
\ run this application in a console\n\
\ -silent \n\
\ run this application silently \n\
\ -j <JRE (%s or higher) installation directory>\n\
\ force this application to use the specified \n\
\ Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment installation\n\
\ -tmpdir <temporary directory>\n\
\ put all temporary files in the specified directory\n\
\ -h\n\
\ -help\n\
\ print this help message\n