<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Describes how to create the glassfish-appclient zip distribution file.
The assembly plug-in uses the <id> value as the suffix for the
assembled file.
<dependencySets useProjectArtifact="false">
Note - the assembly plug-in is advertised as being able to set the file
mode on files from dependencies as they are added to the assembled file.
This feature does not work in 2.2-beta-3. So instead we have to
use the dependency plug-in (see the pom.xml for this module) to extract
the relevant files and then add them as a fileSet (instead of a
dependencySet as we'd like to do). Because fileMode seems to work just
fine for a fileSet.
The following dependencySet could be uncommented (and the corresponding
fileSet below removed) if/when the assembly
plug-in honors the fileMode setting. In that case, also remove the use of the
dependency plug-in in the pom to extract the scripts from
One set is the appclient-scripts module. Unpack its contents and
deposit them into the "bin" directory in the resulting assembly (to
prevent an extra "glassfish" level from appearing),
having granted everyone read and execute permissions on the scripts.
Suppress the manifest and maven information that is placed into the
Do not unpack the dependency JARs because we want to package
the JARs themselves - not their respective contents - into
the distribution zip.
The other dependencySet specifies how to process the appclient-scripts
module so exclude it from this dependency set.
Include various config files needed from the generated domain
in the distribution zip.
This file set can be removed once the assembly plug-in honors
the fileMode setting in a dependencySet.