* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
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* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
* obtain a copy of the License at
* or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
* exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
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* Modifications:
* If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
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* holder.
* Deployment facility
* @author Jerome Dochez
public interface Deployment {
* This asynchronous event is sent when a new deployment or loading of an already deployed application start. It is invoked
* once before any sniffer is invoked.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> DEPLOYMENT_START = EventTypes.create("Deployment_Start", DeploymentContext.class);
* This asynchronous event is sent when a deployment activity (first time deploy or loading of an already deployed application)
* failed.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE = EventTypes.create("Deployment_Failed", DeploymentContext.class);
* This asynchronous event is sent before prepare phase of deployment.
* This asynchronous event is sent when a deployment activity (first time deploy or loading of an already deployed application)
* succeeded.
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> DEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS = EventTypes.create("Deployment_Success", ApplicationInfo.class);
* This asynchronous event is sent when a new deployment or loading of an already deployed application start. It is invoked
* once before any sniffer is invoked.
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> UNDEPLOYMENT_START = EventTypes.create("Undeployment_Start", ApplicationInfo.class);
* This asynchronous event is sent when a deployment activity (first time deploy or loading of an already deployed application)
* failed.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> UNDEPLOYMENT_FAILURE = EventTypes.create("Undeployment_Failed", DeploymentContext.class);
* This asynchronous event is sent when a deployment activity (first time deploy or loading of an already deployed application)
* succeeded.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> UNDEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS = EventTypes.create("Undeployment_Success", DeploymentContext.class);
* The following synchronous events are sent after each change in a module state.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> MODULE_PREPARED = EventTypes.create("Module_Prepared", DeploymentContext.class);
public final EventTypes<ModuleInfo> MODULE_LOADED = EventTypes.create("Module_Loaded", ModuleInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ModuleInfo> MODULE_STARTED = EventTypes.create("Module_Running", ModuleInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ModuleInfo> MODULE_STOPPED = EventTypes.create("Module_Stopped", ModuleInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ModuleInfo> MODULE_UNLOADED = EventTypes.create("Module_Unloaded", ModuleInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> MODULE_CLEANED= EventTypes.create("Module_Cleaned", DeploymentContext.class);
* The following synchronous events are sent after each change in an application stated (An application contains
* 1 to many modules)
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> APPLICATION_PREPARED = EventTypes.create("Application_Prepared", DeploymentContext.class);
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> APPLICATION_LOADED = EventTypes.create("Application_Loaded", ApplicationInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> APPLICATION_STARTED = EventTypes.create("Application_Running", ApplicationInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> APPLICATION_STOPPED = EventTypes.create("Application_Stopped", ApplicationInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> APPLICATION_UNLOADED = EventTypes.create("Application_Unloaded", ApplicationInfo.class);
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> APPLICATION_CLEANED= EventTypes.create("Application_Cleaned", DeploymentContext.class);
public final EventTypes<ApplicationInfo> APPLICATION_DISABLED = EventTypes.create("Application_Disabled", ApplicationInfo.class);
* The following synchronous event is sent before the application is
* undeployed so various listeners could validate the undeploy operation
* and decide whether to abort undeployment
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> UNDEPLOYMENT_VALIDATION = EventTypes.create("Undeployment_Validation", DeploymentContext.class);
public interface DeploymentContextBuilder {
throws IOException;
* The following asynchronous event is sent after all applications are
* started in server start up.
public final EventTypes<DeploymentContext> ALL_APPLICATIONS_PROCESSED= EventTypes.create("All_Applications_Processed", DeploymentContext.class);
public ApplicationInfo deploy(final Collection<Sniffer> sniffers, final ExtendedDeploymentContext context);
throws TransactionFailure;
throws TransactionFailure;
throws TransactionFailure;
boolean appRefOnly)
throws TransactionFailure;
throws TransactionFailure;
throws Exception;
boolean isRedeploy);
* Scans the source of the deployment operation for all types
* and store the result in the deployment context.
* Subsequent calls will return the cached copy from the context
* @param context deployment context
* @return the types information from the deployment artifacts
* @throws IOException if the scanning fails due to an I/O exception