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* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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public class SystemPropertyConstants
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* Field
* The certificate nick name specified in the System-Jmx-Conenctor
* of the DAS with which a Node Agent synchronizes
* Field
/** name of the server instance key */
/** name of the server's cluster */
/** name of the HADB location property **/
/** Java ES Monitoring Framework install directory */
/* An implementation note: This variable should be defined at one place.
* I have chosen this location because most of the other modules depend
* on appserv-commons for compilation.
/** name of the domain key */
= "com.sun.enterprise.ee.server.pluggable.EEPluggableFeatureImpl";
/** Name of the default config that determines the configuration for the instances */
/** A method that returns the passed String as a property that can
* be replaced at run time.
* @param name String that represents a property, e.g INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY
* in this class. The String may not be null.
* @return a String that represents the replaceable value of passed String. Generally
* speaking it will be decorated with a pair of braces with $ in the front (e.g. "a" will be returned as "${a}").
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the passed String is null
/** Returns the string removing the "system-property syntax" from it.
* If the given string is not in "system-property syntax" the same string is returned.
* The "system-propery syntax" is "${...}"
* The given String may not be null.
* The returned String may be an empty String, if it is of the form "${}" (rarely so).
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null_arg");
if (isSystemPropertySyntax(sp)) {
return ( ret );
if ( s == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null_arg");
boolean sp = false;
sp = true;
return ( sp );
/** Returns the default value (as would appear in the domain.xml on installation)
* of docroot of a virtual server, as a String. Never returns a null.
* Returned String contains no backslashes.
* Note that it is <b> not <b> the absolute value of the path on a file system.
/** Returns the default value (as would appear in the domain.xml on installation)
* of file where the acess log of a virtual server is stored, as a String. Never returns a null.
* Returned String contains no backslashes.
* Note that it is <b> not <b> the absolute value of the path on a file system.
/** Returns the system specific file.separator delimited path to the asadmin script. Any changes to file layout should
* be reflected here. The path will contain '/' as the separator character, regardless of operating
* platform. Never returns a null. Assumes the the property "INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY" is set in the VM
* before calling this. As of now (September 2005) all the server instances and asadmin VM itself has
* this property set. The method does not guarantee that the script exists on the given system. It should
* only be used when caller wants to know the location of the script. Caller should make sure it exists.
* @return String representing the Path to asadmin script. Might return a string beginning with "null", if
* the INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY is not defined
final String suffix = new StringBuilder("bin").append(System.getProperty("file.separator")).append(ASADMIN).append(ext).toString();
* Copied from the trunk (4.0)
* Returns the component identifier associated with the INSTALL_ROOT.
* For example if INSTALL_ROOT is /home/glassfish3/glassfish the
* component name will "glassfish".
* @return String representing the component identifier.
return installRootFile.getName();