bundle.xml revision ada1678a4262b208a7b87391f520a7767d25287c
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Describes how to create the zip file for the non-OSGi ACC bundle.
Because of the way some other modules are organized, the ACC module's
transitive closure of dependencies includes modules that it will never
use at runtime. This is the case, for example, because the published
security API for programmatic login implements both the server-side and
the client-side login methods in the same class. That means that the ACC's
dependence on the security module which defines the API would seem to
create a further dependency on other, server-side-only modules. This
descriptor excludes such modules from the bundle.
<dependencySets useProjectArtifact="true">
The next mapping works for the current version of the assembly
plug-in. Future versions are described as using
${artifact.artifactId} and ${artifact.extension}.
See the outputFileNameMapping topic right after this URL:
<exclude>com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb</exclude> <!-- we don't need 2.1 of this; 2.0 is in the JRE -->