test_utility.c revision fb73508da0f92983914e17785064cde30c92b5cf
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "am.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "cmocka.h"
* This is the marker we spatter throughout our destination buffer for testing purposes. It must not be null
* because as far as this code is concerned, null is valid data. We need this to be invalid and noticable.
* Thus I chose control A.
#define MARKER 0x1
* Encode the string stored in p and make non printing characters (including nulls) visible by representing
* them as \HH where HH is the hex value in the shortest width possible (so null comes out as \0). We return
* a pointer to a dynamically allocated piece of memory which should be freed. This routine isn't particularly
* efficient.
static const char* encode(const char* p, size_t len) {
static char buf[1024];
buf[0] = '\0';
while(len--) {
char buf2[50];
if (*p < ' ' || *p == 127) {
sprintf(buf2, "\\%x", *p);
strcat(buf, buf2);
} else {
buf2[0] = *p;
buf2[1] = '\0';
strcat(buf, buf2);
return strdup(buf);
* Find the first marker character in "dest" and return the number of characters before it.
static size_t find_marker(const char* dest) {
const char* p = dest;
while (*p != MARKER) {
return p - dest;
* Compare the actual and expected values. If they do not match, dump out a representation of both the expected
* and actual values so we can see what has gone wrong. If they do match, print "SUCCESS" and return 0. In
* this way we draw maximum attention to ourselves only if the test fails.
static int compare(const char* actual, const char* expected, size_t expected_len) {
size_t actual_len = find_marker(actual);
if (actual_len != expected_len) {
printf("actual length and expected lengths are different (%lu vs %lu)\n",
actual_len, expected_len);
printf("expected: %s\nactual: %s\n", encode(expected, expected_len), encode(actual, actual_len));
return 1;
if (memcmp(actual, expected, expected_len) != 0) {
printf("actual and expected strings are different (although the same length)\n");
printf("expected: %s\nactual: %s\n", encode(expected, expected_len), encode(actual, actual_len));
return 1;
return 0;
static const char* richard3 = "Now is the winter of our discontent, "
"Made glorious summer by this son of York";
static const char* as_you_like_it_1 = "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players";
static const char* as_you_like_it_2 = "they have their exits and their entrances";
static const char* as_you_like_it_3 = "and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages";
* test mem2cpy, returning 1 if the test fails, 0 if it succeeds.
void test_mem2cpy(void** state) {
char a[] = "ABCDEF";
char b[] = "GHI";
char expected[] = "ABCDEF\0GHI"; // C gives us a free null after the "I"
char dest[1000];
memset(dest, MARKER, ARRAY_SIZE(dest));
mem2cpy(dest, a, 6, b, 3);
assert_int_equal(compare(dest, expected, ARRAY_SIZE(expected)), 0);
* test mem3cpy, returning 1 if the test fails, 0 if it succeeds.
void test_mem3cpy(void** state) {
char a[] = "ABCDEF";
char b[] = "GHI";
char c[] = "JKLMN";
char expected[] = "ABCDEF\0GHI\0JKLMN"; // C gives us a free null after the "N"
char dest[1000];
memset(dest, MARKER, ARRAY_SIZE(dest));
mem3cpy(dest, a, 6, b, 3, c, 5);
assert_int_equal(compare(dest, expected, ARRAY_SIZE(expected)), 0);
* Test the match function.
void test_match(void** state) {
// for some reason, passing in null results in an "ok" match
assert_int_equal(match(1, NULL, NULL), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, NULL, richard3), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, NULL), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, "content,"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, "ter.of..ur"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, "[Gg]lorio.s"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, "Aardvark,"), AM_FAIL);
assert_int_equal(match(1, richard3, "[Gg]lourio.s"), AM_FAIL);
* Note that the match_groups function isn't tested here because it is only invoked once in the entire codebase.
* Also I can't quite figure what the length parameters should be set to.
static int am_vasprintf_test(char** p, const char* format, ...) {
int result;
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
result = am_vasprintf(p, format, args);
return result;
* Test the am_vasprintf function.
void test_am_vasprintf(void** state) {
char random[5];
char* buff = random; /* ensure we won't crash if passed a pointer referencing the stack */
int returned = am_vasprintf_test(&buff, "%s: %s; %s", as_you_like_it_1, as_you_like_it_2, as_you_like_it_3);
int correct_length = strlen(as_you_like_it_1) + 2 + strlen(as_you_like_it_2) + 2 + strlen(as_you_like_it_3);
assert_int_equal(returned, correct_length);
assert_int_equal(strlen(buff), correct_length);
* test the am_asprintf function. Obviously one thing we cannot do is pass it a pointer to the
* stack as it's first parmameter - if we do, it crashes.
void test_am_asprintf(void** state) {
char* buff = NULL;
char check[1024];
am_asprintf(&buff, "%s: ", as_you_like_it_1);
am_asprintf(&buff, "%s%s; ", buff, as_you_like_it_2);
am_asprintf(&buff, "%s%s", buff, as_you_like_it_3);
strcpy(check, as_you_like_it_1);
strcat(check, ": ");
strcat(check, as_you_like_it_2);
strcat(check, "; ");
strcat(check, as_you_like_it_3);
assert_string_equal(buff, check);
* test the am_free function. Obviously we can't pass a stack-based reference to it, that will cause it
* to crash. Similarly we can only pass a pointer directly returned from one of the memory allocation functions,
* as opposed to something returned and incremented a little.
void test_am_free(void** state) {
void* m_buff = malloc(8192);
void* c_buff = calloc(2, 512);
void* r_buff = malloc(256); r_buff = realloc(r_buff, 1024);
/* this is about the only thing I can think of asserting here
* at least it "proves" we made it this far.
* test am_strldup, which duplicates a lowercase version of the string into dynamic memory.
* In fact am_stridup was only written while tidying up stristr.
void test_am_strldup(void** state) {
char* should_be_null = am_strldup(NULL);
char* lowercase_text1 = am_strldup(as_you_like_it_1);
char* lowercase_text2 = am_strldup(as_you_like_it_2);
assert_string_equal(lowercase_text1, "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players");
assert_string_equal(lowercase_text2, as_you_like_it_2);
/* this at least proves we survived the freeing */
#define START "NoW iS tHe Win"
#define MIDDLE "TER"
#define END " OF OuR diSCOnteNT"
* Test case insensitive string searching.
void test_stristr(void** state) {
char* text = START MIDDLE END;
char* lower_text = am_strldup(text);
char* lower_start = am_strldup(START);
char* lower_middle = am_strldup(MIDDLE);
char* pos1 = stristr(text, MIDDLE);
char* pos2 = stristr(text, lower_middle);
char* pos3 = stristr(lower_text, MIDDLE);
char* pos4 = stristr(lower_text, lower_middle);
char* pos5 = stristr(text, START);
char* pos6 = stristr(text, lower_start);
assert_ptr_equal(pos1, pos2);
assert_ptr_equal(pos3, pos4);
assert_int_equal(pos3 - lower_text, pos1 - text);
assert_int_equal(pos5 - text, 0);
assert_int_equal(pos6 - text, 0);
* Test base 64 encoding and decoding. Note that https://www.base64encode.org/ has been
* particularly helpful here. Also note the importance of setting "length" correctly before
* its address is passed into the encoding function. The decoding function doesn't care.
void test_base64_encode_decode(void** state) {
const char* in = "Man";
const char* out = "TWFu";
const char* r3_out = "Tm93IGlzIHRoZSB3aW50ZXIgb2Ygb3VyIGRpc2NvbnRlbnQsIE1hZGUgZ2xvcmlvdXMgc3VtbWVyIGJ5IHRoaXMgc29uIG9mIFlvcms=";
size_t length = 3;
char* encoded = base64_encode(in, &length);
assert_string_equal(encoded, out);
assert_int_equal(length, strlen(out));
char* decoded = base64_decode(out, &length);
assert_string_equal(decoded, in);
assert_int_equal(length, strlen(in));
length = strlen(richard3);
encoded = base64_encode(richard3, &length);
decoded = base64_decode(encoded, &length);
assert_string_equal(encoded, r3_out);
assert_string_equal(richard3, decoded);
* Note that I can't think of a good way to test delete_am_cookie_list.
* Test the rather odd char_count function,
void test_char_count(void** state) {
int last;
int result = char_count(richard3, 'e', &last);
assert_int_equal(result, 5);
assert_int_equal(last, richard3[strlen(richard3) - 1]);
result = char_count(as_you_like_it_1, 't', NULL);
assert_int_equal(result, 3);
result = char_count(as_you_like_it_3, '\t', &last);
assert_int_equal(result, 0);
assert_int_equal(last, as_you_like_it_3[strlen(as_you_like_it_3) - 1]);
* Test encryption and decryption. This function does the obvious test of taking text, encoding
* it and decoding it again to see if we end up with the same thing.
void test_encrypt_decrypt_password(void** state) {
const char* key = "jU7tHgf1iB4gbTR7";
char* clear_text = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
char* result = strdup(clear_text);
size_t length = strlen(key);
char* encoded = base64_encode(key, &length);
encrypt_password(encoded, &result);
// "result" now points to a dynamically allocated area filled with the encrypted password
assert_string_not_equal(clear_text, result);
// now decode back to the original text (hopefully)
decrypt_password(encoded, &result);
assert_string_equal(result, clear_text);
* Test the escaping of characters supported by xml_entity_escape.
void test_xml_entity_escape(void** state) {
char buff[1024] = "one&two'three\"four>five<six";
char* amp;
char* apos;
char* quot;
char* gt;
char* lt;
xml_entity_escape(buff, strlen(buff));
amp = strstr(buff, "one&amp;two");
apos = strstr(buff, "two&apos;three");
quot = strstr(buff, "three&quot;four");
gt = strstr(buff, "four&gt;five");
lt = strstr(buff, "five&lt;six");
assert_ptr_equal(amp, buff);
* Test the rather odd am_strsep function.
void test_am_strsep(void** state) {
char buff[1024] = "abc%def%ghi%jkl%mno%pqr%stu%vwx%yza";
char* temp = buff;
char* match;
int counter = 0;
/* Note: do not use a multi character separator */
while((match = am_strsep(&temp, "%")) != NULL) {
assert_int_equal(strlen(match), 3);
assert_int_equal((match - buff) % 4, 0);
assert_int_equal(counter, 9);
#define PROTO1 "http"
#define HOST1 "the.site.com"
#define PORT1 "9010"
#define PATH1 "/path/to/resource"
#define QUERY1 "?key12=value12&key2=value2#anchor"
#define PROTO2 "https"
#define HOST2 "mostly-landscapes.net"
#define PATH2 "/short/path/foo.html"
#define PROTO3 "http"
#define HOST3 "_cryptic-world_.com"
#define PORT3 "1234"
* Test the parsing of URLs.
void test_parse_url(void** state) {
char buff1[] = PROTO1 "://" HOST1 ":" PORT1 PATH1 QUERY1;
char buff2[] = PROTO2 "://" HOST2 PATH2;
char buff3[] = PROTO3 "://" HOST3;
char buff4[] = PROTO3 ":??" "BAD url";
struct url url_struct;
int result;
result = parse_url(buff1, &url_struct);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.port, atoi(PORT1));
assert_int_equal(url_struct.error, 0);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.ssl, 0);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.proto, PROTO1);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.host, HOST1);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.path, PATH1);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.query, QUERY1);
assert_int_equal(result, AM_SUCCESS);
result = parse_url(buff2, &url_struct);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.port, 443);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.error, 0);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.ssl, 1);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.proto, PROTO2);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.host, HOST2);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.path, PATH2);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.query, "");
assert_int_equal(result, AM_SUCCESS);
result = parse_url(buff3, &url_struct);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.port, 80);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.error, 0);
assert_int_equal(url_struct.ssl, 0);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.proto, PROTO3);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.host, HOST3);
assert_string_equal(url_struct.path, "/");
assert_string_equal(url_struct.query, "");
assert_int_equal(result, AM_SUCCESS);
result = parse_url(buff4, &url_struct);
assert_int_not_equal(url_struct.error, 0);
assert_int_equal(result, AM_ERROR);
* test the url encode and decode functions.
void test_url_encode_decode(void** state) {
char buff[] = "abc !\"#$'+(here)--[:>>>there<<<]*+/-?@{xxx}.";
char test_a[] = "%20a";
char test_b[] = "a%20";
char test_c[] = "a% %1";
char test_d[] = "% %20%x +%";
char test_e[] = "%C4%81%C4%8D%C4%93%C4%A3%C4%AB%C4%B7%C4%BC%C5%86%C5%A1%C5%AB%C5%BE";
char* encoded = url_encode(buff);
char* decoded = url_decode(encoded);
assert_string_equal(buff, decoded);
buff[0] = '\0';
encoded = url_encode(buff);
decoded = url_decode(buff);
assert_string_equal(decoded, "");
decoded = url_decode(test_a);
assert_string_equal(decoded, " a");
decoded = url_decode(test_b);
assert_string_equal(decoded, "a ");
decoded = url_decode(test_c);
assert_string_equal(decoded, "a% %1");
decoded = url_decode(test_d);
assert_string_equal(decoded, "% %x %");
decoded = url_decode(test_e);
assert_string_equal(decoded, "āčēģīķļņšūž");
void test_url_encode_decode_agent3(void** state) {
char agent3_input1[] = "~a!a@a#a$a%a^a&";
char agent3_output1[] = "%7Ea%21a%40a%23a%24a%25a%5Ea%26";
char agent3_input2[] = "!@#$%^&*()_+{}:\".,/\\";
char agent3_output2[] = "%21%40%23%24%25%5E%26*%28%29_%2B%7B%7D%3A%22.%2C%2F%5C";
char* agent4_decoded = url_decode(agent3_output1);
assert_string_equal(agent4_decoded, agent3_input1);
agent4_decoded = url_decode(agent3_output2);
assert_string_equal(agent4_decoded, agent3_input2);
void test_string_replace(void ** state) {
char * original;
size_t size;
original = strdup("abcXXXdefAM_AGENT_REALMXXXnXXXAM_AGENT_REALMv");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "AM_AGENT_REALM", "realm1", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal("abcXXXdefrealm1XXXnXXXrealm1v", original);
original = strdup("abcXXXdefAM_AGENT_REALMXXXnXXXAM_AGENT_REALM");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "AM_AGENT_REALM", "realm1", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal("abcXXXdefrealm1XXXnXXXrealm1", original);
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXXv");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "X", "YX", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal("abcYXYXYXdefYXYXYXnYXYXYXv", original);
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "XXX", "YYY", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcYYYdefYYYnYYY");
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "X", "YX", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcYXYXYXdefYXYXYXnYXYXYX");
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "XXX", "Y", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcYdefYnY");
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "X", "YYY", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcYYYYYYYYYdefYYYYYYYYYnYYYYYYYYY");
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "XXX", "", &size), AM_SUCCESS);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcdefn");
original = strdup("abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
size = strlen(original);
assert_int_equal(string_replace(&original, "", "YYY", &size), AM_NOT_FOUND);
assert_string_equal(original, "abcXXXdefXXXnXXX");
static void test_logf(const char * format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
vprintf(format, ap);
void test_property_map_load() {
const char * wpa3boot = "/Users/nick/Downloads/OpenSSOAgentBootstrap.template.txt";
const char * wpa3config = "/Users/nick/Downloads/OpenSSOAgentConfiguration.template.txt";
const char * wpa4boot = "/Users/nick/Documents/Code/AM/review/agents-update/commit/policy-agents/config/agent.conf.template";
struct map_entry ** map = property_map_create();
size_t data_sz;
char * data;
data_sz = 0;
data = load_file(wpa3boot, &data_sz);
property_map_parse(map, "agent 3 bootstrap", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
data_sz = 0;
data = load_file(wpa3config, &data_sz);
property_map_parse(map, "agent 3 config", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
data_sz = 0;
data = load_file(wpa4boot, &data_sz);
property_map_parse(map, "agent 4 bootstrap", AM_FALSE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
data = property_map_write_to_buffer(map, &data_sz);
printf("written %zu\n", data_sz);
void test_property_map_overrides(void ** state) {
struct map_entry ** map = property_map_create();
size_t data_sz;
char * data;
data = "a.b.0 = 0\r\na.b.1 = 1\r\n";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 1", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.0"), "0");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.1"), "1");
// new value ok, change doesn't override
data = "a.b.2 = 2\r\na.b.1 = override\r\n";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 2", AM_FALSE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.0"), "0");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.1"), "1");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.2"), "2");
// override to a.b.1, different space round existing values
data = "a.b.0=\t\t\t0 \n\r\t a.b.2 = 2\r\na.b.1 = override 1\r\n";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 3", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.0"), "0");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.1"), "override 1");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.2"), "2");
// no override to a.b.1, set after comment
data = "a.b.1 = override 2\r\n#comment\na.b.3=3";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 4", AM_FALSE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.0"), "0");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.1"), "override 1");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.2"), "2");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.3"), "3");
static am_bool_t test_property_counter(char * key, char * value, void * data) {
int * counter = data;
(* counter)++;
return AM_TRUE;
void test_property_map_basics(void ** state) {
struct map_entry ** map = property_map_create();
size_t data_sz;
char * data;
// no final line ending
data = "a.b.0 = 0\r\na.b.1 = 1";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 1", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.0"), "0");
assert_string_equal(property_map_get_value(map, "a.b.1"), "1");
// no change with non-property formats, empty property name
data = "abc\r\ndef\n\t\t=ghi";
data_sz = strlen(data);
property_map_parse(map, "phase 2", AM_TRUE, test_logf, data, data_sz);
int counter = 0;
property_map_visit(map, test_property_counter, &counter);
assert_int_equal(counter, 3);
static int compare_keys(const void *a, const void *b) {
return strcmp((char *)a, (char *)b);
void test_property_map_key_remove(void **state) {
struct map_entry **map = property_map_create();
void create_random_cache_key(char *buffer, size_t size);
int dups = 0, counter = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < KEY_REMOVE_TEST_ITERATIONS; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(keys [i], KEY_REMOVE_BUFFER_SIZE);
char **addr = property_map_get_value_addr(map, keys[i]);
if (*addr)
*addr = malloc(0);
// reorder
for (i = 0; i < KEY_REMOVE_TEST_ITERATIONS; i++) {
if (! property_map_remove_key(map, keys[i]))
assert_int_equal(dups, 0);
property_map_visit(map, test_property_counter, &counter);
assert_int_equal(counter, 0);
void test_copy_file(void **state) {
void create_random_cache_key(char *buffer, size_t size);
char content [1024];
char source_buffer [] = "test_copy_file_src-XXXXXXX";
char *source = mktemp(source_buffer);
char dest_buffer [] = "test_copy_file_dst-XXXXXXX";
char *dest = mktemp(dest_buffer);
char *loaded;
size_t loaded_sz;
create_random_cache_key(content, sizeof(content));
assert_int_equal(write_file(source, content, strlen(content)), strlen(content));
assert_int_equal(copy_file(source, dest), AM_SUCCESS);
loaded = load_file(dest, &loaded_sz);
assert_int_equal(loaded_sz, strlen(content));
assert_string_equal(content, loaded);
void test_url_encoding(void **state) {
char agent3_input1[] = "~a!a@a#a$a%a^a&";
char agent3_output1[] = "%7Ea%21a%40a%23a%24a%25a%5Ea%26";
char agent3_input2[] = "!@#$%^&*()_+{}:\".,/\\";
char agent3_output2[] = "%21%40%23%24%25%5E%26*%28%29_%2B%7B%7D%3A%22.%2C%2F%5C";
char *agent4_decoded, *agent4_encoded;
agent4_decoded = url_decode(agent3_output1);
assert_string_equal(agent4_decoded, agent3_input1);
agent4_decoded = url_decode(agent3_output2);
assert_string_equal(agent4_decoded, agent3_input2);
/* producing the same url encoding as prior versions of the agents */
agent4_encoded = url_encode(agent3_input1);
assert_string_equal(agent3_output1, agent4_encoded);
agent4_encoded = url_encode(agent3_input2);
assert_string_equal(agent3_output2, agent4_encoded);