test_utility.c revision 48e27400d23e2586530cf943524e50c74d79a915
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
* This is the marker we spatter throughout our destination buffer for testing purposes. It must not be null
* because as far as this code is concerned, null is valid data. We need this to be invalid and noticable.
* Thus I chose control A.
#define MARKER 0x1
* Encode the string stored in p and make non printing characters (including nulls) visible by representing
* them as \HH where HH is the hex value in the shortest width possible (so null comes out as \0). We return
* a pointer to a dynamically allocated piece of memory which should be freed. This routine isn't particularly
* efficient.
const char* encode(const char* p, size_t len) {
static char buf[1024];
buf[0] = '\0';
while(len--) {
char buf2[50];
if (*p < ' ' || *p == 127) {
sprintf(buf2, "\\%x", *p);
strcat(buf, buf2);
} else {
buf2[0] = *p;
buf2[1] = '\0';
strcat(buf, buf2);
return strdup(buf);
* Find the first marker character in "dest" and return the number of characters before it.
size_t find_marker(const char* dest) {
const char* p = dest;
while (*p != MARKER) {
return p - dest;
* Compare the actual and expected values. If they do not match, dump out a representation of both the expected
* and actual values so we can see what has gone wrong. If they do match, print "SUCCESS" and return 0. In
* this way we draw maximum attention to ourselves only if the test fails.
int compare(const char* actual, const char* expected, size_t expected_len) {
size_t actual_len = find_marker(actual);
if (actual_len != expected_len) {
printf("actual length and expected lengths are different (%lu vs %lu)\n",
actual_len, expected_len);
printf("expected: %s\nactual: %s\n", encode(expected, expected_len), encode(actual, actual_len));
return 1;
if (memcmp(actual, expected, expected_len) != 0) {
printf("actual and expected strings are different (although the same length)\n");
printf("expected: %s\nactual: %s\n", encode(expected, expected_len), encode(actual, actual_len));
return 1;
return 0;
* test mem2cpy, returning 1 if the test fails, 0 if it succeeds.
void test_mem2cpy(void** state) {
char a[] = "ABCDEF";
char b[] = "GHI";
char expected[] = "ABCDEF\0GHI"; // C gives us a free null after the "I"
char dest[1000];
memset(dest, MARKER, ARRAY_SIZE(dest));
mem2cpy(dest, a, 6, b, 3);
assert_int_equal(compare(dest, expected, ARRAY_SIZE(expected)), 0);
* test mem3cpy, returning 1 if the test fails, 0 if it succeeds.
void test_mem3cpy(void** state) {
char a[] = "ABCDEF";
char b[] = "GHI";
char c[] = "JKLMN";
char expected[] = "ABCDEF\0GHI\0JKLMN"; // C gives us a free null after the "N"
char dest[1000];
memset(dest, MARKER, ARRAY_SIZE(dest));
mem3cpy(dest, a, 6, b, 3, c, 5);
assert_int_equal(compare(dest, expected, ARRAY_SIZE(expected)), 0);
* Test the match function.
void test_match(void** state) {
static const char* text = "Now is the winter of our discontent, "
"Made glorious summer by this son of York";
// for some reason, passing in null results in an "ok" match
assert_int_equal(match(1, NULL, NULL), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, NULL, text), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, NULL), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, "content,"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, "ter.of..ur"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, "[Gg]lorio.s"), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, "Aardvark,"), AM_FAIL);
assert_int_equal(match(1, text, "[Gg]lourio.s"), AM_FAIL);
* Note that the match_groups function isn't tested here because it is only invoked once in the entire codebase.
* Also I can't quite figure what the length parameters should be set to.