test_policy_cache.c revision ef2c6005cfeddae287cd168584dd348ba8eba6ad
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "cmocka.h"
void* am_parse_policy_xml(unsigned long instance_id, const char* xml, size_t xml_sz, int scope);
void am_worker_pool_init_reset();
void am_net_init_ssl_reset();
char* policy_xml = "<PolicyService version='1.0' revisionNumber='60'>"
"<PolicyResponse requestId='4' issueInstant='1424783306343' >"
" <ResourceResult name='http://vb2.local.com:80/testwebsite'>"
" <PolicyDecision>"
" <ResponseAttributes> <!-- these can have multiple (0..n) value elements -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,0'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,0</Value> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,1</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,1'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseAttributes>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive='1234'> <!-- these can have no value elements, which defaults to ? -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='PUT'/> <Value>deny</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,0'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,1'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive='5678'>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='GET'/> <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,0'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,1'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive='9012'>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='POST'/> <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,0'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,1'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,2'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,2,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ResponseDecisions>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,0'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,1'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,2'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,2,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseDecisions>"
" </PolicyDecision>"
" </ResourceResult>"
char* policy_for_url =
"<PolicyService version=\"1.0\" revisionNumber=\"60\">"
" <PolicyResponse requestId=\"4\" issueInstant=\"9999999999999\" >"
" <ResourceResult name=\"%s\">"
" <PolicyDecision>"
" <ResponseAttributes>"
" </ResponseAttributes>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"POST\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"PATCH\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"GET\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"DELETE\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"OPTIONS\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"HEAD\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive=\"9999999999999999999\">"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name=\"PUT\"/>"
" <Value>allow</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" </PolicyDecision>"
" </ResourceResult>"
" </PolicyResponse>"
char* pll = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"
"<ResponseSet vers='1.0' svcid='poicy' reqid='48'>"
" <Response><![CDATA[%s]]></Response>"
* Substitute our chosen URL into the "policy for url" string above. That way we can pretend
* we're getting different responses for different URLs. All the values are "allow" anyway.
static char* get_policy_for_url(const char* url) {
char* buff1 = NULL;
char* result = NULL;
am_asprintf(&buff1, policy_for_url, url);
if (buff1 == NULL) {
return NULL;
am_asprintf(&result, pll, buff1);
return result;
static void test_namevalue_pair(const char* prefix, struct am_namevalue* nvp)
int key_policy_seq, key_attr_seq;
int value_policy_seq, value_attr_seq, value_value_seq;
char* key_format = NULL;
char* value_format = NULL;
am_asprintf(&key_format, "%s%s", prefix, ",key:%d,%d");
am_asprintf(&value_format, "%s%s", prefix, ",value:%d,%d,%d");
assert_int_equal(sscanf(nvp->n, key_format, &key_policy_seq, &key_attr_seq), 2);
assert_int_equal(sscanf(nvp->v, value_format, &value_policy_seq, &value_attr_seq, &value_value_seq), 3);
assert_int_equal(key_policy_seq, value_policy_seq);
assert_int_equal(key_attr_seq, value_attr_seq);
static int test_attributes(const char * prefix, struct am_namevalue * head)
struct am_namevalue * nvp;
int count = 0;
for (nvp = head; nvp; nvp = nvp->next) {
test_namevalue_pair(prefix, nvp);
return count;
static void test_policy_structure(struct am_policy_result * result)
struct am_policy_result* r = result;
struct am_action_decision* ad = r != NULL ? r->action_decisions : NULL;
assert_string_equal(r->resource, "http://vb2.local.com:80/testwebsite");
assert_int_equal(test_attributes("Attributes", r->response_attributes), 3);
assert_int_equal(test_attributes("Decision", r->response_decisions), 3);
assert_string_equal(am_method_num_to_str(ad->method), "PUT");
assert_string_equal(ad->action ? "allow" : "deny", "deny");
assert_int_equal(ad->ttl, 1234);
assert_int_equal(test_attributes("Advices", ad->advices), 2);
ad = ad->next;
assert_string_equal(am_method_num_to_str(ad->method), "GET");
assert_string_equal(ad->action ? "allow" : "deny", "allow");
assert_int_equal(ad->ttl, 5678);
assert_int_equal(test_attributes("Advices", ad->advices), 2);
ad = ad->next;
assert_string_equal(am_method_num_to_str(ad->method), "POST");
assert_string_equal(ad->action ? "allow" : "deny", "allow");
assert_int_equal(ad->ttl, 9012);
assert_int_equal(test_attributes("Advices", ad->advices), 3);
void test_policy_result_reader(void **state) {
size_t size;
char* buffer = NULL;
struct am_policy_result* result;
am_asprintf(&buffer, pll, policy_xml);
size = strlen(pll);
result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, size, 0);
void test_policy_cache_simple(void **state) {
am_config_t config;
am_request_t request;
char* buffer = NULL;
struct am_policy_result * result;
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(am_config_t));
memset(&request, 0, sizeof(am_request_t));
request.conf = &config;
am_asprintf(&buffer, pll, policy_xml);
result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
// destroy the cache, if it exists
assert_int_equal(am_init(), AM_SUCCESS);
am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, "Policy-key", result, NULL);
am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, "Policy-key", &r, &session, &ets);
const char alphabet[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789*";
void create_random_cache_key(char * buffer, size_t size)
int i;
size_t count = size - 1;
size_t len = sizeof(alphabet) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
buffer[i] = alphabet[rand() % len];
buffer[count] = 0;
static void test_cache(int test_size, am_request_t * request, struct am_policy_result * result)
int i;
char key[64];
/* create initial entries */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(key, sizeof(key));
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(request, key, result, NULL), AM_SUCCESS);
/* should refresh the whole lot */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(key, sizeof(key));
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(request, key, result, NULL), AM_SUCCESS);
/* read them all back */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
create_random_cache_key(key, sizeof(key));
assert_int_equal(am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(request, key, &r, &session, &ets), AM_SUCCESS);
static void test_cache_keys(int test_size, char** keys, am_request_t* request, struct am_policy_result* result)
int i;
/* create initial entries */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(request, keys [i], result, NULL), AM_SUCCESS);
/* should refresh the whole lot */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(request, keys [i], result, NULL), AM_SUCCESS);
/* read them all back */
for(i = 0; i < test_size; i++) {
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
assert_int_equal(am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(request, keys [i], &r, &session, &ets), AM_SUCCESS);
void test_policy_cache_many_entries(void **state) {
const int test_size = 198;
char* buffer = NULL;
struct am_policy_result * result;
am_config_t config;
am_request_t request;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(am_config_t));
memset(&request, 0, sizeof(am_request_t));
request.conf = &config;
am_asprintf(&buffer, pll, policy_xml);
result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
// destroy the cache, if it exists
assert_int_equal(am_init(), AM_SUCCESS);
test_cache(test_size, &request, result);
* Now vary the incoming URL a bit and check we can get the same values out.
void test_policy_cache_with_many_different_entries_single_session(void **state) {
int i;
char* buffer = NULL;
struct am_policy_result * policy_result;
char fake_session[64];
char* urls[] = {
am_config_t config;
am_request_t request;
// destroy the cache, if it exists
assert_int_equal(am_init(), AM_SUCCESS);
create_random_cache_key(fake_session, sizeof(fake_session));
* Add the URLS above into the cache via the same session id
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(urls)/sizeof(urls[0]); i++) {
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(am_config_t));
memset(&request, 0, sizeof(am_request_t));
request.conf = &config;
buffer = get_policy_for_url(urls[i]);
policy_result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, fake_session, policy_result, NULL), AM_SUCCESS);
* Check we can retrieve the URLs above from the cache via the same session id
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(urls)/sizeof(urls[0]); i++) {
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_policy_result * result = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(am_config_t));
memset(&request, 0, sizeof(am_request_t));
request.conf = &config;
request.orig_url = urls[i];
if (am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, fake_session, &r, &session, &ets) == AM_SUCCESS) {
am_bool_t found = AM_FALSE;
for (result = r; result != NULL; result = result->next) {
if (strcmp(result->resource, urls[i]) == 0) {
found = AM_TRUE;
if (found == AM_FALSE) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(0, "Failed to match policy for URL %s, although results retrieved", urls[i]);
assert_int_equal(found, AM_TRUE);
} else {
AM_LOG_ERROR(0, "Failed to retrieve policy for URL %s", urls[i]);
struct test_cache_params {
int test_size;
char** keys;
int iterations;
am_request_t * request;
struct am_policy_result * result;
static void* test_cache_procedure(void * params)
int i;
struct test_cache_params * p = params;
for (i = 0; i < p->iterations; i++) {
test_cache_keys(p->test_size, p->keys, p->request, p->result);
return 0;
void test_policy_cache_multithread() {
am_config_t config;
am_request_t request;
char* buffer = NULL;
struct am_policy_result* result;
/* this must be slightly less than the maximum because re-use of shm chunks might use more space */
#define TEST_SIZE 195
char* keys [TEST_SIZE];
char key_buffer[64];
int i;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof (am_config_t));
memset(&request, 0, sizeof (am_request_t));
request.conf = &config;
am_asprintf(&buffer, pll, policy_xml);
result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
if (result != NULL) {
struct test_cache_params params = {
.test_size = TEST_SIZE,
.keys = keys,
.iterations = 32,
.request = &request,
.result = result,
long t0 = clock();
#define NTHREADS 2
am_thread_t threads [NTHREADS];
double dt;
for (i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(key_buffer, sizeof (key_buffer));
keys[i] = strdup(key_buffer);
assert_int_equal(am_cache_init(), AM_SUCCESS);
fprintf(stdout, "info: started multithreaded cache tests.. ");
for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
AM_THREAD_CREATE(threads[i], test_cache_procedure, &params);
for (i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) {
dt = ((double) (clock() - t0)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
fprintf(stdout, "finished after %lf secs\n", dt);
assert_int_equal(am_cache_shutdown(), AM_SUCCESS);
for (i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) {
* This is an internal test of the mechanism for replaying a given number of randomly generated strings
void test_key_creation(void **state) {
#define TEST_SIZE_1 10
char* keys[TEST_SIZE_1];
char key[64];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE_1; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(key, sizeof(key));
keys[i] = strdup(key);
for(i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE_1; i++) {
create_random_cache_key(key, sizeof(key));
assert_string_equal(key, keys[i]);