test_notifications.c revision 48e27400d23e2586530cf943524e50c74d79a915
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
typedef am_return_t (* am_state_func_t)(am_request_t *);
void am_test_get_state_funcs(am_state_func_t const ** func_array_p, int * func_array_len_p);
void am_worker_pool_startup(void);
static am_status_t get_post_data(struct am_request * request)
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t set_custom_response(struct am_request * request, const char * data, const char * content_type)
return AM_SUCCESS;
void test_simple_fail(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notification_handler = func_array[2];
char * post_data =
"<NotificationSet version='1.0'>"
" <Notification>"
//option - invalidate config changed ( not for specific instance )
//" <AgentConfigChangeNotification />"
//option - invalidate session by sid ( state must be present, not is not used )
//" <SessionNotification>"
//" <Session sid='my-session' state='destroyed' />"
//" </SessionNotification>"
//option remove specific resources from the cache - check that it is the right service
//these can't be removed by resource from the session cache
" <PolicyChangeNotification serviceName='identified-service' >"
" <ResourceName type='added' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" <ResourceName type='deleted' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" <ResourceName type='modified' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" </PolicyChangeNotification>"
" </Notification>"
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:90/am",
.post_data = post_data,
.post_data_sz = strlen(post_data),
.am_get_post_data_f = get_post_data,
.am_set_custom_response_f = set_custom_response,
// this is not a notification
assert_int_equal(notification_handler(&request), AM_FAIL);
void test_simple_notification(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notification_handler = func_array[2];
char * post_data =
"<NotificationSet version='1.0'>"
" <Notification>"
//option - invalidate config changed ( not for specific instance )
//" <AgentConfigChangeNotification />"
//option - invalidate session by sid ( state must be present, not is not used )
//" <SessionNotification>"
//" <Session sid='my-session' state='destroyed' />"
//" </SessionNotification>"
//option remove specific resources from the cache - check that it is the right service
//these can't be removed by resource from the session cache
" <PolicyChangeNotification serviceName='identified-service' >"
" <ResourceName type='added' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" <ResourceName type='deleted' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" <ResourceName type='modified' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" </PolicyChangeNotification>"
" </Notification>"
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_FALSE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.post_data = post_data,
.post_data_sz = strlen(post_data),
.am_get_post_data_f = get_post_data,
.am_set_custom_response_f = set_custom_response,
// this is a notification
assert_int_equal(notification_handler(&request), AM_OK);
void test_session_notification_on_policy_cache(void **state) {
const char * session_id = "XXX";
char * session_notification =
"<NotificationSet version='1.0'>"
" <Notification>"
" <SessionNotification> <Session sid='XXX' state='destroyed' /> </SessionNotification>"
" </Notification>"
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notification_handler = func_array [2];
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 101,
.token_cache_valid = 0,
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_FALSE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.post_data = session_notification,
.post_data_sz = strlen(session_notification),
.am_get_post_data_f = get_post_data,
.am_set_custom_response_f = set_custom_response,
char * xml =
"<PolicyService version='1.0' revisionNumber='60'>"
" <PolicyResponse requestId='4' issueInstant='1424783306343' >"
" <ResourceResult name='http://vb2.local.com:80/testwebsite'>"
" <PolicyDecision>"
" <ResponseAttributes>"
" <!-- these can have multiple (0..n) value elements -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,0'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,0</Value> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,1</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,1'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseAttributes>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive='1234'>"
" <!-- these can have no value elements, which defaults to ? -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='PUT'/> <Value>deny</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,0'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,1'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ResponseDecisions>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,0'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,1'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,2'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,2,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseDecisions>"
" </PolicyDecision>"
" </ResourceResult>"
" </PolicyResponse>"
char* pll = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"
"<ResponseSet vers='1.0' svcid='poicy' reqid='48'>"
" <Response><![CDATA[%s]]></Response>"
char * buffer = NULL;
int size = asprintf(&buffer, pll, xml);
struct am_policy_result * result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, size, 0);
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, session_id, result, 0), AM_SUCCESS);
// find the session
assert_int_equal(am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, session_id, &r, &session, &ets), AM_SUCCESS);
// this is a notification
assert_int_equal(notification_handler(&request), AM_OK);
// wait for the worker to have finished
assert_int_equal(am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, session_id, &r, &session, &ets), AM_NOT_FOUND);
void test_resource_notification_on_policy_cache(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notification_handler = func_array [2];
const char * session_id = "XXX";
char * session_notification =
"<NotificationSet version='1.0'>"
" <Notification>"
" <PolicyChangeNotification serviceName='identified-service' >"
" <ResourceName type='deleted' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" <ResourceName type='modified' >a.b.c:3232/d/e/f</ResourceName>"
" </PolicyChangeNotification>"
" </Notification>"
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 101,
.token_cache_valid = 0,
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_FALSE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.post_data = session_notification,
.post_data_sz = strlen(session_notification),
.am_get_post_data_f = get_post_data,
.am_set_custom_response_f = set_custom_response,
char * xml =
"<PolicyService version='1.0' revisionNumber='60'>"
" <PolicyResponse requestId='4' issueInstant='1424783306343' >"
" <ResourceResult name='a.b.c:3232/d/e/f'>"
" <PolicyDecision>"
" <ResponseAttributes>"
" <!-- these can have multiple (0..n) value elements -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,0'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,0</Value> <Value>Attributes,value:0,0,1</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Attributes,key:0,1'/> <Value>Attributes,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseAttributes>"
" <ActionDecision timeToLive='1234'>"
" <!-- these can have no value elements, which defaults to ? -->"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='PUT'/> <Value>deny</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <Advices>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,0'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Advices,key:0,1'/> <Value>Advices,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </Advices>"
" </ActionDecision>"
" <ResponseDecisions>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,0'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,0,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,1'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,1,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" <AttributeValuePair>"
" <Attribute name='Decision,key:0,2'/> <Value>Decision,value:0,2,0</Value>"
" </AttributeValuePair>"
" </ResponseDecisions>"
" </PolicyDecision>"
" </ResourceResult>"
" </PolicyResponse>"
char * pll = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>"
"<ResponseSet vers='1.0' svcid='poicy' reqid='48'>"
" <Response><![CDATA[%s]]></Response>"
char * buffer = NULL;
int size = asprintf(&buffer, pll, xml);
// when the worker has finished, the session result list should be unchanged, but policy cache entry removed
time_t ets;
struct am_policy_result * r = NULL;
struct am_namevalue * session = NULL;
struct am_policy_result * p;
struct am_policy_result * result = am_parse_policy_xml(0l, buffer, size, 0);
assert_int_equal(am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, session_id, result, 0), AM_SUCCESS);
// add the resources to the policy cache
for(p = result; p; p = p->next) {
am_add_policy_cache_entry(&request, p->resource, 500);
// send a resource notification for the cached resource
assert_int_equal(notification_handler(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(&request, session_id, &r, &session, &ets), AM_SUCCESS);
if (r != NULL) {
assert_int_equal(strcmp(r->resource, "a.b.c:3232/d/e/f"), 0);
assert_int_equal(am_get_policy_cache_entry(&request, r->resource, 0), AM_NOT_FOUND);