test_notenforced_lists.c revision 48e27400d23e2586530cf943524e50c74d79a915
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
typedef am_return_t (* am_state_func_t)(am_request_t *);
void am_test_get_state_funcs(am_state_func_t const ** func_array_p, int * func_array_len_p);
int ip_address_match(const char *ip, const char **list, unsigned int listsize, unsigned long instance_id);
* This is reference code that correctly matches ip v4 and v6 addresses, as well as unit tests for matching
* ip addresses in notenforced lists.
* A reference implementation for ip matching from the linux kernel is: http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/ident?v=linux-2.6;i=addr4_match ( see: addr_match(), addr4_match() )
// NOTE: this only works for an array, not a pointer derived from an array
#define array_len(a) ( (&a) [1] - a )
// NOTE: only to simplify the macro below - a typed null pointer
#define np(type) ( (type *)0 )
// the number of 32 bit words (quads) in the network format of an ip v6 address (which will just be 4)
#define IP6_QUADS array_len( np(struct in6_addr)->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32 )
// the number of 32 bit words (quads) in the network format of an ip v4 address
#define IP4_QUADS 1
* test equivalence masked bits in two ipv4 addresses in network form
static int cidr_match(const struct in_addr * addr, const struct in_addr * net, int bits)
if (bits == 0) {
// the range is all inclusive - uint32_t << 32 is undefined
return 1;
// here and in the function below, we are comparing quads (uint32_t) represented in the network byte
// order. Xor (^) is used to identify differences between the quads, and then << is used to remove the
// differences outside of the network masks' number of bits.
if ((addr->s_addr ^ net->s_addr) & htonl(0xFFFFFFFFu << (32 - bits))) {
return 0;
return 1;
* test masked bits in two ipv6 addresses in network form.
* see above for an explanation of the bit twiddling code here.
static int cidr6_match(const struct in6_addr * addr, const struct in6_addr * net, int bits)
const uint32_t * a = addr->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32;
const uint32_t * n = net->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32;
int quads = bits >> 5; // number of whole quads masked = bits/32
int remainder = bits & 0x1F; // number of bits masked in the subsequent quad = bits%32
if (quads)
if (memcmp(a, n, quads * sizeof(uint32_t)))
return 0;
if (remainder)
if ((a [quads] ^ n [quads]) & htonl(0xFFFFFFFFu << (32 - remainder)))
return 0;
return 1;
* tests wether the first argument is in the (inclusive) range of V6 addresses from adr_lo to addr_hi
* return 0 if the address is in the range.
static int cmp_ip_range(const struct in_addr * addr, const struct in_addr * addr_lo, const struct in_addr * addr_hi)
const uint32_t a = addr->s_addr;
const uint32_t lo = addr_lo->s_addr;
const uint32_t hi = addr_hi->s_addr;
return ntohl(a) < ntohl(lo) ? -1 : ntohl(hi) < ntohl(a) ? 1 : 0;
#define cmp(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? -1 : (a) == (b) ? 0 : 1)
* compares two uint32 arrays in network format (requiring ntohl translation)
* returns negative if a < b, positive if a > b, 0 if they are equal
static inline int cmp_net(const uint32_t * a, const uint32_t * b)
int i;
int c = 0;
for (i = IP6_QUADS; 0 < i--;)
uint32_t ha = ntohl(a [i]), hb = ntohl(b [i]);
c = cmp(ha, hb);
if (c)
return c;
* tests wether the first argument is in the (inclusive) range of V6 addresses from adr_lo to addr_hi
* return 0 if the address is in the range, negative if below the range, positive if its above
static int cmp_ip6_range(const struct in6_addr * addr, const struct in6_addr * addr_lo, const struct in6_addr * addr_hi)
int c;
c = cmp_net(addr_lo->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32, addr->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32);
if (0 < c)
return -1;
c = cmp_net(addr->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32, addr_hi->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32);
if (0 < c)
return 1;
return 0;
* initialise and read an ip v4 presentation, returning in bpits the number of bits on
* returns 0 if the presentation cannot be read as an ip v4 address in CIDR notation
static int read_ip(const char * p, struct in_addr * n, int * pbits)
memset(n, 0, sizeof(struct in_addr));
* pbits = inet_net_pton(AF_INET, p, n, sizeof(struct in_addr));
if (* pbits == -1)
return 0;
return 1;
* read an ip v4 presentation p, expecting all bits to be masked, i.e. not a range
* returns 0 if the presentation is not ip v4, or if it is a CIDR range
static int read_full_ip(const char * p, struct in_addr * n)
int mask;
if (read_ip(p, n, &mask))
if (mask == sizeof(n->s_addr) * 8)
return 1;
printf("range not expected for ip %s\n", p);
return 0;
* initialise and read the ip v6 presentation, returning in pbits the number of masked (on) bits
* returns 0 if the presentation form cannot be parsed as an ip v6 address in CIDR notation
static int read_ip6(const char * p, struct in6_addr * n, int * pbits)
memset(n, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
* pbits = inet_net_pton(AF_INET6, p, n, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
if (* pbits == -1)
return 0;
return 1;
* read the presentation form of an ip v6 address, expecting all bits to be masked (on)
* returns true if all bits are masked (on).
static int read_full_ip6(const char * ip, struct in6_addr * p)
int mask;
if (read_ip6(ip, p, &mask)) {
if (mask == sizeof(p->__u6_addr.__u6_addr32) * 8) {
return 1;
printf("range not expected for %s\n", ip);
return 0;
* test whether an ip address falls within two inclusive boundaries, ensuring that
* all addresses are of the same family, v4 or v6, and are not ranges.
* returns 0 on success, and -1 on address parse error
static int test_within_bounds(const char * addr_p, const char * lo_p, const char * hi_p)
struct in_addr addr;
struct in6_addr addr6;
if (read_full_ip(addr_p, &addr)) {
struct in_addr lo, hi;
if (read_full_ip(lo_p, &lo) && read_full_ip(hi_p, &hi)) {
return cmp_ip_range(&addr, &lo, &hi) == 0;
else if (read_full_ip6(addr_p, &addr6)) {
struct in6_addr lo6, hi6;
if (read_full_ip6(lo_p, &lo6) && read_full_ip6(hi_p, &hi6)) {
return cmp_ip6_range(&addr6, &lo6, &hi6) == 0;
return -1;
* parse a <LO>-<HI> ip address range, and test that an ip address is in that range
static int _test_hyphenated_range(const char * addr, const char * range)
char * p = strchr(range, '-');
if (p == 0) {
printf("address range not identified: %s\n", range);
return -1;
char * lo_p = strndup(range, p - range);
char * hi_p = strdup(p + 1);
int c;
if (lo_p && hi_p) {
c = test_within_bounds(addr, lo_p, hi_p);
} else {
// memory failure
c = -1;
// free or ignore allocated strings
return c;
* test that an ip address is within a range specified by a CIDR in the same address family (v4 or v6).
* returns 0 on match, -1 on address parse error.
static int _test_cidr_range(const char * addr, const char * range)
struct in_addr addr4;
struct in6_addr addr6;
if (read_full_ip(addr, &addr4)) {
int bits;
struct in_addr cidr;
if (read_ip(range, &cidr, &bits)) {
return cidr_match(&addr4, &cidr, bits);
else if (read_full_ip6(addr, &addr6)) {
int bits;
struct in6_addr cidr;
if (read_ip6(range, &cidr, &bits)) {
return cidr6_match(&addr6, &cidr, bits);
return -1;
#define array_of(a) ((const char *[]){ a })
#define test_cidr(expect, addr, range) do \
{ \
assert_int_equal(ip_address_match(addr, array_of(range), 1, 0l), expect ? AM_SUCCESS : AM_NOT_FOUND); \
assert_int_equal(_test_cidr_range(addr, range), expect); \
} while (0)
#define test_hyphenated(expect, addr, range) do \
{ \
assert_int_equal(ip_address_match(addr, array_of(range), 1, 0l), expect ? AM_SUCCESS : AM_NOT_FOUND); \
assert_int_equal(_test_hyphenated_range(addr, range), expect); \
} while (0)
void test_ip_ranges(void **state) {
// V4
test_cidr( 1, "", "");
test_hyphenated( 0, "", "");
test_cidr( 0, "", "");
test_hyphenated( 0, "", "");
test_hyphenated( 0, "", "");
test_hyphenated( 1, "", "");
// V6
test_cidr( 0, "2001:8c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2", "2001:5c0:9168:/48");
test_hyphenated( 0, "2001:8c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2");
test_cidr( 1, "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:3", "2001:5c0:9168:/48");
test_hyphenated( 0, "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:3", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2");
test_hyphenated( 1, "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2");
test_cidr( 1, "ffff:ffff:0:0:0:0:0:0", "ffff:ffff:/32");
test_cidr( 0, "ffff:ffff:0:0:0:0:0:0", "ffff:ffff:ffff:/33");
test_cidr( 1, "ffff:ffff:8000:0:0:0:0:0", "ffff:ffff:ffff:/33");
static void test_range_ip4_notenforced(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notenforced_handler = func_array [5];
struct am_config_map not_enforced_ips [] = {
{ "", "" },
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
.not_enforced_ip_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_ips),
.not_enforced_ip_map = not_enforced_ips,
.not_enforced_fetch_attr = 0,
.not_enforced_map_sz = 0,
.not_enforced_ext_map_sz = 0,
.logout_map_sz = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:90/am",
.client_ip = "", // in the ip v4 range
parse_url("http://www.url.com/path", &request.url);
assert_int_equal(notenforced_handler(&request), AM_QUIT);
assert_int_equal(request.not_enforced, AM_TRUE);
void test_cidr_ip6_notenforced_fetch_attr(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notenforced_handler = func_array [5];
struct am_config_map not_enforced_ips [] = {
{ "", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2" },
{ "", "2001:5c0:9168:/48" },
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
.not_enforced_ip_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_ips),
.not_enforced_ip_map = not_enforced_ips,
.not_enforced_fetch_attr = 1,
.not_enforced_map_sz = 0,
.not_enforced_ext_map_sz = 0,
.logout_map_sz = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:90/am",
.client_ip = "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:3", // only in the masked range
parse_url("http://www.url.com/path", &request.url);
assert_int_equal(notenforced_handler(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(request.not_enforced, AM_TRUE);
void test_cidr_ip6_notenforced_get(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notenforced_handler = func_array [5];
struct am_config_map not_enforced_ips[] = {
{ "GET,", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2" },
{ "POST,", "2001:6c0:9168:/48" },
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
.not_enforced_ip_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_ips),
.not_enforced_ip_map = not_enforced_ips,
.not_enforced_fetch_attr = 1,
.not_enforced_map_sz = 0,
.not_enforced_ext_map_sz = 0,
.logout_map_sz = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.notify.com:90/am",
.client_ip = "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2", // not in the range for posts
parse_url("http://www.url.com/path", &request.url);
assert_int_equal(notenforced_handler(&request), AM_FAIL);
assert_int_equal(request.not_enforced, AM_FALSE);
void test_url_notenforced_get(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notenforced_handler = func_array [5];
struct am_config_map not_enforced_ips[] = {
{ "GET,0", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2" },
{ "POST,0", "2001:5c0:9168:/48" },
struct am_config_map not_enforced_map[] = {
{ "GET,0", ".+://\\.+" },
{ "POST,0", "https://www\\..+/path.*" },
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
.access_denied_url = "https://www.access.com/deny",
.not_enforced_ip_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_ips),
.not_enforced_ip_map = not_enforced_ips,
.not_enforced_fetch_attr = 1,
.not_enforced_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_map),
.not_enforced_map = not_enforced_map,
.not_enforced_invert = 0,
.not_enforced_ext_map_sz = 0,
.logout_map_sz = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.url.com/path",
.client_ip = "2001:6c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2", // not in any ip range
parse_url("http://www.url.com/path", &request.url);
assert_int_equal(notenforced_handler(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(request.not_enforced, AM_TRUE);
void test_deny_url_notenforced_get(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t notenforced_handler = func_array [5];
struct am_config_map not_enforced_ips[] = {
{ "GET,0", "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1-2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2" },
{ "POST,0", "2001:5c0:9168:/48" },
struct am_config_map not_enforced_map[] = {
{ "GET,0", "https://www.url.com:90/path" },
{ "POST,0", "https://www.url.com/path" },
struct {
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.notif_enable = AM_TRUE,
.notif_url = "https://www.notify.com:1234/am",
.override_notif_url = AM_TRUE,
.url_eval_case_ignore = AM_FALSE,
.access_denied_url = "https://www.access.com/deny",
.not_enforced_ip_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_ips),
.not_enforced_ip_map = not_enforced_ips,
.not_enforced_fetch_attr = 1,
.not_enforced_map_sz = array_len(not_enforced_map),
.not_enforced_map = not_enforced_map,
.not_enforced_invert = 0,
.not_enforced_ext_map_sz = 0,
.logout_map_sz = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.token = 0,
.overridden_url = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.normalized_url = "https://www.access.com/deny",
.client_ip = "2001:6c0:9168:0:0:0:0:2", // not in any ip range
parse_url("https://www.access.com/deny", &request.url); // this is the access-denied url
assert_int_equal(notenforced_handler(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(request.not_enforced, AM_TRUE);