test_log.c revision ef2c6005cfeddae287cd168584dd348ba8eba6ad
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "am.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "cmocka.h"
* This is the simplest of tests to check we can log things without crashing.
* In fact, because of the way logging works (differently) in test mode than it does in "agent mode"
* all we're really doing here is to test that logging in test mode isn't broken. This may or may not
* bear any relation to whether logging works for the rest of the time.
void test_logging_in_unit_test_mode(void** state) {
static const char* text1 = "Now is the winter of our discontent,";
static const char* text2 = "Made glorious summer by this son of York";
AM_LOG_INFO(0, "instance id is zero and no args");
AM_LOG_INFO(0, "instance id is zero and incorrect args", text1);
AM_LOG_INFO(0, "instance id is zero and more incorrect args", text1, text2);
/* we're testing this will not crash */
AM_LOG_INFO(0, NULL, text1, text2);
/* this will not appear, since the instance is greater than zero, but it should not crash either */
AM_LOG_ERROR(10, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_INFO(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_WARNING(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_ERROR(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_AUDIT(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_ALWAYS(0, "%s %s", text1, text2);
AM_LOG_ALWAYS(0, "Now %s the %s of our %s, %s summ%s of York",
"Made glorious",
"er by this son");
/* attempt to overflow the buffer, although this will be ultimately unsuccessful because the
* logging works differently in unit test mode than it does in "real life" mode.