test_exits.c revision 48e27400d23e2586530cf943524e50c74d79a915
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "list.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#define array_len(a) ( (&a) [1] - a )
typedef am_return_t (* am_state_func_t)(am_request_t *);
void am_test_get_state_funcs(am_state_func_t const ** func_array_p, int * func_array_len_p);
struct cookie_table
int c;
char * keys [1024];
char * values [1024];
struct cookie_ctx
struct cookie_table in, out, err_out;
#define TOKEN_NAME "C-name"
#define TOKEN_VALUE "AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcyro187TdQ7LJIs373_tJP4Lb2VXBv-Qoc.*AAJTSQACMDEAAlNLABM5MjExNjg2Nzk3Mjg3MjI4MDA2*"
static const char * cookie_table_get(struct cookie_table * table, const char * key)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < table->c; i++)
if (strcmp(table->keys [i], key) == 0)
return table->values [i];
return 0;
static void cookie_table_add(struct cookie_table * table, const char * key, const char * value)
int i = 0;
while (i < table->c && table->keys [i])
if (i < array_len(table->keys))
table->keys [i] = strdup(key);
table->values [i] = strdup(value);
if (i == table->c)
static void cookie_table_clear(struct cookie_table * table)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < table->c; i++)
if (table->keys [i])
free(table->keys [i]);
table->keys [i] = 0;
free(table->values [i]);
table->values [i] = 0;
table->c = 0;
static void cookie_table_set(struct cookie_table * table, const char * key, const char * value)
int i;
int c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < table->c; i++)
if (table->keys [i] && strcmp(table->keys [i], key) == 0)
free(table->values [i]);
table->values [i] = strdup(value);
if (c == 0)
cookie_table_add(table, key, value);
static void cookie_table_unset(struct cookie_table * table, const char * key)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < table->c; i++)
if (strcmp(table->keys [i], key) == 0)
free(table->keys [i]);
table->keys [i] = 0;
free(table->values [i]);
table->values [i] = 0;
void cookie_table_dump(char * title, struct cookie_table * table)
printf("%s:\n", title);
if (table == NULL) {
printf("table is NULL !!!!\n");
printf("table counter is %d\n", table->c);
int i;
int c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < table->c; i++) {
if (table->keys [i]) {
printf("%d: %s -> %s\n", c++, table->keys [i], table->values [i]);
static am_status_t am_get_url_encoded_token_url(struct am_request * request)
char * path = "/d/e/f;1=2";
char * token = TOKEN_VALUE;
char * url = 0;
asprintf(&url, "http://a.b.c:80/%s?g=h&%s=%s&i=j", path, TOKEN_NAME, token);
request->orig_url = url;
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t set_cookie(am_request_t *rq, const char *header) {
struct cookie_ctx * ctx = rq->ctx;
const char * c;
cookie_table_add(&ctx->err_out, "Set-Cookie", header);
c = cookie_table_get(&ctx->in, "Cookie");
if (c == NULL)
cookie_table_add(&ctx->in, "Cookie", header);
char * cookie = 0;
asprintf(&cookie, "%s;%s", header, c);
cookie_table_set(&ctx->in, "Cookie", cookie);
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t add_header_in_response(am_request_t *rq, const char *key, const char *value) {
struct cookie_ctx * ctx = rq->ctx;
if (!ISVALID(value))
/*value is empty, sdk is setting a cookie in response*/
return set_cookie(rq, key);
/* Apache HTTPD keeps two separate server response header tables in the request
* record — one for normal response headers and one for error headers.
* The difference between them is the error headers are sent to
* the client even (not only) on an error response (REDIRECT is one of them)
cookie_table_add(&ctx->err_out, key, value);
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t set_header_in_request(struct am_request * rq, const char * key, const char * value)
struct cookie_ctx * ctx = rq->ctx;
/* remove all instances of the header first */
cookie_table_unset(&ctx->in, key);
if (ISVALID(value))
cookie_table_set(&ctx->in, key, value);
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t set_custom_response(am_request_t * rq, const char * text, const char * cont_type)
struct cookie_ctx * ctx = rq->ctx;
am_status_t status = AM_ERROR;
if (!ISVALID(text))
return AM_EINVAL;
status = rq->status;
switch (status)
rq->status = AM_DONE;
//ap_internal_redirect(text, r);
rq->status = AM_DONE;
cookie_table_add(&ctx->out, "Location", text);
//ap_custom_response(r, HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, text);
printf("set_custom_response(): issuing sub-request %s to %s (%s)",
am_method_num_to_str(rq->method), rq->post_data_url, LOGEMPTY(cont_type));
rq->status = AM_SUCCESS;
printf("set_custom_response(): setting content %s to %s (%s): %s\n",
am_method_num_to_str(rq->method), rq->post_data_url, LOGEMPTY(cont_type), text);
return AM_SUCCESS;
static struct am_namevalue * new_namevalue(char * name, char * value)
struct am_namevalue * el = 0;
create_am_namevalue_node(name, strlen(name), value, strlen(value), &el);
return el;
void test_handle_exits_with_success(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t exit_f = func_array [7];
am_config_map_t session_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-session-0", "Session-header-0" },
{ "ldap-session-1", "Session-header-1" },
am_config_map_t profile_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-profile-0", "Profile-header-0" },
{ "ldap-profile-1", "Profile-header-1" },
am_config_map_t response_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-response-0", "Response-header-0" },
{ "ldap-response-1", "Response-header-1" },
struct am_namevalue * sattr = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(sattr, new_namevalue("ldap-session-0", "session-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(sattr, new_namevalue("ldap-session-1", "session-value-1"));
struct am_namevalue * response_decisions = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_decisions, new_namevalue("ldap-profile-0", "profile-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_decisions, new_namevalue("ldap-profile-1", "profile-value-1"));
struct am_namevalue * response_attributes = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_attributes, new_namevalue("ldap-response-0", "response-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_attributes, new_namevalue("ldap-response-1", "response-value-1"));
struct cookie_ctx ctx =
.in = { .c = 0 }, .out = { .c = 0 }
am_config_t config =
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
.cdsso_enable = AM_TRUE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.cookie_encode_chars = AM_TRUE,
.profile_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.profile_attr_map_sz = array_len(profile_attr_map),
.profile_attr_map = profile_attr_map,
.session_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.session_attr_map_sz = array_len(session_attr_map),
.session_attr_map = session_attr_map,
.response_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.response_attr_map_sz = array_len(response_attr_map),
.response_attr_map = response_attr_map,
am_request_t request =
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = am_get_url_encoded_token_url,
.client_ip = "",
.client_host = "d.e.f",
.method = AM_REQUEST_GET,
.status = AM_SUCCESS,
.am_add_header_in_response_f = add_header_in_response,
.am_set_header_in_request_f = set_header_in_request,
.token = TOKEN_VALUE,
.cookies = "GoogleAccountsLocale_session=en;"TOKEN_NAME"="TOKEN_VALUE";a=b;c=d",
.response_attributes = response_attributes,
.sattr = sattr,
.response_decisions = response_decisions,
// test the function
assert_int_equal(exit_f(&request), AM_OK);
cookie_table_dump("headers in", &ctx.in);
cookie_table_dump("headers out", &ctx.out);
cookie_table_dump("error headers out", &ctx.err_out);
void test_handle_exits_with_access_denied(void **state) {
(void) state; /* unused */
am_state_func_t const * func_array = 0;
int array_len = 0;
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
am_state_func_t exit_f = func_array [7];
am_config_map_t session_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-session-0", "Session-header-0" },
{ "ldap-session-1", "Session-header-1" },
am_config_map_t profile_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-profile-0", "Profile-header-0" },
{ "ldap-profile-1", "Profile-header-1" },
am_config_map_t response_attr_map [] =
{ "ldap-response-0", "Response-header-0" },
{ "ldap-response-1", "Response-header-1" },
struct am_namevalue * sattr = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(sattr, new_namevalue("ldap-session-0", "session-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(sattr, new_namevalue("ldap-session-1", "session-value-1"));
struct am_namevalue * response_decisions = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_decisions, new_namevalue("ldap-profile-0", "profile-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_decisions, new_namevalue("ldap-profile-1", "profile-value-1"));
struct am_namevalue * response_attributes = 0;
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_attributes, new_namevalue("ldap-response-0", "response-value-0"));
AM_LIST_INSERT(response_attributes, new_namevalue("ldap-response-1", "response-value-1"));
struct cookie_ctx ctx =
.in = { .c = 0 }, .out = { .c = 0 }
am_config_t config =
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
.pdp_enable = AM_TRUE,
.cdsso_enable = AM_TRUE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.cookie_encode_chars = AM_TRUE,
.profile_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.profile_attr_map_sz = array_len(profile_attr_map),
.profile_attr_map = profile_attr_map,
.session_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.session_attr_map_sz = array_len(session_attr_map),
.session_attr_map = session_attr_map,
.response_attr_fetch = AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE,
.response_attr_map_sz = array_len(response_attr_map),
.response_attr_map = response_attr_map,
am_request_t request =
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = am_get_url_encoded_token_url,
.client_ip = "",
.client_host = "d.e.f",
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.am_add_header_in_response_f = add_header_in_response,
.am_set_header_in_request_f = set_header_in_request,
.am_set_custom_response_f = set_custom_response,
.token = TOKEN_VALUE,
.cookies = "GoogleAccountsLocale_session=en;"TOKEN_NAME"="TOKEN_VALUE";a=b;c=d",
.response_attributes = response_attributes,
.sattr = sattr,
.response_decisions = response_decisions,
assert_int_equal(exit_f(&request), AM_OK);
cookie_table_dump("headers in", &ctx.in);
cookie_table_dump("headers out", &ctx.out);
cookie_table_dump("error headers out", &ctx.err_out);