process.c revision 155e0b8610c0becd28e9b212e2f1fca182743080
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include "platform.h"
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "net_client.h"
#define POST_PRESERVE_URI "/dummypost/ampostpreserve"
#define COMPOSITE_ADVICE_KEY "sunamcompositeadvice"
#define AUDIT_ALLOW_USER_MESSAGE "user %s (%s) was allowed access to %s"
#define AUDIT_DENY_USER_MESSAGE "user %s (%s) was denied access to %s"
enum {
enum {
typedef am_return_t(*am_state_func_t)(am_request_t *);
typedef enum {
} am_state_t;
struct transition {
am_state_t src_state;
am_return_t ret_code;
am_state_t dst_state;
static struct transition state_transitions[] = {
{setup_request_data_c, AM_OK, validate_url_c},
{setup_request_data_c, AM_FAIL, handle_exit_c},
{validate_url_c, AM_OK, handle_notification_c},
{validate_url_c, AM_FAIL, handle_exit_c},
{handle_notification_c, AM_OK, handle_exit_c},
{handle_notification_c, AM_FAIL, validate_fqdn_access_c},
{validate_fqdn_access_c, AM_OK, validate_token_c},
{validate_fqdn_access_c, AM_FAIL, handle_exit_c},
{handle_not_enforced_c, AM_OK, validate_policy_c},
{handle_not_enforced_c, AM_FAIL, handle_exit_c},
{validate_token_c, AM_OK, handle_not_enforced_c},
{validate_token_c, AM_FAIL, handle_exit_c},
{validate_policy_c, AM_RETRY, validate_policy_c},
{validate_policy_c, AM_OK, handle_exit_c}
#define EXIT_STATE handle_exit_c
#define ENTRY_STATE setup_request_data_c
static am_state_t lookup_transition(am_state_t c, am_return_t r) {
int i, s = sizeof (state_transitions) / sizeof (state_transitions[0]);
for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {
if (state_transitions[i].src_state == c
&& state_transitions[i].ret_code == r) {
return state_transitions[i].dst_state;
return EXIT_STATE;
static am_bool_t is_json_request(am_request_t *request) {
int i, compare_status;
if (request->conf->json_url_map_sz <= 0) {
return AM_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < request->conf->json_url_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &request->conf->json_url_map[i];
if (!ISVALID(m->value)) continue;
compare_status = policy_compare_url(request, m->value, request->overridden_url);
if (compare_status == AM_EXACT_MATCH || compare_status == AM_EXACT_PATTERN_MATCH) {
return AM_TRUE;
/* compare_status = match(request->instance_id, request->overridden_url, m->value);
if (compare_status == AM_SUCCESS) {
return AM_TRUE;
} */
return AM_FALSE;
static am_return_t setup_request_data(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "setup_request_data():";
am_status_t status = AM_ERROR, status_token_query = AM_ERROR;
char *s, *v;
struct url u, au;
if (r == NULL || r->ctx == NULL || r->conf == NULL) {
return AM_FAIL;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
if (r->am_get_request_url_f == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s could not get request url", thisfunc);
return AM_FAIL;
if (!ISVALID(r->client_ip)) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s could not get client ip address", thisfunc);
return AM_FAIL;
s = strstr(r->client_ip, AM_COMMA_CHAR);
/* if the client ip header contains more than one value, use only the first one */
v = s != NULL ? strndup(r->client_ip, s - r->client_ip) : strdup(r->client_ip);
if (v == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
return AM_FAIL;
r->client_ip = v;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s client ip: %s", thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip));
//TODO: client_host is not used in a policy call?
if (ISVALID(r->client_host)) {
s = strstr(r->client_host, AM_COMMA_CHAR);
/* if the client host header contains more than one value, use only the first one */
v = s != NULL ? strndup(r->client_host, s - r->client_host) : strdup(r->client_host);
if (v != NULL) {
s = strstr(v, ":");
/* if client_host contains the port number, remove it */
if (s != NULL) *s = 0;
r->client_host = v;
if (r->conf->resolve_client_host && ISVALID(r->client_ip)) {
int errcode;
struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL;
char client_host[NI_MAXHOST + 1];
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
errcode = getaddrinfo(r->client_ip, NULL, &hints, &res);
if (errcode == 0) {
while (res) {
slen = res->ai_family == AF_INET ? sizeof (struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
errcode = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) res->ai_addr, slen,
client_host, sizeof (client_host), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD);
if (errcode == 0) {
r->client_host = strdup(client_host);
res = res->ai_next;
if (res != NULL) freeaddrinfo(res);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s client hostname: %s", thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(r->client_host));
status = r->am_get_request_url_f(r);
if (status != AM_SUCCESS) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s failed to get request url", thisfunc);
return AM_FAIL;
if (parse_url(r->orig_url, &r->url)) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s failed to normalize request url: %s (%s)",
thisfunc, r->orig_url, am_strerror(r->url.error));
return AM_FAIL;
am_asprintf(&r->normalized_url, "%s://%s:%d%s%s", r->url.proto, r->,
r->url.port, r->url.path, r->url.query);
if (r->normalized_url == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
return AM_FAIL;
/* re-format normalized request url depending on override parameter values */
memcpy(&u, &r->url, sizeof (struct url));
if (parse_url(r->conf->agenturi, &au) == 0) {
if (r->conf->override_protocol) {
strncpy(u.proto, au.proto, sizeof (u.proto) - 1);
if (r->conf->override_host) {
strncpy(,, sizeof ( - 1);
if (r->conf->override_port) {
u.port = au.port;
} else {
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s failed to parse agenturi.prefix %s",
thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(r->conf->agenturi));
am_asprintf(&r->overridden_url, "%s://%s:%d%s%s", u.proto,, u.port, u.path, u.query);
if (r->overridden_url == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
return AM_FAIL;
/* check if this request url (normalized) matches any of
* org.forgerock.agents.config.json.url[] configuration parameter values
r->is_json_url = is_json_request(r);
/* do an early check for a session token in query parameters,
* remove if found (url evaluation later on
* should not contain session token value; aka cookie-less mode,
* applies also to LARES sent as GET parameter)
status_token_query = get_token_from_url(r);
if (status_token_query == AM_SUCCESS) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s found session token '%s' in query parameters", thisfunc, r->token);
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s no token in query parameters", thisfunc);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s method: %s, original url: %s, normalized:\n"
"proto: %s\nhost: %s\nport: %d\npath: %s\nquery: %s\ncomplete: %s\noverridden: %s", thisfunc,
am_method_num_to_str(r->method), r->orig_url,
r->url.proto, r->, r->url.port, r->url.path, r->url.query, r->normalized_url,
if (r->method == AM_REQUEST_POST && !ISVALID(r->content_type)) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s HTTP POST requires a valid Content-Type header value", thisfunc);
return AM_FAIL;
r->status = status;
return AM_OK;
static am_return_t validate_url(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "validate_url():";
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
if (ISVALID(r->conf->url_check_regex)) {
int s = match(r->instance_id, r->normalized_url, r->conf->url_check_regex);
if (s != 0) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s request url validation failed", thisfunc);
r->status = AM_FORBIDDEN;
return AM_FAIL;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s request url validation succeeded", thisfunc);
return AM_OK;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s request url validation feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
return AM_OK;
static am_return_t handle_notification(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "handle_notification():";
am_return_t status = AM_FAIL;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
/* check if notifications are enabled */
if (r->method == AM_REQUEST_POST && r->conf->notif_enable && ISVALID(r->conf->notif_url)) {
struct notification_worker_data *wd;
/* is override.notification.url set? */
const char *url = r->conf->override_notif_url ? r->overridden_url : r->normalized_url;
//TODO: eurl.axd/xyz ?
int compare_status = r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore ?
strcasecmp(url, r->conf->notif_url) : strcmp(url, r->conf->notif_url);
/* int compare_status = r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore == AM_TRUE ?
(stristr((char *) url, r->conf->notif_url) != NULL ? 0 : 1) :
(strstr(url, r->conf->notif_url) != NULL ? 0 : 1); */
if (compare_status != 0) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is not an agent notification url %s", thisfunc, url, r->conf->notif_url);
return status;
wd = malloc(sizeof (struct notification_worker_data));
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is an agent notification url", thisfunc, url);
/* read post data (blocking) */
if (r->am_get_post_data_f != NULL) {
/* set up notification_worker argument list */
if (wd != NULL) {
wd->instance_id = r->instance_id;
/* original r->post_data inside a worker might not be available already */
wd->post_data = r->post_data != NULL ? strdup(r->post_data) : NULL;
wd->post_data_sz = r->post_data_sz;
status = AM_OK;
/* process notification message */
if (am_worker_dispatch(notification_worker, wd) != 0) {
r->status = AM_ERROR;
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s failed to dispatch notification worker", thisfunc);
return status;
if (r->am_set_custom_response_f != NULL) {
/* OpenAM needs 'OK' message in the body with a successful notification */
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, "OK", "text/html");
return status;
static am_return_t validate_fqdn_access(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "validate_fqdn_access():";
int i;
int (*compare)(const char *, const char*);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
if (!r->conf->fqdn_check_enable) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
return AM_OK;
if (ISINVALID(r->conf->fqdn_default)) {
"%s failed - default fqdn value is not set", thisfunc);
r->status = AM_ACCESS_DENIED;
return AM_FAIL;
compare = r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
/* check if its the default fqdn */
if (compare(r->, r->conf->fqdn_default) == 0) {
r->client_fqdn = r->conf->fqdn_default;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s host name %s is valid (maps to fqdn default: %s)",
thisfunc, r->, LOGEMPTY(r->conf->fqdn_default));
return AM_OK;
/* if not, look into map values first */
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->fqdn_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->fqdn_map[i];
if (ISVALID(m->name)) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s comparing a valid host name %s with %s",
thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(m->value), r->;
if (compare(r->, NOTNULL(m->value)) == 0) {
r->client_fqdn = m->value;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s host name %s is valid (maps to %s, key: %s)",
thisfunc, r->, r->client_fqdn, m->name);
return AM_OK;
/* still no match? look into map keys now to get the value to redirect to */
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->fqdn_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->fqdn_map[i];
if (ISVALID(m->name) && strcasecmp(m->name, "valid") != 0) { /* ignore 'valid' keys */
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s comparing an invalid host name %s with %s",
thisfunc, m->name, r->;
if (compare(r->, m->name) == 0) {
r->client_fqdn = m->value;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s host name %s is valid (maps to %s, key: %s), will redirect",
thisfunc, r->, LOGEMPTY(r->client_fqdn), m->name);
return AM_FAIL;
/* since the client_fqdn is not set, this will redirect to the default fqdn */
"%s host name %s is not valid (no corresponding map value)", thisfunc, r->;
return AM_FAIL;
static am_bool_t url_matches_pattern(am_request_t *r, const char *pattern,
const char *url, am_bool_t regex_enable) {
if (regex_enable) {
return match(r->instance_id, url, pattern) == AM_OK;
} else {
return policy_compare_url(r, pattern, url) != AM_NO_MATCH;
static am_return_t handle_not_enforced(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "handle_not_enforced():";
int i;
const char *url = r->normalized_url;
char *pdp_path = NULL;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
/* post preservation url is not enforced
* (will use com.forgerock.agents.config.pdpuri.prefix value if set)
am_asprintf(&pdp_path, "%s%s%s",
ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix) && r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix[0] != '/' ? "/" : "",
NOTNULL(r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix), POST_PRESERVE_URI);
if (ISVALID(pdp_path) && ISVALID(r->url.query) && strcmp(r->url.path, pdp_path) == 0) {
const char *error = NULL;
int erroroffset;
/* all other query parameters, apart from the pdp key, are removed.
* pdp key format: %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x
* generated by uuid() utility method
size_t slen = strlen(r->url.query);
pcre *x = pcre_compile(".+([a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}).*",
0, &error, &erroroffset, NULL);
if (x != NULL) {
char *key = match_group(x, 1, r->url.query, &slen);
if (key != NULL) {
strncpy(r->url.query, "?", sizeof (r->url.query) - 1);
strcat(r->url.query, key);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s post preserve url is not enforced", thisfunc);
r->is_dummypost_url = r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_OK;
/* check if the request url (normalized) is an application logout url */
if (ISVALID(r->conf->logout_url_regex) && /* check legacy com.forgerock.agents.agent.logout.url.regex option first */
url_matches_pattern(r, r->conf->logout_url_regex, url, AM_TRUE)) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is an application logout url (not enforced)", thisfunc, url);
r->not_enforced = r->is_logout_url = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
if (r->conf->logout_map_sz > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->logout_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->logout_map[i];
if (url_matches_pattern(r, m->value, url, r->conf->logout_regex_enable)) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is an application logout url (not enforced)", thisfunc, url);
r->not_enforced = r->is_logout_url = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s application logout url feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
/* access denied url is not enforced */
if (ISVALID(r->conf->access_denied_url)) {
int compare_status = r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore ?
strcasecmp(url, r->conf->access_denied_url) : strcmp(url, r->conf->access_denied_url);
if (compare_status == 0) {
r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
r->not_enforced = AM_FALSE;
/* see if the client ip is in the not enforced client ip list */
if (r->conf->not_enforced_ip_map_sz > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->not_enforced_ip_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->not_enforced_ip_map[i];
char *p = strstr(m->name, AM_COMMA_CHAR);
if (p == NULL) {
const char *l[1] = {m->value};
if (ip_address_match(r->client_ip, l, 1, r->instance_id) == AM_SUCCESS) {
r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s client ip address %s does not match %s",
thisfunc, r->client_ip, LOGEMPTY(m->value));
} else {
char *pv = strndup(m->name, p - m->name);
if (pv != NULL) {
char mtn = am_method_str_to_num(pv);
if (r->method == mtn) {
const char *l[1] = {m->value};
if (ip_address_match(r->client_ip, l, 1, r->instance_id) == AM_SUCCESS) {
r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s client ip address %s does not match %s (%s)",
thisfunc, r->client_ip, LOGEMPTY(m->value), am_method_num_to_str(mtn));
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s not enforced client ip validation feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s validating %s", thisfunc, url);
/* check the request url (normalized) is in not enforced url list */
if (r->conf->not_enforced_map_sz > 0) {
int compare_status = 0;
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->not_enforced_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->not_enforced_map[i];
if (ISVALID(m->value)) {
char *p = strstr(m->name, AM_COMMA_CHAR);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s trying not enforced pattern %s", thisfunc, m->value);
if (p == NULL) {
/* regular [0]=not-enforced-url option */
compare_status += url_matches_pattern(r, m->value, url, r->conf->not_enforced_regex_enable);
} else {
/* method-extended [GET,0]=not-enforced-url option */
char *pv = strndup(m->name, p - m->name);
if (pv != NULL) {
char mtn = am_method_str_to_num(pv);
if (r->method != mtn) continue;
compare_status += url_matches_pattern(r, m->value, url, r->conf->not_enforced_regex_enable);
compare_status = compare_status > 0;
if (r->conf->not_enforced_invert) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s not enforced list is inverted, "
"only not enforced list of urls will be enforced", thisfunc);
compare_status = !compare_status;
if (compare_status) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is not enforced", thisfunc, url);
r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s not enforced url validation feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
/* check the request url (normalized) is in not enforced url list (extended version) */
if (r->conf->not_enforced_ext_map_sz > 0 && ISVALID(r->client_ip)) {
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->not_enforced_ext_map_sz; i++) {
char *p, *v, *t, *is, *us, found = AM_FALSE;
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->not_enforced_ext_map[i];
if (!ISVALID(m->value)) continue;
p = strstr(m->value, AM_PIPE_CHAR); /*|url1 url2 */
if (p == NULL) continue;
is = strndup(m->value, p - m->value);
us = strdup(p + 1);
if (is == NULL || us == NULL) {
AM_FREE(is, us);
for ((v = strtok_r(is, AM_SPACE_CHAR, &t)); v; (v = strtok_r(NULL, AM_SPACE_CHAR, &t))) {
const char *vlist[1] = {v};
if (ip_address_match(r->client_ip, vlist, 1, r->instance_id) == AM_SUCCESS) {
found = AM_TRUE;
if (found) {
found = AM_FALSE;
for ((v = strtok_r(us, AM_SPACE_CHAR, &t)); v; (v = strtok_r(NULL, AM_SPACE_CHAR, &t))) {
if (url_matches_pattern(r, v, url, r->conf->not_enforced_ext_regex_enable)) {
found = AM_TRUE;
AM_FREE(is, us);
if (found) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is not enforced", thisfunc, url);
r->not_enforced = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_QUIT;
return AM_OK;
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s extended not enforced url validation feature is not enabled", thisfunc);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s is enforced", thisfunc, url);
return AM_OK;
static am_return_t validate_token(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "validate_token():";
am_return_t return_status = AM_OK; /* fail only on non-recoverable error (will quit processing) */
am_status_t status = AM_ERROR;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s", thisfunc);
if (r->conf->cdsso_enable && r->method == AM_REQUEST_POST) {
char *token_in_post = NULL;
/* read post data (blocking) */
if (r->am_get_post_data_f != NULL) {
status = AM_SUCCESS;
if (status == AM_SUCCESS && ISVALID(r->post_data)) {
/* if this is a LARES/SAML post, read a token from SAML assertion */
if (r->post_data_sz > 5 && memcmp(r->post_data, "LARES=", 6) == 0) {
char *lares = url_decode(r->post_data + 6);
size_t clear_sz = lares != NULL ? strlen(lares) : 0;
char *clear = base64_decode(lares, &clear_sz);
status = AM_NOT_FOUND;
if (clear != NULL) {
struct am_namevalue *e, *t, *session_list;
session_list = am_parse_session_saml(r->instance_id, clear, clear_sz);
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(session_list, e, t) {
if (strcmp(e->n, "sid") == 0 && ISVALID(e->v)) {
token_in_post = strdup(e->v);
r->token_in_post = AM_TRUE;
if (!r->is_dummypost_url && r->am_set_method_f != NULL) {
/* in case its just a LARES post and post was not to dummypost-url,
* change request method to GET
r->method = AM_REQUEST_GET;
status = AM_SUCCESS;
} else if (r->post_data_sz > 0) {
/* not a LARES/SAML post, preserve original post data for a replay in the agent(filter) */
if (r->am_set_post_data_f != NULL) {
status = AM_NOT_FOUND;
/* token found in LARES/SAML post supersedes one found earlier in a query parameters */
if (ISVALID(token_in_post)) {
r->token = token_in_post;
if (ISVALID(r->token)) {
/*token is either found in a query parameters or LARES/SAML post above already*/
status = AM_SUCCESS;
if (status != AM_SUCCESS) {
/* finally, see if a token is in Cookie-s */
status = get_cookie_value(r, ";", r->conf->cookie_name,
r->cookies, &r->token);
if (status != AM_SUCCESS && status != AM_NOT_FOUND) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s error while getting sso token "
"from a cookie header: %s", thisfunc, am_strerror(status));
return_status = AM_FAIL;
} else if (status == AM_SUCCESS && !ISVALID(r->token)) {
status = AM_NOT_FOUND;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s sso token: %s, status: %s", thisfunc,
LOGEMPTY(r->token), am_strerror(r->status));
/* get site/server info */
if (status == AM_SUCCESS && ISVALID(r->token)) {
int decode_status = am_session_decode(r);
if (decode_status == AM_SUCCESS && r->session_info.error == AM_SUCCESS) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s sso token SI: %s, S1: %s", thisfunc,
LOGEMPTY(r->, LOGEMPTY(r->session_info.s1));
r->status = status;
return return_status;
static char *create_profile_attribute_request(am_request_t *r) {
int i;
char *val = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->profile_attr_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *v = &r->conf->profile_attr_map[i];
am_asprintf(&val, "%s<Attribute name=\"%s\"/>", val == NULL ? "" : val, v->name);
return val;
* Fetch an attribute value from a cached attribute list (read either from a shared cache
* or directly from a server
static const char *get_attr_value(am_request_t *r, const char *name, int mask) {
static const char *thisfunc = "get_attr_value():";
struct am_namevalue *e, *t;
if (r == NULL || !ISVALID(name)) return NULL;
switch (mask) {
/* session attribute search */
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(r->sattr, e, t) {
if (strcmp(e->n, name) == 0) {
return e->v;
/* policy response attribute search */
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(r->response_attributes, e, t) {
if (strcmp(e->n, name) == 0) {
return e->v;
/* policy response decision-attribute search (profile attribute)*/
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(r->response_decisions, e, t) {
if (strcmp(e->n, name) == 0) {
return e->v;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s unknown mask value (%d)", thisfunc, mask);
return NULL;
static am_return_t validate_policy(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "validate_policy():";
struct am_policy_result *e, *t, *policy_cache = NULL;
struct am_namevalue *session_cache = NULL;
char is_valid = AM_FALSE, remote = AM_FALSE;
int status = AM_ERROR, policy_status = AM_NO_MATCH, entry_status = r->status;
time_t cache_ts = 0;
char *pattrs = NULL;
const char *url = r->overridden_url;
int scope = r->conf->policy_scope_subtree;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s (entry status: %s)", thisfunc, am_strerror(r->status));
if (r->not_enforced && (r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr || r->is_dummypost_url)) {
if (!ISVALID(r->token)) {
/* in case request url is not enforced and attribute fetch is enabled
* but there is no session token - quit processing w/o policy evaluation.
* headers/cookies will be cleared in handle_exit->set_user_attributes
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
return AM_OK;
if (r->conf->sso_only) {
/* sso_only mode is interested only in user attributes (ignoring policy result) */
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s running in sso-only mode", thisfunc);
if (r->status == AM_NOT_FOUND) {
return AM_OK;
if (r->retry >= MAX_VALIDATE_POLICY_RETRY) {
"%s validate policy for '%s' failed (max %d retries exhausted)",
/* status = AM_RETRY_ERROR; */
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
r->pattr = NULL;
r->sattr = NULL;
r->status = AM_ACCESS_DENIED;
return AM_OK;
* Look for an entry in a session cache, but only when we are not here because
* of a retry call of a failed cache lookup
status = entry_status == AM_EAGAIN && r->retry > 0 ?
AM_EAGAIN : am_get_session_policy_cache_entry(r, r->token,
&policy_cache, &session_cache, &cache_ts);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s get session cache status: %s",
thisfunc, am_strerror(status));
if ((status == AM_SUCCESS && cache_ts > 0) || status != AM_SUCCESS) {
struct am_policy_result *policy_cache_new = NULL;
struct am_namevalue *session_cache_new = NULL;
struct am_ssl_options info;
const char *service_url = get_valid_openam_url(r);
int max_retry = 3;
unsigned int retry = 3, retry_wait = 2;
am_net_set_ssl_options(r->conf, &info);
/* entry is found, but was not valid, or nothing was found,
* do a policy+session call in either way
pattrs = create_profile_attribute_request(r);
do {
policy_cache_new = NULL;
session_cache_new = NULL;
status = am_agent_policy_request(r->instance_id, service_url,
r->conf->token, r->token,
r->conf->notif_url, am_scope_to_str(scope), r->client_ip, pattrs,
r->conf->lb_enable && ISVALID(r-> ? r-> : NULL, &info,
if (status == AM_SUCCESS && session_cache_new != NULL && policy_cache_new != NULL) {
remote = AM_TRUE;
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s retry %d (remote session/policy call failure: %s)",
thisfunc, (retry - max_retry) + 1, am_strerror(status));
if (status == AM_INVALID_SESSION) {
am_remove_cache_entry(r->instance_id, r->token);
am_remove_cache_entry(r->instance_id, r->conf->token);
} while (--max_retry > 0);
if (max_retry == 0) {
"%s remote session/policy call to validate '%s' failed (max %d retries exhausted)",
thisfunc, url, retry);
status = AM_RETRY_ERROR;
if (status == AM_SUCCESS) {
/* discard old entries */
status = am_add_session_policy_cache_entry(r, r->token,
policy_cache_new, session_cache_new);
policy_cache = policy_cache_new;
session_cache = session_cache_new;
is_valid = AM_TRUE;
if (status != AM_SUCCESS && cache_ts > 0) {
/* re-use earlier cached session/policy data */
//TODO: skew? max?
//AM_LOG_WARNING(instance_id, "%s retry %d (remote session/policy call failure)",
// thisfunc, (retry - max_retry) + 1);
is_valid = AM_TRUE;
} else {
is_valid = AM_TRUE;
am_config_t *boot = NULL;
int rv = AM_ERROR;
"%s agent session is invalid, trying to fetch new configuration/session",
/* delete all cached data for this agent instance */
/* fetch and update with the new configuration */
rv = am_get_agent_config(r->instance_id, r->conf->config, &boot);
if (rv == AM_SUCCESS && boot != NULL) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s agent configuration/session updated",
r->conf = boot; /* set new agent configuration for this request */
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
r->pattr = NULL;
r->sattr = NULL;
r->status = entry_status;
return AM_RETRY;
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s failed to fetch new agent configuration/session",
if (status == AM_INVALID_SESSION) {
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
return AM_OK;
if (session_cache != NULL && is_valid) {
r->sattr = session_cache;
if (policy_cache != NULL && is_valid) {
r->pattr = policy_cache;
if (r->sattr != NULL && r->pattr != NULL) {
if (r->conf->client_ip_validate) {
/* check if client ip read from the environment matches token ip found in the session */
const char *remote_ip = get_attr_value(r, "Host", AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!ISVALID(r->client_ip) || !ISVALID(remote_ip) || strcmp(remote_ip, r->client_ip) != 0) {
r->status = AM_ACCESS_DENIED;
"%s decision: deny, reason: client ip %s does not match sso token ip %s",
thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip), LOGEMPTY(remote_ip));
return AM_OK;
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(r->pattr, e, t) {//TODO: work on loop in 2 threads (split loop in 2; search&match in each thread)
if ((r->conf->debug_level & AM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) != 0) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s trying cache entry for: %s", thisfunc,
if (e->scope == scope) {
const char *pattern = e->resource;
policy_status = policy_compare_url(r, pattern, url);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s pattern: %s, resource: %s, status: %s", thisfunc,
pattern, url, am_policy_strerror(policy_status));
do {
int rv;
if (r->conf->policy_cache_valid <= 0) {
/* do not add entries to a global policy-resource cache if policy_cache_valid is set to zero.
* note: this disables policy notifications
if (remote) {
/* in case its a fresh policy response, do not do policy-change cache entry validation */
rv = am_get_policy_cache_entry(r, AM_POLICY_CHANGE_KEY, e->created);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s global policy cache status: %s", thisfunc,
if (rv == AM_SUCCESS) {
/* policy change cache entry might be removed or updated by a notification,
* redo validate_policy in either case; remove session/policy cache entry.
am_remove_cache_entry(r->instance_id, r->token);
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
r->pattr = NULL;
r->sattr = NULL;
r->status = entry_status;
return AM_RETRY;
} while (0);
if (policy_status == AM_EXACT_MATCH || policy_status == AM_EXACT_PATTERN_MATCH) {
struct am_action_decision *ae, *at;
if (((r->not_enforced && (r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr || r->is_dummypost_url))
|| r->conf->sso_only) && e->scope == AM_SCOPE_RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE_ONLY) {
/* allow, in case this is a) not-enforced url and attribute fetch is enabled or this is a dummypost_url
* or b) agent is running in sso-only mode (ignoring policy result) */
"%s method: %s, decision: allow, %s",
thisfunc, am_method_num_to_str(r->method),
r->conf->sso_only ? "running sso-only mode" : "not enforced url with attribute fetch enabled");
r->response_attributes = e->response_attributes;
r->response_decisions = e->response_decisions;
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
/* fetch user parameter value */
if (ISVALID(r->conf->userid_param) && ISVALID(r->conf->userid_param_type)) {
if (strcasecmp(r->conf->userid_param_type, "SESSION") == 0) {
r->user = get_attr_value(r, r->conf->userid_param, AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
} else {
r->user = get_attr_value(r, r->conf->userid_param, AM_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
r->user_password = get_attr_value(r, "sunIdentityUserPassword", AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
return AM_OK;
if (e->action_decisions == NULL) {
"%s decision: deny, reason: no action decisions found",
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(e->action_decisions, ae, at) {
/* time_t ts = ae->ttl;
if (difftime(time(NULL), ts) >= 0) {
char tsu[32];
struct tm until;
localtime_r(&ts, &until);
strftime(tsu, sizeof (tsu), AM_CACHE_TIMEFORMAT, &until);
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s cache data is obsolete (valid until: %s)",
thisfunc, tsu);
} */
if (ae->method == r->method) {
if (ae->action /*allow*/) {
r->response_attributes = e->response_attributes; /* will be used by set header/cookie later */
r->response_decisions = e->response_decisions;
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
/* fetch user parameter value */
if (ISVALID(r->conf->userid_param) && ISVALID(r->conf->userid_param_type)) {
if (strcasecmp(r->conf->userid_param_type, "SESSION") == 0) {
r->user = get_attr_value(r, r->conf->userid_param, AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
} else {
r->user = get_attr_value(r, r->conf->userid_param, AM_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE);
r->user_password = get_attr_value(r, "sunIdentityUserPassword", AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s method: %s, decision: allow",
thisfunc, am_method_num_to_str(ae->method));
return AM_OK;
/* deny */
/* set the pointer to the policy advice(s) if any */
r->policy_advice = ae->advices;
r->status = AM_ACCESS_DENIED;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s method: %s, decision: deny, advice: %s",
thisfunc, am_method_num_to_str(ae->method),
ae->advices == NULL ? "n/a" : "available");
return AM_OK;
/* in case we haven't found anything in a policy (cached) response - redo validate_policy */
if (!remote && policy_status != AM_EXACT_MATCH && policy_status != AM_EXACT_PATTERN_MATCH) {
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s validate policy did not find a match for '%s' in the cached entries, "
"retrying with the new request to the policy service", thisfunc, url);
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
r->pattr = NULL;
r->sattr = NULL;
r->status = AM_EAGAIN;
/* technically, this is still a retry */
return AM_RETRY;
r->response_attributes = NULL;
r->response_decisions = NULL;
r->policy_advice = NULL;
/* nothing is found in a policy response - respond with a default access denied */
r->status = AM_ACCESS_DENIED;
return AM_OK;
* Build and set "Set-Cookie" HTTP header value
* @param req pointer to am_request_t
* @param prefix, cookie name prefix, can be NULL
* @param name, cookie name, must not be NULL or empty
* @param value, cookie value, can be NULL
* @param domain, cookie domain value, can be NULL
* @param path, cookie path value, can be NULL
* @param maxage, cookie max-age value in seconds, can be NULL
static void do_cookie_set_generic(am_request_t *r, const char *prefix, const char *name,
const char *value, const char *domain, const char *path, const char *maxage) {
static const char *thisfunc = "do_cookie_set_generic():";
char time_string[32];
struct tm now;
time_t raw;
long sec;
char *cookie_value, *cookie = NULL, *name_tmp, *name_sep;
int sep_count = 0;
if (r == NULL || r->conf == NULL || r->am_add_header_in_response_f == NULL || !ISVALID(name)) return;
/* cookie-reset list can contain the following values:
* cookiename
* cookiename[=value][;Domain=value]
* sep_count with a value of:
* 0 ==> just a cookie name
* 1 ==> name and value
* 2 ==> name, value and domain
* 3 ==> name and domain
sep_count = ISVALID(value) ? 0 : char_count(name, '=', NULL);
if (sep_count == 1 && stristr((char *) name, ";Domain=") != NULL) {
sep_count = 3;
/* set cookie prefix */
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s", NOTNULL(prefix));
/* set cookie name */
if (cookie != NULL) {
if (sep_count == 3) {
/* cookie-reset with "name and domain" is supplied without '=' after the name - add it here
* as otherwise cookie might not get reset in a browser
name_tmp = strdup(name);
if (name_tmp != NULL) {
name_sep = strchr(name_tmp, ';');
if (name_sep != NULL) {
*name_sep++ = '\0';
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s%s=;%s", cookie, name_tmp, name_sep);
} else {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
} else {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s%s%s", cookie, name, sep_count == 0 ? "=" : "");
/* set cookie value */
if (cookie != NULL) {
cookie_value = r->conf->cookie_encode_chars ? url_encode((char *) value) : (char *) value;
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s%s", cookie, NOTNULL(cookie_value));
if (r->conf->cookie_encode_chars) {
if (cookie != NULL) {
if (!ISVALID(value)) {
/* no value is provided - we are resetting a cookie */
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Max-Age=0;Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT", cookie);
} else {
/* check if maxage option is provided, if so - use it;
     * if not - try cookie_maxage parameter;
     * if none of the above is provided/valid use a default 300 sec value
errno = 0;
sec = ISVALID(maxage) ? strtol(maxage, NULL, AM_BASE_TEN)
: r->conf->cookie_maxage > 0 ? r->conf->cookie_maxage : 300;
if (sec <= 0 || errno == ERANGE) {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Max-Age=0;Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT", cookie);
} else {
raw += sec;
#ifdef _WIN32
gmtime_s(&now, &raw);
strftime(time_string, sizeof (time_string),
"%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
#ifdef _WIN32
gmtime_r(&raw, &now)
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Max-Age=%d;Expires=%s", cookie, sec, time_string);
/* set cookie domain value */
if (cookie != NULL && ISVALID(domain) && sep_count < 2) {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Domain=%s", cookie, domain);
/* set cookie path value */
if (cookie != NULL) {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Path=/%s", cookie, NOTNULL(path));
/* set cookie Secure attribute */
if (cookie != NULL && r->conf->cookie_secure) {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;Secure", cookie);
/* set cookie HttpOnly attribute */
if (cookie != NULL && r->conf->cookie_http_only) {
am_asprintf(&cookie, "%s;HttpOnly", cookie);
if (cookie == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s %s", thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(cookie));
r->am_add_header_in_response_f(r, cookie, NULL);
static void do_cookie_set_type(am_request_t *r, am_config_map_t *map, int sz,
int type, char cookie_reset_enable) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *v = &map[i];
if (cookie_reset_enable) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_cookie_set(): clearing %s", v->value);
do_cookie_set_generic(r, r->conf->cookie_prefix, v->value, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} else {
const char *val = get_attr_value(r, v->name, type);
if (ISVALID(val)) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_cookie_set(): setting %s: %s",
v->value, val);
do_cookie_set_generic(r, r->conf->cookie_prefix, v->value, val, NULL, NULL, NULL);
static void do_cookie_set(am_request_t *r, char cookie_reset_list_enable, char cookie_reset_enable) {
int i;
if (r->am_add_header_in_response_f == NULL) return;
if (cookie_reset_list_enable && r->conf->cookie_reset_enable
&& r->conf->cookie_reset_map_sz > 0) {
/* process cookie reset list (agents.config.cookie.reset[0]) */
const char *default_domain = strchr(NOTNULL(r->conf->fqdn_default), '.');
if (default_domain != NULL) {
/* move past the dot */
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->cookie_reset_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *v = &r->conf->cookie_reset_map[i];
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_cookie_set(): login resetting %s", v->value);
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, v->value, NULL, default_domain, NULL, NULL);
if (r->conf->profile_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE ||
r->conf->session_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE ||
r->conf->response_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_COOKIE) {
do_cookie_set_type(r, r->conf->profile_attr_map, r->conf->profile_attr_map_sz,
AM_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, cookie_reset_enable); //TODO: put each value into "val1,val2,val3.." format
do_cookie_set_type(r, r->conf->session_attr_map, r->conf->session_attr_map_sz,
AM_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, cookie_reset_enable);
do_cookie_set_type(r, r->conf->response_attr_map, r->conf->response_attr_map_sz,
AM_RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE, cookie_reset_enable);
static void do_header_set_type(am_request_t *r, am_config_map_t *map, int sz,
int type, char set_value) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *v = &map[i];
if (set_value) {
const char *val = get_attr_value(r, v->name, type);
if (ISVALID(val)) {
r->am_set_header_in_request_f(r, v->value, val);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_header_set(): setting %s: %s",
v->value, val);
} else {
r->am_set_header_in_request_f(r, v->value, NULL);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_header_set(): clearing %s", v->value);
static void do_header_set(am_request_t *r, char set_value) {
if (r->am_set_header_in_request_f == NULL) return;
if (r->conf->profile_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_HEADER ||
r->conf->session_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_HEADER ||
r->conf->response_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_AS_HEADER) {
do_header_set_type(r, r->conf->profile_attr_map, r->conf->profile_attr_map_sz,
AM_POLICY_ATTRIBUTE, set_value); //TODO: put each value into "val1,val2,val3.." format
do_header_set_type(r, r->conf->session_attr_map, r->conf->session_attr_map_sz,
do_header_set_type(r, r->conf->response_attr_map, r->conf->response_attr_map_sz,
static void set_user_attributes(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "set_user_attributes():";
int i;
do {
if (r->am_set_header_in_request_f == NULL || r->am_add_header_in_response_f == NULL) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s no set/add "
"request/response header function is provided", thisfunc);
/* CDSSO: update request Cookie header (session token) */
if (r->conf->cdsso_enable) {
char *new_cookie_hdr = NULL;
int rv = remove_cookie(r, r->conf->cookie_name, &new_cookie_hdr);
if (rv != AM_SUCCESS && rv != AM_NOT_FOUND) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s error (%s) removing cookie %s from "
"cookie header %s", thisfunc, am_strerror(rv),
LOGEMPTY(r->conf->cookie_name), LOGEMPTY(r->cookies));
} else {
am_asprintf(&new_cookie_hdr, "%s%s%s=%s",
new_cookie_hdr == NULL ? "" : new_cookie_hdr,
new_cookie_hdr != NULL ? ";" : "",
if (new_cookie_hdr != NULL) {
r->am_set_header_in_request_f(r, "Cookie", new_cookie_hdr);
/* if no domain is configured, don't set it,
* browser will default domain to the host value
if (r->conf->cdsso_cookie_domain_map_sz > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->cdsso_cookie_domain_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->cdsso_cookie_domain_map[i];
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s setting session cookie in %s domain",
thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(m->value));
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, r->conf->cookie_name, r->token, m->value, NULL, NULL);
} else {
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, r->conf->cookie_name, r->token, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* if attributes mode is none, we're done */
if (r->conf->profile_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_NONE &&
r->conf->session_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_NONE &&
r->conf->response_attr_fetch == AM_SET_ATTRS_NONE) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s all set user attribute options are set to none",
/* if no attributes in result, we're done */
if (r->conf->profile_attr_map_sz == 0 &&
r->conf->session_attr_map_sz == 0 &&
r->conf->response_attr_map_sz == 0) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s all attribute maps are empty - nothing to set",
if (!r->not_enforced || r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
/* clear headers/cookies */
do_header_set(r, AM_FALSE);
do_cookie_set(r, AM_FALSE, AM_TRUE);
/* now go do it */
if (!r->not_enforced || r->conf->not_enforced_fetch_attr) {
/* clear headers/cookies */
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s clearing headers/cookies", thisfunc);
do_header_set(r, AM_FALSE);
do_cookie_set(r, AM_FALSE, AM_TRUE);
/* iterate - set attributes */
do_header_set(r, AM_TRUE);
do_cookie_set(r, AM_FALSE, AM_FALSE);
} while (0);
static char *find_active_login_server(am_request_t *r, char add_goto_value) {
static const char *thisfunc = "find_active_login_server():";
int i, j, map_sz = 0;
am_config_map_t *map = NULL;
char local_alloc = AM_FALSE;
char *cdsso_elements = NULL;
char *login_url = NULL;
const char *url = r->normalized_url;
int valid_idx = get_valid_url_index(r->instance_id);
if (r->conf->cdsso_enable) {
long msec = 0;
char *realm = NULL, *agent_url = NULL;
char tsc[32];
#ifdef _WIN32
msec = (time.wSecond * 1000) + time.wMilliseconds;
snprintf(tsc, sizeof (tsc), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d%%3A%02d%%3A%02dZ",
time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay,
time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);
struct tm tn;
time_t now;
struct timeval time;
gettimeofday(&time, NULL);
msec = (time.tv_sec * 1000) + (time.tv_usec / 1000);
now = (time_t) time.tv_sec;
gmtime_r(&now, &tn);
strftime(tsc, sizeof (tsc), "%Y-%m-%dT%H%%3A%M%%3A%SZ", &tn);
map_sz = r->conf->cdsso_login_map_sz;
map = r->conf->cdsso_login_map;
if (ISVALID(r->conf->realm) && strcmp(r->conf->realm, "/") != 0) {
realm = url_encode(r->conf->realm);
agent_url = url_encode(r->conf->agenturi);
ISVALID(realm) ? "Realm=%s&RequestID=%ld&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=0&ProviderID=%s&IssueInstant=%s" :
ISVALID(realm) ? realm : "",
NOTNULL(agent_url), tsc);
AM_FREE(realm, agent_url);
} else {
map_sz = r->conf->login_url_sz;
map = r->conf->login_url;
if (r->conf->cond_login_url_sz > 0 && r->conf->cond_login_url != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->cond_login_url_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->cond_login_url[i];
char *cl = strdup(m->value);
if (cl != NULL) {
char compare_status, *sep = strchr(cl, '|');
if (sep != NULL && *(sep + 1) != '\0') {
*sep = 0;
} else {
/* try to locate given pattern in a request url */
compare_status = r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore ?
(stristr((char *) url, cl) != NULL ? AM_TRUE : AM_FALSE) :
(strstr(url, cl) != NULL ? AM_TRUE : AM_FALSE);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s conditional login pattern: %s, url: %s, match status: %s",
thisfunc, cl, url, compare_status ? "match" : "no match");
if (compare_status) {
/* found a match */
char *tk, *tmp = strdup(cl + strlen(cl) + 1), *o = tmp;
if (tmp == NULL) break;
/* set up url list */
map_sz = char_count(tmp, ',', NULL) + 1;
map = (am_config_map_t *) malloc(map_sz * sizeof (am_config_map_t));
if (map != NULL) {
j = 0;
while ((tk = am_strsep(&tmp, AM_COMMA_CHAR)) != NULL) {
char *v = strdup(tk);
trim(v, ' ');
(&map[j])->name = v;
(&map[j])->value = v;
local_alloc = AM_TRUE;
/* use url-validator confirmed (index) value */
if (map_sz > 0 && map != NULL) {
am_config_map_t *m = (valid_idx >= map_sz) ? &map[0] : &map[valid_idx];
if (add_goto_value) {
char *goto_encoded = url_encode(r->overridden_url);
am_asprintf(&login_url, "%s%s%s=%s",
strchr(m->value, '?') == NULL ? "?" : "&",
ISVALID(r->conf->url_redirect_param) ? r->conf->url_redirect_param : "goto",
if (ISVALID(cdsso_elements)) {
am_asprintf(&login_url, "%s&%s", login_url, cdsso_elements);
} else {
if (ISVALID(cdsso_elements)) {
am_asprintf(&login_url, "%s%s%s",
strchr(m->value, '?') == NULL ? "?" : "&",
} else {
login_url = strdup(m->value);
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s selected login url: %s", thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(login_url));
if (local_alloc) {
AM_CONF_MAP_FREE(map_sz, map);
return login_url;
static am_return_t handle_exit(am_request_t *r) {
static const char *thisfunc = "handle_exit():";
int valid_idx, i;
am_status_t status;
char *url = NULL;
if (r == NULL || r->ctx == NULL || r->conf == NULL) {
if (r != NULL) r->status = AM_ERROR;
return AM_FAIL;
status = r->status;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s (entry status: %s)", thisfunc, am_strerror(status));
if (status == AM_NOTIFICATION_DONE) {
/* fast exit for notification events */
r->status = AM_DONE;
return AM_OK;
if (status != AM_SUCCESS && r->conf->cache_control_enable &&
r->am_add_header_in_response_f != NULL) {
/* do not cache any unauthenticated response */
r->am_add_header_in_response_f(r, "Cache-Control", "no-store"); /* HTTP 1.1 */
r->am_add_header_in_response_f(r, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); /* HTTP 1.1 */
r->am_add_header_in_response_f(r, "Pragma", "no-cache"); /* HTTP 1.0 */
r->am_add_header_in_response_f(r, "Expires", "0"); /* prevents caching at a proxy server */
switch (status) {
if (r->is_logout_url) {
if (r->am_add_header_in_response_f != NULL &&
r->conf->logout_cookie_reset_map_sz > 0) {
/* process logout cookie reset list (logout.cookie.reset) */
const char *default_domain = strchr(NOTNULL(r->conf->fqdn_default), '.');
if (default_domain != NULL) {
/* move past the dot */
for (i = 0; i < r->conf->logout_cookie_reset_map_sz; i++) {
am_config_map_t *m = &r->conf->logout_cookie_reset_map[i];
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "do_cookie_set(): logout resetting %s", m->value);
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, m->value, NULL, default_domain, NULL, NULL);
/* reset headers/cookies */
do_header_set(r, AM_FALSE);
do_cookie_set(r, AM_FALSE, AM_TRUE);
if (ISVALID(r->token) && r->conf->logout_redirect_disable) {
/* logout.redirect.disable is set - do a background logout and cache cleanup */
struct logout_worker_data *wd = malloc(sizeof (struct logout_worker_data));
if (wd != NULL) {
const char *oam = get_valid_openam_url(r);
wd->instance_id = r->instance_id;
/* find an active OpenAM service URL */
if (oam != NULL) {
wd->token = strdup(r->token);
wd->openam = strdup(oam);
wd->server_id = r->conf->lb_enable && ISVALID(r-> ? strdup(r-> : NULL;
am_net_set_ssl_options(r->conf, &wd->info);
if (am_worker_dispatch(session_logout_worker, wd) != 0) {
AM_FREE(wd->token, wd->openam, wd->server_id);
r->status = AM_ERROR;
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s failed to dispatch logout worker", thisfunc);
} else {
r->status = AM_ERROR;
AM_LOG_WARNING(r->instance_id, "%s logout failed (could not find a valid OpenAM URL)", thisfunc);
} else {
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
break; /* early exit - we're done with this resource */
/* do OpenAM logout redirect with a goto value of logout_redirect_url;
* will land here if no session token is available too.
valid_idx = get_valid_url_index(r->instance_id);
if (r->conf->openam_logout_map_sz > 0) {
am_config_map_t *m = (valid_idx >= r->conf->openam_logout_map_sz) ?
&r->conf->openam_logout_map[0] : &r->conf->openam_logout_map[valid_idx];
char *goto_encoded = url_encode(r->conf->logout_redirect_url);
am_asprintf(&url, "%s%s%s=%s",
strchr(m->value, '?') == NULL ? "?" : "&",
ISVALID(r->conf->url_redirect_param) ? r->conf->url_redirect_param : "goto",
} else {
r->status = AM_EINVAL;
if (url == NULL) {
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
r->status = AM_REDIRECT;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, url, NULL);
if (ISINVALID(r->user) && r->conf->anon_remote_user_enable
&& ISVALID(r->conf->unauthenticated_user)) {
r->user = r->conf->unauthenticated_user;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s remote user set to unauthenticated user %s",
thisfunc, r->user);
/* set user */
if (r->am_set_user_f != NULL && ISVALID(r->user)) {
r->am_set_user_f(r, r->user);
/* set user attributes */
if (AM_BITMASK_CHECK(r->conf->audit_level, AM_LOG_LEVEL_AUDIT_ALLOW)) {
LOGEMPTY(r->user), LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip), LOGEMPTY(r->normalized_url));
if (AM_BITMASK_CHECK(r->conf->audit_level, AM_LOG_LEVEL_AUDIT_REMOTE)) {
int audit_status = am_add_remote_audit_entry(r->instance_id, r->conf->token,
r->, r->conf->audit_file_remote,
LOGEMPTY(r->user), LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip), LOGEMPTY(r->normalized_url));
if (audit_status != AM_SUCCESS) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s failed to store remote audit log message (%s)",
thisfunc, am_strerror(audit_status));
if (r->token_in_post && r->conf->cdsso_enable &&
!r->is_dummypost_url && r->am_set_custom_response_f != NULL) {
/* special GET handling after LARES re-post (do redirect only on memory failure) */
am_asprintf(&url, "<html><head><script type=\"text/javascript\">function submitform(sform) {window.location.href = sform.action;}</script></head>"
"<body onload=\"return submitform(document.getform);\">"
"<form name=\"getform\" method=\"GET\" action=\"%s\">"
if (url != NULL) {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s CDSSO GET request form auto-submitted to %s",
thisfunc, r->normalized_url);
r->status = AM_DONE;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, url, "text/html");
} else {
/* r->status = AM_INTERNAL_REDIRECT; */
r->status = AM_REDIRECT;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, r->normalized_url, NULL);
if (r->is_dummypost_url) {
am_status_t pdp_status = AM_ERROR;
const char *key = r->url.query + 1; /* skip '?' */
if (ISVALID(key)) {
char *data = NULL /* url\0file\0 format */, *content_type = NULL;
size_t url_sz = 0;
pdp_status = am_get_pdp_cache_entry(r, key, &data, &url_sz, &content_type);
if (pdp_status == AM_SUCCESS) {
const char *file = data + url_sz + 1;
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s found post data preservation cache "
"entry: %s, url: %s, file: %s, content type: %s",
thisfunc, key, LOGEMPTY(data), LOGEMPTY(file), LOGEMPTY(content_type));
/* reset pdp sticky-session load-balancer cookie */
if (ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_sess_mode) && ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_sess_value)
&& strcmp(r->conf->pdp_sess_mode, "COOKIE") == 0
&& match(r->instance_id, r->conf->pdp_sess_value, "^(\\w+)=([^\\s]+)$") == AM_OK) {
char *sess_cookie = strdup(r->conf->pdp_sess_value);
if (sess_cookie != NULL) {
char *eq = strchr(sess_cookie, '=');
if (eq != NULL) {
*eq++ = 0;
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, sess_cookie, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} else {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
if (strcmp(file, "0") == 0) {
/* empty post */
r->method = AM_REQUEST_POST;
r->status = AM_PDP_DONE;
r->post_data_url = data;
r->post_data_sz = 0;
r->post_data = NULL;
/* empty pdp does not need post data set */
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, AM_SPACE_CHAR, content_type);
} else {
size_t post_sz = 0;
char *post = load_file(file, &post_sz);
if (post != NULL) {
if (r->conf->pdp_js_repost) {
/* IE10+ only */
char *repost = NULL;
am_asprintf(&repost, "<html><head><script type=\"text/javascript\">"
"function base64toBlob(b64Data, contentType, sliceSize) {contentType = contentType || '';"
"sliceSize = sliceSize || 512;var byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);var byteArrays = [];"
"for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {"
"var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);"
"var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);"
"for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);}"
"var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);byteArrays.push(byteArray);}"
"var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});"
"return blob;}"
"function sendpost() {var r = new XMLHttpRequest();\"POST\", \"%s\", true);"
"r.onreadystatechange=function(e) {var x =; "
"if (x.readyState==4 && x.status === 200) {"
"document.body.innerHTML = x.responseText;"
"document.title = !x.response.pageTitle ? x.responseURL : x.response.pageTitle;"
"var b = base64toBlob(\"%s\", \"%s\");r.send(b);"
"}</script></head><body onload=\"sendpost();\">"
data, data,
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, repost, "text/html");
} else {
char *post_clear = base64_decode(post, &post_sz);
r->method = AM_REQUEST_POST;
r->status = AM_PDP_DONE;
r->post_data_url = data;
r->post_data_sz = post_sz;
r->post_data = post_clear; /* will be released with am_request_t cleanup */
if (r->am_set_post_data_f != NULL) {
} else {
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s am_set_post_data_f is NULL",
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, AM_SPACE_CHAR, content_type);
} else {
pdp_status = AM_EINVAL;
/* delete cache file */
if (ISVALID(file) && strcmp(file, "0") != 0) {
/* delete cache entry */
am_remove_cache_entry(r->instance_id, key);
} else {
"%s post data preservation cache entry %s is not available (%s)",
thisfunc, key, am_strerror(pdp_status));
AM_FREE(data, content_type);
} else {
"%s invalid post data preservation key value", thisfunc);
if (pdp_status != AM_SUCCESS) {
r->status = AM_NOT_FOUND;
/* allow access to the resource */
r->status = AM_SUCCESS;
if (status == AM_ACCESS_DENIED &&
AM_BITMASK_CHECK(r->conf->audit_level, AM_LOG_LEVEL_AUDIT_DENY)) {
LOGEMPTY(r->user), LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip), LOGEMPTY(r->normalized_url));
if (AM_BITMASK_CHECK(r->conf->audit_level, AM_LOG_LEVEL_AUDIT_REMOTE)) {
int audit_status = am_add_remote_audit_entry(r->instance_id, r->conf->token,
r->, r->conf->audit_file_remote,
LOGEMPTY(r->user), LOGEMPTY(r->client_ip), LOGEMPTY(r->normalized_url));
if (audit_status != AM_SUCCESS) {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s failed to store remote audit log message (%s)",
thisfunc, am_strerror(audit_status));
if (r->am_set_custom_response_f != NULL) {
if (status == AM_INVALID_SESSION) {
/* reset LDAP cookies on invalid session */
do_cookie_set(r, AM_TRUE, AM_TRUE);
if (r->conf->cdsso_enable) {
/* reset CDSSO cookie */
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, r->conf->cookie_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (status == AM_ACCESS_DENIED && r->conf->cdsso_enable) {
/* reset CDSSO and LDAP cookies on access denied */
do_cookie_set(r, AM_TRUE, AM_TRUE);
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, r->conf->cookie_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (r->method == AM_REQUEST_POST && r->conf->pdp_enable &&
am_status_t pdp_status = AM_SUCCESS;
char key[37], *file = NULL;
ssize_t wrote;
/* post data should already be read in validate_token (with cdsso)
* if not - read it here */
/* read post data (blocking) */
if (!r->conf->cdsso_enable) {
if (r->am_get_post_data_f != NULL) {
} else {
pdp_status = AM_ERROR;
/* check if we have an access to the post data file directory */
if (!ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_dir) || !file_exists(r->conf->pdp_dir)) {
"%s post data preservation module has no access to %s directory",
thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(r->conf->pdp_dir));
pdp_status = AM_ERROR;
if (pdp_status == AM_SUCCESS) {
char *repost_uri = NULL, *goto_value = NULL, *goto_encoded = NULL,
pdp_sess_mode, pdp_sess_mode_url, pdp_sess_mode_cookie;
/* generate unique post data identifier */
uuid(key, sizeof (key));
/* create a file name to store post data */
am_asprintf(&file, "%s/%s", r->conf->pdp_dir, key);
am_asprintf(&repost_uri, "%s%s", r->url.path, r->url.query);
if (r->post_data_sz > 0) {
size_t post_enc_sz = r->post_data_sz;
char *post_enc = base64_encode(r->post_data, &post_enc_sz);
wrote = write_file(file, post_enc, post_enc_sz);
if (wrote != (ssize_t) post_enc_sz) {
"%s could not write %d bytes to %s",
thisfunc, post_enc_sz, LOGEMPTY(file));
am_add_pdp_cache_entry(r, key, repost_uri, file, r->content_type);
} else {
am_add_pdp_cache_entry(r, key, repost_uri, "0", r->content_type);
/* pdp sticky session value, if set, has to be in a correct format: param=value */
pdp_sess_mode = ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_sess_mode) && ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_sess_value)
&& match(r->instance_id, r->conf->pdp_sess_value, "^(\\w+)=([^\\s]+)$") == AM_OK;
pdp_sess_mode_url = pdp_sess_mode && strcmp(r->conf->pdp_sess_mode, "URL") == 0;
pdp_sess_mode_cookie = pdp_sess_mode && strcmp(r->conf->pdp_sess_mode, "COOKIE") == 0;
/* create a goto value */
am_asprintf(&goto_value, "%s://%s:%d%s%s"POST_PRESERVE_URI"?%s%s%s",
r->url.proto, r->, r->url.port,
ISVALID(r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix) && r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix[0] != '/' ? "/" : "",
pdp_sess_mode_url ? "&" : "",
pdp_sess_mode_url ? r->conf->pdp_sess_value : ""
goto_encoded = url_encode(goto_value);
/* create a redirect url value */
url = find_active_login_server(r, AM_FALSE);
am_asprintf(&url, "%s%s%s=%s",
strchr(url, '?') != NULL ? "&" : "?",
ISVALID(r->conf->url_redirect_param) ? r->conf->url_redirect_param : "goto",
if (pdp_sess_mode_cookie) {
/* create pdp sticky-session load-balancer cookie */
char *sess_cookie = strdup(r->conf->pdp_sess_value);
if (sess_cookie != NULL) {
char *eq = strchr(sess_cookie, '=');
if (eq != NULL) {
*eq++ = 0;
do_cookie_set_generic(r, NULL, sess_cookie, eq, NULL, r->conf->pdp_uri_prefix, NULL);
} else {
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s memory allocation failure", thisfunc);
AM_FREE(goto_value, goto_encoded, file, repost_uri);
} else if (status == AM_INVALID_FQDN_ACCESS) {
/* if previous status was invalid fqdn access,
* redirect to a valid fqdn url
char *goto_value = NULL, *goto_encoded = NULL;
const char *host = ISVALID(r->client_fqdn) ? r->client_fqdn : r->conf->fqdn_default;
if (!ISVALID(host)) {
/* still nothing - return http403 error
* TODO: redirect to access denied page?
r->status = AM_FORBIDDEN;
am_asprintf(&goto_value, "%s://%s:%d%s%s",
r->url.proto, host,
r->url.port, r->url.path, r->url.query);
goto_encoded = url_encode(goto_value);
url = find_active_login_server(r, AM_FALSE);
am_asprintf(&url, "%s%s%s=%s",
strchr(url, '?') != NULL ? "&" : "?",
ISVALID(r->conf->url_redirect_param) ? r->conf->url_redirect_param : "goto",
AM_FREE(goto_value, goto_encoded);
} else {
/* if previous status was invalid session or if there was a policy
* advice, redirect to the OpenAM login page. If not, redirect to the
* configured access denied url if any
if (status == AM_INVALID_SESSION || r->policy_advice != NULL /* || session advice? */) {
url = find_active_login_server(r, AM_TRUE); /* contains goto value */
AM_LOG_DEBUG(r->instance_id, "%s find_active_login_server value: %s", thisfunc,
if (r->policy_advice != NULL) {
//TODO: session advice ?
char *composite_advice = NULL, *composite_advice_encoded = NULL;
struct am_namevalue *e, *t;
AM_LIST_FOR_EACH(r->policy_advice, e, t) {
"%s<AttributeValuePair><Attribute name=\"%s\"/><Value>%s</Value></AttributeValuePair>",
composite_advice == NULL ? "" : composite_advice,
e->n, e->v);
if (composite_advice != NULL) {
am_asprintf(&composite_advice, "<Advices>%s</Advices>", composite_advice);
composite_advice_encoded = url_encode(composite_advice);
if (!r->conf->use_redirect_for_advice) {
am_asprintf(&url, "<html><head></head><body onload=\"document.postform.submit()\">"
"<form name=\"postform\" method=\"POST\" action=\"%s\">"
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""COMPOSITE_ADVICE_KEY"\" value=\"%s\"/>"
r->status = AM_DONE;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, url, "text/html");
} else {
am_asprintf(&url, "%s&"COMPOSITE_ADVICE_KEY"=%s",
} else if (ISVALID(r->conf->access_denied_url)) {
char *goto_encoded = url_encode(r->overridden_url);
am_asprintf(&url, "%s%s%s=%s", r->conf->access_denied_url,
strchr(r->conf->access_denied_url, '?') == NULL ? "?" : "&",
ISVALID(r->conf->url_redirect_param) ? r->conf->url_redirect_param : "goto",
} else {
r->status = AM_FORBIDDEN;
if (url == NULL) {
r->status = AM_ENOMEM;
/* set Location header and instruct the container to do a redirect */
r->status = AM_REDIRECT;
r->am_set_custom_response_f(r, url, NULL);
AM_LOG_ERROR(r->instance_id, "%s status: %s", thisfunc,
return AM_OK;
static am_state_func_t const am_request_state[] = {
void am_process_request(am_request_t *r) {
am_state_t cur_state = ENTRY_STATE;
am_return_t rc = AM_FAIL;
am_state_func_t fn;
for (;;) {
fn = am_request_state[cur_state];
rc = fn(r);
if (EXIT_STATE == cur_state) break;
cur_state = lookup_transition(cur_state, rc);
* Returns a pointer to the "process state" functions into the callers space and sets the number of pointers.
* This is used to provide access to the process state functions for testing.
* @param func_array_ptr address of pointer to be set
* @param array_len_ptr the number of functions returned
void am_test_get_state_funcs(am_state_func_t const ** func_array_ptr, int * array_len_ptr) {
* func_array_ptr = am_request_state;
* array_len_ptr = (&am_request_state)[1] - am_request_state;