policy.c revision 7265bdf201763eb23ef8d1d0c3facfa546887f64
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include "platform.h"
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
static const char *policy_fetch_scope_str[] = {
const char *am_policy_strerror(char status) {
switch (status) {
case AM_EXACT_MATCH: return "exact match";
case AM_EXACT_PATTERN_MATCH: return "exact pattern match";
return "no match";
static char compare_resource(am_request_t *r, const char *pattern, const char *resource) {
char status = AM_FALSE;
char case_sensitive = (r != NULL && r->conf != NULL) ?
(r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore == AM_TRUE ? AM_FALSE : AM_TRUE) : AM_FALSE;
if (case_sensitive == AM_FALSE) {
if (strcasecmp(pattern, resource) == 0)
status = AM_TRUE;
} else {
if (strcmp(pattern, resource) == 0)
status = AM_TRUE;
return status;
static char compare_pattern_resource(am_request_t *r, const char *ptn, const char *rsc) {
const char *thisfunc = "compare_pattern_resource():";
char t, w, status = AM_TRUE, in_one_level = AM_FALSE;
char *resource, *p_resource, *pattern, *p_pattern,
*after_last_wild = NULL, *after_last_resource = NULL;
unsigned int one_level_sep_count = 0;
char case_sensitive = (r != NULL && r->conf != NULL) ?
(r->conf->url_eval_case_ignore == AM_TRUE ? AM_FALSE : AM_TRUE) : AM_FALSE;
unsigned long instance_id = r != NULL ? r->instance_id : 0;
p_resource = rsc == NULL ? NULL : strdup(rsc);
p_pattern = ptn == NULL ? NULL : strdup(ptn);
if (p_resource == NULL && p_pattern == NULL) return AM_FALSE;
resource = p_resource;
pattern = p_pattern;
/* walk the resource and the pattern strings one character at a time */
while (1) {
t = *resource;
w = *pattern;
if (one_level_sep_count > 1) {
am_log_debug(instance_id, "%s '%s' and '%s' did not match (one level wildcard match failure)",
thisfunc, rsc, ptn);
status = AM_FALSE;
/* is the resource string still valid? */
if (!t || t == '\0') {
/* if the pattern string has additional characters by the time
* processing reaches the end of the resource string, and if at least
* one of those additional characters in the pattern string is not
* a multi/single-level wildcard 'items', then the strings don't match
if (!w || w == '\0') {
break; /* x matches x */
} else if (w == '-' && *(pattern + 1) == '*' && *(pattern + 2) == '-') {
in_one_level = AM_TRUE;
one_level_sep_count = 0;
pattern += 3;
} else if (w == '*') {
in_one_level = AM_FALSE;
one_level_sep_count = 0;
continue; /* x* matches x or xy */
} else if (after_last_resource) {
/* look through the remaining resource string, from which we
* started after last wildcard
if (!(*after_last_resource) || *after_last_resource == '\0') {
status = AM_FALSE;
resource = after_last_resource++;
pattern = after_last_wild;
if (in_one_level && *resource == '/') one_level_sep_count++;
status = AM_FALSE;
break; /* x doesn't match xy */
} else {
/* algorithm entry */
if (!case_sensitive) {
/* lowercase the characters to be compared */
if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
t += ('a' - 'A');
if (w >= 'A' && w <= 'Z') {
w += ('a' - 'A');
if (t != w) {
/* characters do not match */
if (w == '-' && *(pattern + 1) == '*' && *(pattern + 2) == '-') {
/* one-level wildcard. save the pointers to the next
* character after the wildcard (both in the resource and in
* the pattern strings)
in_one_level = AM_TRUE;
pattern += 3;
one_level_sep_count = 0;
after_last_wild = pattern;
after_last_resource = resource;
w = *pattern;
if (!w || w == '\0') {
int lc = 0, sc = char_count(after_last_resource, '/', &lc);
if (!(sc == 0 || (sc == 1 && lc == '/'))) {
status = AM_FALSE;
/* special case where one-level wildcard is the last
* item in a pattern:
* /a/b-*- should match /a/b, /a/ba or /a/bc/
* and should not match /a/b/c or /a/c
* /a/-*- will match /a/
am_log_debug(instance_id, "%s '%s' and '%s' did not match (one level wildcard match failure)",
thisfunc, rsc, ptn);
break; /* * matches x */
continue; /* *y matches xy */
} else if (w == '*') {
/* multi-level wildcard. the same rule as above. */
in_one_level = AM_FALSE;
one_level_sep_count = 0;
after_last_wild = ++pattern;
after_last_resource = resource;
w = *pattern;
if (!w || w == '\0') {
break; /* * matches x */
continue; /* *y matches xy */
} else if (after_last_wild) {
/* found a valid (earlier) saved pointer - we've encountered
* a wildcard character already. */
if (after_last_wild != pattern) {
pattern = after_last_wild;
w = *pattern;
if (!case_sensitive && w >= 'A' && w <= 'Z') {
w += ('a' - 'A');
if (t == w) {
/* the current char in the resource and the pattern strings match.
* move to the next pattern (and the resource) character
} /* else: they don't match - move only to the next char
* in the resource string. restart the loop from the beginning
/* keep track of the one-level-wildcard separator count,
* when in one-level wildcard processing state.
* if there are more than one '/' - break out of the loop
* with no-match
if (in_one_level && *resource == '/') one_level_sep_count++;
continue; /* *ue* matches queue */
} else {
status = AM_FALSE;
break; /* x doesn't match y */
/* advance to the next character */
return status;
static void policy_get_proto_host_port(const char *string, int *c) {
int j;
for (j = 0; string[j]; j++) {
if (string[j] == ':') {
if (c[0] == 0) c[0] = j;
else c[1] = j;
} else if (string[j] == '/') {
c[2] += 1;
if (c[2] == 3) {
c[2] = j;
char policy_compare_url(am_request_t *r, const char *pattern, const char *resource) {
const char *thisfunc = "policy_compare_url():";
char has_wildcard = AM_FALSE;
unsigned long instance_id = r != NULL ? r->instance_id : 0;
if (pattern == NULL || resource == NULL)
return AM_NO_MATCH;
/* validate pattern */
if (strchr(pattern, '*') != NULL) {
if (strlen(pattern) == 1 || strstr(pattern, " *") != NULL || strstr(pattern, "* ") != NULL) {
* pattern matching algorithm forbids:
* - wildcard only (i.e. "all allowed")
* - white-space before/after a wildcard, though this is unlikely to be matched, because url list
* is passed down to an agent as a space separated value object
am_log_warning(instance_id, "%s invalid pattern '%s'",
thisfunc, pattern);
return AM_NO_MATCH;
has_wildcard = AM_TRUE;
/* validate resource */
if (strchr(resource, '*') != NULL) {
* pattern matching algorithm forbids:
* - wildcard in a resource
am_log_warning(instance_id, "%s invalid resource '%s'",
thisfunc, resource);
return AM_NO_MATCH;
if (has_wildcard == AM_TRUE) {
int pi[3] = {0, 0, 0};
int ri[3] = {0, 0, 0};
char *a, *b, match;
/*wildcard in a proto/host/port is not the same as in uri match*/
policy_get_proto_host_port(pattern, pi);
policy_get_proto_host_port(resource, ri);
/*quick sanity check for field indicators*/
if (pi[0] == 0 || pi[2] < 3 || pi[1] >= pi[2] ||
ri[0] == 0 || ri[2] < 3 || ri[1] >= pi[2]) return AM_NO_MATCH;
a = strndup(pattern, pi[0]);
b = strndup(resource, ri[0]);
if (a == NULL || b == NULL) return AM_NO_MATCH;
/*compare protocol*/
match = compare_pattern_resource(r, a, b);
if (match == AM_FALSE) return AM_NO_MATCH;
if (pi[1] == 0 && ri[1] == 0) {
/*port is not set, compare host*/
a = strndup(pattern + pi[0] + 3, pi[2] - pi[0] - 3);
b = strndup(resource + ri[0] + 3, ri[2] - ri[0] - 3);
if (a == NULL || b == NULL) return AM_NO_MATCH;
match = compare_pattern_resource(r, a, b);
if (match == AM_FALSE) return AM_NO_MATCH;
} else if (pi[1] > 0 && ri[1] > 0) {
/*port is set, compare host first*/
a = strndup(pattern + pi[0] + 3, pi[1] - pi[0] - 3);
b = strndup(resource + ri[0] + 3, ri[1] - ri[0] - 3);
if (a == NULL || b == NULL) return AM_NO_MATCH;
match = compare_pattern_resource(r, a, b);
if (match == AM_FALSE) return AM_NO_MATCH;
/*compare port*/
a = strndup(pattern + pi[1] + 1, pi[2] - pi[1] - 1);
b = strndup(resource + ri[1] + 1, ri[2] - ri[1] - 1);
if (a == NULL || b == NULL) return AM_NO_MATCH;
match = compare_pattern_resource(r, a, b);
if (match == AM_FALSE) return AM_NO_MATCH;
if (compare_pattern_resource(r, pattern + pi[2], resource + ri[2]) == AM_TRUE) {
/*am_log_debug(instance_id, "%s '%s' and '%s' matched (%s)",
thisfunc, resource, pattern, am_policy_strerror(AM_EXACT_PATTERN_MATCH));*/
} else {
/* no wildcard */
if (compare_resource(r, pattern, resource) == AM_TRUE) {
/*am_log_debug(instance_id, "%s '%s' and '%s' matched (%s)",
thisfunc, resource, pattern, am_policy_strerror(AM_EXACT_MATCH));*/
/*am_log_debug(instance_id, "%s '%s' and '%s' did no match",
thisfunc, resource, pattern);*/
return AM_NO_MATCH;
int am_scope_to_num(const char *scope) {
int i;
for (i = 0; (scope != NULL), i < ARRAY_SIZE(policy_fetch_scope_str); i++) {
if (strcasecmp(scope, policy_fetch_scope_str[0]) == 0) return i;
return 0;
const char *am_scope_to_str(int scope) {
if (scope >= ARRAY_SIZE(policy_fetch_scope_str))
return policy_fetch_scope_str[0];
return policy_fetch_scope_str[scope];