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id="OpenIDM FAQ">
<part id="General">
<faq id="what">
<question>What is OpenIDM?</question>
<p>OpenIDM is an open standards based identity management solution.
In additiona to being open source, OpenIDM offers high flexibility in
business process handling and compliance. A flexible user interface
combined with a robust workflow engine make OpenIDM ready for any
identity management project.</p>
<faq id="roadmap">
<question>What's the OpenIDM roadmap? Is OpenIDM actively developed?</question>
<p>Find the <a
>OpenIDM roadmap</a> on the Wiki. Development continues, with releases
planned quarterly.</p>
<faq id="develop">
<question>I want to contribute a patch (a feature, a test, a plug-in)
to OpenIDM. How do I get involved?</question>
<p>Come discuss your work on the <a
href="https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/openidm-dev">dev mailing
list</a>. <a
the community</a>, too.</p>
<faq id="test">
<question>I want to help test OpenIDM. How do I get started?</question>
<p>As for development, come to discuss the testing you plan to do on the <a
href="https://lists.forgerock.org/mailman/listinfo/openidm-dev">dev mailing
list</a>. <a
the community</a> gives you access to log issues in the <a
href="https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENIDM">bug database</a>,
contribute to the <a
documentation</a>, and get more involved in the project.</p>