liveSynchronisation.apt revision 85c3b1d812e07221f6ad43fe9965137812ad139c
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Live Synchronization
This tutorial is about how to configure live synchronization against OpenDJ. Requirements are the latest OpenIDM zip file and a running OpenDJ.
* How to install OpenDJ
Detailed {{{}OpenDJ Installation Guide}} describes the process in more details.
The live synchronization and the prepared configuration files requires some more specific configuration.
"credentials" : "Passw0rd",
"port" : 1389,
"principal" : "cn=Directory Manager",
"baseContexts" :
"host" : "localhost",
** Start Installer
* WebStart installer {{{} Installer}}
* Download other formats from {{{}OpenDJ Download}} site
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step01.png] Figure caption
** Configure Server
The default OpenIDM sample configuration
* port: 1389
* password: Passw0rd
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step02.png] Figure caption
** ChangeLog Configuration
The live synchronization requires the changeLog enabled on OpenDJ. To do this at configuration time you need to tick the "<This server will be part of a replication topology>"
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step03.png] Figure caption
** Sample Data
By default the OpenDJ is empty. Keep the default <<Base DN:>> <dc=example,dc=com> and generate some sample data.
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step04.png] Figure caption
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step05.png] Figure caption
[./images/OpenDJ_install_step06.png] Figure caption