chap-compatibility.xml revision 7b85693a3ced68e4f3697280b999a5a710b7a17d
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<chapter xml:id='chap-compatibility'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenIDM Compatibility</title>
This chapter covers major and minor changes to existing functionality, as well
as deprecated and removed functionality in this release of OpenIDM. You must
read this chapter before commencing a migration from a previous OpenIDM
<section xml:id="major-changes">
<title>Major Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
The following changes will have an impact on existing deployments. Read these
changes carefully and adjust existing scripts and clients accordingly.
<varlistentry xml:id="compatibility-idm3-icf4">
<term>Integration of OpenICF</term>
OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} is not compatible with the previous
version of the OpenICF framework. If your deployment uses remote connector
servers (either .NET or Java) you must upgrade them to the new connector
server versions ( With the exception of the Active Directory
connector, the new connector framework <emphasis>is</emphasis> compatible
with the older connectors, however, so you can use the older connectors
with an OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} deployment. Only version
of the Active Directory connector is supported with OpenIDM
${docTargetVersion}. The following compatibility matrix indicates
the supported connector and OpenICF framework versions.
<table xml:id="idm-icf-compatibility">
<title>OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion} / OpenICF Compatibility Matrix</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<entry>OpenIDM Version</entry>
<entry>OpenICF Framework</entry>
<entry>Supported Java Connectors</entry>
<entry>Supported .NET Connectors</entry>
<para>Previously supported Java connectors (1.1)</para>
<para>Groovy Connector (1.4)</para>
<para>Active Directory Connector (1.4)</para>
<para>PowerShell Connector (1.4)</para>
<term>Changes to the REST Interface</term>
A number of changes have been made to the REST API in this release. Major
changes include the following:
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, the request header
<literal>"Content-type: application/json"</literal> is required for all
REST calls that include a request body (POST, PUT, and PATCH). This
header was optional in OpenIDM 2.1.
For REST calls to the <literal>external/rest</literal> endpoint, an
action name is now mandatory. In addition, there are no leading
underscores in attribute names.
For example:
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--data '{
"url" : "",
"method" : "GET",
"content-type" : "application/xml"
}' \
--request POST \
Creating system objects with a PUT request (specifying a client-assigned
ID) is handled differently in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, in that
the resulting user _id is no longer URL-encoded. For example, consider
the following request:
<screen><userinput>$ curl \
--cacert self-signed.crt \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--header "If-None-Match: *" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request PUT \
--data '{"cn":"James Smith",
"dn":"uid=jsmith, ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
"mail": "",
"description":"Created by OpenIDM REST."
}' \
The resulting <literal>_id</literal> in OpenIDM
${docTargetVersion} is:
In OpenIDM 2.1, the resulting <literal>_id</literal> is:
When you create a system object with a PUT request (that is, specifying
a client-assigned ID), you should specify the ID in the URL only and not
in the JSON payload. If you specify a different ID in the URL and in the
JSON payload, the request will fail, with an error similar to the
"reason":"Internal Server Error",
"message":"The uid attribute is not single value attribute."}</screen>
For details of the new interface, including examples, see the <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="integrators-guide#appendix-rest"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>REST API
Reference</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Integrator's Guide</citetitle>.
<term>Changes to the authentication service</term>
The authentication service now uses the ForgeRock commons authentication
framework. Authentication modules are specified in
<literal>conf/authentication.json</literal> and are applied in the order
in which they are specified.
<term>Change to patch action data syntax</term>
In OpenIDM 2.1.0, the syntax to patch a data object was as follows:
--data '[
"replace": "/email",
"value": ""
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, the syntax is as follows:
--data '[
The value of the <literal>"operation"</literal> field now specifies the
patch action (for example, <literal>"add"</literal>, <literal>"replace"</literal>,
or <literal>"remove"</literal>). For more information, see <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="integrators-guide#rest-supported-patch"
Resource</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Integrators Guide</citetitle>.
<term>Changes to the logging service</term>
The name of the <literal>parentActionid</literal> column in the activity
log has changed to <literal>parentActionId</literal>, for consistency
across the product.
<term>Scripting changes</term>
Managed object property scripts (<literal>onRetrieve</literal> and
<literal>onStore</literal>) must now return the modified property values
from the script, instead of changing the <literal>property</literal>
member in the scope itself.
<literal>propertyName</literal> is now available in managed object
property scripts.
The format of script exceptions has changed, replacing
<literal>openidmCode</literal> with <literal>code</literal>. For
example, in OpenIDM 2.1.0:
throw {
"openidmCode" : 403,
"message" : "Access denied"
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}:
throw {
"code" : 403,
"message" : "Access denied"
Global script properties, as well as default and custom script file
locations, are now defined in the file
For more information, see <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Default and
Custom Configuration Directories</citetitle></link> in the
<citetitle>Integrators Guide</citetitle>.
The method signature for <literal>openidm.create</literal> has changed.
The ID provided in the create has been separated into two parts - a
resource container name and an (optional) client-supplied resource ID.
This change makes it easier to determine whether the client is supplying
an ID, or whether the server should generate an ID.
Scripts using this function must now use the following format if
the client is providing the ID:
openidm.create('managed/user", "userName", <replaceable>user-object</replaceable>)
and the following format if the server should generate the ID:
openidm.create('managed/user", null, <replaceable>user-object</replaceable>)
The way in which a request object is accessed has changed from
<literal>request.value</literal> to <literal>request.content</literal>.
For example, to obtain the ID of a process definition in 2.1.0, the
script extract would have been:
<programlisting>var processDefinitionId = request.value._processDefinitionId;</programlisting>
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, the corresponding script would be:
<programlisting>var processDefinitionId = request.content._processDefinitionId;</programlisting>
In addition, parameters are now added to a request using
<literal>request.additionalParameters</literal> instead of the 2.1.0
construct <literal>request.params</literal>.
For more information about request objects, see <link xlink:show="new"
Endpoints and request Objects</citetitle></link> in the
<citetitle>Integrators Guide</citetitle>.
The way in which the log level is set for JavaScripts has changed.
Previously, the log level was set as follows:
<literallayout class="monospaced"
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, the log level is set as follows:
<literallayout class="monospaced"
<term>Changes to query support</term>
Token substitution from user parameters is no longer supported for lists,
and is only supported for strings.
The way in which queries on system objects are constructed has changed.
Queries that followed the OpenICF format are no longer supported and
query filters must now be specified in common filter notation. This
includes correlation queries on system objects.
For example, the following query in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}:
<programlisting>'query': { 'Equals': { 'field' : 'employeeType', 'values': ['Permanent'] } }</programlisting>
would be constructed as follows in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}:
<programlisting>"_queryFilter" : "employeeType eq \"Permanent\""</programlisting>
<!-- This is currently not working
The new query format allows parameterized queries to be performed over
REST (which was not possible in OpenIDM 2.1.0).
</para> -->
For information about the supported query format, see <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="integrators-guide#constructing-queries"
Queries</citetitle></link> in the <citetitle>Integrators
<term>Security Module Changes</term>
The way in which the security context is addressed has changed
from <literal></literal> in OpenIDM 2.1.0 to
<literal></literal> in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}.
A sample object showing the security context in OpenIDM 2.1.0 follows:
"parent": {
"security": {
"username": "openidm-admin",
"openidm-roles": [
"userid": {
"id": "openidm-admin",
"component": "internal/user"
A corresponding sample security context in OpenIDM
${docTargetVersion} would be:
"security": {
"context": {
"authenticationId": "openidm-admin",
"class": "org.forgerock.json.resource.SecurityContext",
"parent": {
"class": "org.forgerock.json.resource.RootContext",
"parent": null,
"id": "0a8d43c2-1c54-487f-bec4-564b944fa835"
"authorizationId": {
"roles": [
"component": "repo/internal/user",
"id": "openidm-admin"
<term>Changes to the workflow module</term>
The action used to start a workflow process instance has changed. In
OpenIDM 2.1.0, you would start a process instance with a POST request to
the following URL:
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, you would send a similar POST
request to:
<section xml:id="minor-changes">
<title>Minor Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
The following changes should not have an impact on existing deployment
<term>Change to how roles are stored</term>
In OpenIDM 2.1.0, roles were stored as a CSV list. For example:
In OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}, roles are stored in an array. For
"roles": [
<section xml:id="deprecation">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
Apart from the support for OpenICF-style queries, noted previously, no
functionality has been deprecated in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}.
No additional functionality is planned to be deprecated at this time.
<section xml:id="removed-functionality">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
No functionality has been removed in OpenIDM ${docTargetVersion}.
No functionality is planned to be removed at this time.
<section xml:id="changing-functionality">
<title>Functionality That Will Change in the Future</title>
<para>These capabilities are expected to change in upcoming releases:</para>
<para>The way you generate connector configurations for access to external
resources, described in
<link xlink:href="integrators-guide#connector-wiz"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Creating Default
Connector Configurations</citetitle></link>.</para>