chap-scripting.xml revision d1a1c16f546ed980d06b400fe4f7a0c050740c52
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<para>Scripting provides the capabilities to customize behaviours in a variety of places through
out the product, such as provide for custom logic between source and target mappings, define
correlation rules, filters and triggeers etc. </para>
<para>Scripts are defined using script objects which can either inline the code script or call
out to an external file or object providing the script. </para>
<title>script object</title>
<literallayout class="monospaced">
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": string
"type": "text/javascript",
"file": "jscript/myCustomScript.js
} </code>
<para>string, required</para>
<para>Specifies the type of script to be executed. Presently, only "text/javascript"
is supported.</para>
<para>string, required if file not specified</para>
<para>Specifies the source code of the script to be executed.</para>
<para>string, required if source not specified</para>
<para>Specifies the file containing the source code of the script to be
<para>Returns true if the employeeType is equal to external, otherwise returns false. This
script would be used during a reconciliation to establish whether the source object should
be a part of the reconiciliation or ignored. </para>
<screen width="80">
"validTarget": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "object.employeeType == 'external'"
<para>During the creation of a target object the attribute __PASSWORD__ is set to the value
"defaultpwd" </para>
<screen width="80">
"onCreate" : {
"type": "text/javascript",
"source": "target.__PASSWORD__ = 'defaultpwd'"
<para>Here is a nother full example from $OPENIDM/conf/router.json, where a trigger is
defined to create home directories using a script in Solaris. Script is located in a file
and the property file is used instead of defining source and inlining the script. </para>
<screen width="80">
"filters" : [
{ "pattern" : "^system/solaris/account$",
"methods" : [ "create" ],
"onResponse" : {
"type" : "text/javascript",
"file" : "jscript/createUnixHomeDir.js"